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Weißruthenische Welle


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With your capital at Kiev, you are at best just Ruthenia, or Rus. You shall never be a true White Ruthenian, for we have the heartland of the White.


President read in the newspaper about White Ruthenia's latest comments. He went "heh, silly racists" and turned to the highly important sports page.

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"Our capital is Kiev due to economic reasons. And Gomel, Brest, Pinsk, bursting with Belorussian culture, are the true capitals of the Belorussian nation."

Radio Free Belarus

"Petty insults do not go well with the Union of Belarus"

Foreign Ministry of the Union of Belarus

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You should study, "Cause and Effect" before being a leader.

Here was how it all happened:

Cause: You were being annoying to everyone.

Effect: Somebody decides to blockade you.

Cause: You could have used diplomacy to resolve the issue, but you decided to take another course, insulting the blockader.

Effect: The blockader is angered because you copied their flag, and they refused to recognize you as a nation. Plus, they openly stated that they want to blast your nuclear facilities

Cause: Again, you could have used diplomacy, but demanded secure oil and coal supply without showing any compromise, such as changing your flag to a different one.

Effect: The blockader had enough and decides to COMPLETELY blockade you, no essential supplies such as food and medicine are allowed to be shipped.

Cause: You insulted the blockader, AGAIN, instead of using diplomacy and compromise to resolve the issue.

Effect: (insert blockader's decision)

The transcripts of our first discussions with Belarus is released.

As you can see, hostilities started on the Belarus side, not us. As the underdog, we are doing what we can to survive, since we are the only nation that is locked in by only one other nation.

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***Reply to the Accustions of Racism***

We base our statement on the historical divisions of Ruthenia: Belorussia (White Ruthenia), Chernaya Rus (Black Ruthenia) and Chervonaya Rus (Red Ruthenia). We by no means are white supremists.

"Coming from a nation with a uniformly white demographic. Contemptible."

-Radio Free Belarus

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"Coming from a nation with a uniformly white demographic. Contemptible."

-Radio Free Belarus

"We already have a substantial non-white population coming from our Queensland Republic days. We would have more diversity, though, if it weren't for White Russia blocking the way."

- Weißruthenische Welle

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***Reply to the Accustions of Racism***

We base our statement on the historical divisions of Ruthenia: Belorussia (White Ruthenia), Chernaya Rus (Black Ruthenia) and Chervonaya Rus (Red Ruthenia). We by no means are white supremists.

OOC: Hint, that was private

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"We already have a substantial non-white population coming from our Queensland Republic days. We would have more diversity, though, if it weren't for White Russia blocking the way."

- Weißruthenische Welle

"White Russia?

We are Belarus. Belarus! There is a reason we do not keep the name Byelorussia.

Coming from the nation that claims to be White Ruthenian, but maintains GERMAN as a primary language?

Where do you think we are? Reichskommisariat Ostland?"

Radio Free Belarus

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**Private to Belarus**

I have no doubt that while a full scale military assault is out of the question in the eyes of the world, I believe a precise limited attack on this nations leaders would be acceptable.


**Private Response**

We await them to make a mistake that will be fatal to their nation. The integration of White Ruthenia into Belarus is not impossible, nor do we project it to be difficult. However, we feel that the leaders must be completely discredited before action is taken.


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You think because you changed the name from Byelorussia to Belarus it means something different? Try thinking and learning about etymology before speaking, it is still White Russia.

OOC: Seriously, racism? Because he mentioned White Russia? White Russia is a geographic region.

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You think because you changed the name from Byelorussia to Belarus it means something different? Try thinking and learning about etymology before speaking, it is still White Russia.

OOC: Seriously, racism? Because he mentioned White Russia? White Russia is a geographic region.

Belarus is a proud nation, while Byelorussia signifies subordination to the Great Rus (Russia).

OOC: I didn't start it :|

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The Tahoe Republic calls for the Union of Belarus to cease committing warcrimes in illegally blockading White Ruthenia. A nation so small cannot adequately provide all the goods necessary for the survival of its people, and hence must import large quantities of food, fuel, ect. It is a warcrime to prevent the passage of food and other goods necessary for the survival of civilians.

We will begin preparations for a humanitarian relief mission. Please note that humanitarian relief indicates no preference one way or another in this, quite petty dispute, but we feel Europe is so unstable as it is, providing food is the least we can do. If the Union of Belarus was having similar problems, we would do the same for them.

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The Tahoe Republic calls for the Union of Belarus to cease committing warcrimes in illegally blockading White Ruthenia. A nation so small cannot adequately provide all the goods necessary for the survival of its people, and hence must import large quantities of food, fuel, ect. It is a warcrime to prevent the passage of food and other goods necessary for the survival of civilians.

We will begin preparations for a humanitarian relief mission. Please note that humanitarian relief indicates no preference one way or another in this, quite petty dispute, but we feel Europe is so unstable as it is, providing food is the least we can do. If the Union of Belarus was having similar problems, we would do the same for them.

"The Union of Belarus recognizes the citizens should not be punished for the mistakes of their leaders, as such we will allow the transport of basic supplies provided they subject themselves to an inspection. Luxury supplies and military equipment however will remain out of the question until the current situation cools down. Although we will concede our blockade in the form of food stuffs, we believe that we are most suited to dispense this as then we have a tally of the food required, and thus prevent any illegal hoarding of goods. If you so wish, Tahoe may send overseers to observe that no abuse of this process is being made.

As you have seen, they have acquired nuclear technology and thus can amply supply themselves with electricity.

As for fossil fuels, their nation only covers the immediate expanse of Minsk and thus we cannot see how they will not live without it.

There is no war, and thus warcrimes are not being committed.

We implore an American nation to stay out of European affairs."

-Foreign Ministry of the Union of Belarus.

Edited by comrade nikonov
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The Kingdom of Cochin encourages White Ruthenia to make amends and hold diplomacy with Belarus. Geographically you depend on them for your survival. You have no right to demand anything from them, you can request or you can conquer. Seeing as White Ruthenia has chosen provocation over patient diplomacy in all aspects of its dealings with Belarus, we can only pray for your well being.

White Ruthenia would be well advised to approach the matter rationally and with a due sense of its position in the matters before making belligerent statements and maintaining bellicose postures.

It certainly does not help your case when you call upon your obvious ally Distopyan Crimea to exert pressure on Belarus over every perceived slights. Belarus is not an un-allied nation and aggression sparked by White Ruthenia's irresponsibility could bring further instability to Europe. White Ruthenia would be better advised to formulate a policy of appeasement towards Belarus rather than belligerence with distant Distopyan Crimea.

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"While the nation of White Ruthenia could tone down the rhetoric to a degree, theirfrustration is understandable. This is a unique situation, and those pretending that in the White Ruthenians' shoes they would be more diplomatic are quite possibly deluding themselves. It is impossibnle to hold diplomatic meetings with an entity that does not recognize you as sovereign."

~Anthony Harlem, Grand Duke of the Queendom of Australia

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To: The Foreign Minister of Belarus
From: Annette du Musline, Acting Foreign Minister of Valkurheim


I understand that your relations with the people of White Ruthenia are abysmal at best. However, the maintaining of order and peace in Eastern Europe, while the nations to you west recover from war, we have the chance for peace in the region. The recent blockade is therefore called into question, for I see no reason why the two cultures cannot co-exist peacefully with one another. I would like the chance to meet with you and discuss the movement of peace and ensure some tangible progress in which White Ruthenia and Belarus can function without the exchange of insults and hostile provocation.

Please reply with your answer.

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To: The Foreign Minister of Belarus
From: Annette du Musline, Acting Foreign Minister of Valkurheim


I understand that your relations with the people of White Ruthenia are abysmal at best. However, the maintaining of order and peace in Eastern Europe, while the nations to you west recover from war, we have the chance for peace in the region. The recent blockade is therefore called into question, for I see no reason why the two cultures cannot co-exist peacefully with one another. I would like the chance to meet with you and discuss the movement of peace and ensure some tangible progress in which White Ruthenia and Belarus can function without the exchange of insults and hostile provocation.

Please reply with your answer.

"We will hold off recognition, but certainly an informal meeting between some of our senior diplomats can be held in Belarus."

"I think it's time to consider removing the blockade. Maybe a meeting is in order."

"There will be consideration."

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