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Your Dream Alliance


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I look for an alliance that believes in supporting the right thing even if its not the popular thing. I also look for an alliance that allows its members to express themselves in the way they want and will back them up even when what they say is contrary to the alliance leadership's thinking.

STA fits both these requirements which is why I'm here.

You have a gold mine if your alliance does that!

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My dream alliance would be simply gargantuan, as in well over 2000 members and 40 million NS. This mega-alliance would have no treaties, no friends and no morals. They would march across Planet Bob, burning and killing as they go, enslaving the people of this game. We would instill so much terror that even the mods would bow to our will, and there would be no restriction on the evils we could perform.

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My dream alliance is:

One that has me in it

One where other members of the alliance send me 900 tech and 54 million in financial aid every month for free

One where I can get any trade, on demand

One where I can mock certain alliances I don't like freely without fear of reprisal

Maybe if you hadn't left you'd have gotten the job instead of Corathathsjhatthath.

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Welcome to 13.

Wow! What an unique forum you have there! Impressive.

You know, if there were a 'best forum' thread going on now, 13 would win.

Native American themed, clean, crisp visuals ... A dream alliance just might have a forum like this one.

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Wow! What an unique forum you have there! Impressive.

You know, if there were a 'best forum' thread going on now, 13 would win.

Native American themed, clean, crisp visuals ... A dream alliance just might have a forum like this one.

:o Aw thanks mate! Its taken a lot of work and there' a few adjustments to make but I really appreciate that!! :D

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What would you look for in your dream alliance? How does your current alliance fulfil those requirements?

Good government setup and a bunch of people I enjoy talking with. Current alliance is fufilling that mostly by putting all my non-CN friends into one alliance, along with some of my CN friends [and allies] retiring into us (Mixoux, Raiizn, Viking, Morey for a minute). Keeps it enjoyable.

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My dream alliance rankes average or poor in anything and everything, but the members don't care because they're always too busy talking nonsense and drinking, or just watching wall paint dry (that is why it rankes average or poor, by the way).

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Umbrella more than fills everything I look for in an alliance.

wouldn't it be "Umbrella more than COVERS everything..." ?

my dream alliance would:

not require any participation on the forums

pay me lotz of Dongz n' Techz

not get pissy or complain when i drop bombz on people for landz n' techz

back me up when stuff getz real

let me come and go when i need (for protection)

find me tradez

feed my goldfish

buy me pizza

... sorry, there's quite a bit of rulers out there with the above mentality, and seem to feel that the above is what an alliance is for. not in this thread, but we've all come across them ;)

on a more serious note:

my dream alliance disbanded :(

Edited by Gn0xious Jr
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