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VE congratulates im317 and Eledan!


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I can't tell. But there are generally accepted definitions besides that one.

Regardless, whether or not I am a traitor (which I am not) does not influence whether or not it is classy to make a thread like this, which is the topic.

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Regardless, whether or not I am a traitor (which I am not) does not influence whether or not it is classy to make a thread like this, which is the topic.
It is generally accepted, and already properly established, that creating this thread was not classy.
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Technically... she's got a point. Treason is a crime, and as such it requires some deliberation, or what in Anglo-American criminal law is called mens rea.

sure, but whether or not an act is deliberate has nothing to do with state of mind... there's a long list of "traitors" out there who were under the impression that their actions would improve their nation/city/state/kingdom

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Consider the huge losses I took for Viridia, and then compare them with the token aid I gave Litha. I was no traitor to Viridia.

When an alliance is at war, or hostilities are present, and you aid that alliance, you are potentially committing an act of war. Simply put, if you aid an alliance at war you put your home alliance at risk. Any sane alliance would remove you for endangering them. Especially when you endanger your entire alliance for an act you admit is token.

This is CN Diplomacy 101.

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So I suppose this means we can stop caring about the time VE disbanded then, since you obviously think its funny.

And to think you guys once had class.

You do know what alliance you are party to right? The one alliance responsible for more disbandments than all the rest merged together.

You are an ironic little fellow.

Edited by Galapagos
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This is funny, if only because it is coming from VE. Any other alliance would be better, but you guys complained for months after you were forced to disband, and after your reformation. Although you had every right to complain, to see this come from you is the height of hypocrisy. I never thought I would see VE poke fun at another alliance's disbandment.

Stay classy VE.


I should expect it from you guys, however, given how well I knew you folks during post-GWII GUARD-VE admission talks.

Its funny because I've spoken with CG before and expected this, however, its just too ironic coming from a community which experienced an exodus (which they continue to blame others for, as if they had no part) and claim complete victim status.

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I should expect it from you guys, however, given how well I knew you folks during post-GWII GUARD-VE admission talks.

Its funny because I've spoken with CG before and expected this, however, its just too ironic coming from a community which experienced an exodus (which they continue to blame others for, as if they had no part) and claim complete victim status.

Please read the full thread, particularly my post a few pages back, before you parrot derogatory comments.

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sure, but whether or not an act is deliberate has nothing to do with state of mind... there's a long list of "traitors" out there who were under the impression that their actions would improve their nation/city/state/kingdom

Well, you're getting better.

The truth is you're both wrong, as mens rea does have to do with state of mind. :P

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You do know what alliance you are party to right? The one alliance responsible for more disbandments than all the rest merged together.

You are an ironic little fellow.

Please provide a list of every alliance the New Pacific Order has forced to disband. Those which are not eligible under these conditions are alliances that have disbanded rather than surrender(such as NAAC). I want the list to compromise alliances who had NO chance to surrender at all. Not even one

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This turned out like all other threads.

There're are two groups, 1 pro-OP and 1 anti-OP. This is how threads work.

Group1: o/

Group2: DIE

Group1: *makes a point*

Group2: *makes a different point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Thread dies.

Why must we always go in circles?

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This turned out like all other threads.

There're are two groups, 1 pro-OP and 1 anti-OP. This is how threads work.

Group1: o/

Group2: DIE

Group1: *makes a point*

Group2: *makes a different point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Group1: *repeats point*

Group2: *repeats point*

Thread dies.

Why must we always go in circles?

You do realize where you are, right? :v:

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Please provide a list of every alliance the New Pacific Order has forced to disband. Those which are not eligible under these conditions are alliances that have disbanded rather than surrender(such as NAAC). I want the list to compromise alliances who had NO chance to surrender at all. Not even one

Why are they not eligible? because NPO surrender terms weer always merciful and just?

Alliances that disbanded instead of choosing NPO surrender terms are eligible.

Edited by Galapagos
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