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[b]Picture[/b]: [IMG]http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww287/sparadise34/paradisegonzo.png[/IMG]
[b]Name[/b]: Salvatore Paradise
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Chief Executive of Bat Country (disputed), General Secretary of the Gonzo International, General Secretary of the Gonzo Party, Commander-in-Chief of the Bat Country Liberation Army
[b]Age[/b]: 25
[b]Gender[/b]: Manly
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: April 1st
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Black
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: White with black highlights
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Bat Country, Gonzo Party, Gonzo International, Bat Country Liberation Army
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Salvatore Paradise was born to Salvatore Paradise (Sr.), a mid-level government bureaucrat, and Alessia Paradise (née Wang), a mid-level government interior decorator, in the suburbs of Sipatau. Like many middle-class suburbanites in Bat Country, young Sal's parents spared no expense to provide Sal with every opportunity available to help him succeed. From baby Mozart tapes, to pre-pre-school, private boarding schools, cello lessons and hockey practice, Sal's childhood was jam-packed with the vicarious vanities of his parents. He failed miserably at hockey and broke several cellos over the heads of his hapless music instructors, but he managed to maintain, with accompanying praise from his parents, a B average in all scholastic endeavors. Upon graduating from high school, Paradise enrolled in East Sipatau University-College and majored in journalism. He was expelled from the college a year later after breaking a cello over the head of a classmate during a heated debate on byline typography, but it was during this one year at college that Paradise was introduced to Gonzo journalism and became a member of the Bat Country Gonzoist Association. Paradise quickly became a prominent member of the disorganized group and within 2 years rose to the position of the association president. Taking a cue from the movement's founder, Hunter S. Thompson, Paradise ran for sheriff of Sipatau. Paradise and the Gonzoists, skilled at propaganda and media manipulation, organized a slick campaign, successfully smearing his unnamed opponents as serial adulterers and nose pickers, and despite there being no election held at the time, and the position in fact not being elected at all, Paradise won in a landslide with 91% of the vote. In response to this bizarre electoral victory, the government outlawed the BCGA but with law enforcement firmly in the hands of the Gonzoists, there was no one available to arrest members of the association. In the next year's parliamentary elections, the Gonzoists organized a write-in campaign to have their members elected to parliament under the newly formed Gonzo Party banner. The campaign, like the sheriff campaign, was a media juggernaut and propelled the Gonzoists to another stunning electoral victory. Resigning as sheriff of Sipatau, Paradise was voted Chief Executive of the nation by parliament the following week. But the outgoing government refused to recognize the victory and with the help of the military shut down parliament and declared martial law. Forced into hiding, the Gonzoists founded the Bat Country Liberation Army and the Gonzo International, an organization designed to spread the movement into other countries and allow foreign nationals and governments to funnel funds and arms to the Gonzoist guerrillas, with Paradise at the head of both organizations. Neither organization has met with much success. While Gonzoists guerrillas continue to pester the Bat Country military, all major military operations have been colossal failures. Sal Paradise is believed to be living in the northern mountains of the nation where support is strongest for the Gonzoists, though rumour is he, like many Gonzoists, has in fact remained in Sipatau and infiltrated government ranks. Here is an artist's rendition of what Paradise may look like today:

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' date='05 May 2010 - 08:50 PM' timestamp='1273092583' post='2287998']
[b]Gender[/b]: Manly
OOC:Epic Win. Also, villain time!

Title(s):Criminally Insane Sociopath for hire
Date of Birth: Classified
Eye Colour:blue
Hair Colour:Brown
Body Weight:153
Body Height:6' 1
Affiliation:Demented Smiler terror group.
Description:Hank is a remorseless killer. He believes if one can't beat him in a fight, then they deserved to die. Hank's story starts in Eggman Empire. Originally an orphan living on the streets, Hank was quietly abducted and placed into the "Facility." There, he endured years of constant torture. Hank was used as a guinea pig. Every time the scientists at the Facility wanted to test out a new serum, treatment, or vaccine, Hank was the one it was done to. Over the course of his time there, he was declared medically dead no less then four times. Over the course of time, Hank's mind snapped. None of his personality from his old life remains. Hank was certain he was going to die in the facility, when a computer crash unlocked his door cell. Hank's first free act was to invade the control room, kill everyone in sight, and release the rest of the "test subjects." Hank escaped in the ensuing chaos and swore revenge on Eggman Empire and Sammy Kintober specifically. Since his release, He's killed hundreds of people from all walks of life, Kidnapped Queen Cybil de Blanc and Duchess Sarah Tintagyl, murdered several low to mid-level EE government officials, and generally caused havoc everywhere he goes. It is also believed he has delusional schizophrenia and that he hears voices.

Name:???(Called Mr S by Hank)
Date of Birth:???
Eye Colour:???
Hair Colour:???
Body Weight:???
Body Height:???
Description: The most semi-believable theory is this thing is a ghost or spirit that haunts the Kintober family line, as whose it supposedly have contacted the most have all been Kintobers. Most notably, Sammy and Jack Kintober. It also apparently follows the criminal fugitive Hank, and supposedly holds conversations with the man. It is also said that the spirit is, in fact, the Norse trickster god Loki. But that would just be plain ridiculous.

Edited by Eggman Empire
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Name: (?) Isara Eivanov
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Bluish
Affiliation: Isara Alliance
Description: The youngest child of Gregor Eivanov, the premier of the Drei Macht and leader of the nation that is her middle name. Her mother died soon after her birth, and she was (somewhat) raised by her father. Though her personality is gentle and easygoing, and her near-genius level intellect would have allowed her to pursue great intellectual careers, her loyalty to her country led her to join the standing Army soon after graduating college at such a young age. She is currently a tank commander and notably designed the powerful IA-10 Heavy Tank, which, in spite of the existence of only one prototype (which she pilots) is the Alliance's most powerful weapon. She has a strong sense of justice and humanity, and thus is against her father's dictatorial rule of the Alliance.

Name: Nikolai Alexeivich
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blond
Affiliation: Isara Alliance
Description: Andrei Alexeivich's son, and a lieutenant in the Army, Nikolai Alexeivich possesses a very boastful and flamboyant personality, and a huge ego. Though he did not inherit his father's strategic intelligence and military skill, Nikolai has a quick-learning and perceptive mind, as well as a desire to perform well to impress his father.

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Name: Ayo Lyndexer
Title(s): none
Age: 28
Gender: female
Date of Birth: January 24th, 1982
Eye Colour: green
Hair Colour: brown with highlights
Body Weight: -no one knows but her
Body Height: 5'11"
Affiliation: Carthage
Description: Sister to Kottan Lyndexer, also a nurse at the nearby hospital. Otherwise totally normal. No significant other, just wants to make sure Kottan is married or can fend for herself before she lets go. Very protective of said little sister. Casually rude, usually happy. Fakes her confidence; she can get very insecure.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1005/d14/1200/3950936.png[/img]
[i]Emperor James II shown with his favorite hunting rifle and sword[/i]
[b]Name[/b]: James Drake II
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Emperor of the Slavic Federation, King of Caucasia, Chief Priest, Imperator of the Slavic Armed Forces, Imperium Maius, First Man of the Senate, and Imperial Censor of the State
[b]Age[/b]: 22
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: December 21, 20XY
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Dark brown
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Black
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 145
[b]Body Height[/b]: 6'1"
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Slavic Federation
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: James Drake II was born to King James Drake I and Queen Anzhelina Fortunatov Drake of Caucasia. From an early age, he took an interest in politics, military, and history. At age 10, he enrolled in fencing classes, advancing through the levels of instruction quickly. Eventually, the instructor removed him from the class, as James had surpassed all of the class and many other parents were complaining. While the senior James could have forced the instructor to keep his son, as king of Caucasia, he did not. Instead, he hired a personal instructor to teach the young prince, and James II had mastered the foil, epee, and sabre by the time he was fourteen, and kept in practice over the years. With fencing mastered, young James looked for something else to perfect, and found that something in marksmanship. When he realized his son was showing interest in marksmanship, King James I assigned a small group of his Liberty Guardsmen to assist him. The Guardsmen were notoriously accurate marksmen--they'd proven they could fire a bullet through a small hoop earring from 600m with an Sh91 Assault Rifle. Under the guidance of the seasoned Gunnery Sergeant Kenneth Zimmerman, Corporal Amos Mikhael, and Major Erik Pavlov, the young prince became an "Expert" marksman in two and a half months.
Since an early age, James had a close relationship with his twin brother, Jason. They were inseparable, until they were 18, when King James I was diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer, forcing him to abdicate. He named Prince James his heir, and tutored him in all he knew, causing an outraged Prince Jason to lead a revolt against the new King of Caucasia, calling himself King Jason I, and putting James's will and leadership to the test early on in his reign. Ultimately, the rebellion failed, and James was forced to execute both Jason and Adviser Stapp.
James is generally known as a man of "low-!@#$%^&* tolerance." He'll only deal with small amounts of stupidity at any given time before stating what he thinks of the speaker and their carnal knowledge of their mothers.

Will edit with more people later.

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Name: Nina Zu Vulfenstein
Title(s): Lieutenant, Commander of the Darcsen Elite
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Affiliation: Isara Alliance
Description: The silent and aloof Lieutenant Nina Zu Vulfenstein is the model of all Isaran soldiers--intensely loyal, unnervingly severe, and typically cold. Largely considered Isara's best sniper and soldier, Nina Zu Vulfenstein is a product of tragedy and sorrow at a young age. The daughter of a wealthy middle-class banker(her mother dying when she was 7 years old), with two younger sisters and two younger brothers, she had a typically happy childhood until she was around 12 years old. One day, while her father was gone, four armed men entered the house and forced her to search the house for money and valuables, threatening to kill her siblings if she did not. By the time help arrived, her siblings were dead, and the four men had escaped. As a result of this, what she believed to be her failure to save her siblings, she bore the guilt of their deaths, and withdrew into a quiet and aloof personality. Three years later, her father was killed by bank robbers, leaving the 15 year old Nina to fare for herself. When she reached the legal age of 17, she enlisted in the regular army, where she quickly became known even among the Isaran soldiers for her ruthlessness and brutal speed--her tragic experiences robbing her of the idea of the value of life. At the age of 21, largely considered the greatest sniper in the nation, she was appointed as the Commander of the Elite Darcsen Unit, and has since then--despite rejecting most promotions and remaining a Lieutenant--become the most important military person below the Drei Macht themselves

Edited by Kaede Alexeivich
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[b]Picture[/b]: (Gonna post up one eventually)
[b]Name[/b]: Lucelle D'eveur
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Empress, The Grand Master of All Space and Time
[b]Age[/b]: 27
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: December 17th, 1983
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Blue
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Blonde (long straight, neatly trimmed)
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 125 lbs
[b]Body Height[/b]: 5'3
[b]Affiliation[/b]: The Royal Dalkrin Empire (RDE) or Royal Empire of Dalkrin (RED)
[b]Description/Life: Holds full precedence over all matters of life in the Royal Dalkrin Empire. No imperial is out of her reach, and she doubles as Supreme Commander of the Sturmfaust military arm of the Dalkrin Army. Although her nation isn't very powerful, she expects her citizens to obediently and happily worship her as a god. All citizens of the small Empire thank Empress Lucelle each morning for their "prosperous life" and statues, banners and sign posts bearing her figure and visage grace very major part of the Royal Empire.
Lucelle resides in a large palace within the capital of the Empire, Veir 17.

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Name: Etain Conolly 
Title(s): Roving Ambassador  
Age: 30 
Gender: Female  
Eye Colour: Green 
Hair Colour: Auburn 
Body Weight: 134 
Body Height: 5' 7" 
Affiliation: Nationalist 
History: Etain was orphaned at a young age and adopted by a well to do Tahoe family that had moved to Cork. When the people of Taeunas declared independance, she enrolled in university and majored in foreign relations. She failed her courses due to her outspoken attitude and views of the world. The professor, a Dr. Rodney DeSchaine, was nonetheless impressed. He forwarded her name to his cousin and she was called to an interview with the president himself. After a fifteen minute discussion, Christos hired her on the spot to be his primary ambassador to the rest of the world. 

Name: Classified    
Title(s): Starlight    
Age: 30     
Gender: Female     
Eye Colour: Blue      
Hair Colour: Blonde     
Body Weight: 115      
Body Height: 5' 6"    
Affiliation: Nationalist     
History: Classified 

Name: Seamus Muldoon   
Age: 56    
Gender: Male    
Eye Colour: Brown    
Hair Colour: Red    
Body Weight: 215      
Body Height: 5' 10"    
Affiliation: Ultra Nationalist    
History: Not much is known about the man from before the rise of Taeunas. Since the nation gained it's independance, he has emerged as the charitable and charismatic leader of the Order of St. Patrick. The Order is a secretive group that nonetheless has been instramental in the in recovery of disasters and supporting displaced people. 

Seamus himself has attended numerous meetings of world charity groups and was lead for the efforts to help people displaced from the Hansa. 

He is married, with two grown children and three grandchildren. A personal friend of President DeSchaine, he has attended many official functions and has been known to advise the Foreign Ministry.

His foreign work is puzzling due to the fact of his ultra national views. He has been known to give speeches condeming large portions of the world for no other reason than their views differ from those of Taeunas.   

Name: Murtagh Cormac  
Title(s): Major   
Age: 34   
Gender: Male   
Eye Colour: Brown   
Hair Colour: Brown   
Body Weight: 181     
Body Height: 6' 1"   
Affiliation: Nationalist   
History: Cormac was born to a broken household. At the young age of 7, his father was killed on a drunken brawl outside a pub. The only good thing about the incident is that he wasn't able to come home and beat his wife and young sons. Murtagh had to take charge of his brother and two young sisters. 

At sixteen, he pummeled a classmate that made lustfull remarks about one of his sisters. He was arrested, and the judge gave him the choice of time in jail or joining the army.

Since then he has distinguished himself as a top notch tactician and training officer. After a stint at the basic training base, he applied for and was accepted to Tory Isle. There be met Caitlin O'Malley. She was one class cycle ahead of him and thusly the commander of his platoon. He difused a situation where another cadet was bent on sabotaging O'Malleys career. She found out and has since kept him on as her second through all her commands. 

His planning and training regimens are the most exacting in the military, and indeed have been used to write some of the manuals used by TRADOC.

Currently he is second in charge of the Red Branch Warriors.

Name: Caitlin O'Malley  
Title(s): Commander   
Age: 32  
Gender: Female   
Eye Colour: Dark Green  
Hair Colour: Red  
Body Weight: 128    
Body Height: 5' 5"  
Affiliation: Nationalist  
History: O'Malley is a descendant of the great pirate Grace O'Malley. Just as her ancestor was a hard driven warrior, Caitlin O'Malley is just the same. She joined the Taeunas army at the age of 17. Because of her gender, she was harassed by her fellow trainee soldiers who thought she wouldn't be able to handle the stress. Since then she has continuiously proved them wrong. She has risen steadily through the ranks, taking all the training schools she could get into. Airborne, helo assault, Ranger, all capped off with Tory Isle, home of Taeunas Special Forces Heavy Combat Teams and Taeunas Intelligence Service. She breezed through both courses, making her an incredibly deadly tool for Taeunas. 

She quietly led several missions, starting with a capture operation in the defunct nation of the Hansa. Anti rebel missions followed in that same nation.

Her next command was the only one where she lost soldiers, as her unit was given the duty of clearing off Rathlin Isle. A particularly wicked ambush by an formerly unknown third party left a half squad of her men dead. Subsequently her forces cleared the isle and opened the way for further promotion. 

Her next command was on the Agrona with the Taeunas fleet in support of the Brisbane invasion. That mission turned out to be very short, partly because the HCT operations to secure the airport and harbor facilities. With the Australians firmly in control, the fleet returned home.

In the time since, nothing more than protracted peacekeeping and protectorate missions. Being given command of a full battalion of soldiers, she has instituted new and increased training protocals. This has led to her troops being the toughest of the HCT. Her soldiers have been issued the brand new NoKS powered battle armor. The elite warriors of her unit have come up with a new name and crest for themselves. They are now the Warriors of the Red Branch. 

Edited by DeSchaine
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[b]Name[/b]: His Royal Highness Rama Varma
[b]Title(s)[/b]: 48th King of Cochin, now Abdicated
[b]Age[/b]: 65
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Completely White with bald patch in front
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 75 kilograms
[b]Body Height[/b]: 5'10"
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:

Born Gokul Rama Varma, HRH Rama Varma was born in Cochin City. His parents died in a car crash when he was 11 years old and was then raised by his aunt Her Highness Girija Ravi Varma, current Queen Mother of Cochin Royal Family. After schooling at Royal Military School, Karagandy, Rama Varma joined National Defense College as a gentleman cadet. Commissioned as a Lieutenant in Royal Cochin Army he served in the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment and had served in several Central Asian wars. While commanding a Company in the aftermath of one of these wars, Maj. Gokul Rama Varma gained the opportunity to try out in the Royal Cochin Special Forces. Relinquishing command of his company, the Armored Cavalry officer jumped into the world of Special Forces.

Having served illustriously in various SF regiments, Brig. Gen. Rama Varma eventually became the Commander of Royal Cochin Special Forces. The 47th King of Cochin, His Royal Highness Ravi Varma then selected Rama Varma as the Crown Prince and Rama Varma embarked on a 3 year mission to familiarize himself with the various other branches of the Kingdom. During this time he served in a destroyer in Royal Cochin Navy, certified himself to pilot Mig29 and Mig21 besides educating himself in fields like Economics, Agriculture, Health, Administration, Foreign Affairs etc.

At the age of 40 His Highness Rama Varma ascended the throne after the death of his uncle, HRH Ravi Varma. At the age of 62, HRH Rama Varma abdicated the throne in favor of the current King of Cochin His Highness Kerala Varma. His wife's name is Anu G Varma and his daughter's name is Shruthi NIkhil.

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[b]Name[/b]: Kumaran P Varma
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Minister of External Affairs
[b]Age[/b]: 67
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Black specks of Gray
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 81 KG
[b]Body Height[/b]: 6'
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:

A career diplomat, KP Varma was born in New Delhi, where his parents were embassy staff at the Cochin Embassy. His father had been an officer in Cochin Foreign Service, who topped out as Ambassador. His mother was in Press Department of Ministry of External Affairs.

His schooling having been done at various embassy schools all over the world, for matriculation, KP Varma studied at Bhavan's Vidya Mandir, Cochin City. Graduating in Bachelor of Arts in History from Cochin University, KP Varma applied for Cochin Civil Service Exam and due to excellent results obtained got his choice assignment, Cochin Foreign Service.

KP Varma served in a variety of positions in various countries in ascending rank. His CFS service capped out as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs. Over 32 years of service as a diplomat in Cochin Foreign Service, KP Varma had excelled in various diplomatic issues and proven himself to be adept at conflict management and high stakes diplomatic negotiation. Considering his meritorious service at age 55 KP Varma was chosen by the King and Cabinet to be the new Minister of External Affairs.

A lifelong bachelor, KP Varma is famous for being a discrete philanderer. During his youth his various escapades with various society ladies of the day had been cause to many minor sensations in Press and Diplomatic Circle. KP Varma is a noted Numismatist and aficionado of Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. In recent years KP Varma is reported to have slackened in his philandering vigor.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w88/Anchohombre/Morpheus_1600x1200.jpg[/IMG]
[b]Name[/b]: Justinian Mikhailovich Holstein-Gottorp-Selassie-Romanov
[b]Title(s)[/b]: By the Grace of God, Justinian I, Emperor of Slavorussia, claimant to the throne of All the Russias, Tsar of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Kazan, Lord of Pskov, and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and Finland, Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Samogitia, Belostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugra, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgaria, Lord and Grand Duke of Nizhni Novgorod, Sovereign of Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislavl, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, Crown Prince of Ethiopia and Zamira and so forth, and so forth, and so forth.
[b]Age[/b]: 21
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: March 7, 1989
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Black
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Empire of Slavorussia, Kingdom of Ethiopian-Zamira (defunct)
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:

Born in Addis Ababa to parents Michael I the King of Zamira and his Russian wife Maria, the daughter of Emperor Gregori II of Slavorussia and his wife Catherine. Justinian’s descends from two old and powerful dynasties, those being the Solomonic and Romanov Dynasties. His father's line claims to decend from notable figures such as King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and he's directly related to Peter I and Catherine II through his mother.

From his birth in 1989 to 1992 Justinian was the Crown Prince of Ethiopia and Zamira, a union state in Eastern Africa formed by his Grandfather King Zamir. His parents had long awaited the birth of the heir to the throne. Shortly after his birth a rift formed between his father and his grandfather the Emperor of Slavorussia since the Emperor’s only son renounced his claim to the throne years earlier. The Emperor wanted to bestow the title Tsesarevich on Justinian. His father was concerned the Kingdom would take a backseat when Justinian ascended to both thrones so he began to take steps to safeguard his kingdom, which were eventually abandoned.

Although he was born into a life of privilege and power his parents this soon changed when poverty and hunger sparked a revolution deposing his father and abolishing the monarchy 1992. Justinian and his family fled the capital went to France then Britain. The deposed king petitioned the Slavorussian government for political. Justinian and his family lived in Lithuania, where he met his childhood friend and future wife. On his 10th birthday he was officially titled Tsesarevich and Sovereign Heir. He lived at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg where he began being groomed to become Tsar.

In the early 2000’s Gregory II’s ability to govern slowly began to slip away and it became clear the Justinian would soon be called upon. The untimely death of his grandmother took a toll on his grandfather and finally in December 13, 2006 Justinian’s grandfather abdicated the throne propelling the 17 year old boy onto the throne. His coronation was held in the summer of 2007 when he was only 18.

Since ascending to the throne Justinian has become famous for his ritualistic government cleanings. In his short reign Justinian has purged his government of corruption on three occasions, but each time failing to kill the root of the corruption. He’s served directly in two wars during his reign, despite almost no formal military training.

Those closest to him describe him as a kind person who is very sensitive to the feelings of other people, but there are rumors that he can be also be demanding short tempered and violent. He despises betrayal and punishes even those closest to him harshly for betrayal.

Justinian was attended grade school at the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg and His Majesty’s Moscow Academy of Excellence. He speaks Russian, French and Amharic fluently is also semi-proficient in Lithuanian Serbian, Ukrainian, German and English. He has a degree in Eastern European historical studies form the University of Moscow. He has two older sisters and one younger one, and five nieces and nephews. He has received basic training as an army officer and is an expert in the army’s Sambo form of martial arts and holds several regional championship titles.

[b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://celebrity-photos.elliottback.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/kate-beckinsale.jpg[/img]
[b]Name[/b]: Khristina Feodorovna Romanova
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Empress Consort of Slavorussia, Princess of Radziwill.
[b]Age[/b]: 20
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: July 27 1990
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Blue
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Empire of Slavorussia, Governorate of Lithuania.
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:

Born Christina Eleanor Marie Mecklenburg-Radziwill in Slavorussian Governorate of Lithuania, Christina descends from a medieval Swedish royal house and Lithuanian Nobility. Her Parents are Prince Andrius Mecklenburg-Radziwill and Princess Helena Sophie Mecklenburg-Radziwill.

She was born at Mirsky Castle, the Radziwill’s family compound in Belarus where the family continued to live for the first years of her life. When her father lost his seat in Parliament the family moved back to their castle in Lithuania where the future Empress met her future husband, Justinian I. They both enjoyed a close childhood friendship until Justinian became Tsesarevich. Years later they would reconnect during the Emperor’s trip to the Baltic Provinces. After a brief courtship Justinian proposed and Christina accepted.

Plans for the wedding were postponed by the invasion of the Greater Nordic Reich and Justinian’s subsequent disappearance and kidnapping, but the wedding finally took place on November 26 at the couple’s insistence.

Since becoming Empress Consort of Slavorussia Christina has become heavily involved in several charities and patronages. She is an unofficial spokesperson for the Slavorussian Peace and Equality Organization and co-chairs the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of All the Russias. The Empress makes sizable donations to over a hundred and donates more money than any other member of the Imperial Family except the Emperor.

Christina is attended grade school at the Imperial Russo-Lithuania Institute’s Youth Academy for Girls and is currently studying to obtain a degree in Microbiology from the University of Moscow. However she has momentarily put her education on hold whole pregnant with the Imperial couple’s first child.

[b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/pv/Cillian%20Murphy-3.jpg[/img]
[b]Name[/b]: Paul Denisovich Romanov
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Formerly Grand Duke and Viceroy of Yacrania, Governor of Yamalia
[b]Age[/b]: 24
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Blue
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Empire of Slavorussia, Paulist Rebellion, Pauline Army
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:

Paul is the oldest son of Tsesarevich and later Grand Duke Denis Gregoriovich Romanov, the oldest son and former heir to the throne of Slavorussia. Paul’s mother, Josefina was the Grand Duke’s second wife of three wives and prior to that was his mistress. Paul was born two years before his parents married and he was considered illegitimate additionally mother raised him as a Roman catholic and he was cast out of the line of succession. Paul’s two younger brothers were also removed from the line of succession for similar reasons.

It was apparent at a very young age that Paul was jealous of his younger, but more qualified cousin Justinian for surpassing him in the line of succession. When their Grandfather abdicated Paul’s mother sued the Imperial Family for physiological harm done to Paul by being passed over. Although the lawsuit was dismissed Paul was awarded a large settlement and a home in St. Petersburg.

Paul was drafted into the military when he turned 18 and was trained as an officer. He progressed through the ranks quickly at the behest of his cousin Emperor Justinian. After the Yacranian War he was appointed Viceroy of Yacrania and later Governor of the Yamalia Governorate by order of the crown. During his tenure in the north Paul formed his own private army which he used in a coup attempt against the Emperor in April and May 2010. Paul’s army was defeated and he was captured. He was sentenced to death in the trails that followed. He is currently awaiting his sentence to be carried out.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [url="http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Bones-bones-35835_768_1024.jpg"]Angela Lawson[/url]
[b]Name[/b]: Angela Lawson
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Empress of the Hakaarian Empire
[b]Age[/b]: 23
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: 23 years ago.....
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Dark Brown
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: black
[b]Body Weight[/b]: N/A
[b]Body Height[/b]: 5'7"
[b]Affiliation[/b]: The Hakaarian Empire
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: She was born in an igloo to a poor family. Her father soon died after she was born and was left to live with her mother. She has been practically on her own her entire life and learned to live off the land for survival. She became trustworthy and when she was bored, she read. She read and read and well read. In Blue Heaven her education standards were exceeded beyond belief. She graduated college at 18. When the Hakaarian Empire was formed she competed for ruler of the newly established country. She wanted to show everyone she can do the best and be the best. She did. She went to the Priests of the Gods for training. She was part of the rising phenom that learned from the Priests of Gods. She competed to her abilities to debate and win for her country. She made it to the top and is now running the country. She hopes the best for her country and hopes it prospers. She only wishes the best for her people in the times ahead.

[b]Picture[/b]: [url="http://specialedandme.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/giada-de-laurentiis-picture-1.jpg"]Lindsey Roberts[/url]
[b]Name[/b]: Lindsey Roberts
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Minister of Foreign Affairs
[b]Age[/b]: 32
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: 32 years ago :P
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Turquoise
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Body Weight[/b]: N/A
[b]Body Height[/b]: 5'6"
[b]Affiliation[/b]: The Hakaarian Empire
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Born in the higher class of Victoria Island, she rose up in politics with her father. She was always pressured into doing her best in school while she lived in Blue Heaven. Her expectations rose when her best friend, Angela Lawson, challenged her to a debate. She sadly lost and vowed vengeance. While Angela kept rising to the top in the newly established Hakaarian Empire, she was left back . Even though Lindsey had age on her side and experience, the will of the others overwhelmed her. She kept at it and finally got Minister of Foreign Affairs.

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[color="#4169E1"]Picture: [img]http://www.firingsquad.com/games/final_fantasy_x-2_preview/images/02.jpg[/img]
[b]Name:[/b] Juliet Scarlet Jupiter
[b]Title(s): [/b]Chancellor of Organcia
[b]Age:[/b] 23
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 23 Years Ago
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Green
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown
[b]Body Weight:[/b] Classified
[b]Body Height:[/b] 5'8
[b]Affiliation:[/b] The Republic Of Organcia

Description: She was born along the Nile River and lived with her parents until they died when she was 18. She majored in Law, Journalism, and Political Science.

She is slightly tall woman and has a happy attitude. She [i]HATES[/i] being deceived or lied to or tricked.

She is Christian and attends a private church every Sunday to worship her Lord.

She is the first Chancellor of Organcia.

MAJOR FACT: The cloths she is wearing in the picture is the outfit for a female chancellor. It is not meant to be offensive or purposely relieving but it is to go with the known culture of the area. The best way to insult Julietr, is to insult her Chancellor outfit witch is considered very formal and distinguished. [/color]

[color="#4169E1"]Picture: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_131dsm4xhS8/R1QRzIT0vuI/AAAAAAAAADM/9rCM6YG8TPo/S300/john_f_kennedy.jpg[/img]
[b]Name:[/b] John F. Kennedy
[b]Title(s): [/b]Vice Chancellor of Organcia
[b]Age:[/b] 40
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 40 Years Ago
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown
[b]Body Weight:[/b] Classified
[b]Body Height:[/b] Classified
[b]Affiliation:[/b] The Republic Of Organcia

[b]Additional Facts: [/b]A member of the Second richest family in Organcia, The Kennedy's [/color]

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[b]Name[/b]: Maelstrom Vortex
[b]Title(s)[/b]: First Emperor of the First and Second Dragon Empires, Executor of the Trium, and Dreamer of the Dragon Cult, Chairman of the Dragon Bloc, member of the Australasian Coalition and Australian Union, member of Comintern, Chairman of the Leviathan Accords.
[b]Age[/b]: 36
[b]Gender[/b]: M
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: 08/23/74
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Green
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Hairless
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 335 lbs.
[b]Body Height[/b]: 6'7"
[b]Affiliation[/b]: The Dragon Empire/Dragonisa
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:

Maelstrom Vortex started his life among a roaming pirate fleet in the South Indian Ocean which had used islands and northern regions of the Antarctic as a home of operations. The Nomads come to settle and make a home at first on the Antarctic Ice shelves. It was during this time that Maelstrom met his love of all time, Koudoawaia Vortex. Then, at the behest of the government of Promised Land which felt sympathy for the Dragonisan's plight, the Dragonisians formed a new government upon the Island of Tasmania. During the first elections, the Dragonsian people.. called such because of the Welsh and English heraldry that was part of their culture, settled upon Maelstrom Vortex.

The start years were trouble for the Dragonisians. Their neighbors were far more advanced than they and highly contentious over their island territories.. everyone except Promised Land. To prevent the fledgling nation in its infancy, Promised Land answered a request by Maelstrom Vortex to retain them as a protectorate. The Protectorate status.. nearly never ended as the Australian and Dragonisian cultures became so close they were practically family.

Maelstrom knew his place in the world, and he didn't like it. He envisioned a solution to his problem in diplomacy, he reached out rapidly joining local forming blocks such as the Australasian Coalition and helping with the troubleshooting of rogue states that cropped up in the Pacific Isles. As the good will built, so did this leader's ambition.

In time, as he befriended other smaller states he saw a solution to the hegemony that were cropping up in his neighborhood and sought unification with his island peers. This was the formation of the First Dragon Empire.. and it mainly consisted of nations in the pacific rim islands excluding New Zealand but including many Indonesian and Australian regions. The Formation of the First Dragon Empire lead to a cold war with neighboring islands except for Promised Land.. which viewed the newly formed entity as a threat. Including the former realms of the Empire of Cholan, this newly formed merger state was in no means small. As time went on, the plight of merged states began to be frowned upon by the global community.. and under the pressures of the global community, Maelstrom voluntarily dismissed the Dragon Empire. It descended into a loose coalition of states with individual sovereignty once again known as the Leviathan Accords.

During this period of decentralization, Dragonisia was hit by a nuclear strike on Tasmania which completely disabled its communications for several years from a rogue entity.. probably a terrorist. Maelstrom was hideously disfigured by radiation poisoning in the incident as he tried to save people from the rubble of the carnage on the surface. During this interlude, the Dragonisians were lead by Maelstrom to construct one of the most elaborate city-spanning bunker and tunnel systems the world had ever seen in the hard rock of the island. It was their way of ensuring such a disaster would never happen again.

Needing critical medical treatment; Maelstrom was admitted by geneticists in Saboria where he was given a set of engineering viruses and catalysts designed by one Dr. Gregory Karnell and constructed by the Saborians using their advanced technologies. The result was that Maelstrom's body was changed into what Karnell had designed to be the epitome of natural selection. He had teeth like a shark, eyes with components from an Eagle's, an Owl's, and a serpents set of eyes and viper pits on what had become a bit of a muzzle to harbor his new jaw set. He was able to generate electrical shocks with electrical eel sac's organs that had been integrated into his new body. His nails had fingers had been replaced with talon-like digits which retained the functions of a hand but had retractable claws. His skin was replaced by scales with the patterning of a silver snake, the density and consistency of such could have stopped very small caliber rounds from a small pistol. With the aid of chameleon like regeneration, the impact of the radiation damage to his tissues was significantly reduced, but would still inevitably prove fatal. His diet had changed radically to meet form and he was known to frequently eat raw prey, even in the presence of other humans who were not genetically modified. Despite this, the intimidation and presence of this visage would command the respect of many.

The state of the Leviathan accords persisted for some time, then a new war against hegemony threatened to arise. Given the strength of the United Francoist Empire, the Australian Coalition and its peers were faced with a daunting task of bringing the UFE down. As the UFE fell, Maelstrom united India via political talks among the local governments. Maelstrom seized the opportunity of the post war environment, and the fact the prior war had rapidly gone nuclear, to help justify the formation of the Second Dragon Empire once the war concluded. This time the Empire was forged from a coalition of Asian states who willfully sacrificed domestic sovereignty for regional unity. At the height of its power, the Second Dragon Empire encompassed all of India, most of China, Mongolia, and deep into central china. Including its network of blocks and allies, the Dragon Empire nearly (and may well have) exceeded the size of the British Empire in influenced global land area at the height of its power.

With the Empire having nowhere else to expand, it remained peacefully in tact for several years, but Maelstrom began to have issues with the new technology which had gifted him with his body. The untried, imperfect methods had left flaws in cells throughout his body and he developed a cardiac cancer which eventually put him to his end.. at least.. that's what most believe by a secular view. Maelstrom had remained true to the Christian faith to his death, but legends would later say that he came back and visited several individuals through some bizarre medallions which had been distributed around the globe by an anonymous sender. When he appeared, they would say that he would claim he was wrong about his faith as it related to Bob, and that there was a much more complex tier system to the after life.. one in which he was a dreamer.. who dreamed his subjects into existence. Scientists have marked this off as illusions generated by a very complex psy-ops exercise triggered by the Emperor's demise.

The Dragon Empire had developed a cult of personality around the Emperor, atop that the Dragonisians had an incredibly powerful Psy/Mystic-Ops department known as the True Blue Dragons. The highly secretive department had started a cult in the name of the late Emperor.. to perpetuate his essence, his ideology. The allegations were made that the late Emperor had actually been an avatar of a God-like entity known as "the Dreamer" and so the Dragon Cult began. It was stated that the Dragon Cult felt there were other such entities as the Dreamer but that the Dreamer that Maelstrom had become.. dreamed them specifically and all were called to serve him even in his death. Dr. Karnell was a member of this group and to this day leads an underground movement that seeks to restore the Emperor to power even from death. The cultists of the sect that follows the now dead Maelstrom Vortex believe that any member who properly conditions themselves may eventually be possessed by the Dreamer for his use. That being a given, they have spent vast sums of former imperial assets and money in an effort to research a way to reconstruct Maelstrom's Body and then re-join it to his essence/soul. Dr. Karnell believes he has found the answer in the form of a Virus combined with intense meditation.

Most scientists agree.. Dr. Karnell is nuts.. and science firmly places Maelstrom Vortex as dead with his body swept to sea by a rogue wave as cultists attempted to resurrect him at sea in a previous failed attempt.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Name: Queen Eve
Title(s): First Queen of The Queendom of Blue Water
Age: 25
Gender: F
Date of Birth: 25 years ago
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Body Weight: She is a woman, she will never tell you, even if it means nuclear Holocaust
Body Height: 6'0"
Affiliation: The Queendom of Blue Water
Description/Life Story: (I will add this later. Food time =p)


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[b]Picture[/b]: [URL=http://img59.imageshack.us/i/mehtisaina.gif/][IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/3700/mehtisaina.gif[/IMG][/URL]

[b]Name[/b]: Aurelie Desmarais
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Formerly Commander, currently President of the Wallonian Republic
[b]Age[/b]: 36
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: October 13, 1974
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Blue
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Light blonde
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Republic of Wallonia
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Aurelie Desmarais began her career in the French military at age 18, and quickly rose through the ranks of the military, soon becoming an officer at only 25 years old. Later, after the fiasco with the Hohenzollern regime in Wallonia, she was stationed there, but later became involved in the independence movement a few years later. The movement proved successful, and Aurelie secured the position of president in the subsequent elections.

Name: Allan Chevalier
Title(s): Formerly president of the provisional government of Wallonia, currently Minister of Foreign Affairs
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: November 29, 1982
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Affiliation: Republic of Wallonia
Description/Life Story: Allan Chevalier was born and raised in Wallonia, where he witnessed first hand the effects of the ineffective and clumsy reign of the foreign Hohenzollerns. From youth he traveled often through France and abroad, and came to realise that perhaps he could help Wallonia recover from the lingering effects of the inefficient Hohenzollern reign. It was some time later that he came to learn of the movement for indepedence for Wallonia; despite popular belief, the movement did not originate with him nor with Aurelie Desmarais. However, it was these two who spearheaded the movement. After independence was secured, Allen ran for presidency but narrowly lost to Aurelie Desmarais, and is now serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [URL=http://img253.imageshack.us/i/modelk.jpg/][IMG]http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/6320/modelk.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

[b]Name[/b]: Erich Walther von Model
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Field Marshall
[b]Age[/b]: 52
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: January 2, 1958
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Black
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Hohenzollern Family (former), Republic of Wallonie
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Born into a prominent military, ethnically German family in Wallonia, Erich Walther von Model seemed destined to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, both high-ranking officers in the Second World War. From youth he spent much of his time studying the strategies and lives of great military leaders such as Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Erwin Rommel. After senior high school he entered a military academy and graduated with great honours, entering the military of Hohenzollern Wallonia as a lieutenant at the age of only 24. The young von Model initially regarded the Hohenzollern family with starry-eyed admiration and fascination, once writing, "I have never known of an entire family possessive of such genius and military prowess." He maintained this belief for two decades until he ascended to the rank of Commander and was permitted into the inner circle of the Hohenzollerns.

At this point, the now much more experienced Model came to realise that the Hohenzollerns were not the 'perfect leaders' he had once believed them to be. Instead, he came to understand that they were inefficient and incompetent; with this realisation, Commander von Model, angered and dissatisfied by the selfish Hohenzollerns, defected to a growing anti-Hohenzollern movement in Wallonia. He remained connected to this movement even after the assimilation of Wallonia into France, and later supported the independence movement from France. Upon Wallonia's independence, newly elected president Aurelie Desmarais invited Model to return to the military, granting him the rank of Field Marshal of the armed forces of Wallonia, and he also served as the Minister of the Interior. He led the counterattack that forced the Burgundian military into retreat when Burgundy attacked the city of Seraing, as well as the subsequent invasion of the island of Bornholme itself alongside English and Legion forces.

Field Marshal Erich Walther von Model pioneered 'aggressive defense', and specialised in defensive strategy. His strategy in the Battle at Seraing involved breaking up the Army Groups of the Wallonian Army into smaller units, which then surrounded and overwhelmed the numerically and technologically inferior Burgundian invaders.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [URL=http://img72.imageshack.us/i/renh.jpg/][IMG]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5007/renh.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

[b]Name[/b]: Wu Zen Jiang

[b]Title(s)[/b]: President of the Xinyan Republic

[b]Age[/b]: 45

[b]Gender[/b]: Female

[b]Date of Birth[/b]: June 12, 1966

[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Brown

[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Black

[b]Affiliation[/b]: Xinyan Republic

[b]Description[/b]: Currently the president of the Xinyan Republic and the most powerful person within Xinyan's government. Initially President of the Provisional Government during the independence movement in New Barag Right Banner. Has been accused of deliberately delaying free elections and planning to remain in power without elections.

Edited by dotCom
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[b]Picture[/b]: [URL=http://img576.imageshack.us/i/chao.jpg/][IMG]http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/9010/chao.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

[b]Name[/b]: Cheng Nangjia

[b]Title(s)[/b]: General, Director of the Military

[b]Age[/b]: 43

[b]Gender[/b]: Male

[b]Date of Birth[/b]: January 26, 1967

[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Black

[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Black

[b]Affiliation[/b]: Xinyan Republic

[b]Description[/b]: Currently the second most powerful person in Xinyan after President Wu Zen Jiang, above even Vice President Zeng Tsung Tan. Formerly military officer stationed in Zargathian New Barag, later was involved in the independence movement. Ostensibly controls only the military, but President Jiang allows General Nangjia far more power and influence.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [URL=http://img29.imageshack.us/i/wuz0.jpg/][IMG]http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/1199/wuz0.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

[b]Name[/b]: Feng Chao

[b]Title(s)[/b]: Colonel, Director of the Guómín Jūn

[b]Age[/b]: 64

[b]Gender[/b]: Male

[b]Date of Birth[/b]: May 3, 1946

[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Black

[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Brown

[b]Affiliation[/b]: Xinyan Republic

[b]Description[/b]: Second highest ranking military officer under General Cheng Nangjia; controls the ground forces of the Republic. The main political opponent of Cheng Nangjia; very popular in the military with subordinates and counterparts.

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