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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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OOC: I also have to ask something of the AUP, due to reality's sake I can not have my ships residing in my country and make it out to international waters. So I am asking of the AUP that my entire current navy and future naval ships be allowed to reside at the AUP naval base in Indonesia as well as the sailors of course. I do not think that this will be a problem with you guys, but I at least need something stating where my ships reside. Wasn't sure exactly how to put this into IC though.

OOC: Feel free to station some in Promised Land.

Amyante nodded as Tidus spoke up, having read the peace terms when they were announced already.

- "Either way, my position and allegiance in the Dragon - Tahoean conflict is well known. Speaking of conflicts... How has the situation in former Golgotha been recently? Has the People's Republic agreed to enter diplomatic negotiations with Minilla yet? Should the situation in North America escalate, we would prefer this matter to be dealt with before it can become a distraction."

"No, they have not, and have stated that they are not going to let it go. They do appear to be leaving the ethnic lines alone for now, however, so Promised Land will reserve judgement."

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"The forces of the enemy and their allies have proven their intent. They are rallying forces in the Pacific according to recent satellite images. Large naval vessels and troop transformation transports are en-route towards Hawaii. Our sea-crawler web is deployed in the coastal regions of our empire, but the forces arrayed are sizable. So, as we have been concerned with, aggression against Asia has been planned."

ooc: You can ignore this post. I misread the organization thread and thought it was active deployments. THey're calculating force commitments.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"The forces of the enemy and their allies have proven their intent. They are rallying forces in the Pacific according to recent satellite images. Large naval vessels and troop transformation transports are en-route towards Hawaii. Our sea-crawler web is deployed in the coastal regions of our empire, but the forces arrayed are sizable. So, as we have been concerned with, aggression against Asia has been planned."

OOC: Metagaming. We never deployed forces to Hawai'i. We are talking about what we are willing to offer. This is a blatant godmod.

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OOC: Feel free to station some in Promised Land.

OOC: Well right now I have only 6 ships, 4 ACs, one sub, and a frigate so if I stationed them anywhere its either all of them there or none due to the size of my navy right now and due to the high alert status.

IC: So what is the stance for everyone here about DE and Tahoe/allies is it to wait for first strike by them? or to wait until there is solid proof of an invasion upon Asia by foreign powers or when the DE's naval detection system picks up an invasion force? Cause it would be good for all of us to declare war all at the same time if it comes to that.

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"Though the Dragon Empire has our full support during this conflict, it might perhaps be better if Zargathia did not declare war against Tahoe should they indeed be planning an invasion. We are aware of our important strategic location, and denying the Americans an opportunity to invade us would pretty much prevent them from opening up an eastern front. It would also wall off the DE protectorate at our western borders from the fighting as well. Compared to what we could do as an active participant, we feel this would be the most effective course of action for us. Would the Dragon Empire agree with this tactical proposition?"

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"Though the Dragon Empire has our full support during this conflict, it might perhaps be better if Zargathia did not declare war against Tahoe should they indeed be planning an invasion. We are aware of our important strategic location, and denying the Americans an opportunity to invade us would pretty much prevent them from opening up an eastern front. It would also wall off the DE protectorate at our western borders from the fighting as well. Compared to what we could do as an active participant, we feel this would be the most effective course of action for us. Would the Dragon Empire agree with this tactical proposition?"

Dragon Empire has no intent on heating up the existing Cold War and would advice its allies not to attack premeditatively. We appreciate reasoning of Zargathia and see much wisdom in it.

What we need to form is a stronger coalition of forces to deter the American Imperialists.

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With the recent collapse of the Minilla Island Government, there is too much going on. However, we have a very bad refugee problem from people coming from Golgotha. We are currently interviewing the refugees, and a report will be coming forward shortly.

As for the Dragon Empire: This is far more serious situation for all of us. We need to establish what we are going to do militarily against Tahoe and their goons.

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With the recent collapse of the Minilla Island Government, there is too much going on. However, we have a very bad refugee problem from people coming from Golgotha. We are currently interviewing the refugees, and a report will be coming forward shortly.

As for the Dragon Empire: This is far more serious situation for all of us. We need to establish what we are going to do militarily against Tahoe and their goons.

OOC: Sorry for the OOC, but are you saying that (Refugee stuff) as propaganda or, for real?

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We are to a degree conflicted in our intent within this conflict. While we consider the DE the aggressor in this incident; we also do not want to see a tahoan invasion of asia.

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We are to a degree conflicted in our intent within this conflict. While we consider the DE the aggressor in this incident; we also do not want to see a tahoan invasion of asia.

Not for nothing, but how is DE the aggressor? They did not bomb or attack anyone. They were the ones attacked unprovoked. You cannot stand there and say that they marched to Tahoe because that is a bald faced lie. In the meantime, we are seeing a bunch of armies ready to attack us via DE via AUP. If they are attacked, we have a moral obligation, right or wrong, to defend an AUP member.

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"I recommend that any discussion of war-plans be made private, for AUP members only. A pre-emptive strike is out of the question unless we see a military build-up by American forces in any of their Asian allies. However, should it come to war, Hawaii should probably be seized first thing."

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- "Zargathia agrees with the Promised Land representative."

Amyante turned to where the observers of the non-member nations were seated.

- "Our apologies for the inconvenience, but for reasons of international security we must request this meeting to continue in private. Though the SST has not issued a declaration of war and can therefore be considered safe, it would make us feel better if you all returned to your home countries safely in case hostilities DO break out. You are here as invited guests, and it would do us as hosts no good if we were to place you at risk -- no matter how small it may be."

Edited by Amyante
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- "Zargathia agrees with the Promised Land representative."

Amyante turned to where the observers of the non-member nations were seated.

- "Our apologies for the inconvenience, but for reasons of international security we must request this meeting to continue in private. Though the SST has not issued a declaration of war and can therefore be considered safe, it would make us feel better if you all returned to your home countries safely in case hostilities DO break out. You are here as invited guests, and it would do us as hosts no good if we were to place you at risk -- no matter how small it may be."

"The Empire agrees. Let it be moved that the doors be closed to all observers and non seated officials."

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At hearing of the current chain of events concerning the Dragon Empire, Amyante made the following comment.

- "Okay... What just happened? Last i heard the Empire was preparing for war, and when i woke up this morning my inbox was filled with secessions and surrenders."

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At hearing of the current chain of events concerning the Dragon Empire, Amyante made the following comment.

- "Okay... What just happened? Last i heard the Empire was preparing for war, and when i woke up this morning my inbox was filled with secessions and surrenders."

A new representative for the new Dragonisian government walked in, "In short. Nearly everyone in Asia and Europe has betrayed Dragonisia to some degree or other. Blood brothers who had fought wars in trenches defending each other have chosen to stab the other in the back. I am here to represent the transitional state of Dragonisia in the interim. I do wish to note is likely our secession from this treaty will likely occur once new elections are held, but will be dependent upon the victor. The population is leaning heavily isolationist after the !@#$ ton of treachery dropped upon their former leadership."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Zargathia find the sentiments of the Dragonisian people understandable and, for what it's worth, justified. We shall be following these elections closely, and though we would be saddened to see Dragonisia leave the AUP, recognize it would be up to the Dragonisian people to decide."

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"The government of Buryatia shall recognize the will of the Dragonisian people and recognize Dragonisia as being an independent and sovereign entity. We do wish to know however if Dragonisia is to be considered the main successor state of the Dragon Empire, and if so would the Dragonisians take over the Dragonisian Consulate in Buryiatia, or will the Consulate be closed?"-Buryatian Rep

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"We'll maintain the consulate until we have decided how we wish to interact with the AUP. Right now, the transitional government is doing little more than running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get ready for the emergency elections." The representative noted as he let out a long sigh. The man was in his late 40's, graying hair, wire-rimmed glasses. His tan/yellowed skin indicated an Indian heritage from near the northern regions. "Much will be undecided for a time."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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