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An Auspicious Day


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Mérida, The Republic of Spain

As President Afonso Breixo stepped up to the podium, the mass of people cheered. All of them screamed for him, ecstatic that years of oppression under foreign rule was finally gone; the iron fist released its death grip at last.

A pair of dark brown eyes watched as the Supreme Judge approached Breixo.

“Afonso Breixo, do you swear to fulfill the duties as the President of the Republic of Spain, and will, to the best of your ability, uphold and protect the Constitution of the Republic of Spain?”

The president faced the crowd and slowly turned his head, and then lowered his head slightly.

“I, Afonso Breixo, do swear to fulfill the duties as the President of the Republic of Spain, and will, to the best of my ability, uphold and protect the Constitution of the Republic of Spain.”

The words barely left the man’s mouth before the day was filled with the screams, whoops, and hollers of the celebrating people.

One day, perhaps they will cheer for me. Thought a dark-featured woman who was sitting on one knee, watching the entire ceremony through the scope of a sniper rifle. Hmm… President Breixo’s big speech…


My brothers and sisters,

Today is an auspicious day for us.

Many of us have been waiting for this moment to happen… when we can finally stand up on our two feet and walk, independent from Scotland.

Scotland held out a hand to us and guided us, patiently watching as we grew. Now, we are ready to set down our own path and to venture out to mark our own destiny.

The task at hand is not an easy one. But, my proud people, I know we will not shirk from nor bend under the hardship of moving forward as a sovereign nation.

This is a journey we must take, filled with the challenge of slings and arrows that will threaten to destroy us. But we will move forward.

Future generations will look back at this time as a momentous event in our history. And as their ancestors, we must fulfill our duty of helping our infant nation develop into the great country that I know it can become, so that they can look back with pride.

Our future looks bright, my brothers… my sisters. And let us hold the standard for our sons and daughters, so that they may do the same for their children.

It is not your time to die yet, Breixo. She thought as she smiled and focused her rifle onto the ministers who sat behind the podium, watching the president. One was empty. It was her’s.

Minister of Defense Marisol Emigdia had been unable to attend the ceremony due to a sudden illness. She would be “bedridden” for a week.

Sol lowered the rifle. Nobody would die. Today was an auspicious day indeed.

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"Aha!" Joao screamed jumping for joy in the Royal Palace in Lisboa as he held a glass of red wine up to the stars and smiled. "Today is going to be a great day gentlemen." Turning to the Patriarchs behind him. "Iberia once again showing new nations and not any new nation, but Spain. Glorious Spain returns to the world. Its a true age of discovery you know, an age of greatness. I'm telling all of you, Europe is changing, changing for the best."

"We and the Council hope so Your Majesty." Said Casimiro Aio. "Perhaps a new age of discovery."

"Agreed." He looked up at the starry sky. "Send the new President and his cabinet a box of our finest cigars and that we look forward to a strong and healthy relationship with the Spanish Republic." He walked out onto the balcony and rose his glass. "To Europe." Joao chuckled. "No, to hell with Europe. To Iberia!"

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France recognise the Republic of Spain, and extends our warmest welcomes to the new Iberian nation. We note that the reformation of Spain from the lands of the Scottish Protectorate had been in the works for some time, and that during the process the Empire of Krieg had fallen. Will the new Republic seek to reclaim the historical lands of Aragon from the remnants of Krieg?

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Alessandro watched as Bresio gave his speech, and shook his head. "He is a weak man - we should send him some silly little gift and hope he succeeds." Dean nodded his head and looked at the trapdoor below them. "Perhaps Barolo?" "Ah, I do not want to waste the good stuff on such a man.. send a Chianti instead." "Good man."

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"On the behalf of President Breixo and The Republic of Spain, I would like to express the great gratitude that he feels for the many gifts and congratulations that have been sent," says The Republic of Spain's Minister of Defense Marisol Emigdia, who was unable to attend the inauguration ceremony due to illness, but has recovered enough to make a short public statement.

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Zarfef presses a tape-recorder button which plays the following.

The Aether Empire welcomes... *click*

Zarfef: The Republic of Spain.

*click* to the world stage! We hope that we can have good relations with your country in the future as together we can take over the world!




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