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VE congratulates im317 and Eledan!


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Here's how it works. $3 million or 100 tech to enter. You pick a week. If you pick the week they disband, you get all the money and/or tech from all the other people in the pool.

For the sake of sanity, Disbandment will be defined as: Losing more than 60% of their current membership for a week (Defacto Disbandment), OR an official disbandment notice on the OWF (Official Disbandment)

If your interested. Post what you're going to enter with (Tech or Cash) and the week you want to claim Starting with teh Sunday and ending with the Saturday.

Calendar Dipiction

Current Pot: $36m + 300t

August 9th-15th: Melchior, Killmaster Kaizer

August 16-22: Giantsgiants1

August 23rd-29th: im317, Eledan

August 30th - September 5th: lost

September 6th-12th: Sloppy Joe

September 13th-19th: Vladmir Vasquez, Death3965

September 20th-26th: Bdiah, Rebornz, 13Pittsburgh13

September 27th-October 3rd: JayhawkColin

October 4th-10th: goldielax25, 1972ford

$3 million: Melchior, Killmaster Kaizer, Giantsgiants1, im317, Sloppy Joe, Vladmir Vasquez, goldielax25, Eledan, Bdiah, Rebornz. 13Pittsburgh13, Death3965

100 tech: lost, JayhawkColin, 1972ford

many of us gave too much credit, and were greedy and tried to pick slots that hadnt been taken (me), but CG came through in the clutch and im317 and Eledan get to split the pot and will receive 18 million and 150 tech each!

congrats to them, and thanks CG!

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aww cmon it was a joke between a few people. no one got hurt, cept me cause im out 3 mil.

Its crass and pathetic, I'd have thought VE of all alliances would have some empathy for alliances disbanding under hardship. If you wanted to make jokes and laugh, at least do it in private so that those that are sad about this wouldn't have to put up with such a lack of class.

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Its crass and pathetic, I'd have thought VE of all alliances would have some empathy for alliances disbanding under hardship. If you wanted to make jokes and laugh, at least do it in private so that those that are sad about this wouldn't have to put up with such a lack of class.

oh i make no distinctions, it is very crass. im just extremely bored and trying to have a little fun. ve still takes lumps for its disbandment.

we feel we were at a special position to do something like this, because the alliance was formed by two people who deserted us during the karma war, so we knew that when the going got a little tough, the alliance probably wouldnt stay together, hence the game.

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Its crass and pathetic, I'd have thought VE of all alliances would have some empathy for alliances disbanding under hardship. If you wanted to make jokes and laugh, at least do it in private so that those that are sad about this wouldn't have to put up with such a lack of class.

VE as an alliance was willing to put their @#$% on the line to help CG after PC made their support for IS known even if it meant eating all the nukes that PC had to offer, which is more than your alliance has ever done to help any alliance from being unfairly bullied so I would take a nice long look in the mirror before you start questioning any other alliance's integrity let alone that of Viridia.

Edited by KingSrqt
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VE as an alliance was willing to put their @#$% on the line to help CG after PC made their support for IS known even if it meant eating all the nukes that PC had to offer, which is more than your alliance has ever done to help any alliance from being unfairly bullied so I would take a nice long look in the mirror before you start questioning any other alliance's integrity let alone that of Viridia.

Excuse me? Whatever we may have done wrong, we have never once to my knowledge ever ran a betting pool on the longevity of any alliance.

Also, how does our actions whether bad or good make this action any better? So because we've done worse in your eyes, making cruel jokes out of others misfortune is perfectly fine and righteous?

I have long been a friend of Viridia, but even this I cannot in good conscience swallow. To laugh at an alliance disbanding is just wrong, I would never do such a thing for anyone, regardless of who they may be.

I expected Viridia to show some compasion, but maybe that is the alliance of old I remember and not what it is today.

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VE as an alliance was willing to put their @#$% on the line to help CG after PC made their support for IS known even if it meant eating all the nukes that PC had to offer, which is more than your alliance has ever done to help any alliance from being unfairly bullied so I would take a nice long look in the mirror before you start questioning any other alliance's integrity let alone that of Viridia.

Umm, not to criticize but...I don't recall ever hearing from VE pubically or privately on that matter. O.o On the other hand, I happen to know of several NPO members who, were NPO not under terms at the moment, would have pushed for CG as well.

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VE as an alliance was willing to put their @#$% on the line to help CG after PC made their support for IS known even if it meant eating all the nukes that PC had to offer, which is more than your alliance has ever done to help any alliance from being unfairly bullied so I would take a nice long look in the mirror before you start questioning any other alliance's integrity let alone that of Viridia.

I would not be questioningthe values that our alliance has defended unless trying get rid of Walford legacy counts for nothing in addition to many other thinks Pacifica has done. In addition VE was not the only ones who stood next to CG, other be Invicta, etc

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This is funny, if only because it is coming from VE. Any other alliance would be better, but you guys complained for months after you were forced to disband, and after your reformation. Although you had every right to complain, to see this come from you is the height of hypocrisy. I never thought I would see VE poke fun at another alliance's disbandment.

Stay classy VE.

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Also, lol at the OP. Classless as it is, it's funny too :P

its pretty much what im going for. it was a joke, that i figured id share with people, but i guess people dont want to laugh anymore :( what has the world come to :( :(

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its pretty much what im going for. it was a joke, that i figured id share with people, but i guess people dont want to laugh anymore :( what has the world come to :( :(

Was it funny when VE disbanded? If you weren't there, go ask some people that were just how funny it was. Perhaps then you can gain some perspective.

Edited by Kaiser
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Umm, not to criticize but...I don't recall ever hearing from VE pubically or privately on that matter. O.o On the other hand, I happen to know of several NPO members who, were NPO not under terms at the moment, would have pushed for CG as well.

VE had target lists drawn up and were ready to roll, I was in contact with them and as you know I was in the private channel discussing the support of CG. Just because tehy did not broadcast it does not mean it did not happen.

I would not be questioningthe values that our alliance has defended unless trying get rid of Walford legacy counts for nothing in addition to many other thinks Pacifica has done. In addition VE was not the only ones who stood next to CG, other be Invicta, etc

"Many other things pacifica has done" like directly supporting the forced disbandment of alliances and participating in them as well. yes that is a proud history of strong values you have.

This is funny, if only because it is coming from VE. Any other alliance would be better, but you guys complained for months after you were forced to disband, and after your reformation. Although you had every right to complain, to see this come from you is the height of hypocrisy. I never thought I would see VE poke fun at another alliance's disbandment.

Stay classy VE.

Really, you are going to compare one of the most crap wars in the history of the game resulting in an alliance's disbandment to and alliance that just had the support of the whole world behind it crumbling under it's own weight?

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