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The Blocks Have Aligned


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My fellow internet cybernations playing friends, I come to you today as a mudkip lover and as a mother. Recently, our fearless leader, USMC123, has decided to step down from his posistion in Tetris to take down the hordes of demons that are invading his home, his contributions to Tetris will not be forgotten. However, this does not mean he is leaving the arcade to play Gears of War at home, he will continue to spend his dollar into the Tetris machine, one dollar at a time.

The boys at the top floor has agreed that our new Lead Game Developer shall be Logan the Mighty. With Logan leading the high scores, we will proceed to achieve amazing and unbelieveable scores at a arcade near you!

This alliance was created by our four founding fathers, and today we have some new Tetris addicts taking on roles in this alliance. Darth Pollard will now take the seat of Programmer of Foreign Affairs with Kean and Granat still playing their roles as Programmer of Internal Affairs and Programmer of Patent.

A few addicts has also risen onto the occasion and taken the role of Administrative Assistant of Economics, and that is Vanilla Ice. Best of luck to you Mr. Ice. Two men that climbed Mt. Everest will be serving as Logan's Game Councilors are USMC123 and myself, BladeX. Mr. 123 will have limited time to play on the Tetris arcade, however his opinions are valvued and is most needed among Tetris. Mr. Blade will be taking the second spot as Game Councilor, his beauty, smartness, loyalty, and activity are as great as the four founding fathers themselves (Not to mention he's better looking than Kean and Logan), however he has still much to learn and he shall be learning techniques such as T-Spins under the founder's guidance.

Our government line up is as follows:

Lead Game Developer: Logan

Programmer of Game Patent: Granat

Programmer of Internal Matters: kean

Programmer of Foreign Matters: DarthPollard

Administrative Assistant of Economics: Vanilla Ice

Game Councilor: USMC123

Game Councilor: BladeX

P.S- Still much better looking than Kean and Logan.


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