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Ursarkar E Creed

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This is one of those threads where about half way through you realize two things...1)This guy is definitely making it obvious NPO has never, ever had to apologize for anything (wholeheartedly). 2) Wow the times have changed. Whew.

I do want to say it was merciful of Grub to allow you to be free and unfortunate that you couldn't make it worth his time to have been so.

Edited by NorthernLights
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WHOOOOOSH! I'm not going to get into all that again, here.

Anyway, for anyone else that missed it, my point is that if we wanted to attack, EZI and disband Polar, why didn't we do it then? You can't say we would do that over a spy when we apparently orchestrated a huge war and got all our allies to attack Polar, and didn't bother to do it then.

You know what it's best not to argue with those that do not know what happened, or understand what happened.

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As much as I hate to shatter the image of us stomping anything that isn't emblazoned with the Pacifican black and blue, no. Just no. You people blame us for the war against Polar last year, and we didn't attack them then. But somehow now we would roll, EZI and disband Polaris at the drop of a hat? Come on.

Funnily enough, the logs in the Z'ha thread actually confirmed De Profundis as well as uncovering the spy. Life's not so bad without the blindfold on, honest.

Because he didn't show gratitude when you attacked him? Why not attack everyone who disagrees with things you do? Heck, just call your buddies in GOONS to do it for you, I'm sure they'd love to do another shark week.

This comment has already garnered more attention than it was worth, but I find it amusing that Pacifica mocks Polaris for being allies with GOONs. Oh the times, they are changing.

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This is one of those threads where about half way through you realize two things...1)This guy is definitely making it obvious NPO has never, ever had to apologize for anything (wholeheartedly). 2) Wow the times have changed. Whew.

I do want to say it was merciful of Grub to allow you to be free and unfortunate that you couldn't make it worth his time to have been so.

You do realise this isn't an NPO apology, and Ursarkar is no longer in NPO, right?

You know what it's best not to argue with those that do not know what happened, or understand what happened.

Are you reading my posts, or are you still off on your tangent? The latter, it seems.

Funnily enough, the logs in the Z'ha thread actually confirmed De Profundis as well as uncovering the spy. Life's not so bad without the blindfold on, honest.

Right, coz everything Zha said was purely objective and not serving his own agenda? Not the best reference to use. Anywayyyy, are you two deliberately misinterpreting my posts? I'm not talking about if we set up Polar or not. I am saying that it is ridiculous to say that we would roll, EZI and disband Polaris. Clear enough for you guys?

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Honestly, even with Grub losing patience, he has shown amazing restraint with Ursarkar. Urs, I still consider you a friend, and as a friend, please realize that the more you argue, the more trouble you cause for yourself.

Grub, thank you for not utterly destroying him and continuing to show restraint and wisdom in dealing with an issue that we went to war over.

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And I thought posts with no content were frowned upon. Care to actually say something, rather than making vague allusions to nothing?

I'll come out and say it then:

You guys lack the balls to properly come out here and either 1) Properly repudiate Ursakar and hailspam Grub like you should be, due to your own misplaced pride and I'm assuming humiliation at being dealt such a merciful act by Grub over spying on his alliance. An act which Pacifica has destroyed other alliances for perpetrating against itself. 2) Come out here and try and to show some spine and justify yourselves. Or deny it, or whatever it is you feel you really should be allowed to do but circumstances just won't allow.

Either show some nerve and make a post showing where you stand rather than try to futilely snipe at detractors, or just plain stop commenting. Because potshots really arent helping you right now.

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I'll come out and say it then:

You guys lack the balls to properly come out here and either 1) Properly repudiate Ursakar and hailspam Grub like you should be, due to your own misplaced pride and I'm assuming humiliation at being dealt such a merciful act by Grub over spying on his alliance. An act which Pacifica has destroyed other alliances for perpetrating against itself. 2) Come out here and try and to show some spine and justify yourselves. Or deny it, or whatever it is you feel you really should be allowed to do but circumstances just won't allow.

Either show some nerve and make a post showing where you stand rather than try to futilely snipe at detractors, or just plain stop commenting. Because potshots really arent helping you right now.

No, its not lacking balls. What you are seeing is what everyone wanted, Pacificans expressing their own points of view. And guess what, we don't all have the same brain.

This situation is complex for us in that Ursy was and is a friend, yet he messed up and did it badly. So yes you will see complex responses simply because its hard to just simplify it into rawr you suck or hail Grub.

Yes Grub has been merciful and for that I am grateful, but it still is going to hurt seeing a friend attack a friend.

Ursy did wrong and now he must be punished for it. As for the idea of us ever attacking Polaris, it is pure fantasy on some people's part. Because it would never happen.

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I'll come out and say it then:

You guys lack the balls to properly come out here and either 1) Properly repudiate Ursakar and hailspam Grub like you should be, due to your own misplaced pride and I'm assuming humiliation at being dealt such a merciful act by Grub over spying on his alliance. An act which Pacifica has destroyed other alliances for perpetrating against itself. 2) Come out here and try and to show some spine and justify yourselves. Or deny it, or whatever it is you feel you really should be allowed to do but circumstances just won't allow.

Either show some nerve and make a post showing where you stand rather than try to futilely snipe at detractors, or just plain stop commenting. Because potshots really arent helping you right now.

Hey, now we're getting somewhere. I'm not going to throw Ursarkar under the bus, I consider him a friend. That being said, if he was spying then Polaris is obviously right to seek to punish him. However, in my view Pacifica as a whole has nothing to repudiate. Ursarkar is no longer a member, and we did not send him into Polaris to spy. So do what you will with him.

But I think you misunderstand my purpose here Chron, I am here because the Ursarkar-Polaris issue is being used as a frame by third parties to join the crowd and spit on Pacifica. That's fair enough. But I'll spit back.

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I expect such Pacifican Comrades, who wish to comment in this thread primarily concerning matters of the New Polar Order to do so in a friendly and factual way. Especially the foreign relations of the NpO are not the topic here.

The line in your sig looks weird when it comes directly after the --- lines used to separate posts from sigs.

I just want to clarify the fact that Geoffron's opinion is most certainly not the official one of Pacifica but merely his own opinion.I don't think it's fair for it to be taken for anything else then that.

First of all, :lol1:

Now that I've got that out of the way.. You might want to remind me that WorldConqueror also has his own opinions becau... Oh would you look at that he's still going too. Blimey.

You do realise this isn't an NPO apology, and Ursarkar is no longer in NPO, right?

Are you reading my posts, or are you still off on your tangent? The latter, it seems.

Right, coz everything Zha said was purely objective and not serving his own agenda? Not the best reference to use. Anywayyyy, are you two deliberately misinterpreting my posts? I'm not talking about if we set up Polar or not. I am saying that it is ridiculous to say that we would roll, EZI and disband Polaris. Clear enough for you guys?

You do realize Ursarkar was spying FOR Pacifica, and simply expelling him once he's caught and hoping that it'll be him dealt with on his own and not the people lapping up the information doesn't excuse the fact that you guys seriously $%&@ed up here, and acting like it's completely this little retards fault doesn't help you one bit. You are seriously lucky Grub did only take action against Ursarkar as far as I can see and if I were you I'd be getting the hell out of this thread right about now.

Where have I heard the, 'Z'ha is lying to serve his own agenda!' line before? Hmmm... Oh THAT's right, it was just before this thread was made. Cortath's first job should be to appoint a new damage control go-to guy now that Z'ha'dum ain't there anymore, cause it doesn't seem like any of the other oldies are active enough to bother these days.

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I was astonished at seeing how Grub was being merciful!

Now that he ordered attacks because of the "inconsistencies" in Ursarkar's words, and that he threatened to extend the duration of the attacks because of Ursarkar's posts - well - now I see the Grub I know. :awesome:

Seriously, if it was "real" spaing, one or two weeks of attacks aren't an excessive response, though probably a symptom of the primitive state CN still is (and also an ineffective way of mending the damage, but I digress).

I couldn't for the life of me suggest anything else that Polaris should do at this point: overall it's a very respectable conduct of them.

I also suggest to Ursarkar to continue to talk as he sees fit, as his freedom of speech is more important than his Nation's NS. On the other hand, he should also think about the restraint that Polaris was willing to show about him: pride is something but impoliteness is another, and sometimes a bit of silence is more respectable than continuing to say things that are seen as "provocations" (again, the purpose being to act with justice and respect, not just out of fear).

I hope we'll soon see a significant improvement in this situation.

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Hopefully this thread is moving fast enough for this not to be a double post.

But I'll spit back.

I won't even bother to point out the hypocrisy in your, 'we were just accepting the information' line.. Welp, looks like I just did. Oh well.

When the winds blowing the way it is these days, spitting back is probably just going to end badly for you. You've got our spit in your eyes, you've got that random 2 year old over there that's dribbling enough that it's blowing into your eyes... There's probably one of those little cartoon thunder and lightning storms locked on you solely and so you've got that spit and maybe even a bit of hail all over you. You're saturated. I almost feel bad but then you go and get your own spit in your eyes and the only thing that's helping you right now, ironically enough, is the blindfold you've still got on.

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I was astonished at seeing how Grub was being merciful!

Now that he ordered attacks because of the "inconsistencies" in Ursarkar's words, and that he threatened to extend the duration of the attacks because of Ursarkar's posts - well - now I see the Grub I know. :awesome:

Seriously, if it was "real" spaing, one or two weeks of attacks aren't an excessive response, though probably a symptom of the primitive state CN still is (and also an ineffective way of mending the damage, but I digress).

I couldn't for the life of me suggest anything else that Polaris should do at this point: overall it's a very respectable conduct of them.

I also suggest to Ursarkar to continue to talk as he sees fit, as his freedom of speech is more important than his Nation's NS. On the other hand, he should also think about the restraint that Polaris was willing to show about him: pride is something but impoliteness is another, and sometimes a bit of silence is more respectable than continuing to say things that are seen as "provocations" (again, the purpose being to act with justice and respect, not just out of fear).

I hope we'll soon see a significant improvement in this situation.

Jerdge, I really don't know how you can stand there and be so two faced as to say that given all this stuff you said to me over what was basically the same scenario?

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You do realize Ursarkar was spying FOR Pacifica, and simply expelling him once he's caught and hoping that it'll be him dealt with on his own and not the people lapping up the information doesn't excuse the fact that you guys seriously $%&@ed up here, and acting like it's completely this little retards fault doesn't help you one bit. You are seriously lucky Grub did only take action against Ursarkar as far as I can see and if I were you I'd be getting the hell out of this thread right about now.

Where have I heard the, 'Z'ha is lying to serve his own agenda!' line before? Hmmm... Oh THAT's right, it was just before this thread was made. Cortath's first job should be to appoint a new damage control go-to guy now that Z'ha'dum ain't there anymore, cause it doesn't seem like any of the other oldies are active enough to bother these days.

No, he wasn't. He was spying FOR himself. He might have passed info on to Pacificans, but it was not Pacifican initiated, directed or controlled. I know you like to think that everything that happens anywhere was cooked up in the shadowy halls of Francograd, but unfortunately its not the case. If you were me then we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?

And what does that have to do with anything? Yes, we said it before, we say it now, and we'll say it in the future. I was unaware that saying something more than once automatically makes it untrue.

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Hopefully this thread is moving fast enough for this not to be a double post.

I won't even bother to point out the hypocrisy in your, 'we were just accepting the information' line.. Welp, looks like I just did. Oh well.

When the winds blowing the way it is these days, spitting back is probably just going to end badly for you. You've got our spit in your eyes, you've got that random 2 year old over there that's dribbling enough that it's blowing into your eyes... There's probably one of those little cartoon thunder and lightning storms locked on you solely and so you've got that spit and maybe even a bit of hail all over you. You're saturated. I almost feel bad but then you go and get your own spit in your eyes and the only thing that's helping you right now, ironically enough, is the blindfold you've still got on.

Oh wow, you're hilarious mang. Saying you won't do something whilst doing it then acting surprised is the epitome of cool. For true.

Anyway. So, because hordes of people like you have decided that Pacifica is the bad guy, I should just give up? Go home? Good attitude there buddy, I'm sure Argent is thrilled with your level of commitment. Unfortunately for you, I'll be here defending Pacifica from the attempted insults and witticisms of idiots for a long time yet. Also, its good to see the resurgence of the 'blindfolded/dumb/drone/brainwashed Pacifican' thing. Please, keep underestimating us.

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I'll be here defending Pacifica from the attempted insults and witticisms of idiots for a long time yet. Also, its good to see the resurgence of the 'blindfolded/dumb/drone/brainwashed Pacifican' thing. Please, keep underestimating us.

Worked last time.. And I'm sure Pacifica appreciates what you're doing for her. ^_^

Ok I swear this will be my last post tonight. It's just not fair anymore.

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Worked last time.. And I'm sure Pacifica appreciates what you're doing for her. ^_^

Ok I swear this will be my last post tonight. It's just not fair anymore.

Ah, the words of a man that wants to keep talking, but has run out of things to say.

Well, if you come up with any more points, you know how to find me.

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Worked last time.. And I'm sure Pacifica appreciates what you're doing for her. ^_^

Ok I swear this will be my last post tonight. It's just not fair anymore.

I for one appreciate the fact that my comrade may voice his own opinions on this. Just as I am allowed to voice mine. But I forgot, all this free speech none sense was only meant for those that are not Pacificans.

Guess there's no free world for us then.

Yes Ursy was a well loved comrade of ours, yes he screwed up and made a very bad mistake. But he did this of his own free will and without direction from anyone. He spied for himself, not for us. Try and dress it up any way you like, but the rantings of one rejected IO does not mean the holy truth.

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