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Yay Mets and Francesca versus The Sweet Oblivion: Declaration of War


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It wasn't the majority! Obviously the polls were faked, and the electorate was bribed and brainwashed.

In Fran's little world she is always right!

I have the logs to prove it too:

Session Start: Tue Feb 10 20:57:20 2009

Session Ident: Francesca

[20:57] Session Ident: Francesca (Coldfront, SunnyInc)

[21:09] <Francesca> i have my own flaws, too.

[21:10] <Francesca> for instance, i am extremely proud and won't back down if i perceive myself to be in the wrong.

01[21:12] <SunnyInc> mmm

Priceless. I never get sick of that one. In spite of what Francesca would have you believe, the conversation leading up to that little submission does not alter its meaning or significance. Anyhow, I see little point in trying to reason with a person who is resigned to the belief that they are right because their ego can't afford to make a concession every now and then. My work here is done.

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Later Frannie, I do believe that you are the first of our many fans to actually show some courage of conviction and send your pixels down the road your mouth has plowed, for that I salute you and wish you well in the next life.

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You know there's a serious problem with a thread when the likes of Haflinger/Hal/Pansy/Tyga agree on something and elborrador/Poobah/KingPenchuk and now myself agree on something.

Fran - I know you know how I felt about you spying on MCXA, I remember we had a talk about it. No matter how you tried to justify it, no matter how you try and spin it off, spying on MCXA was the worst thing for it and it even being a minister doing it to them. You didn't save the MCXA, you hurt it and made it unstable. Don't deny that, accept your mistakes.

As for this war, well, I'll just say I've witnessed some of the most brutal things ever in Planet Bob. When the OoO got canceled, I thought nothing would top that. However those who were close to Polar before the war knew it was coming. But the stunt TSO pulled, was absolutely brutal in ever sense of the world. They left MCXA to go down for what TSO did as TSO laughed it up hiding behind TOP seeking refuge to grow. That to me was far worse than anything Francesca could have ever done. And to this day, it is the most brutal thing I have ever witnessed in Planet Bob.

So, Francesca, may your dance with TSO last forever. ;)

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You talk about competence in the video, but you can't even spell 'descent' correctly? Hmmmmmmmmm.

I'm going to go with: LOL! as a general response to this thread. I don't really understand what's going on or what you think you are doing, but you clearly have ish with TSO?

You remind me of a certain ex-senator from ODN known as Adeva Avatara. It would be freakin' hysterical if you two were the same person or even sisters, as it would explain your behavior, but even then.

Bravo. You made laugh. I mean, that was the point, right? This was all just a joke? Haha....ha?

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I have the logs to prove it too:

Priceless. I never get sick of that one. In spite of what Francesca would have you believe, the conversation leading up to that little submission does not alter its meaning or significance. Anyhow, I see little point in trying to reason with a person who is resigned to the belief that they are right because their ego can't afford to make a concession every now and then. My work here is done.

all i got out of this post is that she shares many qualities that TSO has as well, except she' not a coward and generally stands up for what she believes in...also she really has never bailed on someone to save her own skin.... Thinking about it a little bit she's nothing like you guys, she has a shred of decency (even if it is misguided)

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I am aware I was not part of these incidents and thus am not the most well-rounded person to speak. However, I thought it was important to provide my opinion above the midst of many people saying "thank Mod, the ^#$%# is dead" and a few saying "I LOVE YOU."

It is not my place to judge how much anger or desire a person can handle until they crack and do something crazy; it is different for different people. However, I think you can learn much from a person by what they would choose to do as their final act. A final act not only represents what you would like to do most with your last breath, but also the summation of your previous choices into some cohesive whole (or, if everything you have done was conflicting, then it will show your wish-washiness). What I see is that Fran, in my opinion, never forgot about TSO nor moved beyond the hate it caused. If her choice was to fight TSO in order to fight for what she believes in, then I think there couldn't be a better way to go out. Moreover, you have to question what exactly she believes in; I don't know nor will I pretend to know her thoughts.

I know this thread is a pretty big way to make her actions overtly public (or, as other says, 'attention-whoring). It is not uncommon for rogues, though, to do so. If it was any other rogue, would we call it attention-whoring in the same manner? I doubt it. It is only her history of such posts which inclines us to believe such a possibility but, arguably, if anything of these threads she made deserved to be, this one did simply because that it how a rogue makes their battle public. Obviously, doing so turned this thread into a massive cluster%@^# because making a thread public will always bring about a public reaction - a reaction which holds a large portion who dislike her and her actions. Think, though, not so much about what you disliked about those threads or how ignoble you thought them to be, but judge this thread on the measure of its actions. Again, I think standing up for what you believe and fighting for a principle is worthy of some respect regardless of what you believe. Therefore, I give my respect to Fran for taking this course as a person who followed through on their words. This sounds elementary, but it's very easy to talk the talk but never walk the walk; to do something rather than just complain.

Finally, remembering some of Fran's other threads and posts, I hope she will learn from this experience and, if/when returns, will not repeat the mistakes she has before.

Edited by Eamon Valda
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i believe their actions speak louder than words on that issue, and their actions are that of 3rd graders who don't quite know what tact is yet. Since then they've done nothing to prove that they have tact, intelligence, or any sense of decency.

As i stated originally, the only thing that sucks about this issue is that Fran doesn't have nukes and a huge warchest.

Would you mind outlining precisely the actions that my alliance and I have done that are tactless stupid and indecent since our formation?

Edited by Micky Jo Harte
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You know there's a serious problem with a thread when the likes of Haflinger/Hal/Pansy/Tyga agree on something and elborrador/Poobah/KingPenchuk and now myself agree on something.

Fran - I know you know how I felt about you spying on MCXA, I remember we had a talk about it. No matter how you tried to justify it, no matter how you try and spin it off, spying on MCXA was the worst thing for it and it even being a minister doing it to them. You didn't save the MCXA, you hurt it and made it unstable. Don't deny that, accept your mistakes.

As for this war, well, I'll just say I've witnessed some of the most brutal things ever in Planet Bob. When the OoO got canceled, I thought nothing would top that. However those who were close to Polar before the war knew it was coming. But the stunt TSO pulled, was absolutely brutal in ever sense of the world. They left MCXA to go down for what TSO did as TSO laughed it up hiding behind TOP seeking refuge to grow. That to me was far worse than anything Francesca could have ever done. And to this day, it is the most brutal thing I have ever witnessed in Planet Bob.

So, Francesca, may your dance with TSO last forever. ;)

Here's something more for you to chew on.

A good portion of TSO didn't leave because they disliked MCXA. They left because of the asshattery and the division caused within the alliance. Why stay in an alliance when a loud minority makes your life a living hell everytime you log in? MCXA was a small, friend filled alliance that grew to be something much bigger. But like all large alliances, their way of government wasn't suited for rapid growth and some people just couldn't get past being nice about things and felt people deserved 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th chances of leaving and coming back all to the alliances detriment.

We didn't laugh when we left so get that straight first. I at least didn't. I knew what NC was trying to pull with his agenda and Francesca being a fangirl of his was just going to cause issues. I stated it before I even knew what those in TSO were planning on doing. I stated I would stay with MCXA. But then again, after the members of TSO left, NC was welcomed back with open arms as soon as it happened. I knew what was going on. It was that decision that made ME leave at least. I didn't want MCXA to fail and I don't hate them. I would be more than honored to aid them and fight along side them if the leadership divisions were ever reconciled. But I would be damned if I was going to be part of an alliance where a few didn't adhere to the rule of the charter and basically acted like they knew what was best for everyone regardless of what anyone thought. And then be rewarded for it.

NC and Francesca got what they wanted which was those that opposed them backed down/left. And what did they do? They figured it was actually going to be work to attempt to drive, for all intents and purposes, a couped alliance towards their agendas and found it easier to leave when they still had opposition. Too bad it took some in MCXA a little longer to figure out what some already knew.

Yes, it was brutal that TSO left. Maybe it would have been better if SAM and those in MCXA's government at the time simply said '$%&@ it' and disbanded the alliance. But then again, the intention was NOT to destroy MCXA. I have never once seen anything posted stating immediatly after TSO's formation that they wished MCXA ill. That was formented afterwards and stoked by those not even involved with either alliance here on Bob through the various threads.

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