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Yeah...9 months old and we sure have a lot of cases where we have differing blocs to choose from. Anyway, this is now about how RoK needs to meet the minimum criteria of ballsiness set by the ODN.

We've been in two blocs, and didn't leave one in the midst or growth of a conflict.

You're saying that you survived some grumblings from folks you may or may not have aligned yourselves to is adversity now?

I dont get it. You seem to think that all adversity leads to war. It doesnt, some reasonable people were able to talk it through with us. Others went out of their way to fight us in wars. How do you stand up from principles on this? Do you fight in the name of fun and the need to take a break from life?

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I lol'd. No, but seriously, keep on trucking with the nonsense, it suits you.

Seriously, do you have a condition. Because if you do, please tell me now, so that I can make it a bit easier for you.

Could be wrong, but being one step up from ODN really isn't a big accomplishment.

I guess you're on the same level as us when it comes to that statistic. Nice...

Hey now, that's insulting to the ODN, at least they had adversity to survive through at some points in their history, RoK doesn't even have that excuse.

Oh my... There have been quite a few alliances that would have loved to roll over \m/ 2.0

When we rule the cyberverse, can I put a viceroy in an alliance and then cite that as a reason for why someone is evil later?

Quoting only this, because I didn't feel like quoting every single one of the "witty" remarks from you and the rest of the comedy gang. But the good old NPO way to reduce threads into drivel by answering each other in order to ridicule your opponent is really just a sign of failed debating techniques. But keep on doing it though, it's amusing to see nation leaders humiliate themselves in such a way.

Have a cookie for your efforts though


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I'm curious. When did this become a topic about what RoK has and has not faced? I was under the impression this topic was about a silly little rogue who presumed falsely he meant something to the world.

When i started drinking last night :D

Sorry to come and rain on your little pitty party though.

Edited by Joe Stupid
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We've been in two blocs, and didn't leave one in the midst or growth of a conflict.
Ok. When did you decided that the NPO was evil and needed to be put down, then?
I dont get it. You seem to think that all adversity leads to war. It doesnt, some reasonable people were able to talk it through with us. Others went out of their way to fight us in wars. How do you stand up from principles on this? Do you fight in the name of fun and the need to take a break from life?

I'm just saying ODN had stuff to weather through before having the fear of infra loss being instilled into them, and RoK seems to have had that instinct from the beginning. Unless, once again, you're saying being on the wrong of NPO's ugly stick is the equitable to whatever it is you're talking about?

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We've been in two blocs, and didn't leave one in the midst or growth of a conflict.

I believe he was pointing out that RoK was connected to many different blocs, and begin to severe those connections when it appeared that popular opinion was finally turning against those alliances. Of course we all know that RoK was among those planning to severe ties in order to destroy NPO, however, that does not excuse you from having suckled at their teat for so long as far as I am concerned.

Also, Chron. Eat fresh.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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I've seen logs to the contrary.

Saw this one and couldn't let it pass.

The problem with making such a statement is that it implies you are employing spies within Ragnarok or are at least in contact with someone (directly or indirectly) within Ragnarok who is feeding you logs, which is almost as bad.

Careful...someone might consider that a valid CB or something. ;)

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I'm curious. When did this become a topic about what RoK has and has not faced? I was under the impression this topic was about a silly little rogue who presumed falsely he meant something to the world.

Ragnarok thrust themselves into the conversation starting here:


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Seriously, do you have a condition. Because if you do, please tell me now, so that I can make it a bit easier for you.
And yet all I'm doing is quoting you. I apologize for not being able to understand the greatness that you are attempting to convey in words which do not say what you think they are.

I do have some ability in reading comprehension, but you can't read into things which do not exist, either clarify what this imaginary point of yours is, or keep on implying something in an annoying matter because you don't have any other arrows left in your quiver.

Oh my... There have been quite a few alliances that would have loved to roll over \m/ 2.0
And yet you were not, oh dear, bragging about how at one time you and several other alliances shared the same distinction.


Quoting only this, because I didn't feel like quoting every single one of the "witty" remarks from you and the rest of the comedy gang. But the good old NPO way to reduce threads into drivel by answering each other in order to ridicule your opponent is really just a sign of failed debating techniques. But keep on doing it though, it's amusing to see nation leaders humiliate themselves in such a way.
I'm sorry? Perhaps you're confusing the teacher with the apprentice, and also pointing out the obvious?
Have a cookie for your efforts though


No thank you. Cookies are for fat people.


Saw this one and couldn't let it pass.

The problem with making such a statement is that it implies you are employing spies within Ragnarok or are at least in contact with someone (directly or indirectly) within Ragnarok who is feeding you logs, which is almost as bad.

Careful...someone might consider that a valid CB or something. ;)

As GOONs can attest, photobucket trawling isn't spying, it's just a sad example of how much free time you have on your hands.

Edited by Chron
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I'm just saying ODN had stuff to weather through before having the fear of infra loss being instilled into them, and RoK seems to have had that instinct from the beginning.

Again. You have no idea what you are talking about. The amount of infra lovers in RoK is extremely low. We have even instated rules for people that decides not to get military wonders when they reach a certain size, so that they can help their alliance grow military wise by other means.

I believe he was pointing out that RoK was connected to many different blocs, and begin to severe those connections when it appeared that popular opinion was finally turning against those alliances. Of course we all know that RoK was among those planning to severe ties in order to destroy NPO, however, that does not excuse you from having suckled at their teat for so long as far as I am concerned.

Also, Chron. Eat fresh.

I remember talks about dropping NPO at least 6 months before Karma. So, long before that "popular opinion" had turned

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Very dismissive...to the point that it doesn't come close to address my point. But thanks for playing. :rolleyes:

Oh? I thought you were referencing that event? Well, either way, I think my dismissal was a pretty good one, as it more or less destroyed the foundation for your point.

Also, RV, burn in hell.

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Saw this one and couldn't let it pass.

The problem with making such a statement is that it implies you are employing spies within Ragnarok or are at least in contact with someone (directly or indirectly) within Ragnarok who is feeding you logs, which is almost as bad.

Careful...someone might consider that a valid CB or something. ;)

Do you really think all logs stay where they are meant to be? People love knowing secrets, and therefore they have to show everyone they know. So you see, all logs end up somewhere. You do not need to employ spies.

Also, Spiddy, popular opinion was turning against NPO long before RoK began plotting.

Also, RV, burn in hell.

Eat fresh.

(Anthony made me do it.)

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Ok. When did you decided that the NPO was evil and needed to be put down, then?

Damn. I never had a thing for NPO. But that as a legit CB, not really. Certainly wasnt during our alliance with them. Hell i was in the talks with them, I enjoyed thier company for some time. Simply ended, and Rok warred them when they hit an Allies ally.

I'm just saying ODN had stuff to weather through before having the fear of infra loss being instilled into them, and RoK seems to have had that instinct from the beginning. Unless, once again, you're saying being on the wrong of NPO's ugly stick is the equitable to whatever it is you're talking about?

First off, Rok has never been afraid of infra loss. Trust me, we've thrown our tiny crappy weight in front of many conflicts for our allies when we were smaller, and we still do it now. If suffering infra loss is defending principles, then yeah we have and are ready to defend them. But I see no reason why infra loss and principles are the same damn thing.

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I do have some ability in reading comprehension, but you can't read into things which do not exist, either clarify what this imaginary point of yours is

Sure thing. Let's go again.

If you believe that we want to attack you, you are delusional and paranoid. We would never dream of attacking an ally of one of our greatest friends.


Where did I in that text say that RoK was better than everyone else? Or where did I say that we were better than NPO in everything?

I guess reading comprehension isn't one of your strengths

Feel free to respond to these. Preferably not with a "No u", which seems to be your favourite way to retort.

And yet you were not, oh dear, bragging about how at one time you and several other alliances shared the same distinction.

Yeah, if your memory is clouded, I will refresh it. Ragnarok was the biggest "\m/ 2.0" alliance by far. And NoWedge, Sponge, BnT and others decided not to let that go. However, we managed, through good diplomatic work (you know, the kind of thing Pacifica failed hard to do prior to Karma), to survive and grow.


Then I guess you came late to the plotting parties, I do believe Sparta had you beaten by a good 2 months.
Also, Spiddy, popular opinion was turning against NPO long before RoK began plotting.

The talks pretty much began when NPO decided to... Hmm, how to put it... Act like a bunch of wackjob my idols over an incident.

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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I remember talks about dropping NPO at least 6 months before Karma. So, long before that "popular opinion" had turned

I was privilege to some pretty accurate predictions of how the war would play out at least 5 months before it started. Regardless, this doesn't mean you or your alliance had seen such predictions, nor am I trying to make any judgments as to the reason for dropping NPO. That's your business, not mine. I just wish to illustrate that popular opinion had turned on NPO a long time before war broke out.

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I was privilege to some pretty accurate predictions of how the war would play out at least 5 months before it started. Regardless, this doesn't mean you or your alliance had seen such predictions, nor am I trying to make any judgments as to the reason for dropping NPO. That's your business, not mine. I just wish to illustrate that popular opinion had turned on NPO a long time before war broke out.

Yes, I know about these predictions. However, our decision to cancel was because of other factors.

And the popular opinion of NPO pretty much started to turn around "De Profundis" I guess

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Feel free to respond. Preferably not with a "No u", which seems to be your favourite way to retort.
Where did I in that text say that RoK was better than everyone else? Or where did I say that we were better than NPO in everything?

I guess reading comprehension isn't one of your strengths

I thought I only had to mention one thing?

Sure, happy to be of service.

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Do you really think all logs stay where they are meant to be? People love knowing secrets, and therefore they have to show everyone they know. So you see, all logs end up somewhere. You do not need to employ spies.

Don't be modest. Your willingness to spend hours hanging out in IRC channels and messaging in forums befriending people into giving you information is well known. Your network of informants has always been impressive dating back to your days in NPO. What surprises me is that people still fall for it.

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Don't be modest. Your willingness to spend hours hanging out in IRC channels and messaging in forums befriending people into giving you information is well known. Your network of informants has always been impressive dating back to your days in NPO. What surprises me is that people still fall for it.

If you think people give me sensitive information just because I ask for it then you truly are deluded. Sure I have some friends in other alliances, but who doesn't? Regardless, you really are overstating my relevance in this world.

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Don't be modest. Your willingness to spend hours hanging out in IRC channels and messaging in forums befriending people into giving you information is well known. Your network of informants has always been impressive dating back to your days in NPO. What surprises me is that people still fall for it.

If you are going to make an accusation then just make it. Don't waste our time with intimation.

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I go away for a weekend and come back to more idiocy from those seeking to smear the name of the NSO with no actual justification or cause. What a surprise.

Unlike some other alliances, I have no problem saying "bring it" or anything else when I know I am right. If you have a problem with me or my alliance, bring it. Otherwise, shut up.

(Yes, I know NSO has been "harshly debating" in full force in this thread but from what I can tell it was provoked so, meh.)

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I go away for a weekend and come back to more idiocy from those seeking to smear the name of the NSO with no actual justification or cause. What a surprise.

Unlike some other alliances, I have no problem saying "bring it" or anything else when I know I am right. If you have a problem with me or my alliance, bring it. Otherwise, shut up.

(Yes, I know NSO has been "harshly debating" in full force in this thread but from what I can tell it was provoked so, meh.)

Bring what? A First Aid kit? You are in Anarchy as well from the same rogue who, after 4 days and professing his boredom unequivocally, has really got you guys scrambling. He'd be out of money if you stopped attacking and LOSING, giving him millions in the process. I you like, I can have an Academy member PM you and explain what you are doing wrong. Friendly offer.

I am just LOLing...you are late to the party. But Swillmaster made sure you were invited. Fun all around.

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