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Kaiser Martens

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It had been some time since the Northern Blockade had finally ended. At last some sense of normalcy had returned to Nordheim, and the population found itself fully employed as more hands and more goods were needed to rebuild what had been broken. But in spite of all the heavy work, now that the last threat of a continued war was gone, the new tasks were welcome, allowing people to cleane their soul from all the spilled blood, allowing them to feel that they are starting over again from scratch, or almost from scratch, in a new sheet of paper unspoiled by previous writing.

And far away in Warsaw-Martensheim arrived in procession the young Kaiser, heavily protected by Einherjar and Valkyries, there for all people to be publically seen for the first time, behind a protective glass-like structure resembling the "popemobile" of old times. The five year old rose, carrying in one hand the Zamoyski Family Sword, and the other hand being reserved to salute the crowd that had been gathered to see him. There was, visible, the Martens Silver Revolution banner, and a great parade of all the flags ever used by the country, as well as the current provinces.

After this, as a great military march continued, there was a large statue of General Mannelig being transported by tank, bearing a shield as it protects what is the National Personification of Italy. Afterwards came other historical figures, such as Bismarck, Rommel, a Viking Longship, Rurik and the last of all was a massive image of Lady Magnhild with Kaiser Alarik in her arms, and an inscription describing her time of death. After she had been sentenced to spending the rest of her life in prison and being told that if she had her family renounce all royal rights, as well as denounce and forbid Martencism she'd be freed instead, in refusal she suicided, becoming the second Nordlandic Martyr, after Mannelig.


She was nowadays known as Den Heilige Mudhar, The Holy Mother, and had been the rallying point for the Nordheimer Silver Revolution - one of the sparks that started it all. Eventually they will arrive at the Central Palace. Dietrich Tambarskjelve also came along saluting people, he would meet with Kaiser Tanzband and shake hands before allowing pictures to be taken. They would discuss cooperation, and indeed much material had been sent from Prussia to Nordheim to help recover. But the important part was a document ready to be signed.

Young Alarik was brought closer to examine it. After a moment, Tanzband signed, then Dietrich signed. Alarik was the last one to sign. The Prussian and Nordheim flags were removed. They would soon be replaced.


It was time to go back to tradition. The Greater German Empire, also known as Greater Germany, had returned. Kaiser Tanzband would step down from his position and replace Tambarskjelve as the regent to Kaiser Alarik Martens, who would regain his claims to Prussia, effectively constituting a merger. This seemed to help the unrest in both former countries - it decreased. People no longer felt that they were forced to be split apart by foreign powers, now they felt that once more they were able to be what they wanted to be.

There'd be fireworks, there'd be beer tonight. Anyone was, of course, invited. Old Kaiser Martens, although technically no longer Kaiser, was nowhere to be seen - again - and was not mentioned in any documentation in the new Government, having no position either in the military. Massive investment was underway accross the country, the majority of it was not military-related, however the weapons budget was nonetheless still big, as it powered the economy. Soon new Panzers, Weapons and Modular Fortifications would be released to revitalize business. Maybe some foreign guests would drop by. Controversy was expected. Refugees from the fallen Krieg state commented that it was good to be back.


The people wanted peace, so they'd be prepared for war.

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Kaiser Martens' statue in the Tahoan capital of Cruachan

The Nordlandic Community of Tahoe, which owns the 65 foot (20 metre) Kaiser Martens Statue in Cruachan, has raised funds to construct a smaller statue at the base of the enormous marble pedestal, a 15 foot statue of a winged Maghnild Martens holding a sword over the world.


Maghnild Statue

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The Republican Military Government of Italy removed the last flag of Nordland still waving in Europe. The flag was raised the day Italy signed a Mutual Defense Pact with Nordland, but never removed after the collapse of the Reich.

Following the events in Northern Europe and the lawful reformation of Germany, General Junio Borghese on behalf of the Republican Military Government and the People of Rome, delivers the flag to the new rulers of Greater Germany, and formally recognizes the nation.


Edited by Junio Borghese
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All those who wish to assist will be welcome, and we will state that having such guests around in fact honors us. It will be possible to speak to the Leaders, however, not to Kaiser Alarik personally - His prescence was symbollic only, he will only have formal power when he becomes 18. In the meantime we wish to keep him not very close to politics, in order to allow him to have a free childhood, save for the occational ceremony.

We also would like to offer Austria any assistance either in dealing with the violent uprise, or otherwise perhaps humanitarian aid, or making preparations for refugees - if there's anything we can do to help, we'll do it.

The people of Germany have been informed regarding the statue. News teams have already been sent there to monitor the construction, it seems that finally the majority of the world has ceased to hate their culture, and it shows in their rising mood.

We also offer a Diplomatic Hand to Lübeck, as a means perhaps of overcoming the tensions that they express.


OOC: The treaty of Kalisz...I don't know what it is, could you please tell me? Back to IC now...


Yet one of the many Historical Flags in the parade was that of Nordland. After the parade finishes it is restored back to the museum it was obtained from. However, the people have not forgotten - it still is common to find many people using the banner for nostalgia purposes, often alongside the German and Nordheim banners. In its own way, the Nordland flags still survive in Europe, be it in the house of war veterans or scattered in museums.


OOC: Much like one'd occationally find a Prussian Flag in what today is considered to be parts of Poland, or how one may sometimes find Soviet flags in modern Russia, I guess.


Tanzband and Tambarskjelve stand ready to receive foreign guests who may wish to speak to them.

We find it interesting how Molakia takes such a curious interests, considering that even in the most expansionist times they were left alone.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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"Viniland sees no reason to not recognize Greater Germany and thus sees the state as a sovereign one. We will, however, watch how it progresses with interest given what similar states have done before."

Minor celebrations from the Vinilandese German community took place in several major cities of the country, although Banff, where German is a municipally official language, declared the day a local holiday and the majority of the population spent the day rejoicing in bars, clubs, soccer fields and private parties.

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Tanzband and Tambarskjelve stand ready to receive foreign guests who may wish to speak to them.

We find it interesting how Molakia takes such a curious interests, considering that even in the most expansionist times they were left alone.

Molakia stayed silent and men died. No longer will we let any Tyrannical group take down Mother Europe. As for not being touched...well, just because we were not hit by the bully does not mean we thought it was right for said bully to hit someone else.

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"The Premier could say only one thing- WE hope you fail like the other Greater Germany empires, since your countries are a disturbance for world peace. We shall not be recognizing your silly Greater Germany or whatever. Any Greater Germany citizen found in the People's Republic shall be shot on sight."

OOC: Lol what, this is getting so boring <_<

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"The Premier could say only one thing- WE hope you fail like the other Greater Germany empires, since your countries are a disturbance for world peace. We shall not be recognizing your silly Greater Germany or whatever. Any Greater Germany citizen found in the People's Republic shall be shot on sight."

OOC: Lol what, this is getting so boring <_<

Because of The Premier's feelings towards the entire German race, their nation will no longer be recognized by the Varangian Empire.

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We also would like to offer Austria any assistance either in dealing with the violent uprise, or otherwise perhaps humanitarian aid, or making preparations for refugees - if there's anything we can do to help, we'll do it.

"It will be merely a matter of weeks until the uprising has been crushed. No help is necessary, though we do thank you for the offer."

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