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Missiles over Mandalore


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OOC: Right. And then you get off telling me where my villages are. Seriously, is this how you people get your kicks? I'm not going to recognize that as a legitimate move. Where did your soldiers come from? They can't just appear on the border. They'd have to move through Nod or UMS.

OOC: He borders you.He wouldn't need to go via UMS or NoN

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OOC: Right. And then you get off telling me where my villages are. Seriously, is this how you people get your kicks? I'm not going to recognize that as a legitimate move. Where did your soldiers come from? They can't just appear on the border. They'd have to move through Nod or UMS.
OOC: He borders you.He wouldn't need to go via UMS or NoN

OOC:^ This. I did state that I drove them to the border, unloaded them and sent them on their way. And the villages correspond to the ones IRL unless they have been destroyed or some other force has occurred to ruin them.

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OOC:^ This. I did state that I drove them to the border, unloaded them and sent them on their way. And the villages correspond to the ones IRL unless they have been destroyed or some other force has occurred to ruin them.

OOC: My region was war-torn for some time. And did you seriously look at the map to make sure? have you got nothing better to do than pick on the new guy?

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OOC: Regardless. What the hell? Have you got no life that you actually invade me for no reasons?

IC: The troops were immediately engaged by Mandalorian guards.

OOC: Nope not really. :P. Besides Its just a raid No Intention of staying :D

IC:The Libyan Troops quickly took cover, returning fire on the Gaurds. 1 Group Engaged the troops, while 2 Group tried to pull around to outflank the Mandalorian Guards. Gunfire sounded as 1 Group open fired on the Maladorians and mobile Mortar groups started opening fire.

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OOC: Nope not really. :P. Besides Its just a raid No Intention of staying :D

IC:The Libyan Troops quickly took cover, returning fire on the Gaurds. 1 Group Engaged the troops, while 2 Group tried to pull around to outflank the Mandalorian Guards. Gunfire sounded as 1 Group open fired on the Maladorians and mobile Mortar groups started opening fire.

20 Mandalorians were killed within the first few minutes. The patrol opened fire on the troops attempting to outflank them, while the other officers focused fire on the Mortar groups.

OOC: You may want to RP damages.

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20 Mandalorians were killed within the first few minutes. The patrol opened fire on the troops attempting to outflank them, while the other officers focused fire on the Mortar groups.

OOC: You may want to RP damages.

3 Libyan soldiers were killed in the opening exchange, with the Motar team constantly on the move to new cover after they fired a shell. The Libyan Machine Guns opened fire on the Guards, Trying to kill any police officer alive. 2 Group left a detatchment of 50 people to deal with the cops, while the rest continued.

OOC:Military Firepower > Police Firepower.

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3 Libyan soldiers were killed in the opening exchange, with the Motar team constantly on the move to new cover after they fired a shell. The Libyan Machine Guns opened fire on the Guards, Trying to kill any police officer alive. 2 Group left a detatchment of 50 people to deal with the cops, while the rest continued.

OOC:Military Firepower > Police Firepower.

OOC: Oh come on. 3 soldiers? If you killed 20, i killed at least 10. Can I ask again what your motive for this is?

IC: The police had radioed for further backup. 5 had been killed in the next attack, but they continued to fire on the fleeing soldiers, ignoring the ones left behind.

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OOC: Oh come on. 3 soldiers? If you killed 20, i killed at least 10. Can I ask again what your motive for this is?

IC: The police had radioed for further backup. 5 had been killed in the next attack, but they continued to fire on the fleeing soldiers, ignoring the ones left behind.

OOC: He is right. His men are using assault rifles and machine guns, your guys are using handguns. Generally, an assault rifle is more deadly than a handgun.

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OOC: Oh come on. 3 soldiers? If you killed 20, i killed at least 10. Can I ask again what your motive for this is?

IC: The police had radioed for further backup. 5 had been killed in the next attack, but they continued to fire on the fleeing soldiers, ignoring the ones left behind.

OOC:Ah no. Again Military > Police. And my motive can be loldongs.

IC:1 Group continued firing on the Police officers, losing a couple more soldiers. While 2 Group, seeing the Detachment has been ignored, turned and in conjunction with the detachment started encircling the chasing group opening fire on them as they encircled them.

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Let it be known, any non-Nod or UMS ship in Mandalorian waters will be immediately destroyed, no questions asked.

"You do not control the Red Sea in any form. Rebel Army and Novak control this sea, from the Suez to the mouth of the sea. If any Novakian ship is attacked in the Red Sea, it will mean a declaration of war upon Novak."

@The oil spill:

Novakian environmentalist groups begin protesting the Novakian government to aid in the oil spill clean up. Some Novakian environmentalist groups will be going to the area via boat of the oil spill to begin a massive cleanup. The President made the following statement:

"Novakian environmentalist groups will be risking their lives to aid in the oil spill clean up. I encourage nations in the region to aid in the cleanup of this devastating accident that affects every single one of us

EDIT Reason: Added in a response to the oil spill to avoid a double post

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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OOC: Yo, SOM, lets get to work... Mandalore is our mess and we need to take care of it.



From the Office of Nyani Oshibutu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Nation of Nod

"Due to recent actions and instability within the former UMS/NoN Protectorate currently known as 'Mandalore', the Ministry of Defence has deemed it necessary to send in forces to stabilize the region.

The previous NoN-Coalition Military Break-Through Forces (NoN-CMBT) that were recently withdrawn from Southern Egypt following the end of the Arabian War will be sent to Mandalore, with hopes of linking up with similar-minded UMS forces in a bid to cease all hostile contact against the vulnerable Mandalorian people.

While the actions of their National representative on the world stage may very well be slanderous, words alone do not warrant the deaths of countless civilians.

For obvious reasons, we shall view any hostile actions against our forces and the Mandalorians as a declaration of the start of hostilities between the belligerent nation and ourselves..."

-Nyani Oshibutu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Nation of Nod


120,000 NoN Elite Cadre, Heavy Infantry and Light Infantry have been deployed

5,000 x NDII Hunter Light Reconnaissance/Fast-Attack Vehicle

3,500 x NDII Thrasher SPAAG

1500 NoN tanks composed of

1000 x NDII Defender Heavy Tank

500 x NDII Devastator Super-Heavy Tank

500 x G6 EDIT: OOC: Because this happened b4 I declared my real arty in my FB :S

Also accompanying the armoured force is a 2000 strong force of NDII Chaperone Light Tank/IFV

Edited by Executive Minister
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Second Official United Mechodamian Statement

The United Mechodamian States does not sit idly by her words as people attempt to spit in our face.

First, Libya will remove any and all forces from the Mandalorian region. We know you have sent detachments and we are telling you to remove them immediately. If this deadline is not met, you will see tentative military action along your southern border. Your support for killing powerless civilians will not be tolerated, and we will make sure that certain people are punished for your aggressive actions. You reap what you sow, so we are telling you what is best for you in this situation. Period.

Second, the allegations against the Peoples' Republic of China launching a cruise missile attack on Mandalore is still under investigation. Our sources tell us that although it is possible, nothing is confirmed and could have been originating from a terrorist network. As per the Treaty of Douala, the Non-Aggression Pact between the United Mechodamian States and the Peoples' Republic of China is still under effect, as it will be for the duration of this investigation unless distressing details arise. We will not be going to war with the PRC, and the dual-controlled zone in Douala will remain under the terms of said treaty.

Third, the United Mechodamian States will be cooperating with the Nation of Nod and Mandalore in overseeing the defensive integration of forces within the area. As such, the agreed-to-DMZ is lifted by the United Mechodamian States, with pending acknowledgment from both Mandalore and Nod.

Fourth, any further attacks on Mandalore will be replied to in kind with a similar number of cruise missiles through an automated system. Yes, an automated system. As soon as our satellites and intelligence receive any reports of missile launches heading toward Mandalore, a missile will be sent in response to destroy that missile complex and a second will be sent to take out the closest available known military infrastructure. We are appalled by the targeting of civilians, and we will not tolerate anymore.

Fifth, any nuclear attack initiated by any nations will not be tolerated, and we will strike back in force, nuclear arms and all.

Sixth, any interference made by any uninvolved parties for the sake of agitating the situation and/or delaying humanitarian efforts will be seen as an aggressor and therefore be subject to salvos of conventional bombs.

Seventh, and of course lastly, any attack on the United Mechodamian States will obviously be seen as an act of war. This includes any attacks launched against our navy or any bases within Africa.

The terms above will be acknowledged and the aforementioned ultimatums to Libya and aggressive parties will be met within a day. If the aggressive actions of foreign nations do not cease within a day, that will be seen as a violation of Mandalore's sovereignty and will be seen as a direct declaration of war. We do not want war, but many nations have left very few options.


--//Encryption 930AH3W\\--

--//Decryption Negative\\--


The situation in Africa has begun to deteriorate and we are still investigating the allegations of PRC involvement in the murder of hundreds of Mandalorian civilians. As they are only allegations, and many allegations do occur in a nation's lifetime, we will still honor our NAP as we do believe that it is more likely to have been a terrorist attack. With that said, we request your assistance in the off-chance that the UMS is attacked via staged forces in Douala.

-Lord Prefect Zemunda St. George

//Top Secret\\

All cruise missiles have been placed on high alert and have been put on finalized standby position. Pre-launch codes have been authorized to be entered.

Standby Code: 83adne3941nd93
Post-Standby Code: 83nsna04rn103
Pre-Launch Code: 832nfknkda08342
Post-Prelaunch Code: u32nda34
Manual Prev. Code: [UNDISCLOSED]

All nuclear weapons have been placed on high alert and have been put on finalized standby position. Pre-launch codes have been authorized for entry.

Standby Code: 63429bidbf23
Post-Standby Code: 634iuhdif9732
Pre-Launch Code: 634ohdfw97832
Post-Prelaunch Code: 342cvd32
Launch Code: [UNDISCLOSED]

40,000 soldiers have been deployed to Mandalore for garrison duty. Specialized anti-aircraft teams will accompany all units along with mobile anti-missile defensive vehicles. 95,000 soldiers have been deployed along the Libyan border accompanied by 3,500 tanks of the 173rd Armored Division.

The RMF Alpha Fleet has been mobilized and is already in the Mediterranean Sea patrolling the northern shores for any crossing of the sea. They have been given expressed permissions to blockade Libyan ports if needed. The RMF Delta Fleet has been placed on high alert and is protecting UMS poprts.

The RMAF has been placed on high alert and all bombers have reported to their fail safe points and are awaiting further orders. These points are above international waters at high altitudes preparing to drop high-yield nuclear weapons on Libya, Furon, Caucasia, and Somalia Italiana. All other RMAF have been scrambled and are patrolling skies for signs of missiles and/or aircraft.

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