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DOW against the nation of Durettehiopia


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Quick observation if I might...sorry people, but I'm going to have to take a contrary point of view.

Since Supreme Overlord Du attacked you in a "raid" and MASH chose to back him up, it would seem that you actually did fairly well in the game. You now have good trades, several wonders, a 20 nuke stockpile. Indeed, it would be fair to say that you are actually prosperous. That Supreme Overlord Du was a "richard" to you, there is no doubt. Players like him probably deserve a good ZI...or two. That MASH backed him back then as you suggest reflects very poorly on them as well.

But let's be clear on the subject...from what I can see, you're quitting because you're bored or found something you've decided is better to do with your time. You are no better than 100 other people who leave here pissing on other players' nations (players who...who, btw, want to actually continue playing) claiming they are looking for "payback". Congratulations.

Whether he is bored or not with the game I could careless, he is using what he built to revenge those who did harm. I believe we just had a huge war over this, of course their was a separate CB involved.

I see nothing wrong with leaving the game with a bang, especially those who raided you and never offered an apology.

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I've never raided in CN and don't intend to start but I dont have any problem whatsoever with others doing it. This is, in a round about way, a war game after all. That being said, when someone looks for trouble, they shouldn't be suprised when they find it. Even if it is several weeks or months later.

Been nice playing with you JB. Thanks for sending me the link to this God forsaken game over a year ago. I owe my staying so long to you and a select few others. The rivalry we had, passing each other back and forth in strength was alot of fun. Too bad you finally weren't able to keep up. ;) I'll miss you around here dude. See ya in RL!

Bombs away!

Edited by Rude Land
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I support MASH and their member in their war against you.

I also wish you luck in your final war and in RL. May you have as much fun with your nukes as I have had with mine.

All that said, I must admit that upon reading this topic I did check your nation to see if you were in range. You are, but sadly your defensive slots are taken. I can only wish that those who war against you are not the best so that I may get some action as well.

Farewell and have fun!

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I've never raided in CN and don't intend to start but I dont have any problem whatsoever with others doing it. This is, in a round about way, a war game after all. That being said, when someone looks for trouble, they shouldn't be suprised when they find it. Even if it is several weeks or months later.

Been nice playing with you JB. Thanks for sending me the link to this God forsaken game over a year ago. I owe my staying so long to you and a select few others. The rivalry we had, passing each other back and forth in strength was alot of fun. Too bad you finally weren't able to keep up. ;) I'll miss you around here dude. See ya in RL!

Bombs away!

yeah, we did go back and forth on nation strength. that was fun until this guy decided to "tech raid" me. after that I never could catch back up to you and a few others. That was fun. don't tell your wife I got you involved, she wouldn't appreciate me for that. lmao.

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I support MASH and their member in their war against you.

I also wish you luck in your final war and in RL. May you have as much fun with your nukes as I have had with mine.

All that said, I must admit that upon reading this topic I did check your nation to see if you were in range. You are, but sadly your defensive slots are taken. I can only wish that those who war against you are not the best so that I may get some action as well.

Farewell and have fun!

you might want to go to def 1 before making a statement like that. I'm the type that might just attack you for supporting MASH. :-P I won't though, I'll have my hands full with the other wars and I hate to spread myself too thin.

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In normal situations, such if this the OP was a rogue or someone who normally went around attacking nations, I would agree with Hal. But attacking a raider who went to far is just fine in my book, even if you're on your way out.

Agreed! Give'em hell and take them all down with you, raiders who go to far deserve a taste of their own medicine.


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Not knowing all the facts and details of the case I shall reserve judgement, however if the story is indeed as you present it, then it does indeed sound as if this is a case wherein nuke roguery is certainly justified (one of those rare times).

I just hope that while on your war out you punish someone for being impolite, that you remember your own etiquette and inform your trade partners that you intend to leave the game and they should be looking for replacement trades in XX days. (nothing worse than havign trad epartners up and delete with no warning).

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Not knowing all the facts and details of the case I shall reserve judgement, however if the story is indeed as you present it, then it does indeed sound as if this is a case wherein nuke roguery is certainly justified (one of those rare times).

I just hope that while on your war out you punish someone for being impolite, that you remember your own etiquette and inform your trade partners that you intend to leave the game and they should be looking for replacement trades in XX days. (nothing worse than havign trad epartners up and delete with no warning).

I really haven't even thought of that, but I'm glad you brought that to my attention, I'll message them right now. Nothing worse than having trade partners drop without warning.

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Shouldn't be to hard. Just move to 'none' colour if you were to get sanctioned and offer some secret trade requests to random people :)

As for the so called techraiders who declared on him: either they are very stupid (raiding someone with nukes) or they decided to get involved in this reaction of a way to aggressive techraid. Pathetic is the only word that describes them

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Quick observation if I might...sorry people, but I'm going to have to take a contrary point of view.

Since Supreme Overlord Du attacked you in a "raid" and MASH chose to back him up, it would seem that you actually did fairly well in the game. You now have good trades, several wonders, a 20 nuke stockpile. Indeed, it would be fair to say that you are actually prosperous. That Supreme Overlord Du was a "richard" to you, there is no doubt. Players like him probably deserve a good ZI...or two. That MASH backed him back then as you suggest reflects very poorly on them as well.

But let's be clear on the subject...from what I can see, you're quitting because you're bored or found something you've decided is better to do with your time. You are no better than 100 other people who leave here pissing on other players' nations (players who...who, btw, want to actually continue playing) claiming they are looking for "payback". Congratulations.

Yes, indeed. Congratulations are in order, because now he's doing what he's wanted to do for some time, his assumed earlier attachment to the game being the only thing stopping him.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with his decision. He may not be any better than them, but he's certainly not worse than those that leave peacefully.

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Yes, indeed. Congratulations are in order, because now he's doing what he's wanted to do for some time, his assumed earlier attachment to the game being the only thing stopping him.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with his decision. He may not be any better than them, but he's certainly not worse than those that leave peacefully.

actually, the reason I haven't done anything before is because the alliance I was when he attacked me was too small to deal with M*A*S*H. I tried and tried to get them to back me up and fight, but they wouldn't do it. Too much talking on here. In my opinion we should have invaded his nation with our top three guys and beat him down as much as we could...... no nukes involved unless he used them. M*A*S*H should have stood by and watched it. He had done this before, and I'd be willing to bet its done frequently. there is a time for diplomacy and there is a time to kick some arse..... I felt this was a time to kick some arse.

btw, I had mixed emotions about posting on here, but I'm glad I did. I appreciate the support most of you have given. I really wasn't sure how this was going to be received.

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Shouldn't be to hard. Just move to 'none' colour if you were to get sanctioned and offer some secret trade requests to random people :)

As for the so called techraiders who declared on him: either they are very stupid (raiding someone with nukes) or they decided to get involved in this reaction of a way to aggressive techraid. Pathetic is the only word that describes them

Oh, I somehow mistook this for an IC forum as I was linked here and somehow misread which forum I was in. Well anyways this is what I replied:

Calling me stupid or pathetic, eh?

REALIZING this is not the first time the Empire of Superhate has raided a nation with glowing sticks that you call nuclear weapons.

REMEMBERING that the last time such an operation was carried out by the Superhateian military forces, SpaceOut Incorporated, it was profitable, hence that would negate the stupidity claim that time while this time is still open for interpretation depending on your belief in the profitability of this gamble.

HOWEVER the Empire of Superhate does not find much profit in raiding or war. Profit is fully irrelevant. The reason for this raid lies in killing soldiers for my entertainment. Sure, there's tech and land, but seeing those numbers just makes me glad. I hate them all, you see?

First and foremost I, Max Beck, Archon eponymos and Citizen of Athens, ruler and emperor of the Empire of Superhate, am practicing my right to raid other nations, who do not claim to belong in an alliance. Our marvelous charter, crafted by great people (excluding myself, I have no reason to praise myself), states that I may do so if I wish. And oh how I wish.

The Charter also makes clear some rules that make us all be happy llamas instead of sad llamas. Mainly that the Empire of Superhate should not use means of attacking other than two ground attacks followed by peace. If you believe that that is somehow morally wrong, then I believe it is time for you to change your morals, although I will not resort to calling you stupid or pathetic for thinking that the love of infrastructure makes it wrong to raid or whatever your subliminal message here really is and of course shall not attempt to force you to change the morals you have, empathizing that I simply believe you should change them.

EARNESTLY vowing to uphold the rules that us bind, Superhate is open for peace negotiations or just a simple cessation of hostilities with jbrinkley0826 should there be any chance for such a request be made.

FURTHERMORE Nusantara Elite Warriors (NEW) fought most honorably in the last great war and I do not find it appropriate to call a member of NEW stupid of pathetic. As if these insults against me and Gatotkaca were not enough, you actually say that mushi might be stupid or pathetic which is not even funny.

I shall not continue to rabble about all the things that are wrong about judging others ways to roam Planet Bob with their military by claiming that others who do so have lacking intelligence or that they are pathetic, furthermore claiming that there is no possibility that this is actually a raid and right out assuming it with no basis whatsoever and without really knowing those you criticize (unless you know mushi or Gatotkaca).

I'll be surveying the moon for a couple days before I return to rule my nation, let that be known so I am not thought of as somebody who will run away from a debate or fight. I have presented the truth as well as I can. The ball is in your court.


As requested by jbrinkley0826 a couple minutes ago, the Empire of Superhate will cease raiding operations for the duration of the "Experiment". We realize that this Experiment must be something really important and we, as scientists, wish for it to succeed, even if that means having less fun.

OOC: i'll be gone for the weekend so don't expect a reply before monday abouts; infra is overrated, and i'm bored cause it's rebuilding time. wrote this wall of text in a hurry so never mind the typos or inaccuracies kthx cya later

Edited by Max Beck
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I totally agree with your war, seems like a decent reason to declare on the guy. I do hope Supreme Overlord Du takes his responsibility and that M*A*S*H and his allies stay out of this war. Would be pathetic if they were to get involved :huh:

I don't really understand this.

I know that leaving an alliance during wartime is universally frowned upon, regardless of the justifications the nation makes. Why would an alliance abandoning a nation during wartime be much different?

You shouldn't join alliance you aren't willing to fight for regardless of consequences and personal feelings, and you shouldn't allow a member join the alliance if you aren't willing to do the same in return.

I know that an alliance is greater than the sum of it's parts, but I believe responsibility and loyalty should flow in both directions.

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Damn keeping a grudge since Janurary? Thats real hatred man.

You are going to pummel this guy. He has no SDI, no nukes, less tech, and a whole lotta infra and land about to go out.

If you tech raid, you will get what is coming to you. Have fun with your wars.


The strange thing is that I haven't heard a peep from him or M*A*S*H. He read the war declaration and hasn't read anything since. I guess when he saw that he had around 20 new messages..... and saw his nation in anarchy he knew what was happening.. maybe he led his people into some caves to wait it out. Not a word has been said though. I will continue to attack with full force until day 7.

The funny part is that one of the tech raiders attacking me keeps losing his battles and I'm getting over 1 million everytime he attacks... I thought about attacking back, but then he might stop. :-)

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Quick observation if I might...sorry people, but I'm going to have to take a contrary point of view.

Since Supreme Overlord Du attacked you in a "raid" and MASH chose to back him up, it would seem that you actually did fairly well in the game. You now have good trades, several wonders, a 20 nuke stockpile. Indeed, it would be fair to say that you are actually prosperous. That Supreme Overlord Du was a "richard" to you, there is no doubt. Players like him probably deserve a good ZI...or two. That MASH backed him back then as you suggest reflects very poorly on them as well.

But let's be clear on the subject...from what I can see, you're quitting because you're bored or found something you've decided is better to do with your time. You are no better than 100 other people who leave here pissing on other players' nations (players who...who, btw, want to actually continue playing) claiming they are looking for "payback". Congratulations.

How is that any frikken different than tech raiders pissing on 100 people who actually want to play the game?

I cheer the OP, you sir win!

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