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Monthly STA Press Conference


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What do you think of the purple Sphere? Of its changes , new alliances in purple/ recent awards? :)

Not much. Its members seem to spend most of their time informing the rest of the world of how united the sphere is which strikes me as an extremely dull boast. I've never seen the necessity of sphere unity, as long as neighbours can show a bit of common sense they can co-exist just fine without a bunch of treaties to say that they're united.

Apart from the Stickmen I'm unaware of any changes to the sphere, it has had the same setup for around a year and a half now has it not?

I didn't pay much attention to the awards although I've heard the thread became far more entertaining later on.

Edited by Uhtred
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What does Tygaland think of Londo Mollari, and if you had to rate him on how popular he would be in an American high school in a 1 to 10 scale (1 being chess club nerd and 10 being awesome quaterback) where would you place him.

My thoughts are pre-ocupied with food so I don't think about other alliance leaders. As for Londo's rating, I was thinking 5 but then realised he plays CN so I'll give him a 2.5.

Edited by Tygaland
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What do you think of the purple Sphere? Of its changes , new alliances in purple/ recent awards? :)

I have never really given the purple sphere much thought, to be honest. I tend to agree with Uhtred, way too much noise about unity when you really mean political uniformity. A lot of people tend to confuse the two. Alterego's comments about "outsiders" and the need to sign onto treaties with other purple alliances speaks volumes about what the purple team considers unity to mean.

That kind of "unity" is not required for a trading sphere to operate optimally. Commonsense and mutual cooperation with regards to trades and sanctions is all that is necessary to make a trading sphere welcoming and beneficial to nations and alliances on that team.

Looking at the purple team commentary, I now see where some on the white team get their ideas from when trying to browbeat alliances into conforming to their political viewpoint by way of embedded military pacts within "economic" treaties.

I have never understood why a simple forum for people to go to to set up trade circles and maybe tech deals is not sufficient as an economic "pact" on any team. No one has pointed out to me why anything more is needed either.

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Not much. Its members seem to spend most of their time informing the rest of the world of how united the sphere is which strikes me as an extremely dull boast. I've never seen the necessity of sphere unity, as long as neighbours can show a bit of common sense they can co-exist just fine without a bunch of treaties to say that they're united.

Apart from the Stickmen I'm unaware of any changes to the sphere, it has had the same setup for around a year and a half now has it not?

I didn't pay much attention to the awards although I've heard the thread became far more entertaining later on.

thanks for the answer :)

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As Planet Bob shifts towards a more bloc centric political scene, what are STA's opinions and feelings about C&G, Citadel, and SF?

Do you consider any other blocs to be major influences on the world stage?

Lastly, does FB have any plans on expanding before the end of the year?

How do you feel about my new ascension into the realm of Monarchy beside Moo and Archon? Do you think I am the right man for the job?

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Has the STA's view of Kronos changed since the weeks following the end of the Karma War?

I can't say I have seen much of anything from Kronos since then so opinions have stayed pretty much static.

Why is Tyga's avatar so hideous D:

If you cannot appreciate Bernard then you, sir, are a fiend.

As Planet Bob shifts towards a more bloc centric political scene, what are STA's opinions and feelings about C&G, Citadel, and SF?

C&G has lot in common with the STA and has shared many of the same trials and history as us. Two of our allies are in the bloc and they've been resolute and trusted allies since even before the treaties were signed. For me, C&G is a natural ally to the STA.

Citadel I find painfully slow in its decision making at times and we've had quite well documented disagreements with Citadel members during the last war over the direction the war was taking. The few interactions we have had aside from when we were thrown together in Karma have usually been based upon minor issues and those are usually (contrary to my opening statement on the matter) quickly resolved by both parties. Likewise with Citadel, SF is a bloc we have for the most part little to do with. We tend to keep to ourselves and so interactions are often minimal so I can't say we have a strong opinion either way.

Do you consider any other blocs to be major influences on the world stage?

At this stage, no. However, I'm sure as the next few months progress and we move even further from the Karma War other and possibly new blocs will become more prominent too.

Lastly, does FB have any plans on expanding before the end of the year?


How do you feel about my new ascension into the realm of Monarchy beside Moo and Archon? Do you think I am the right man for the job?

I think you could have found a better kingdom. :v:

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How do you feel about my new ascension into the realm of Monarchy beside Moo and Archon? Do you think I am the right man for the job?

I think you'll do an interesting job, as long as you keep reminding the world of your position, nothing should go out of hand. Expect the Hippy Federation or whoever they are to troll you as they have nothing better to do though.

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A Few Questions,

Your Views on Minor White Sphere Alliances?

Every trading sphere needs nations on that sphere to function so alliances whether they are large or small are assets to the white team.

The Adoption of Muse as the Official Rock band of White Sphere?

Negative on that one.

What is a STA well rounded Breakfast consist of?


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