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In defense of the Empire.

Maelstrom Vortex

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This will be the thread for the Dragon Empire and its allies to organize its forces. If you are contributing to the defense of the Dragon Empire or its allies from the alliance organized around Tahoe please note your deployments and the route they took to get to their deployment zones.

Dragonisian forces defending India:

120,000 Troops, allocated along the coasts in relatively even dispersion, but particularly around beaches as part of highly mobile, motorized amphibious divisions.


5,590 Tanks distributed as attachments to the Mechanized Divisions.

Airforces distribution:

India and its islands:

2250 Fighters: F-60 Hellfires (75 squadrons), Bahamuts [sU-37 Berkuht equivalents] (75 Squadrons), Hydras [6th Generation fighters] (75 Squadrons)

1150 Bombers: Leviathans (EB-52H Equivalents), 115 squadrons

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: Might want to mark this as classified, BTW.

IC: ***Classified***

Transports, both air and sea, took off from various points along Promised Land's Western and Northwestern coasts. The first wave was bringing an estimated 50,000 troops and 500 armored vehicles, 350 of which were tanks.

As many of the transports as poossible were marked as civilian--and many were.

Thye aircraft promised in defense would, of course, simply fly there, accompanied by midair tankers to ensure they didn't run out of fuel in the flight.

It was pretty much a straight path toward India, though naval and air posessions of Golekh and Java were respected in the transit.

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Classified to the DE:

While we will not be getting involved militarily, seeing as we will be squashed like bugs, we will help in other ways. We will keep the Karakoram Highway open to DE forces, should they need to evacuate the Baloch Province. Also, if you need weapons of any sort, our land borders can safely facilitate their movements.

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Classified to DE:

From: HRH King Raymond II

To: Vortex

CC: Field Marshal Icart, AM Barrett, SM Corradi

This is what we have:

75000 troops, 3000 tanks. 11 total divisions under the command of Major Gen. Derek Morella

The First, Second and Fourth Fleets of the Royal Navy, under the command of Rear Admiral Dominick Givhans. 40 ships in total, including three carriers, and three destroyers.

60 fighters, 20 interceptors and 15 bombers under the command of Lt. Gen Danica Rauffmann.

Let us know when you need to unleash. We may be able to intercept across the Pacific, and quite possible surround them where they would have no way out except death.

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The Royal Cochin Defense Forces realizes that Caucasian Front would be a prime invasion route for the American forces.

Deployments to Caucasian Front would be :

1st Shock Army Division, 2nd Shock Army Division, 2 ACR, 3 ACR and 4ACR, 3rd Mechanized Division, 4th Mechanized Division, 1st Infantry Regiment and 2nd Infantry Regiment , a total of 483450 soldiers using 2750 T100s.

Cochin shall deploy 5, 7 and 8 Mechanized Divisions and 1 and 3rd Airborne Divisions to Dragonisia to support its defenses.

The Tenth Infantry Division is stationed in Bosaso. 8th ACR and 2nd Airborne Division is stationed in Baloch. 7th ACR and 4th Infantry Division has been deployed to Gangothri. 1,2 and 6th Mechanized Divisions are currently in Protectorate duty and would form theater reserves.

Rest of Royal Cochin Army shall remain in Cochin as theater reserves.

Royal Cochin Air Force shall operate out of its regular Forward Air Bases which would be open to all allied air forces.

If requested Cochin shall deploy additional air assets to Dragonisia.

Royal Cochin Navy is deployed as two Battle groups to defend Indian Subcontinent.


Battle Group 1 - Carrier Task Forces: TF01, TF03, TF06

Cruiser Task Forces: TF10, TF11, TF12

Second Submarine Squadron

Battle Group 2 - Carrier Task Force : TF02, TF05

Cruiser Task Forces: TF14, TF15

First Submarine Squadron

Task Force 07 (Cruiser) is deployed at Bosaso, Task Force 13(Cruiser) and Task Force 17 (Marine) at Gangothri, Task Force 04 (Carrier), Task Force 18 (Marine) at Vladivostok. Task Force 23 (Submarine) containing one of RCN's Missile submarines is currently sailing in Atlantic Ocean avoiding detection from all hostile forces.

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India and its islands:

2250 Fighters: F-60 Hellfires (75 squadrons), Bahamuts [sU-37 Berkuht equivalents] (75 Squadrons), Hydras [6th Generation fighters] (75 Squadrons)

1150 Bombers: Leviathans (EB-52H Equivalents), 115 squadrons

OOC: Mael the max amount of aircraft you can buy IG is 105 which equals your squadrons, how in the world are you fielding 340 squadrons? And your IG aircraft is at 0 I believe, and you have to have the air craft IG to have them RP, not so much soldiers and tanks, but for navies and air power yes. If you can explain that, then we're fine. But that number I don't believe is possible, sorry.

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The Empire will send the 1st, 2nd and 8th Armies, a total of 90 planes, 69,000 soldiers, and 600 tanks to assist our friends. Currently the 1st and the 2nd are deployed to Scotra and the 8th is stationed in the Northern part of our Burman territory. We can offer three squadrons of fighters not attached to any specific army to assist in defense. More forces may become available later. We can move our forces to wherever they are needed. The 1st Army is made up almost exclusively of our most elite units, the Imperial Knights.

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Classified to DE

We have gathered intel on the naval movements on the Pacific end. TWe believe that they will attempt to go through the Straits of Sulawesi. If this is true, we may be able to shut down their Pacific advance AND quite possibly put PRC in a position where they would have to help us.

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"Zargathia will allow its borders to remain open during this conflict for any noncombatants that wish to escape the war, though its port will be closed to all ships sailing under Dragon Alliance flag, as we lack the naval forces to guarantee their safety."

*** Private message to DE ***

"...Emphasis on 'sailing under Dragon Alliance flag'... We have several trade treaties with neutral nations, last we checked."

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To: Tidus Wilhelm.

Subject: Allies

It seems a number of your former allies have taken the easy way out, rest assured that Zargathia will not. We are fully prepared to grant you and your family full political asylum within our nation if required, and any documents you bring with you will be marked as classified to the highest clearance level available. The same would apply to temporary accounts for Dragonisian money to keep it out of Tahoean hands.

We understand these decisions can not be taken lightly. However, we urge you to respond in a timely manner concerning whether and to what extent you would like to make use of what we can offer, so that our Secret Service may make the necessary preparations.


Queen Amyante Tojinaru


Dragon Bloc member

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The movement of all those troops could not be taken swiftly. Unfortunately, it was not swift enough to prevent the crumbling of the Dragon Empire. The few thousand troops that were there were unsure what do do, and the ones still in transit held their position in the middle of the sea, also unsure of what should be done in the midst of such a growing crisis.

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OOC: I find that I must figure out where Cochin lies in the dragon empire, with the empire dissolving I can not figure out whether or not I still border it which is information that I need to know immediately for me to post anything.

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The 5, 7 and 8 Mechanized Divisions and 1 and 3rd Airborne Divisions which had been deployed to Dragonisia for its defense have currently halted their movements after reaching Ratnagiri. They shall hold their positions until further developments.

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The Royal Minilla Island Navy are standing by on the north coast of the country. The Second and First Fleets are on the southern coast, the Fifth Fleet is standing by on the West Coast of the nation. The Sixth Fleet is awaiting the arrival of the AMerican fleet. We are awaiting Promised Land's Navy to rendezvous at the southern end of the Strait of Sulawesi. The game plan is the Sixth Fleet will follow the American Navy into the straits of Sulawesi, the Fifth Fleet will narrow the strait to force the Americans to as close to the 3 mile limit of Borneo as possible, even forcing the Americans into Borneo waters. The Second, Firat and PL Fleets will plug the southern end of the Straits. The American Fleet will not be able to get through. Anything that does, will be met by the Fourth Fleet, and whatever is chasing them.

In plain and simple English, We will cause them great hurt. Any naval support from elsewhere to join with the Fourth Fleet will be welcomed.

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 To Maelstrom 
For physical reasons we can not assist you 
in your defense. We are very sorry at the outcome 
of our decision,however we really had no
control over the evolution of the situation.
-Regards Frederick Relex

OOC: reason as to why, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=70310

Edited by Jerahoam
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"To those of you few loyal who would rally to the defense of a friend or ally, thank you. I must inform you now though, of our intent to surrender. Having suffered such a high rate of defection among even those we have considered dearest to our people's hearts, we have no choice now but to beg for the mercy of our assailants. Never in the history of this world, have I seen so many betray those by which they shed blood in mortal combat. This is something I consider to be a true travesty. I am resigning my post as the Chairman of Dragonisia. I feel that the situation my state finds itself in is mostly my fault. In my efforts to do great things to the world, as had my uncle, I have fallen to be but a speck in his shadow and I have put in great jeopardy his work. I have offered myself up to Tahoe as well as our state. I am pleading for a white peace, but if not granted, I will be completely surrendering. That said, remove your forces home and do not fight for us. There is no need for a needless sacrifice in the face of now overwhelming odds."

Tidus Wilhelm

Former Chairman of Dragonisian India

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Anthony Harlem, upon reading the communique, sighed. He wasn't sure what to think. To be honest, he'd been a little scared of the Dragons, but that was mostlya reflex action, a parent seeing a child become more powerful than themself.

He had never wished soimething like THIS to happen to the Dragons.


All forces currently deployed or being deployed in defense of Dragonisia are now returning home, and an announcement was made as to such.

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OOC: Sorry if this doesn't apply to me, I wasn't sure whether I'd receive this news or not.

IC: A man walked into the President's office. "Sir, I have grave news for you. The Dragon Empire has dissolved, and Tidus has resigned."

Nguyen collapsed. "My God, I've destroyed the Empire single-handedly! Without them, this war against the Reich will be nearly unwinnable!"

The Commonwealth of Texas News Channel

"This just in: rumors about the President are currently flying all over the place. They pertain to the resignation of Nguyen!"

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