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Crimson Guard Edict #5: Ultimatum to Internet Superheroes

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how various people keep saying the same thing, all not members of the NSO alliance.

We keep saying the same thing because we have the same opinion. Now, I don't want to look like I am telling NSO what to do, but they were the ones announcing their huge Doctrine, and now it is more than normal that people want to see whether it is used or not.

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We keep saying the same thing because we have the same opinion. Now, I don't want to look like I am telling NSO what to do, but they were the ones announcing their huge Doctrine, and now it is more than normal that people want to see whether it is used or not.

Does this mean we have to be mentioned in every single thread about a war?

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We keep saying the same thing because we have the same opinion. Now, I don't want to look like I am telling NSO what to do, but they were the ones announcing their huge Doctrine, and now it is more than normal that people want to see whether it is used or not.

This isn't about us, though, and it's in the best interests of CG for it to remain that way.

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We keep saying the same thing because we have the same opinion. Now, I don't want to look like I am telling NSO what to do, but they were the ones announcing their huge Doctrine, and now it is more than normal that people want to see whether it is used or not.

The mechanisms by which our alliance are run are used at our discretion and ours alone. I see no advantage accrued to NSO or reason in jumping into a situation that doesn't involve us and, quite frankly, isn't our business.

edit spelling

Edited by Hydro
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Well, as you've said you reserve the right to enter any war you choose, then the possibility of you entering a war is on the table whenever a war occurs. Naturally, people may mention it.

If you read the Doctrine in its entirety, you'll also note that we are under no obligation to declare ourself for either side. Nice try though.

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Well, as you've said you reserve the right to enter any war you choose, then the possibility of you entering a war is on the table whenever a war occurs. Naturally, people may mention it.

Yes, well after the Popcorn War it seems people wont have just the NSO to point to in this regard now will they?

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If you read the Doctrine in its entirety, you'll also note that we are under no obligation to declare ourself for either side. Nice try though.

I'm not trying anything. If you read my post in its entirety without, say, looking to skew it in such a way as to give you something stupid to say about it, you may notice I never said you were obligated, and I specifically qualified my words to make it obvious that I wasn't saying that, and in fact saying the opposite.

Let's go back to the post, shall we?

"Well, as you've said you reserve the right to enter any war you choose, then the possibility of you entering a war is on the table whenever a war occurs. Naturally, people may mention it."

Yes, well after the Popcorn War it seems people wont have just the NSO to point to in this regard now will they?

No they won't. In fact, the more common it becomes the less likely people are going to think of the NSO specifically in these cases.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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Well, as you've said you reserve the right to enter any war you choose, then the possibility of you entering a war is on the table whenever a war occurs. Naturally, people may mention it.

Invicta agreed with the Moldavi Doctrine. Should we get brought up in every single war thread then too?

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I can understand IS attacking CG with out a valid CB or with no CB at all, dam we have had that in CN for as long as I can remember, one thing I have never got, more then likely never will, IF you are mad at what someone has done then take action.

Friends over Infra comes to mind right now.

I am not saying CG or IS is right, I am just saying if your unhappy do something about it, dont spam up the owf with nothing more then a LOOK AT ME TOPIC.

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Actually, I think anyone would take flak for raiding a recognized alliance with CMs and bombers. Granted, a lot of people (myself not the least among them) would get a lot of laughs out of IS being rolled, but that doesn't change the situation.


It doesn't. There's nothing to this, really. CG has no treaties and they're paying the price for it. I hope they learn from this.


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