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Announcement from the New World Order


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Integrity. Responsibility. Loyalty. These are the principles of NWO. Every member is expected to offer these, and is guaranteed them in return. It is in the spirit of these founding principles that we establish the Great Charter of the NWO.

Yours ^

Integrity. Friendship. Responsibility. Honour.

These are the principles of Monos Archein.

Every member is guaranteed these,

and every member is expected to offer them in return.

It is in the spirit of these founding principles that we

establish this Grand Code of Monos Archein.

Ours ^

They do sound awfully familiar. <_< <_<

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Any decision made by a Minister may be overruled by the Suzerain and/or Bifariam Ministry. With Military actions, the Suzerain can overrule the Lord of War at any time. The Suzerain may do so at his discretion without regard to process.


Any decision made by a Minister may be overruled by the Archein and/or Twin Council. With Military actions, the Archein can overrule the Minister of War at any time. The Archein may do so at her (his) discretion without regard to process.

yep it looks like it here for sure >.>

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Part? most of it looks like C&P from our stuff somehow Oo

I'll have to agree with that statement, except for a few visual changes. It's exactly like MA's <_<

Copy and Pasting blatantly like that looks bad upon NWO and the people who decided to do this.

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Members, regardless of any government position held, must conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful and responsible, whether communicating on IRC, another alliance offsite forum, or the Open World Forum.

Members are expected to remain active on this forum and to keep up with changes and news in the alliance.

^ thats also in both of them, exact wording but i supoise its a common one to have

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You guy are too much...the fact that some of you actually quoted the parts we borrowed/made similar from other alliances charters is rather amusing.

Thanks to all that shared their kind words. I can't say I like the NWO being called a copy cat but I will say that we did indeed look to the valued experience of other alliances for ideas on how to write a charter. We don't have the resourses or experience level of most of you CN warriors on planet Bob so we did what we could. For some of you veterans of the military you should be familiar with we "did what we had to do".

Much respect to the GDA for their continuing help in keeping us alive.

Lets play nice shall we?


Edited by Sickosmurfs
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You guy are too much...the fact that some of you actually quoted the parts we borrowed/made similar from other alliances charters is rather amusing.

Thanks to all that shared their kind words. I can't say I like the NWO being called a copy cat but I will say that we did indeed look to the valued experience of other alliances for ideas on how to write a charter. We don't have the resourses or experience level of most of you CN warriors on planet Bob so we did what we could. For some of you veterans of the military you should be familiar with we "did what we had to do".

Much respect to the GDA for their continuing help in keeping us alive.

Lets play nice shall we?


I think one would have at least the basic courtesy to request permission bout the said extractions, or at least, informing them.

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Now, as Cyphon said, copies are bad, but i kinda like our charter and thus hold little in the way of a grudge... But seriously, you could have found a theasaurus and changed a few words :P

Edit: for spelling. Curse you nights on the town!

Edited by Lord Derfel
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Sickosmurfs, I would just apologize and talk to Monos Archein about borrowing some parts of their charter.

It really isn't fair to go around stealing other people's work. Some parts of your charter are verbatim to the charter of Monos Archein's and that is considered plagiarism which is a very serious crime. So I would stop pulling that "We did what we had to do" bs. It's not an excuse.

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Sickosmurfs, I would just apologize and talk to Monos Archein about borrowing some parts of their charter.

It really isn't fair to go around stealing other people's work. Some parts of your charter are verbatim to the charter of Monos Archein's and that is considered plagiarism which is a very serious crime. So I would stop pulling that "We did what we had to do" bs. It's not an excuse.

Yep, I do believe that Monos Archein is due a huge apology from NWO. When the authors of our charter told me it was done I posted it to the forums. After receiving some of the comments on this thread about the plagerism I went immediatly into defense mode not realizing until after doing research on my own that it was indeed mostly copied. I was not the author but as a representative of the NWO I take responsibility for our actions.

Members who posted on this thread, I send my apologies for my comments. I should have done the research before spouting out on the defensive. I have caught a case of foot-in-mouth disease and hope that Monos Archein will consider accepting my apology.



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