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Bounty Hunters Wanted


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fine if thats the way it is .... I hereby pledge to pay 1 million a hit to anyone that anarchy's patriots attackers. Payment is limited to the first 3 nations to counter attack sunny's bounty hunters. Only one person can claim an anarchy at a time.

Please message me in advance to confirm the contract.

If anyone else wants to up the tally just let me know.... im not exactly flush with funds but I don't care im willing to put my money where my mouth is.

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fine if thats the way it is .... I hereby pledge to pay 1 million a hit to anyone that anarchy's patriots attackers. Payment is limited to the first 3 nations to counter attack sunny's bounty hunters. Only one person can claim an anarchy at a time.

Please message me in advance to confirm the contract.

If anyone else wants to up the tally just let me know.... im not exactly flush with funds but I don't care im willing to put my money where my mouth is.

I would totally do this, if I wasn't under these goddamn surrender terms. You, sir, have my respect. Not to mention my support.

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fine if thats the way it is .... I hereby pledge to pay 1 million a hit to anyone that anarchy's patriots attackers. Payment is limited to the first 3 nations to counter attack sunny's bounty hunters. Only one person can claim an anarchy at a time.

Please message me in advance to confirm the contract.

If anyone else wants to up the tally just let me know.... im not exactly flush with funds but I don't care im willing to put my money where my mouth is.

A good idea!


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fine if thats the way it is .... I hereby pledge to pay 1 million a hit to anyone that anarchy's patriots attackers. Payment is limited to the first 3 nations to counter attack sunny's bounty hunters. Only one person can claim an anarchy at a time.

Please message me in advance to confirm the contract.

If anyone else wants to up the tally just let me know.... im not exactly flush with funds but I don't care im willing to put my money where my mouth is.

Well well..... Here comes the cavelry! (insert badly played trumpet here).

Well done Wally. Nice to see you open your wallet for a change old son....

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fine if thats the way it is .... I hereby pledge to pay 1 million a hit to anyone that anarchy's patriots attackers. Payment is limited to the first 3 nations to counter attack sunny's bounty hunters. Only one person can claim an anarchy at a time.

Please message me in advance to confirm the contract.

If anyone else wants to up the tally just let me know.... im not exactly flush with funds but I don't care im willing to put my money where my mouth is.

If you want to turn this into a battle of the bank balances, you're going to lose, champ.

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I would totally do this, if I wasn't under these goddamn surrender terms. You, sir, have my respect. Not to mention my support.

Should have thought of that before signing up to them ;)

I'm not sure what the core issue behind this is but hiring mercenaries is not a classy way to go about solving it.

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What has Patriot done to you? From what I gather he was trying to do an honest business here. While he may be a bit on the different swing to how CN is normally played, everyone is entitled their chance to try and play the game.

Original and interesting ideas are not allowed here. New players either fit in to the existing structures immediately or they die. Pretty sad, but that's the way it is.

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That was pretty much the idea from the beginning.

alright sunny if that the way it's going to be, i'll take it.

if you cant take an apology then i guess i'll just have to be ZI'd and quit CN forvevermore.

Edit: or be ready for your little bounty hunters and anarchy them

i don't want war, sunny but i guess my apology wasnt good enough

Edited by PATRIOT15
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alright sunny if that the way it's going to be, i'll take it.

if you cant take an apology then i guess i'll just have to be ZI'd and quit CN forvevermore.

Edit: or be ready for your little bounty hunters and anarchy them

i don't want war, sunny but i guess my apology wasnt good enough

Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

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Paying people to fight someone you disagree with or basically dislike seems sorta evil. This PR stunt your pulling is hurting your reputation more than this new player you want to blast away. <_<

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