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What in the world is wrong with Planet Bob?


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You know there's something wrong with you when you're so bored you actually seriously consider an anti-pink crusade for the hell of it.

What do you mean for the hell of it? :D

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I wouldn't worry about it, vengeance is coming, of that there is no doubt, what goes around comes around, even it does need a helping hand sometimes.

The longer it takes to kick of, the sweeter it will taste. :rolleyes:

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<~nc1701> lol

<~nc1701> What you got is expected Fran..... "Listen to music and wait on IRC" is exactly what you do 95% of the time in this game

<@Francesca> Rofl.

<~nc1701> UJW to WoTC took 10-11 months

<~nc1701> WoTC to Karma took 7 months

<~nc1701> I doubt anything big will happen before Christmas

<@Francesca> :(

<~nc1701> That means you got time o hit 60k infra, get a warchest, MP, and full nukes

<~nc1701> 6k*

<@Francesca> How utterly boring.

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TOP are evil overlords? I thought they were friendly, and they don't have a huge MDP web like Pacifica did.

Also Karma is awesome to whoever who keeps saying they're evil.

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TOP are evil overlords? I thought they were friendly, and they don't have a huge MDP web like Pacifica did.

Don't you get it? This is the problem!!! (although I don't particularly like TOP, they suck at acting as evil as Pacifica did.)

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Don't you get it? This is the problem!!! (although I don't particularly like TOP, they suck at acting as evil as Pacifica did.)

Don't worry Frans we're working on it. We need a new name that we can put enemies under. I'm thinking something a long the lines of OMGYRFSJDN(Oh my god you're freaking screwed just die now) but we all think that's pretty long.

Edited by Believland
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Don't worry Frans we're working on it. We need a new name that we can put enemies under. I'm thinking something a long the lines of OMGYRFSJDN(Oh my god you're freaking screwed just die now) but we all think that's pretty long.

Sounds like a great name to me - but we need to add something about being on pink too?

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I don't think we have to look far off into the future to see where rifts are forming...

Of course there are rifts, but no one wants to widen them. In the post-Hegemonic world, no one dares to be seen as the bad guy, the next "them". No one wants to be seen as seeking world power or gunning for their enemies. Guys, this is Cyber Nations. Sooner or later, rifts will widen. But it will take a very long time. And even then, everyone will be terrified of setting off the first spark for fear of being seen as the next NPO vs OV, so we'll probably get an uncharacteristically long wait even after the sides appear to be set.


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Of course there are rifts, but no one wants to widen them. In the post-Hegemonic world, no one dares to be seen as the bad guy, the next "them". No one wants to be seen as seeking world power or gunning for their enemies. Guys, this is Cyber Nations. Sooner or later, rifts will widen. But it will take a very long time. And even then, everyone will be terrified of setting off the first spark for fear of being seen as the next NPO vs OV, so we'll probably get an uncharacteristically long wait even after the sides appear to be set.


Exactly! I mean, with this latest RAD vs NSO conflict, if people really wanted it could end in Frostbite vs SuperFriends. Nobody wants that to happen because they don't what to explore what would happen if they did so.

More quality posting from Bama.

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Congratulations TS you've scored 2 completely unnecessary "firsts".

A few days ago I was wondering how long it would take before someone would start talking about the fabulous time CN was in when Vox populi was flourishing. The other first is that you are the first person who started whining about missing NPO in the top spot.

My advice: Do something about it!

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Exactly! I mean, with this latest RAD vs NSO conflict, if people really wanted it could end in Frostbite vs SuperFriends. Nobody wants that to happen because they don't what to explore what would happen if they did so.

More quality posting from Bama.

Bama has nothing but quality posts. And this RAD NSO conflict could end up being CnG, SF and Cit against FB. But that's if we went into stupid wars for even stupider Casus Belli

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Congratulations TS you've scored 2 completely unnecessary "firsts".

TS? I assume you mean me?

A few days ago I was wondering how long it would take before someone would start talking about the fabulous time CN was in when Vox populi was flourishing.

Er, wut? The entire point of this thread is to ponder whether or not bringing down the hegemony was such a good thing, in terms of fun. I'm not trying to hail Vox or anything else.

The other first is that you are the first person who started whining about missing NPO in the top spot.

I'm not so much complaining about NPO not being in the top spot as complaining that the absence of a hegemony makes for a very boring Planet Bob. What can we focus on now? Plus, plenty of people have complained about NPO's absence as the centre of the political situation already, on the grounds that they would make a much more benevolent dictator than many other potential hegemonies.

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Believe me I know exactly what you mean. After six months of working toward one specific goal where every right move made it just a little less likely that we'd get ourselves killed and every wrong move meant risking the collapse of everything we'd done and eventual annihilation, where every thing I did in CN was focused on achieving that one single goal of avoiding being smashed into bits, and then we succeed and suddenly it's all over; after all that, having to look around and realize I didn't have a goal and even if I found one my success or failure wouldn't really be a life or death thing made stuff a bit boring. This is on top of the fact that six months of that kind of tension on a daily basis will burn you out real good.

I know a lot of people who are suffering post-war depression of that nature, especially people who are or were in government. Luckily for me, I bounce back from things quickly. Found myself some new goals and a new wind. They're not as glamorous but they're challenging and it's enough to keep me interested. If the politics aren't doing it for you, pick something you can do yourself and work on that. It's what I did and I'm much happier now.

Edited by Delta1212
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Exactly! I mean, with this latest RAD vs NSO conflict, if people really wanted it could end in Frostbite vs SuperFriends. Nobody wants that to happen because they don't what to explore what would happen if they did so.

More quality posting from Bama.

Yep. I guess in a lot of ways, we haven't moved on from the Hegemony era at all. Survival and avoidance of war are still the top priorities for most people. Few dare to show open hostility towards powerful groups (though with the interesting twist that there are now several seperate factions with varying measures of power). Guys, there's not an unbreakable hegemony anymore. Somewhere after UJW, I think everyone forgot that things get the most interesting in CN when people strive for world power. The Great Wars? A long struggle for global power. The Unjust War? A somewhat shorter struggle for world power. The Karma War? Another struggle for global power, though the victors didn't take the power for themselves. I'm sure it'll happen again... I mean, this is CN. As the months go by and the Hegemony becomes a distant memory rather than a vanquished but still-hated foe, people will begin to test the waters and make moves for power. Others will see this and make moves to counterbalance this. That's how it always goes. It'll just take time... Though I wish it would hurry up. :P I love the political undercurrents, and those are always going on, but I've also recently acquired a taste for war ( :wub: TPF).


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Everyone must find their own goals and reasons to keep active in the game. I suffered the same kind of lack of interest and drive after the Second Patriotic War. I literally spent my entire time in CN, which was over two years, working to improve, protect, and lead the New Polar Order. Suddenly I was an outcast. So basically my choices were to either quit (which wasn't an option as there was sweet revenge to be had) or find something new to interest me. I found a new home and new projects, but it did take a while.

So my advise to those who are feeling bored or uninterested with the major source of conflict gone, simply find something else do to. Learn new skills. If you were good at espionage, try learning the FA ropes, or military structure. There will always be another conflict, and this downtime is a chance to prepare for it.

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There comes a time, sooner or later, for all of us that the game will no longer offer what it once did...everything becomes "been there, done that". If you can't find anything to peak your interests (whether that be igniting a global conflict or helping your alliance rise to power) then maybe you should take time away from the game and do something else for a while.

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