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Purple Unity Declaration of War


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The Knights of Lunaris have hit the members of the United Jungle Accords.

We like UJA. They helped us fight the Spartan Defense Force earlier.

Therefore, Purple Unity is at war with the Knights of Lunaris.

For Purple Government,

Rudekker, designated mouthpiece


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The Knights of Lunaris have hit the members of the United Jungle Accords.

We like UJA. They helped us fight the Spartan Defense Force earlier.

Therefore, Purple Unity is at war with the Knights of Lunaris.

For Purple Government,

Rudekker, designated mouthpiece


KoL hit UJA in defense.

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Didn't like your odds, UJA?

Decided to call in some friends to give you even more of an advantage?

Well, you shall reap what you sow.

As a clarification of my rebuttal to this comment...

As of 9/08/09…

KoL: 44 nations at 47,799 NS

AI: 36 nations at 44,603 NS

Black: 45 Nations at 56,701 NS

Against UJA: 77 nations at 115,745NS

KoL/AI/Black had 33,358 more NS and 48 more nations, and they all attacked first.

We were, by no way, shape or form "at an advantage." So there is no way we could be trying to put ourselves in "even more" of an advantage. We're not going to apologize for taking measures to avoid fighting at a 1.5:1 odds. We'd be stupid not to...

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As a clarification of my rebuttal to this comment...

As of 9/08/09…

KoL: 44 nations at 47,799 NS

AI: 36 nations at 44,603 NS

Black: 45 Nations at 56,701 NS

Against UJA: 77 nations at 115,745NS

KoL/AI/Black had 33,358 more NS and 48 more nations, and they all attacked first.

We were, by no way, shape or form "at an advantage." So there is no way we could be trying to put ourselves in "even more" of an advantage. We're not going to apologize for taking measures to avoid fighting at a 1.5:1 odds. We'd be stupid not to...

You mean you would be stupid not to take advantage of the advantage. :lol1:

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You mean you would be stupid not to take advantage of the advantage. :lol1:

We didn't have an advantage. We were at a distinct disadvantage, as I showed above. We would have been stupid to continue fighting at a distinct disadvantage when there were alternatives available to improve our situation. Apparently, certain alliances/cliques on Steve get upset if the cards aren't stacked in their favor. We were wrongfully jumped by three alliances who chose aggression over diplomatic resolution, and so we went to our friends to even back out the odds. Notice PU declared on KoL, not AI or Black. Meaning, KoL has their hands full, but the numbers advantage PU would provide is limited to KoL - not AI and Black. Further meaning, it's still arguable as to whether we "have an advantage" even now. We're still fighting over 80 nations who aren't fighting PU, plus the 40 or so from KoL who are. So, for all intents and purposes... one might say we're still fighting at a disadvantage.

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I just want to make it perfectly clear what has happened in this conflict...

1) We had ONE UJA nation raid an inactive KoL nation.

2) KoL comes onto our IRC channel making threatening remarks and demands before even talking with me

3) Marcus of KoL delcares on the UJA nation who was raiding the inactive KoL nation - still before talking to me

4) After speaking with other UJA leadership, Marcus offers peace and the offending UJA nation offers peace to Marcus and the original KoL nation that he raided

5) TWO AI nations hit completely unrelated UJA nations, one with the war reason of "For the honor of AI"

6) KoL is confronted about this and alludes to future attacks on UJA (hence why there was chatter on our IRC channel about war with AI and KoL)

7) I speak with InfidelIsraeli demanding the KoL nations offer peace

8) KoL claims Goldie refused peace, when in reality he was jumped then immediately offered peace without first getting the chance to fire back.

9) KoL and AI DoW UJA Sept. 8th at 1 p.m.

10) Black DoWed UJA before Sept. 8th at ~11:40 PM - giving the anti UJA forces 33,358 more NS and 48 more nations, and the benefit of the first attack.

11) UJA fights throughout the day, putting about a dozen more anti-UJA forces into anarchy than UJA anarchies suffered

12) PU declares on KoL Sept. 9th at ~11:30 PM - leaving the UJA, still, at a disadvantage as we fight 80+ non KoL nations who aren't fighting PU in addition to the 44 or so who are.

It's not that you "hit a nerve" it's that I see the wheels of manifested indignant outrage turning - not necessarily by you, but from the political machine(s) of Steve. "How DARE they defend themselves. OUTRAGEOUS!!!" and I'm not going to let people get away with using blatant falsehoods to represent this conflict.

First, the Foreign Affairs failure was not the UJA's fault, in fact it seems quite clear that AI and KoL premeditated their attack on us. One of the AI nations who attacked early (about whom AI tried to claim it "was a raid") has already said in these forums that he "jumped the gun early" with respect to AI's war on us.

Second, we were in NO WAY "at an advantage" before PU's entry into this war and it's a total falsehood to say that their addition gives us "even more" of an advantage because "even more" implies a previous benefit which absolutely never existed.

Third, even with PU's inclusion, we're still fighting at a disadvantage because PU is only fighting KoL.

So while I am certain other alliances will try to jump into this, claiming the moral high ground of defending the poor, defenseless AI, KoL and Black... that's simply not what has happened here. AI/KoL/Black have been, in every way, the aggressors of this conflict. It was the UJA who was hit first by greater numbers, yet it has been the UJA who has dealt the most damage (though PU is already giving us a run for our money :D).

I'm just nipping the ridiculousness in the bud now. We all know there are other alliances who will look for an excuse to jump into this conflict. If/when that happens, I don't want it to be under false pretenses.

EDIT: grammar/ clarification

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Second, we were in NO WAY "at an advantage" before PU's entry into this war and it's a total falsehood to say that their addition gives us "even more" of an advantage because "even more" implies a previous benefit which absolutely never existed.
B-b-b-b-but the odds aren't fair!
There've been 3 nights of war for Christ's sake, and people are whining like this? On Bob, GPA faced down 8 to 1 odds for weeks and didn't whine this much.

I especially like this one though:

Whining and moaning about your poor odds being unfair after three nights of fighting is pretty ridiculous

It seems that after a few nights of fighting with poor odds made you moan and whine for PU to help so I don't see why we were ridiculous. Seriously though I told you SDF would never fight with such uneven odds in a war like this. We could have easily joined the conflict and made the odds worse but I stuck to my word that the SDF wouldn't join to make the odds bad.

Good luck UJA but I guess Karma wins sometimes.

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I especially like this one though:

It seems that after a few nights of fighting with poor odds made you moan and whine for PU to help so I don't see why we were ridiculous. Seriously though I told you SDF would never fight with such uneven odds in a war like this. We could have easily joined the conflict and made the odds worse but I stuck to my word that the SDF wouldn't join to make the odds bad.

Good luck UJA but I guess Karma wins sometimes.

few nights? try a single night........ Anyways, i figured PU would get involved, actually i basically knew it would happen due to UJA jumping at the chance to bandwagon into a war against the SDF when PU was pounding the snot outta them (no offense SDF but you know it is true). Yes, there were those 12 nations to high for them, but frankly, UJA has nations that are higher than any nation in AI/KoL/Black.

Anyways, this looks like it is gonna be an interesting war. Also Roo, hope you did not count me as being in anarchy as my anarchy happened previous to war of which it was partly due to a UJA member tech raiding me.

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I especially like this one though:

It seems that after a few nights of fighting with poor odds made you moan and whine for PU to help so I don't see why we were ridiculous. Seriously though I told you SDF would never fight with such uneven odds in a war like this. We could have easily joined the conflict and made the odds worse but I stuck to my word that the SDF wouldn't join to make the odds bad.

Good luck UJA but I guess Karma wins sometimes.

Absolutely false characterization. Please to point out where, in this conversation or any other, I whined, as SDF did, about our odds... I have not done that.

I'm merely mentioning what the odds were now as a means for explaining why we sought to involve PU. We had poor odds, our friends made them better. We're not complaining about the odds. As I've said, we were doing decently with the odds such as they were. We're not telling KoL or Black that they shouldn't have got involved - like SDF told us we shouldn't have gotten involved. I'm simply explaining why events have unfolded in the way they have.

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few nights? try a single night........ Anyways, i figured PU would get involved, actually i basically knew it would happen due to UJA jumping at the chance to bandwagon into a war against the SDF when PU was pounding the snot outta them (no offense SDF but you know it is true).

Another completely false characterization. We did not "jump at the chance to bandwagon into a war against the SDF." As was explained to SDF when we gave them peace, we had no vendetta against them whatsoever. We wanted to help break up WOLF. We were told that we could help by hitting SDF. It's as black and white as that. Attempts to portray our efforts as malicious bandwagoning are wholly inaccurate.

Yes, there were those 12 nations to high for them, but frankly, UJA has nations that are higher than any nation in AI/KoL/Black.

"Those 12 nations too high for them" amounted to 25% or so of PU's total force. They asked us to hit SDF, and so we did. For a whopping three days or so.

Anyways, this looks like it is gonna be an interesting war. Also Roo, hope you did not count me as being in anarchy as my anarchy happened previous to war of which it was partly due to a UJA member tech raiding me.

With or without you, UJA had anarchied about a dozen more nations than we suffered.

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