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Zealot Confederacy DoE

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Greetings, citizens of Bob, we are the newest alliance on the block and we aim to promote the values of zeal and extreme brotherhood/sisterhood!

IRC: #TZC on coldfront

Forum Link: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Zealot_Confederacy/index/

Our Flag is coming soon...


In the general hope of advancement and the betterment of this union, we The Zealot Confederacy, do abide by and hope to foster the principles of zeal.

Article 1:

As an alliance based on values and principles, the Zealot Confederacy welcomes any member of the CyberNations community to apply for membership to the alliance so long as they understand and are willing to comply with the following guidelines.

- Members must be members in good standing of the general CyberNations community. Those that have wronged other alliances, or maliciously committed acts deemed deplorable by the Zealot Confederacy will not be admitted.

- All members are bound to this charter and are granted rights. Any attempts to impede upon those rights hereby awarded by this constitution shall be grounds for punishment or expulsion.

Article 2: Zealous Ruling Council

The Zealous Ruling Council shall oversee all executive, legislative, and judicial matters. The council shall be composed of the Zealous Archon, Zealous High Priest, and the Zealous General. All decisions by the Zealous Ruling Council are final. The ruling council will take into consideration everyone’s voices and opinions.

Section 1: Office of Zealous Archon

This charter hereby charges the office of Zealous Archon to be seen as the head of state and head of government of the Zealot Confederacy. The Zealous Archon is not elected and serves for life until resignation of office. This charter grants supreme power to the Zealous Archon. The Zealous Archon can appoint the Arch Deacon of Internal Affairs, but the Zealous Ruling Council must confirm this. This charter entrusts that the Zealous Archon has full power to declare war.

Section 2: Office of Zealous High Priest

This charter hereby charges the Office of Zealous High Priest to be seen as the head of foreign relations. The Zealous High Priest is not elected and serves for life until resignation of office or removal by the Zealous Archon. The Zealous High Priest can appoint the Arch Deacon of Foreign Affairs and the Arch Deacon of Foreign Trade, but the Zealous Ruling Council must confirm this.

Section 3: Office of Zealous General

This charter hereby charges the Office of Zealous General to be seen as the head of military affairs in times of peace and war. The Zealous general is not elected and serves for life until resignation of office or removal by the Zealous Archon. The Zealous General can appoint Arch Deacon of Crusades, but the Zealous Ruling Council must confirm this.

Article 3: Council of Arch Deacons

The Council of Arch Deacons is entrusted with the ministerial duties and to serve as an advisory council to the Zealous Ruling Council.

Section 1: Offices of the Arch Deacons

Office of the Arch Deacon of Crusades

- The office of the Arch Deacon of Crusades will be entrusted with the protection of The Zealot Confederacy; the military organization; and coordination and cooperation during times of war.

Office of the Arch Deacon of Internal Affairs

-The office of the Arch Deacon of Crusades will be entrusted with for the organization of tech rings and tech deals; education of members and implementation and execution of an academy; membership admittance and resignation handling of members.

Office of the Arch Deacon of Foreign Trade

-The office of the Arch Deacon of Foreign Trade is responsible for trade circles; financial aid to members; coordination of reconstruction efforts after war; and general financial prosperity of the Zealot Confederacy.

Office of the Arch Deacon of Foreign Affairs

-The Office of the Arch Deacon of Foreign Affairs is responsible for diplomacy; the maintenance of embassies, recruitment efforts and any recruitment related multimedia; and international recruitment.

Article 4: Military Protocol and Policy

Tech Raiding:

The Zealot Confederacy does not believe in any form of tech raiding be it on unaligned or aligned nations.


The Zealot Confederacy does not believe in offensive spying but spies can be kept to protect against their potential use against member states.

Article 5: Resignation

Any member in good standing may resign from the Zealot Confederacy. In addition, the resignation of a government member will be considered in the same way, and upon the resignation of a government member, their abbot will be appointed.

Article 6: Amendments

This charter is open to amendment by a majority vote by the Zealous Ruling Council


Zealous Ruling Council

LordCrusader, Zealous Archon

Zealos, Zealous General

Burnbarrel, Zealous High Preist

Edited by LordCrusader
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