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Return of the Reich

Otto Verteidiger

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Message to the Commonwealth of Texas

We would be willing to discuss peace terms under the follow three conditions,

1) The people of Texas be given the right to vote for the Reich in a new, fair poll.

2) You lay down your arms in Starr, Hidalgo, and Cameron counties and temporarily surrender administration of these provinces to the Confederacy of Mexico and her allies. Control will be restored after elections take place.

3) Any foreign military present in your country be evicted immediately.

Public Statement by Confederate Governor-General

We have offered a peace treaty to the Texan Commonwealth, a gracious one at that. The terms of the treaty are to be made public by the end of the day, for all nations to see. We feel that if accepted, it will restore peace to North America. If even one of our terms is not met, we will continue this war until the bitter end.

Edited by Oates
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*Private to TX*

We have a full battalion (256) of our Glory tanks ready to ship. If we can get Viniland to agree, we can have them shipped to you inside of a week via their protectorate areas. Total price: $765M, payment to be defered until the end of the conflict.

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"I guess that takes out the whole idea of a government elected from out of the populace. People make up a government and therefore governments are people. Unless of course you believe that the people are subservient to the state, which in that case, I can already tell where this faux-state is heading. Unbridled despotism."

-Z. Akhatova

"And which is the greater threat to the welfare of the proletariat? An educated, cynical, and self serving bourgeoisie supported by a broad equally serf serving gentry which manages their bureaucracy; or a detached and naive nobility who's status by nature creates disunity within the capitalist class? If I had to choose between the two i'd take the rule of an aristocrat over that of of the nouveau riche any day." - Thomas Crown, a representative of the Syndicate Coalition.

Edited by iamthey
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Public Statement by Confederate Governor-General

We have offered a peace treaty to the Texan Commonwealth, a gracious one at that. The terms of the treaty are to be made public by the end of the day, for all nations to see. We feel that if accepted, it will restore peace to North America. If even one of our terms is not met, we will continue this war until the bitter end.

"We are glad to see that Mexico has taken the initiative to begin peace talks, although we hope that these terms are actually fair to both parties, not just one."

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"No. Continue on with your rampage."

"War may be starting, but it is still possible to settle down and settle this matter peacefully, if all parties cooperate in peace talks."


"Alrighty then."

**News Channel 8 at Night**

"This just in! The Prime Minister of Disparu is quoted to have said, "I HATE BABIES!" and admitted to doing drugs while in office."

A picture was shown of snorting what looked like cocaine, but was actually just sugar the PM was smelling through a straw before putting it in his coffee.

"The Prime Minister also claimed that his tiny little nipples went to France. This reporter wonders if he's fit for office."

This report was broadcasted throughout the world.

OOC: Cookie to whoever can catch my two references. :P

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"A democracy and a representative democracy are two different things. And you all conveniently forget how good the people were treated under the Imperial Family rule - after all, they must all be despots and baby murdering rapists, right?"

"We'd expect no better of an illefgitimate sstate...The family in question massacred entire cities diuring their rule...does that sound like good treatment to you?"

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Public Statement by Confederate Governor-General

We have offered a peace treaty to the Texan Commonwealth, a gracious one at that. The terms of the treaty are to be made public by the end of the day, for all nations to see. We feel that if accepted, it will restore peace to North America. If even one of our terms is not met, we will continue this war until the bitter end.

We would put forth that you would be better off returning to the status quo ante before Texas walks all over you.

OOC: Did an IG check. I lol'd. Hard.

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I'd hope that the Government of Texas offers the Confederacy of Mexico similiar terms when they are drinking beers on a pile of Mexican bodies. What a total insult to the people of Texas. They already have voted on their leaders and the cowards of the former government already voted with their feet when they exceeded the speed of light in the process of fleeing for their lives.

TEXAS, Remember the Alamo!

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A message from the Foreign Minister

"The Confederacy will either begin withdrawing within 24 hours or Viniland will be compelled to declare war against the country and directly aid Texas. Same goes to the Imperial Union - any of their ships attempting to enter the Gulf of Mexico will be fired upon.

Our resolution remains the same - invading forces put their arms down and the status quo is restored, while Texas holds a new election to decide who their people support."

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Beg Pardon, but why exactly is Viniland attempting to dictate what vessels enter our sovereign waters? Being an uninvolved third-party we can't help but notice this is rather awkward.

The Federation cannot help but notice this as well. The Imperium of Man, Tahoe, and the Federation control the entrance to the Gulf, not Viniland. While your influence on the North American continent may be great, do not overstep your bounds on other nation's sovereignty.

In response to Viniland's claims, a twenty two ship fleet has been dispatched to patrol the Federation's EEZ.

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## Encrpyted Communique to the state of Texas ##

"We have an interest on helping you defend your sovereignty. We have some air wings ready to move to your region if you can provide basing support. Can you support and sustain our bombers and fighters if we send you this aid? We were thinking of bases in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and in Houston."

Tidus Wilhelm,

Executor of the Dragon Empire

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"And which is the greater threat to the welfare of the proletariat? An educated, cynical, and self serving bourgeoisie supported by a broad equally serf serving gentry which manages their bureaucracy; or a detached and naive nobility who's status by nature creates disunity within the capitalist class? If I had to choose between the two i'd take the rule of an aristocrat over that of of the nouveau riche any day." - Thomas Crown, a representative of the Syndicate Coalition.

"Mr. Crown, I believe that we could come to an agreement to say that both the aristocrat that holds sway over a population due to hereditary titles, who provide absolutely nothing back to the population and the nouveau riche, who in their quest for even greater wealth steal seemingly endless amounts of capital from hard working people of the lower classes, that both of these institutions are bad. Though I will tell you, I doubt that every member of the bourgeoisie is educated, if these aristocrats had any brains on them at all, they would realize that their current systems cause only needless waste and corruption and will no doubt receive theirs when the state inevitably collapses, as all states do. However looking at this from the Texan situation, I must agree with the Austrian and the Cochinian, the Reich Imperial Family had more than enough time to get itself together, which it did not. The Commonwealth's government stepped in, was able to provide stability to the region. Though it would appear that North America is without many stable regions, a Mexican Confederacy that was influenced by the Dragons, a Republic in the Heartland run by a megalomaniac, and now this.

And to think history paints North America as stable."


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Beg Pardon, but why exactly is Viniland attempting to dictate what vessels enter our sovereign waters? Being an uninvolved third-party we can't help but notice this is rather awkward.

"To be more specific, if any TIU vessel enters Texan waters(compromising a large portion of the Gulf) they shall be fired upon.

The Imperial Union has declared war on Texas after we guaranteed their sovereignty and stated that aggressive movements against said nation would result in retaliation. We are acting on our words."

OOC: Sorry, was thinking on a HoI kind of way when I made the previous post. :v

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"To be more specific, if any TIU vessel enters Texan waters(compromising a large portion of the Gulf) they shall be fired upon.

The Imperial Union has declared war on Texas after we guaranteed their sovereignty and stated that aggressive movements against said nation would result in retaliation. We are acting on our words."

OOC: Sorry, was thinking on a HoI kind of way when I made the previous post. :v

The Confederacy has offered a reasonable peace to the Texans, should it be rejected any blood shed from here on out is on their hands. They are not worthy of any aid from their fellow nations and by aiding them you aid our mutual Asian enemies that North America has worked so hard to keep off the continent.


Teams of Zaptista insurgents have begun inserting deep into Texan lands via captured civilian vechicles, moving toward important cities such as Dallas and Housten.

Military Actions

Confederate forces in Starr county have been reinforced by armor and air assets, along with artillery. They've holed up in the former Texan bunkers used against them during the river crossing and have continued to engage the Texan forces dispite heavy causelties. Confederate occupied Edinburgh has been put on a strict curfee system, while Confederates begin constructing defenses on the outskirts of the city, aswell as in the province of Cameron. The Confederate advance has halted on all fronts, with their army digging in and preparing for a counter attack.

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"Of course, receiving Asian help to protect their sovereignty automatically makes them asians themselves!" Tidus laughed hard at Oate's assessment. "You're just upset that when you wanted to invade Tahoe's Texas after we made a treaty to DEFEND you.. that we backed out when you asked us to join in on the invasion. You know, at this point. I wouldn't stand in the way if North America as a whole didn't want to flatten you for your selective belligerence."

"We regret that now. Defending the CFNA from people who would have oppressed them or even wiped them of the map.. has been a noticeable mistake, for the regime is so corrupt that it is after any blood that it may spill for any reason that it may spill it. We apologize to Tahoe and your neighbors in North America who are now having to deal with that mistake.. and we will offer up our own blood as part of the solution. We now see this.. as a fight of conscience.. in defense of the sovereign people of Texas."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Of course, receiving Asian help to protect their sovereignty automatically makes them asians themselves!" Tidus laughed hard at Oate's assessment. "You're just upset that when you wanted to invade Tahoe's Texas after we made a treaty to DEFEND you.. that we backed out. You know, at this point. I wouldn't stand in the way if North America as a whole didn't want to flatten you for your selective belligerence."

"We regret that now. Defending the CFNA from people who would have oppressed them or even wiped them of the map.. has been a noticeable mistake, for the regime is so corrupt it is after any blood that it may spill for any reason that it may spill it. We apologize to Tahoe and your neighbors in North America who are now having to deal with that mistake.. and we will offer up our own blood as part of the solution. We now see this.. as a fight of conscience.. in defense of the sovereign people of Texas."

I see that the Dragon propaganda machine is well at work here. The Confederacy does not represent the Corpocratic Federation of North America, the CFNA is long dead and gone. The Confederacy of Mexico does however remember when your Dragon Bloc turned It's back on the Mexican people when they came to the defense of the Reich's territory. The yellow menace threatens all of us, not just those they claim to be the enemies of. Today it will be Mexico and the Imperial Union, tomorrow they'll be "defending" North America from the Tahoe Republic and Viniland themselves. I urge the Commonwealth of Texas to consider what it is doing and just how much support it will get when their fellow North American nations find out that they've allowed a single gook to step foot on American soil.

Any Dragon Soldiers we find on the battlefield will be treated as a terrorist. They will not be subject to international laws on how to treat prisoners, they will be subject to torture and immediate execution. You've been warned.

OOC: Sorry to all of you asians out there, the Confederacy is very xenophobic.

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Outrageous. While we have no love for the imperialistic leanings of the DE, frankly the attitude of the Confederacy makes us sick. You are the ones that started this war, and you complain when people defend the ones you are invading. We would offer to help Viniland and Texas, but they dont need it to crush such a weak, pathetic country as yours.

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The Imperial Fleet takes an offensive position just outside of the Texan naval borders, meanwhile Mexico would receive the access codes to ISIS* and a message help will come soon. Full mobilization remains in effect. State channels would commence broadcasting anti-Dragon Empire propaganda and products coming from it would be heavily taxed to make buying them within Imperial Borders too expensive.


*: ISIS - Imperial Satellite Intelligence System

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The Imperial Fleet takes an offensive position just outside of the Texan naval borders, meanwhile Mexico would receive the access codes to ISIS* and a message help will come soon. Full mobilization remains in effect. State channels would commence broadcasting anti-Dragon Empire propaganda and products coming from it would be heavily taxed to make buying them within Imperial Borders too expensive.


*: ISIS - Imperial Satellite Intelligence System

OOC: How did your fleet move there if Viniland's is defending those shores?

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