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CNcore Public Announcement


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The Second Constitution for CN[cor]e:


We the members of CNcore do establish this Constitution for CNcore. We hold all rights of free men self evident and we establish this Constitution to protect all members within CNcore, to provide for the betterment of CNcore members, provide for all members in times of need, and fundamentally uphold the customs of every country that CNcore members may live in.

Article One:

The Bill of Rights

All members of CNcore have the unalienable right to display their religion free of retaliation, freedom of the press, freedom to have the right of peaceful assembly in protest of government actions, and the freedom to call on reform within the alliance that is CNcore.

All members of CNcore during a time of peace have the right to build and maintain a free and separate military entity from these nations that make up CNcore.

No member of CNcore government may force a nation into changing there military during times of peace.

No nation may be regarded as an enemy to the alliance unless proven otherwise with sustainable evidence proving there guilt.

Members of CNcore have the right to the freedom of self incrimination in cases by a trial of the CNcore government.

All members of CNcore have the right to a speedy and unbiased application process as well as a speedy and unbiased trial in the succession from the alliance.

All members of CNcore have the right to pursue nations owing monetary or technology in values more than twenty-thousand dollars or 5 technology levels.

No member of CNcore may be punished unreasonably or forced to pay an unreasonable fine.

The powers not given in this Constitution or Charter may not be exploited by the government of CNcore, all powers outside of government stay with the individual member nations of CNcore.

All rights not given in the Bill of Rights are hereby given to the member nations of CNcore.

Article Two:

The Heads of State

The Heads of State have the complete power in CNcore.

The Heads of State are the official Heads of CNcore.

The powers of the Heads of State are a God given right to the leaders.

The Heads of State will never be elected and the successors will be appointed by the previous Heads of State.

The initial Heads of State will be PIMPTOPIA and mteague93.

The Heads of State are CNcore’s official members of government and will always be apart of government through war and peace times.

The Heads of State will never have term limits.

Article Three:

The Presidency

CNcore will have a governmental role that will oversee functions of the alliance when the Heads of State are away.

The President will be the Commander in Chief of CNcore’s military as well as the head diplomat to other alliances.

The office of the Presidency will be instated when CNcore has a membership over five members at all times.

The President does not have the power to declare wars, sign treaties, ratify amendments to the Constitution, or act on a whole of the government of CNcore.

The powers vested in the president are the powers of writing of guides, overseeing departments, deciding quarrels in the House of Commons, overseeing the forums, and overseeing CNcore’s embassies on other alliance’s forums

The President will be appointed by the Heads of State and will never have term limits.

Article Four:

The Departments

To be an effective alliance, CNcore needs to have well educated Secretaries to handle day to day functions of these following areas of CNcore government

1a. The Department of Education

1b. The Department of Defense

1c. The Department of the Interior

1d. The Department of the Treasury

1e. The Department of State.

The Secretaries will be appointed by both the Heads of State and the President.

The Secretaries will have powers to maintain and evolve their Departments.

Each Department must follow regulations put upon them by the House of Commons.

All Secretaries will be replaced or reappointed every six months from the date of appointment.

Article Four: Section A.

Department of Education

The Department of Education will be run by the Secretary of Education.

The Department of Education has an obligation to educate all members properly and to the fullest of their extent to make sure we have a well educated and competent alliance.

The Secretary of Education will oversee the admission of new members into CNcore.

The Secretary of Education and their staff has the duty of all members of CNcore to write guides pertaining to the education and reeducation of all members.

The Head of State, mteague93, will aid the Secretary of Education in the running of this department.

Article Four: Section B

The Department of Defense

The Department of Defense will be run by the Secretary of Defense.

The Department of Defense has the obligation to protect all members of CNcore to the best of their abilities.

The Department of Defense has the right, with approval of the Secretary of Economics, to determine how an alliance War Chest may be built and then utilized upon during a time of war.

The Secretary of Defense has the right to assign nations to a certain division within the alliance military.

Under no circumstances may a war be declared by the Department of Defense unless approved by the Heads of State.

The Head of State, PIMPTOPIA, will aid the Secretary of Defense in the running of this department.

Article Four: Section C

The Department of the Interior

The Department of the Interior will be run by the Secretary of the Interior.

The Department of the Interior has the obligation to maintain the domestic tranquility of CNcore.

The Department of the Interior must maintain positive relations with all members of CNcore.

The Department of the Interior will have the obligation to make sure all member nations of CNcore are active on both the forums and on Cyber Nations.

The Department of the Interior must update members on all actions within CNcore.

Both Heads of State, mteague93 and PIMPTOPIA, will aid the Secretary of the Interior in the running of this department.

Article Four: Section D

The Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury will be run by the Secretary of the Treasury.

The Department of the Treasury must provide for the growth of the economic sector of CNcore.

The Department of the Treasury must provide ample opportunities for member nations to grow in tech deals and aid.

Any debt owed to CNcore from member nations will be determined and held by the Department of the Treasury.

Debt to other alliances will be held by the Department of the Treasury as well as the House of Commons.

The Head of State, mteague93, and the president will aid the Secretary in the running of this department.

Article Four: Section E

The Department of State

The Department of State will be run by the Secretary of State.

The Department of State must maintain peaceful relations to all alliances that own an embassy on our forums.

Sine the Department of State will likely be the first time they meet CNcore; the Department of State should be well staffed by honest and trustworthy members.

The Department of State will be in charge of all inter-alliance relations.

The Department of State will not be able to approve treaties, but the department will be able to write treaties to be approved by the Heads of State.

Both Heads of State and the President will be in charge of the Department of State.

Article Five:

The House of Commons

Article Five: Section One

No legislation from the House of Commons may strip the members of this alliance of any rights given in Article One of this Constitution. The right of all man shall and will be upheld in every act of legislation that comes out of the House of Commons.

Article Five: Section Two

Restraints on House of Commons Membership

Any meeting of the House of Commons must take place when CNcore has fifteen or more members.

The members within the House of Commons will be elected every four months from the first meeting of the House of Commons.

All members of the House of Commons must be in good relations with all members of CNcore to whom they are elected to work for.

Any member of the House of Commons may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the membership as well as a unanimous vote of the Heads of State and the President.

The five member House of Commons will elect a Speaker of the House out of the 5 members who will speak for the house in all government meetings.

Article Five: Section Three

Legislation Restraints

No legislation may be passed by the House of Commons restraining the action of the Heads of State and the President.

The House of Commons may pass legislation regulating the Secretaries or limiting the powers there of.

The House of Commons must follow all policies that the Heads of State and the President give.

Legislation must be passed by the House of Commons in a week after writing or the bill goes into a veto state.

Any bill that has been overturned by the Heads of State can not be re-passed by the House of Commons.

The House of Commons must always follow the legislative wants of the members.

The legislation that comes out of the House of Commons must be approved by the President or the Heads of State.

Article Six:

Powers invested in the Court of CNcore

The Court of CNcore will be the President and the Heads of State.

The Court of CNcore will have final say over all matters internal and external to CNcore.

All cases of judicial reason will be brought to the Court of CNcore.

The Court of CNcore has the power to over turn all legislation, policies, end treaties, and declare peace solely based upon the decisions of the Court of CNcore.

Article Seven:

Rights to be a Member

1. Members of CNcore must pledge at least one month's allegiance to CNcore or face consequences that shall be decided by the Heads of State, the Secretary of the Interior, and the President.

2. All members of government must pledge at least three months allegiance to CNcore or face consequences that shall be decided by the Heads of State.

3. These consequences may NOT include an act of nuking a nation, or putting a nation on any sort of ZI list

Article Eight:

Military Positions

Article: Eight: Section A

Tech Raiding

1. Tech Raiding is prohibited by any nation unless they have received a formal permission for signed by the President or a Head of State

2. Tech Raiding is hereby classified as attacking another nation for the sole purpose of stealing their technology levels.

3. Tech Raiding illegally shall not be tolerated, and the Heads of State reserve the power to determine the punishment in any particular Raiding case.

Article Eight: Section B

Code Black

1. In the case of a code black, the department of Education and the Department of the Interior shall be under direct control of the Department of Defense

2. Only the Heads of State, or the President call a code black

-During a code black the Department of Defense shall report only to the Heads of State

3. The Department of State and Treasury shall report only to the President who shall report on their status to the Heads of State

4. The Department of the Treasury shall communicate with the Department of Defense, so that we may have a large enough war fund

5. The Department of State shall communicate to our allies about our situation and shall be in charge of asking for aid

6. War structure shall be decided by the Secretary of Defense, but must be approved by the President

Article Eight: Section C


7. Spying is hereby defined as the act of releasing classified documents, war strategies, and information that is considered important by any of the Secretaries, Heads of State, or the President, without permission

8. Any act of spying shall be punished using force. The extent of such force shall be decided by the Heads of State.

Article Eight: Section D

Nuclear Policy

All members of CNcore have the right to own nuclear weapons.

Under no circumstances shall nuclear weapons be used without the permission of the Court of CNcore.

Nations under attack from nuclear weapons must report the attacks to the Department of Defense.

Article Eight: Section E

Eternal Zero Infrastructure and Permanent Zero Infrastructure

1. CNcore does not and will not allow any member nation to enact such laws upon other members of Cyber Nations without permission of the Court of CNcore.

Article Nine:

Disbandment of CNcore

CNcore’s complete government (Court of CNcore, Secretaries, and House of Commons) must come to a unanimous vote to disband CNcore

Article Ten:

Amendments to the Constitution

Any member of CNcore may propose an amendment to the Constitution.

Any amendment will go through a two week debate and discussion period.

After two weeks of discussion the amendment will be voted upon by the whole government of CNcore.

The government must come to a two-thirds vote on any amendments to the Constitution.

Article Eleven:

Replacement of the Charter

1. This Constitution legally replaces the Charter and the first Constitution of CNcore.

Signed by:

mteague93, Head of State

PIMPTOPIA, Head of State

Andor, First President of CNcore.

When Pimptopia and I declared our alliance earlier this month we knew the Charter wasn't perfect or the greatest document to run an alliance. So for the past few days the high government of CNcore has been putting together the right document for our alliance, and we feel that this document is it. We value you opinion so please tell us how you feel or what we can do differently.


mteague93, CNcore Head of State

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