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Italy to begin enriching Uranium

Agostinho Neto

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A nuclear power plant in Italy

TORINO - The Republican Military Government announced today that Italy had begun removing seals at several nuclear facilities in the area of Turin. The Government stated that Italy intended to begin enriching uranium -- the critical step in making material for nuclear weapons -- a move some European countries have tried to prevent over the last month.

The enrichment of any uranium by Italy, even in small quantities, amounts to a significant ratcheting up of the tension between Italy and Molakia over its, until now dead, nuclear program. Italy has been warned that any enrichment of nuclear fuel will constitute a "red line" it must not cross. Longtime Italy observers are taken aback by the boldness of Italy's move.

"When we learned last week that Italy was going to resume some 'research and development' work in Turin, we assumed there would be some modest initial activity, such as the production of centrifuge components, but this is a much bigger step," said a foreign analyst. He added that mastering the operation in the North-West, an highly industrialized area, was a "significant milestone," giving Italy important experience in overcoming the technical hurdles of uranium enrichment that can be transferred to larger cascades.

Italy has maintained steadfastly its right to enrich uranium domestically, though it has promised to consider seriously a German proposal, when the two countries signed a technology pact, to establish an Italian-German joint venture under which Germany will enrich uranium for Italy's use in nuclear reactors it seeks to build.

Italy publicly confirmed today it would resume nuclear fuel research, but the decision to actually begin enriching uranium represents a much more significant step. Experts familiar with Italy's centrifuge efforts believe they can be made ready within days, but it could take more than a year for Italy to produce a sufficient amount of enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb, given its existing centrifuge capabilities.

The amount of time Italy will need to produce enough enriched uranium for a bomb depends on several factors, including the enrichment level of the uranium gas used in the cascade and the power of the centrifuges.

OOC: I've realized i'm in a trade circle with uranium

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Diplomacy is not a option against these facist scum. Nuclear Weapons cannot be allowed to states such as this one. If Italy wants diplomacy, they can halt all Nuclear Programs immediatly and come to talks. Otherwise, Molakia will step up and stop this before it becomes a threat to Europe.

We ask all Free men and women of europe to join us and stop these right wing nutjobs.

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Diplomacy is not a option against these facist scum. Nuclear Weapons cannot be allowed to states such as this one. If Italy wants diplomacy, they can halt all Nuclear Programs immediatly and come to talks. Otherwise, Molakia will step up and stop this before it becomes a threat to Europe.

We ask all Free men and women of europe to join us and stop these right wing nutjobs.

Here we have an interesting situation, where the country known for its isolationist policy (Italy), is being considered a threat to peace and stability by a country whose Defcon level resembles the Global Radiation Rate, it goes up and down everyday, regardless of the consequences (Molakia).. but yet Italy is considered a threat.

With your actions you are seeking to trigger a conflict on the European continent, breaking a peace that lasted for more than two months so far, while we have never made specific references to the production of weapons of mass destruction. In fact, the official position of the Italian Government is against the use of nuclear weapons, but does support the use of nuclear technology for civilian purposes, like energy and research.

We know our ideas are not popular in the rest of the world, but we beleive in the auto-determination of peoples, and if our people support the regime, then no other nation has the right to impose another form of government on them. Italy is a free country: free from war, free from poverty, free from radiations.

The rest of Europe must recognize Borghese's regime as the most stable and efficient government to ever rule in Italy after the collapse of Gebiv. We rebuilt this country from a scratch: infrastructures reached levels of a first world country, cities and countrysides have been cleaned from radiations, we have stable trade agreements, a fully developed technology trade market, a solid economy.

We have succeeded where others have failed.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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Diplomacy is not a option against these facist scum. Nuclear Weapons cannot be allowed to states such as this one. If Italy wants diplomacy, they can halt all Nuclear Programs immediatly and come to talks. Otherwise, Molakia will step up and stop this before it becomes a threat to Europe.

"If you want to see a real nuclear threat, continue on your course of action. It will not be pretty."

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Molakia will retaliate against any nuclear strike to our lands in kind. We will not stand down.

"So be it. Consider this a Declaration of Protection on Italy. Any aggressive act on Italy will be considered an aggressive act on Carthage. You've been warned."

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We will take that under consideration.

We have. Molakia will continue to Mobilize for war and gather what we can. The Goverment is now enacting Protocols to move and seperate the Ruling Family from the capital. Molakia's SDI has gone online aswell.

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We will take that under consideration.

We have. Molakia will continue to Mobilize for war and gather what we can. The Goverment is now enacting Protocols to move and seperate the Ruling Family from the capital. Molakia's SDI has gone online aswell.

"I will not allow Molakia to bring a war to Europe again. Your capital is incredibly close to Finnish boarders, that means there is a chance residual radiation could cross into Finland because of a conflict YOU started. Back down now and solve this with DIPLOMACY." -President Uberstein



15th Mechanized

14th Infantry

13th Infantry

12th Infantry

11th Infantry

10th Mechanized

9th Infantry

8th Infantry

2nd Infantry

Have been moved to defensive positions on the Molakian boarder.

OOC: I can show a picture of my troop positions cause I use Google Earth to map divisions. :P

Edited by BaronUberstein
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We will not enter Africa. Italy is our Target.

We Strongly advise Finland against mobilizing against us. Satalites have a tedency to pick up massive Movements.

We are mobilizing for DEFENSE. You are bringing war to our region of the world because of your war mongering and your attempt to police the world. We will do what we must to defend Finland.

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We second and then third - or more - the sentiments expressed by several other nations. We will not allow Molakia to destabilize Europe, nor Italy's sovereignty to be trampled. An attack from Molakia on Italia will be considered an attack on Germany in this context.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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Interesting how fast the nations of the world threaten war. Perhaps this is a sign that our world leaders are trigger happy?

OOC: I think that's kind of stating the obvious there.

IC: Molakia, there is no need to actually destabilize Europe over the fact that Italy is enriching Uranium. They do not have the technology to build a Nuclear bomb.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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We will not enter Africa. Italy is our Target.

The Strait of Gibraltar is closed to Molakian ships of all kind. Military ships will be shot at if attempting to enter the straits. Civilian ships or military-owned non-warfare ships will be turned away or shot at after a proper, clear, repeated warning.

Have fun violating the territories of five or more countries to reach Italy.

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Then you say that if they did build a nuclear bomb this would justify a war against Italy, which paradoxically may actually get them to use the bombs if they're defeated with conventional warfare?

That's the same as saying "It's fine if they have no nukes, but if they do have one, I wish them to use the nukes"

Lastly, each and every country has a right to develop their nuclear weaponry without being policed.

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"I will not allow Molakia to bring a war to Europe again. Your capital is incredibly close to Finnish boarders, that means there is a chance residual radiation could cross into Finland because of a conflict YOU started. Back down now and solve this with DIPLOMACY." -President Uberstein

You would support a regime such as Fascist Italy?

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"We support Finland and Germany in this matter. It will be irresponsible and destabilising for Molakia to attack Italy; while we disagree with the policies of the Italian government, the quick resort to armed - and possibly thermonuclear - conflict at our borders is not acceptable. Molakia should address its concerns via diplomatic means."

This will be a warning to Molakia. If a single Molakian troop or a Molakian orgin bomb touches African soil we will not hesitate to act against you. That is all.

"Likewise, the presence of African military on European soil will be considered a matter of grave concern to the French government. We see no reason for the Kingdom of Serca to insert itself into a potential conflict half a content away.

"We further consider threatening the use of nuclear weapons a highly belligerent act, and appeal to all sides to exercise restraint."

Edited by Teriethien
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