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Supreme Court bans cruxific from public buildings

Agostinho Neto

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Italy, the historical homeland of the Latin people and the Roman state, was a prominent pagan country where polytheism and pagan religion was part of everyday's public and private life and it's been like that for over 1000 years.

For nearly double that number, Italy had been a Catholic Christian nation and much of it's early and modern day history has been shaped by the Catholic Church, and Christianity. Most of earth at some point worshiped sun gods or animals. Should we then claim that these pagan faiths influenced mankind to what they are today? No, because in this instance modern history, or at least the history of the late and then post Roman era, is what's relevant here today.

gain the support of the masses, pagan temples and rituals had been dominating religious life of the citizens of Rome since their early stages of civilization and progress.

The Christians at that time were no small minority. The faith had exploded exponentially and more people were converting each year. It was a pragmatic move yes, but certainly not one motivated solely by politics. Sooner or later, the Romans would be Christian and the old faiths would have died off. Lets also not forget the slaughtering and persecution of the Church at the time as well.

The Vatican grudgingly accepts the move by the Italian government however we remain skeptical of it's true motives and will not suppress any form of Catholic protest over this particular issue.

Edited by Gnost Dural
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OOC: Comrade, you're an idiot. How many times has it been stated that I got the land, no strings attached?

OOC: it's not an OOC rant. Some people are going to continue viewing you as a puppet no matter what. the only reason I don't is because I had a say... :D

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Banning the crucifix is an attack on the freedom of religious expression of Christians in your nation. We encourage other nations to cease any trading with this increasingly authoritarian state that have rubbished the most basic of human rights.

They are banning it from public buildings. The state and church should have no link whatsoever, and allowing religious symbols on government property is breaching the ideals of separation of Church and State.

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== Grand Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs ==

The Grand Council of Fascism strongly disagrees with the decision of the Military Government of Italy to ban the crucifix from public buildings. Remove the cross doesn't means to remove only a religious symbol, but the very symbol of the glorious Italian Culture, founded on universal Values the Italian People has taught all over the world. The atheist drift of our comrades is a source of great concern for the Duce. If the motto of Fascism was and is " Dio, Patria, Famiglia " ( God, Fatherland, Family ) and if you declare to be a Fascist State, then you must immediately revoke the decree. Italica is a secular Nation where the Catholic religion and the Islamic religion have any freedom, but Italica was created by Italians, not by Somalis. For this reason, Jesus Christ will never be expelled from any public building. The Duce invites Junio Borghese to reconsider its decision.

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== Grand Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs ==

The Grand Council of Fascism strongly disagrees with the decision of the Military Government of Italy to ban the crucifix from public buildings. Remove the cross doesn't means to remove only a religious symbol, but the very symbol of the glorious Italian Culture, founded on universal Values the Italian People has taught all over the world. The atheist drift of our comrades is a source of great concern for the Duce. If the motto of Fascism was and is " Dio, Patria, Famiglia " ( God, Fatherland, Family ) and if you declare to be a Fascist State, then you must immediately revoke the decree. Italica is a secular Nation where the Catholic religion and the Islamic religion have any freedom, but Italica was created by Italians, not by Somalis. For this reason, Jesus Christ will never be expelled from any public building. The Duce invites Junio Borghese to reconsider its decision.

Keeping religion in the classroom is on the same level of brainwashing, indoctrinating children to believe in anti-scientific nonsense.

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The Kingdom of Cochin does not seek to comment on the recent policies of Republica Italiana.

xx Private xx

Great Temple of All Faiths,

Cochin City

It is the turn of Islam to officiate Common Ceremony and after Namaz the head priests have gathered in their antechambers watching TV and discussing various subjects of theology and philosophy.

Vishnu Narayanan Nampudiri, the priest representing Hinduism said, "John, what is all this trouble in Rome all about? They have not abolished Church have they?"

Cardinal John Mathews, the priest representing Roman Catholic Church said, "Vishnu, you know how Vatican is nowadays, less on theology and more on politics. Puppet to a fascist nation, I am sure they would be extremely political. They are more interested in making a fuss than pursue any philosophy , theology or services."

Haji Pir Ahmad, the priest representing Sunni Islam said, " Didn't our King invite this Pope to the Kingdom? To preach a sermon here?"

"Cardinal Mathews replied, "Oh yes! Characteristically he refused to participate in any Inter Faith Forum. One wonders why he is afraid of other religions! After all we are all men of the book!"

Nampudiri said, "Men of God, Cardinal, Men of God. Not all of us follow the book!"

They all then laughed and went back to more philosophical discussions.

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== Grand Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs ==

Fascism contemplates a life of communion between substance and spirit, the awareness of a personal and incorruptible relationship between men and the superhuman entities: the Lord and the State. This will always make the difference between us, the godless-communist materialism and certain Governments who consider a symbol of peace, as the Crucifix is, a brainwashing! If you were Italian, you would understand what sadness obscure our hearts now.

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"Moralism has no place in the modern world. Religion is primitive, childish, it's mankind's attempt to find greater meaning in the universe and themselves. Science, with it's checks and balances, the constant corrections, and actual deductions of how the universe works, is the system of the modern world. I do not care if people choose to believe in religion, but religion will never enter Finnish schools except in a philosophy class." -President Uberstein

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== Grand Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs ==

"Moralism has no place in the modern world. Religion is primitive, childish, it's mankind's attempt to find greater meaning in the universe and themselves. Science, with it's checks and balances, the constant corrections, and actual deductions of how the universe works, is the system of the modern world. I do not care if people choose to believe in religion, but religion will never enter Finnish schools except in a philosophy class." -President Uberstein

Your statements are insulting billion Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus all over the world! Shame on you! Believers of all Nations should condemn the stupid words of this godless and arrogant Finnish! Your beloved modern world is decadent, hopeless, useless. The truth is that you fear God more than the believers do. We don't give a damn of your schools, this is an Italian problem. Keep your delirium for other discussions.

Edited by Arathog
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== Grand Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs ==

Your statements are insulting billion Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus all over the world! Shame on you! Believers of all Nations should condemn the stupid words of this godless and arrogant Finnish!

"If you truly believe in a loving god, destroy every hospital in your nation, burn every book that goes against him, will not your faith heal you? If your god is real, why do you need books of science and history? His book should be enough for you. If god's will is for you to die of polio or smallpox, is it not an affront to your god that vaccines were made for these diseases? If people are insulted by my words, then there is hope for the world, for the seed of doubt has been sewn and the end of blind faith comes closer every day." -President Uberstein.

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"Moralism has no place in the modern world. Religion is primitive, childish, it's mankind's attempt to find greater meaning in the universe and themselves. Science, with it's checks and balances, the constant corrections, and actual deductions of how the universe works, is the system of the modern world. I do not care if people choose to believe in religion, but religion will never enter Finnish schools except in a philosophy class." -President Uberstein

As opposed to Atheism, which probably destroyed more innocent people than any religion.

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As opposed to brainwashing children into the evils of Atheism. :rolleyes:

I don't know what it may be like in Cascade or in the Uberstenian Empire, but here in theJohto Empire people are allowed to practice whatever religion they wish, as long as their leaders do not openly slander ours. Atheism, in this case, is allowed. We believe that Italy is making steps to lessen the chance somebody will be offended by something in an Italian building.

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As opposed to Atheism, which probably destroyed more innocent people than any religion.

"The Crusades? The Dark Ages? The Spanish Inquisition? These are things just off the top of my head. Human sacrifice, witch burnings, the subjugation of minorities justified by religious texts. The oppression of woman's rights, intolerance of others. All of these were done by religious people, not Atheists. Religion is an authoritarian system of power, designed to keep the people in line through fear. Atheism does not make somebody a good person, but to blame the world's problems on it is absurd." -President Uberstein

OOC: MacArthur, just wondering, are you in CNRP? I don't recognize your name. If you're new, welcome to the RP. :)

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I don't know what it may be like in Cascade or in the Uberstenian Empire, but here in theJohto Empire people are allowed to practice whatever religion they wish, as long as their leaders do not openly slander ours. Atheism, in this case, is allowed. We believe that Italy is making steps to lessen the chance somebody will be offended by something in an Italian building.

"The Republic of Finland allows freedom of religion." -President Uberstein

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== Grand Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs ==

"If you truly believe in a loving god, destroy every hospital in your nation, burn every book that goes against him, will not your faith heal you? If your god is real, why do you need books of science and history? His book should be enough for you. If god's will is for you to die of polio or smallpox, is it not an affront to your god that vaccines were made for these diseases? If people are insulted by my words, then there is hope for the world, for the seed of doubt has been sewn and the end of blind faith comes closer every day." -President Uberstein.

God created Men and gave him freedom. Men, in full freedom, decide to kill, steal, destroy, fight wars, exploit. If the world we live in is a cruel world is not God's fault, is the fault of Men. However, it is not responsibility of the Grand Council of Fascism interpret and discuss the religious doctrines. We only demand to be respected in word and in deed the right of Peoples to believe. That is all.

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== Grand Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs ==

God created Men and gave him freedom. Men, in full freedom, decide to kill, steal, destroy, fight wars, exploit. If the world we live in is a cruel world is not God's fault, is the fault of Men. However, it is not responsibility of the Grand Council of Fascism interpret and discuss the religious doctrines. We only demand to be respected in word and in deed the right of Peoples to believe. That is all.

"I believe in freedom of choice. People must be allowed to believe what they want to believe, which is why I'm against state-sponsored religion." -President Uberstein

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