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Athens Announcement regarding Ni!

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No, we generally have the decency to actually declare war on alliances we attack. Perhaps we should just announce "TECH RAID LOLOLOL" next time.

This is a brilliant plan that cannot fail.

I have finally arrived here in order to rattle my saber and enforce my morals onto others. Also, to make the number of Paradoxians in this thread to go up so that Archon's description of us may be alittle more appropriate.

You have so far failed in your duties as the planet's new evil and iron-fisted overlords, so at least this is a start. I am insufficiently oppressed.

Edited by James Dahl
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I find no problem with it, because like you said, attacking one is no different then attacking 39, because you could attack 39 individually over the coarse of what 4 months and no one would say anything, how is that different. Viva war.

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I count 8 TOP members (3.5% of the alliance, approximately)

At least 2 of which were supportive of the announcement, and I see no real saber rattling.

Since this has been attributed to TOP as a whole....we can then say that all the support of Athen's and how awesome it was what they did in the 68 page missive by MK members (more than 3.5% of the alliance) is the opinion of MK?

I realize unless YOU say it, it's not official, but let's be fair about this. TOP has been far less involved in any "saber rattling" in this and other threads, than MK members have been blatant in their support for how great this was.

I like this.

When TOP members come by and run their mouths of it's like "OMG!!1! U R TOP's... collective considered morals and alliance opinion, stop rattling your sabers EBIL TOP!!!!!!1111!!!" and equally retarded opinions.

When a set of MK dudes comes along and runs their mouth off with verbal diarrhoea we get "Oh, if you want MK's official stance, you need to talk to Archon, otherwise my guys can say what they want".

Let's not forget when two members of TOP government (and a member or two) go and wish Athens well and applaud them for their turn around of ways not one person pauses to think "Uh, maybe TOP might very well just wanna wish a guy, who just made a mistake, well".

Please continue to feel free to ignore TOP opinions that get in the way of your blind hate, won't you Digitaria?

We don't censor our members, they are free to say what they wish. Our members don't represent us on these forums. If you see Dr.Dan, Kissgoodbye, or Liquidmercury making a post, then you can take it as TOP's policy.

Oddly enough Archon, I thought that you of all people would understand this policy. It matchs your own, does it not?

I'll reply to the three of you all the same. TOP is democratic. Therefore, it's people do represent its will, especially in larger numbers. It's true, I didn't take the time to count, and I went off of my own impressions in a heated situation. A travesty, I know, but the impression was made and, due to TOP being democratic, I drew that conclusion. The contrast is that MK is most certainly not democratic. We're *very* far from democratic. Therefore, the people and their will cannot actually enforce much of anything, at least not in an official sense. My policy is a reflection of the political reality of my alliance.

I have finally arrived here in order to rattle my saber and enforce my morals onto others. Also, to make the number of Paradoxians in this thread to go up so that Archon's description of us may be alittle more appropriate.

At this point I think the point had been beaten into the ground, Feanor, so I'm somewhat disappointed in you here. Oh well. Hooray politics?

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Tech raiding, when it is properly conducted, is nothing more than an invitation to engage in a reasonably even war. The reason that tech raiding does not normally have the explicit backing of the alliance is to prevent overwhelming advantages of numbers from building up and making any tech raid into a curb stomp or threat of one... The only thing that really matters in the end is the enjoyment of the nation ruler, and I feel that reasonably fair contests of skill and strength provide for this admirably.

More than 2 months down the road, and I see that nothing has changed, Londo. Seems you and your alliance are still rabid for tech, still believe that 3 vs 1 is a "reasonably even war" lol, and still don't believe that you're doing anything wrong. I would've thought that attacking a fully militarized, nuclear-armed nation with close ties to your allies would've been the height of foolishness, but apparently not. I wonder how much longer your allies will be able to protect you, should you continue down this road...

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