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A True Enigma


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First off, allow me to give some introduction and background to myself; so a proper context can be established for the rest of this thread. I'm Owned-You of United Owns and I've played this for 953 days as of today the majority of that time I've been politically active. I've fought in GWII and every major war since then (along with various minor ones) so I've seen my share of drama, shenanigans, and other assortments of what Planet Bob consider "Entertainment". Now I'm old, but not ancient when compared to various other players whom have played this game for much longer then myself. I've lead 2 alliances in my time of play, one of those times I lead on my own accord the other I was thrust into a position. I also founded Nueva Vida 2 and a half years ago which was a pretty successful venture by my estimates. I've been in many alliances over that time span and have held government positions in the majority of them. Thus I've made many contacts and friends and met many people I enjoy talking too, and others not so much. To put it briefly, I've seen and been involved the majority of political happenings for the longest time in one way or another.

With all that said, for let's say...since the start of summer (if not a bit before that) I've been struggling with a question. One that nearly every player eventually faces at one point or another, this question is one that has a variable answer based on the questioner. So in a way, it has no true defined answer; thus I cannot answer it myself. Hence I've decided it would be interesting to know your answer to the grand question.

Why do you play this game? What sort of enjoyment does a text-based simulation give you?

2 years ago when I was enthusiastically involved in the happenings of Planet Bob I enjoyed it. The interaction amongst players and competition for alliances to scratch out some happening of power was something I enjoyed. I found the game's politics very enjoyable; thus why I was so involved in them. I wanted to make a mark on Planet Bob no matter how obscure it may be in the grand scheme of things. And I have, thus why I don't really strive to get more from this game nor actively participate in it anymore. However, in retrospect I would say that this chase I undertook was a bit foolish; because in all honesty nothing anyone does or has done here in this game carries any meaning. I was once immersed in this game, as many others have been and continued to be. Thus this game and it's politics was something I wanted...or better yet needed to excel in to gain a sense of accomplishment was misplaced. As in all reality, the accomplishments made here can be wiped away in an instant; there is no real long-lasting accomplishments in CN. The archaic movers-and-shakers of olden days are just that, old...CN is a young-man's (figuratively speaking as I myself am only 17) game and much like competitive sports does not reward the old with continued success. Hence I no longer follow politics or anything else concerning this game apart from collecting taxes and paying bills. And on the odd occasion I do browse the forums, I find myself wondering why I bother.

Thus I ask this question to everyone whom partakes in this game; even more so to players whom were once or continue to be politically active, to ask yourself. What are your real motives for playing this game?

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I've felt the same way. I was a MoFA for a year, and got really burned out on politics. I'm enjoying them again, but having been around the block a time or two, they don't have as much meaning for me anymore. They're just a fun part of CN. The longer you play, the more you realize that CN is about the people. At least that's the way it has seemed to me.


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I've felt the same way. I was a MoFA for a year, and got really burned out on politics. I'm enjoying them again, but having been around the block a time or two, they don't have as much meaning for me anymore. They're just a fun part of CN. The longer you play, the more you realize that CN is about the people. At least that's the way it has seemed to me.


this ^_^

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I've felt the same way. I was a MoFA for a year, and got really burned out on politics. I'm enjoying them again, but having been around the block a time or two, they don't have as much meaning for me anymore. They're just a fun part of CN. The longer you play, the more you realize that CN is about the people. At least that's the way it has seemed to me.


I agree, politics became meaningless to me some time ago. But when the majority of rapport established with people are based around politics...it seems a bit pointless if not strange to really hang around IRC. (At least speaking from my experience)

I suppose I've developed a morose attitude in regards to CN...One way to describe it would be to reference The Joker from Watchmen; how he realizes the true nature of the world and how it's all simply a joke thus he illustrates it in his character whilst the rest of the world doesn't understand the true meaning behind it. (In the novel of course) I in many ways, can associate those feelings to CN.

Edited by Owned-You
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The Joker from Watchmen;


Its the Comedian.

Then again, Im not interested in derailing any topics, as you've already indicated why you stopped caring about "politics" and such.

As for me? I left because of the politics, I came back for the people.

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I stay out of an obligation to my alliance and my allies. Working with them for so long, I feel as if I'd be abandoning them if I left before the end. It's really as simple as that.

CN isn't really fun anymore, it has become more of a chore than anything else. Though, if it weren't for some of the people, I think I would have been long gone.

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Ehn.. Hm. To be completely honest, some days I'm not sure why I play myself. Now though, I would say that a great part of it is due in part because of the community of the alliance I'm in, and of how long I've been a member. Simply up and leaving would be putting the time I invested in the community there to waste.

The intra-alliance politics are greatly amusing as well, but I find it's the people who keep me back.

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Owned-You, please come talk to me. I've missed you ;) To answer your question, I love the political side of CN. This is the first text based browser game I played and the politics just swept/sweeping me off my feet. I just love it. I also love these forums, the way people interact with each other and what not. That's the main thing I get from this game

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Are you having an existentialist crisis? People play because they enjoy it for whatever reason, or find it somehow interesting or compelling.

At one point, in regards to CN I was toiling about trying to find something to keep me engaged. Currently I'm content with sitting outside the realm of CN's enjoyment. As for your second point, I'm aware of that. The point of this topic is for people to be specific in regards to what they find compelling.

Its the Comedian.

I was speaking about his Vigilante career, he didn't gain The Comedian persona until later on if I remember right.

I stay out of an obligation to my alliance and my allies. Working with them for so long, I feel as if I'd be abandoning them if I left before the end. It's really as simple as that.

CN isn't really fun anymore, it has become more of a chore than anything else. Though, if it weren't for some of the people, I think I would have been long gone.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head as to why I haven't deleted myself. However, the only difference in our situations is I don't view it as a chore any longer; I don't hold any responsibilities nor stress out over the alliances welfare as I once did years back. I think this situation becomes the outcome for the majority of players whom become burned out in communities after years of service.

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I stopped years ago.

I got bored and thought a couple people might remember me, so I came back.

It's been... interesting thus far. Much more interesting than the seemingly-unipolar structure I was leaving behind, anyway; just seeing how everything is going to go is enough to keep my going, honestly.

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That is incorrect, the Comedian was always his moniker.

I stand corrected then. *Presents Chron his e-saber In intellectual surrender*


Just as an observation on the responses thus far, nobody seems to have compelling reasons for playing...other then to just play it seems. CN becomes an addiction for some...if not many; I use the term addiction as opposed to habit because I'd reckon that CN often takes the place of more important RL functions we just don't want to do. Hehe

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I find this game to be rather therapeutic. I've had a lot of problems in my RL over the past year or so, and coming to this game helps me to distract myself and put it all away in my mind. You can forget some dick teacher or ex-girlfriend and come on to these boards and toss mindless witty insults at each other all day. These forums are a whole new intangible world filled with rich history, fantastic people, and entertainingly competitive rivalries that I've probably invested more time into than anything else I can think of. I've actually known Tulak longer than some of my best RL friends now that I think about it.

Although CN doesn't have any real gameplay, it's an experience unlike any other in gaming, and one I wouldn't trade for any other.

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Simple enough. GATO keeps me here in whatever small or big capacity. I couldn't give less of a !@#$ about the rest of the alliances in CN, with the exception of the IAA and some people in other alliances.

The game itself is largely !@#$ as well. It's the community itself that gives it any real attraction and staying power.

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I stopped years ago.

I got bored and thought a couple people might remember me, so I came back.

It's been... interesting thus far. Much more interesting than the seemingly-unipolar structure I was leaving behind, anyway; just seeing how everything is going to go is enough to keep my going, honestly.

Just saying, but I think I remember you, as well.

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For me it is a giant experiment, entertainment, and training exercise.

The microcosm of human interaction we experience here, with all the conflict, ethical debates, drama, humor, and friendship, is indicative of the human condition.

Themes derived from psychology and sociology are played out for our observation in variation here again and again.

Also, it is a test of my skills. At every turn there is the opportunity to practice critical thinking, leadership, propaganda, logic, rhetoric, creative writing, art, empathy, mentorship, game theory, and system mastery.

Plus, it gives one the opportunity to build, destroy, and live out a story, a fantasy of high power intrigue and politics, which is devoid from most people's lives. What's it all for since it "doesn't really matter"? Well, nothing really matters; all the work in real life is naught but ashes and dreams after we die. So might as well enjoy the ride.

That's why I do it.

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