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Why would you need to put poison/toxin in bullets? A more effective filler would be mercury as conceptualized in Frederick Forsythe's "Days of the Jackal". A hollow point bullet, preferably 7.62 cal, with mercury filled inside would create much more spectacular effect on impact with a body. The momentum of the mercury would cause it to propel its way inside the body at the point of impact and the liquid metal would sear through the blood vessels at excessive velocities due to such forceful injections and a spectacular explosion of body part would be caused, causing mush more muscular damage than the metallic shrapnels from the bullet itself. To prevent the mercury from flowing out of the bullet in the process of firing, a thin glass membrane could be used which would be shaped to rupture only at the instance of contact with solid. It is technologically simple, but very effective.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='03 April 2010 - 09:51 PM' timestamp='1270356651' post='2247257']
Why would you need to put poison/toxin in bullets? A more effective filler would be mercury as conceptualized in Frederick Forsythe's "Days of the Jackal". A hollow point bullet, preferably 7.62 cal, with mercury filled inside would create much more spectacular effect on impact with a body. The momentum of the mercury would cause it to propel its way inside the body at the point of impact and the liquid metal would sear through the blood vessels at excessive velocities due to such forceful injections and a spectacular explosion of body part would be caused, causing mush more muscular damage than the metallic shrapnels from the bullet itself. To prevent the mercury from flowing out of the bullet in the process of firing, a thin glass membrane could be used which would be shaped to rupture only at the instance of contact with solid. It is technologically simple, but very effective.

I'm not really looking for a hollow point bullet, but one you can hit anywhere on the body with and be almost guaranteed a kill. I considered mercury as the poison, but it's a heavy metal and has a nasty tendency to stick around...

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='iKrolm' date='04 April 2010 - 01:15 AM' timestamp='1270358091' post='2247281']
I'm not really looking for a hollow point bullet, but one you can hit anywhere on the body with and be almost [b]guaranteed a kill.[/b] I considered mercury as the poison, but it's a heavy metal and has [b]a nasty tendency to stick around[/b]...

Why do you care, they're dead :P?

If you flip back a few pages, you'll see my SAP-HE rounds. Personally, I'd go with anything that broke the Geneva Conventions on Banning Arms if I were you, but such things are distasteful and most often fall upon nations such as mine to field... expectations must be met in regards to reputation, you know.:smug:

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[quote name='Executive Minister' date='04 April 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1270400068' post='2247600']
Why do you care, they're dead :P?

I don't care about the bullets in the bodies, it's the bullets that miss and spread mercury around everywhere that cause long-term problems.

[quote name='Executive Minister' date='04 April 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1270400068' post='2247600']
If you flip back a few pages, you'll see my SAP-HE rounds. Personally, I'd go with anything that broke the Geneva Conventions on Banning Arms if I were you, but such things are distasteful and most often fall upon nations such as mine to field... expectations must be met in regards to reputation, you know.:smug:

I'd considered a nerve gas in liquid form too, but I think I'll avoid that for now ;) Probably going to go with Curare.

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I was told these wouldn't be realistic, I am not sure if that is correct or not:



Payload: Three tons of ammunition

Weapon systems: Dual triple barreled heavy anti-helicopter missile launchers and dual 40mm automatic cannons.

Armoring: 4 cm of carbon nanotube as the outer layer reinforced with carbon fiber honeycomb mesh inside, 1 cm of bullet resistant shock absorbing gel, and .4 cm of the same material used in the outer layer.

Max speed: 303 mph

Defense systems: Dual computerized automated 20mm anti-shell/missile/rocket cannons, one on the front, one on the tail.

Engines: Four engines for the tail rotor and dual main rotors, two gas and two electric powered.

Operational range: 576 miles

Stealth: Rotors have been designed to minimize noise.

Other equipments: Radar, thermal vision, night vision, and auto-dimmers/opaque window covers.

Uses: Good for destroying enemy helicopters

Issues: Useless against ground based enemies

Tank Hunter:

Payload: 10 tons of ammunition

Weapon systems: Dual heavy anti-tank missile launchers

Armoring: 4 cm of carbon nanotube as the outer layer reinforced with carbon fiber honeycomb mesh inside, 1.5 cm of bullet resistant shock absorbing gel, and .4 cm of the same material used in the outer layer.

Max speed: 264 mph

Defense systems: Dual computerized automated 20mm anti-shell/missile/rocket cannons, one on the front, one on the tail.

Engines: Four engines for the tail rotor and dual main rotors, two gas and two electric powered.

Operational range: 501 miles

Stealth: Rotors have been designed to minimize noise.

Other equipments: Radar, thermal vision, night vision, and auto-dimmers/opaque window covers.

Uses: Good for destroying enemy tanks.

Issues: Useless against enemy helicopters and AT missiles are an over-kill on weaker targets.

F-79 Giant Flying Fortress:

Payload: 59 tons of anti-aircraft missiles

Weapon systems: Anti-aircraft missiles. The F-79 can fire off all of its missiles within 10 seconds.

Armoring: 2 cm of carbon nanotubes reinforced with carbon fiber mesh. An additional 6 cm of shock absorbing bullet proof gel is in the middle part and a thin .5 cm of carbon nanotubes to hold the gel in place. Plus, there are anti-stick chemical covering on the armoring, preventing those sticky goo from GLS's Stick Flashbang or Revealer missiles from sticking onto the aircraft.

Wingspan: 250ft, with the addition of chines (small flat wings) attached to the nose for additional aerodynamic performance

Max speed: 420 mph

Cruise speed: 390 mph

Defense systems: 40mm computerized automated turrets that are connected to the aircraft's radar system, designed to shoot down any incoming missiles, rockets, or shells.

Operational range: 856 miles

Engines: 20 large turboprop engines. They all have automated air intake controller systems that shuts down intake if it detects incoming goo or other debris.

Stealth: Yeah right, everybody is going to notice a loud lawnmower buzz and see a large figure lumbering across the sky. That completely defeats the purpose of having expensive stealth technology equipped.

Other equipments: Radar, thermal vision, night vision, and auto-dimmers/opaque window covers

Uses: Sheer firepower, can devastate an entire squadron of enemy aircraft while being able to withstand dozens of enemy AA missiles. The only concern is its massively slow speed and maneuverability, resulting in delays in reaching the battle area, refueling/restocking, and repairs. Enemy aircraft can also easily stay outside of the F-79's radar range as long as they know where it is coming from. It is also vulnerable to heavy artillery fire from the ground since it is so slow and easily targeted.

F-10 Interceptor:


Payload: 2 tons

Weapon systems: The missile launcher systems have been replaced by 40mm low-recoil automatic cannons. A projectile flying at 9.6 mach or higher, added with the starting speed from the ignition to fire it, would slice through enemy aircraft and give them less than a split second to dodge it. A 40mm shell is also a lot harder to detect by the radar than a missile. The main use is to destroy slower flying aircraft, enemy's bomber jets. SAP-HE shells can be used against lone bomber jets, depleted uranium AP shells against a cluster of bomber jets if the AP shells can hit multiple bomber jets, and SAP-napalm/fragmentation shells against larger enemy bomber jets.

Wingspan: 30ft, chines are also added to the nose of the aircraft. Tails are extendable if extra maneuverability is needed

Max speed: Mach 9.6, Mach 10.6 with its chemical rockets activated (the chemical rockets can only be partially activated to avoid friction/heat related damages)

Cruising speed: Mach 3.6

Defense systems: none

Armoring: 1 cm of carbon nanotubes, 2 cm of carbon nanotubes covered with a thin layer of heat resistant titanium alloy on high stress area such as the nose, air intake ducts, front parts of wings, and etc. Plus, there are anti-stick chemical covering on the armoring, preventing those sticky goo from GLS's Sticky Flashbang or Revealer missiles from sticking onto the aircraft.

Engines: Dual scramjet and ramjet engines, requires chemical rockets during takeoff for the ramjet engines to be functional. The ramjet engines are activated right after take off when the speed is high enough to produce additional speed for the scramjet engines to be fully function and when maneuvering is needed. The scramjet engines are activated when evading heavy fire, and flying to or away from a location. Deactivated engines' air intakes are mostly closed and the fuel injectors are kept on standby in case of emergency. The engines' air intake systems can rapidly power down and close if it detects incoming debris or goo.

Cooling system: Fuel is used as a coolant before being injected into the engines. Direct heat to electricity converter equipment and a non-fuel based coolant are used to provide electricity for the aircraft and additional cooling.

Operational range: 1,891 miles

Stealth: Multiple different types of radar absorbing material to absorb all radio frequencies. It isn't a very stealthy aircraft overall due to the scramjet and ramjet engines' large heat generation, but its speed alone makes it hard to chase and shoot it down with missiles.

Other equipments: Radar, thermal vision, night vision, and auto-dimmers/opaque window covers

Uses: Intercepting enemy aircraft (especially bombers), engaging in hit-and-fly-like-hell tactics, and being a distraction to deter enemy's firepower away from other aircraft.

F-29 Falcon:


Payload: 10 tons of anti-aircraft missiles

Weapon systems: AA missiles (all can be fired off in three seconds)

Armoring: 1 cm of carbon nanotubes and 2 cm of shock absorbent gel. The carbon nanotubes are painted with anti-stick chemicals.

Wingspan: 40ft with chines attached to the nose, they can also be adjusted in which direction the ends are pointing to allow pilots to fly at the max speed during flying to or away from battle or patrolling and max maneuverability during battle. For the wings to be adjusted in mid-air though, the aircraft must slow down to prevent damages from the wings slamming or motors being strained to the point of failure.

Max speed: 4.6 mach, 6.1 mach with emergency boosters activated

Cruising speed: 3.5 mach

Defense systems: 20mm computerized automated turrets that are connected to the aircraft's radar system, designed to shoot down any incoming missiles.

Engines: Dual ramjet engines with chemical rockets as emergency boosters. The engines' air intake systems can rapidly power down and close if it detects incoming debris or goo.

Operational range: 1,330 miles

Stealth: Multiple different types of radar absorbing material to absorb all radio frequencies.

Other equipments: Radar, thermal vision, night vision, and auto-dimmers/opaque window covers.

Uses: Engaging enemy fighter aircraft and bombers


B-99 Speedster:


Payload: 5 tons of bombs/missiles (can also be adjusted

Weapon systems: none

Wingspan: 35ft, chines are also added to the nose of the aircraft. Tails are extendable if extra maneuverability is needed.

Max speed: Mach 8.1, Mach 10.6 with its chemical rockets activated (the chemical rockets can only be partially activated to avoid friction/heat related damages)

Cruising speed: Mach 3.5

Defense systems: none

Armoring: 1 cm of carbon nanotubes, 2 cm of carbon nanotubes covered with a thin layer of heat resistant titanium alloy on high stress area such as the nose, air intake ducts, front parts of wings, and etc. Plus, there are anti-stick chemical covering on the armoring, preventing those sticky goo from GLS's Sticky Flashbang or Revealer missiles from sticking onto the aircraft.

Engines: Dual scramjet and ramjet engines, requires chemical rockets during takeoff for the ramjet engines to be functional. The ramjet engines are activated right after take off when the speed is high enough to produce additional speed for the scramjet engines to be fully function and when maneuvering is needed. The scramjet engines are activated when evading heavy fire, and flying to or away from a location. Deactivated engines' air intakes are mostly closed and the fuel injectors are kept on standby in case of emergency. The engines' air intake systems can rapidly power down and close if it detects incoming debris or goo.

Cooling system: Fuel is used as a coolant before being injected into the engines. Direct heat to electricity converter equipment and a non-fuel based coolant are used to provide electricity for the aircraft and additional cooling.

Operational range: 3,891 miles

Stealth: Multiple different types of radar absorbing material to absorb all radio frequencies. It isn't a very stealthy aircraft overall due to the scramjet and ramjet engines' large heat generation, but its speed alone makes it hard to chase and shoot it down with missiles. Will be annoying to enemies.

Uses: Evading enemy's anti-aircraft defenses and aircraft while bombing targets.

B-1 Pounder:


Payload: 130 tons of bombs/missiles, all can be dropped within five seconds

Weapon systems: Ranging from 40mm to 185mm artillery guns and various missile launchers ranging from 2 inch diameter wide to 14 inch diameter wide with laser targeting and target tracking-via-GPS systems to allow it to directly help our ground forces in the battlefield.

Armoring: 2 cm of carbon nanotubes reinforced with carbon fiber mesh. An additional 6 cm of shock absorbing bullet proof gel is in the middle part and a thin .5 cm of carbon nanotubes to hold the gel in place. Plus, there are anti-stick chemical covering on the armoring, preventing those sticky goo from GLS's Stick Flashbang or Revealer missiles from sticking onto the aircraft.

Wingspan: 250ft, with the addition of chines (small flat wings) attached to the nose for additional aerodynamic performance

Max speed: 420 mph

Cruise speed: 320 mph

Defense systems: 40mm computerized automated turrets that are connected to the aircraft's radar system, designed to shoot down any incoming missiles, rockets, or shells.

Operational range: 1,256 miles

Engines: 20 large turboprop engines. They all have automated air intake controller systems that shuts down intake if it detects incoming goo or other debris.

Stealth: Multiple different types of radar absorbing material to absorb all radio frequencies.

Other equipments: Radar, thermal vision, night vision, and auto-dimmers/opaque window covers

Uses: Bomb the -bleep- out of your enemies that are on the ground. The last thing they want is multiple tons of bombs and missiles showing them. Same weaknesses as the F-79 Giant Flying Fortress aircraft though.

Edited by HHAYD
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The giant fighter and bomber aircraft are based off of these with different type of engine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_C-5_Galaxy#Specifications_.28C-5B.29

A C-5 Galaxy cargo plane can carry up to 135 tons of cargo. Throw in missile launching systems and other weapons and you get a slow yet scary fighter or bomber aircraft.

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You have twenty large turboprop engines on the plane. Do you realize how much fuel you'll be using to keep that thing in the air? Far too much to get much of a radius. That's even implying you can make wings strong enough to support the fuel, 59 tonnes of munitions, and 10 turboprops per wing.

Simply put, your plane wouldn't make it off the ground.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='04 April 2010 - 07:48 PM' timestamp='1270428474' post='2248087']
You have twenty large turboprop engines on the plane. Do you realize how much fuel you'll be using to keep that thing in the air? Far too much to get much of a radius. That's even implying you can make wings strong enough to support the fuel, 59 tonnes of munitions, and 10 turboprops per wing.

Simply put, your plane wouldn't make it off the ground.
So I should tone it down to a total of four, and should I also have the turboprop engines with turbofans just like the cargo jet plane I linked to?

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[quote name='iKrolm' date='04 April 2010 - 02:27 PM' timestamp='1270405647' post='2247664']
I'd considered a nerve gas in liquid form too, but I think I'll avoid that for now ;) Probably going to go with Curare.

If you had the bullet inundated in a moist chamber, you would be able to house microbes resistant to extreme amounts of heat that would be laced with arsenic. You could, feasibly, extract Ciguatera toxin from dinoflagellate blooms, or even PSP, but it's hard because the neurotoxins tend to break down easily once exposed to very high temperatures. Arsenic-fixing microbes are able to live around very hot sea-based vents that push up temperatures more than several thousand degrees Celsius.

With that said, if you are looking for a viable neurotoxin, I would look into either microbial-fixed chemicals, or look at dinoflagellate-like neurotoxins. Cone snails are renowned for their neurotoxin and a simple prick can paralyze someone within 72 hours... and it has almost no practical treatment. Can that neurotoxin withstand such heat/energy from the shot of a bullet? If you were to construct a heat-resistant film to coat the bullet with, and sandwich the neurotoxin between the film and the bullet, then you could. The other alternative would to apply a hollow bullet and have the neurotoxin sit inside the chamber.

Another idea would to, instead of using regular caliber bullets, design a weapon-system that is specifically constructed to shoot slower and less powerful bullets. If you were to do this, heat wouldn't be as much of a problem. You could also, for instance, have a spray-gun, such as a shotgun, that uses nematocysts from jellyfish. Nematocysts are specialized cells that "sting" by emitting special neurotoxins. Using the toxins emitted by the Irukandji, indigenous to Australia, you would have a lethality of (I'd hazard to guess) more than 95%, since there are no known cures or treatments. It also immediately causes immense pain on contact since it is a very fast acting agent. It does have a delayed effect, but it is never more than 2 hours until the crippling Irukandji Syndrome's symptoms appear. After a few hours, the body becomes slowly paralyzed and major bodily functions fail. This neurotoxin literally causes you to die within a day in the worst possible case, but no more than a few weeks. If concentrated enough, you would have near-100% lethality within 2 hours.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' date='04 April 2010 - 08:27 PM' timestamp='1270438010' post='2248312']

Thanks for the suggestion of a heat-resistant film, probably end up doing that. I'd like to fit in a 9x19mm bullet and since curare works in a matter of minutes, it's more useful in a firefight than other, perhaps more durable microbe-based poisons. There are a couple of drugs that counteract the effects of curare, but they require even more drugs to compensate for symptoms (not very practical in a battlefield situation) and/or have effects which would render the subject unable to fight.

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Sure they'd never actually work, but they do look awesome:

(click for larger)[/url]

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='07 April 2010 - 10:10 AM' timestamp='1270660241' post='2251773']
If someone wouldn't mind checking the NTR builds thread to make sure I have dandy building designs I wouldn't mind. Although note the last one is a bit futuristic, but look how much that thing cost.

Normally I don't care but since you asked, you don't have the tech to build the first building. I don't really know what to make of the helix building...

You may also want to name your buildings for future identification.

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I was told that Ears Gunshot Localization System ( http://www.popsci.com/bown/2009/product/ears-gunshot-localization-system ) and highly precise small microphones ( http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-03/specialized-mic-pin-points-gun-fire-battle ) do not work at all in a battlefield. Any opinions?

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' date='08 April 2010 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1270680167' post='2252174']
I was told that Ears Gunshot Localization System ( http://www.popsci.com/bown/2009/product/ears-gunshot-localization-system ) and highly precise small microphones ( http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-03/specialized-mic-pin-points-gun-fire-battle ) do not work at all in a battlefield. Any opinions?
Too much noise from everywhere. Hard to impossible for them to be precise, though the general direction may be found.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='07 April 2010 - 03:00 PM' timestamp='1270677641' post='2252132']
The first seems like an easy design to me. You might be talking about the second building. Because the first is a tower. The second one is the wierd upside down cone. That I questioned to.

It's a tower with 150+ inhabited floors.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='08 April 2010 - 09:00 PM' timestamp='1270774839' post='2253643']
The part that makes me laugh about these bullets with poisons and such... You all do realize that you are shooting someone right?

The poison bit seems a bit redundant at that point.

With toxins, you don't need to worry about using heavy duty calibers. In fact, you could get away with using lower caliber bullets which are cheaper to mass produce given the toxin you are using (there are a lot that are very easy and cheap to extract).

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You know what is better than a single bullet to finish the job? Not poisons or toxins. But more bullets. If you only get to shoot in the leg, shoot the next round to the head. Poison tipped bullets are not actually quite viable for mass production and would only be more dangerous due to potential accidents. When you are actually in combat you may not be able to use tweezers and extreme care while loading the bullets into magazine, and at that time serious collateral damage could occur.

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