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The Sovereignty of Nations

Voodoo Nova

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"If the Commonwealth agrees to public elections (OOC: Read: Forum vote. :v: ), then everything will be fine.

Additionally, we are tiring of the rethoric Drakoria throws around. We have the military power to crush almost any single nation, save for Rebel Army or Viniland, despite our relatively small size. Would you really want to unleash this warmachine?"

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"If the Commonwealth agrees to public elections (OOC: Read: Forum vote. :v: ), then everything will be fine.

Additionally, we are tiring of the rethoric Drakoria throws around. We have the military power to crush almost any single nation, save for Rebel Army or Viniland, despite our relatively small size. Would you really want to unleash this warmachine?"

"Is that a threat?"

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"If the Commonwealth agrees to public elections (OOC: Read: Forum vote. :v: ), then everything will be fine.

Additionally, we are tiring of the rethoric Drakoria throws around. We have the military power to crush almost any single nation, save for Rebel Army or Viniland, despite our relatively small size. Would you really want to unleash this warmachine?"

OOC: Forum votes are highly biased ways of doing public elections in CNRP. You know that.


Will Bavaria do a public election as well to ensure that the Austrian/Slovene people want to be apart of Bavaria?

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OOC: Forum votes are highly biased ways of doing public elections in CNRP. You know that.


Will Bavaria do a public election as well to ensure that the Austrian/Slovene people want to be apart of Bavaria?

OOC: Obviously, those who voted would have to post, IC or OOC, depending on what they wanted. OOC just to say "I voted this", IC to make a citizen's statement "I voted this because I think.." etc. Neutrality would be encouraged, but everyone is biased in some way or another. How else would we do this?

I'll do a vote if you do, otherwise I'll follow your example and say the people are happy with bavaria, and obviously don't want a nation to themselves, etc.


"We are, in fact, currently setting up a vote, though it will most likely be postponed until the threat of war is over. If you agree to hold a vote in Hungary, we shall hold one in Austria/Slovenia.

Should the region decide to join, then it will be annexed into the respective nation. Should they decide against it, the territory shall become a joint protectorate of the Commonwealth, Serbia and Bavaria.

For the votes, we would propose the following:

The Austrians and Slovenian regions will have the options

1; Join Bavaria

2; Do not join

The Hungarians will have the options

1; Join the Commonwealth

2; Join Serbia

3; Become a protectorate

The additional option - joining serbia - because they are contesting your claims of Hungary and you are contesting theirs.

Simple majority rules; Those who get the majority win. Is this acceptable?"

"An aggressive statement. There's no hiding the threatening undertone to that sentence."

"There is no need to hide anything."

We'd love to see a public election...one for the Commonwealth...one for Bavaria...and I believe Serbia has tried to move into the area peacefully...one for them as well.

"As stated previously, we are already preparing a vore."

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"Then why call it a statement if you acknowledge it is a threat? And don't claim you only recognized it as an aggressive statement, the two are almost the exact same."

"It was a statement that we have the power to win against many nations in the world. After that followed the simple question if you wanted that power against you.

A statement followed by a question. No more, no less."

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The Commonwealth refuses to allow foreign entities to decide its fate, and thus will not participate in such an election.

"There has never been a mention of letting foreign nations choose. By the looks of the Bavarian suggestion, they are saying the people in the territory should vote on their own fate."

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Native citizens are foreign entities now? Interesting.
"There has never been a mention of letting foreign nations choose. By the looks of the Bavarian suggestion, they are saying the people in the territory should vote on their own fate."

"I believe they mean that they don't like Bavaria setting up that election."

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"I believe they mean that they don't like Bavaria setting up that election."

"In that case, we would like to petition that a neutral nation, such as Viniland or the Hansa, to set up and manage the polls. We [OOC: RA] personally believe that the people should be able to choose their own path, without external influences breathing down their backs."

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"In that case, we would like to petition that a neutral nation, such as Viniland or the Hansa, to set up and manage the polls. We [OOC: RA] personally believe that the people should be able to choose their own path, without external influences breathing down their backs."

"Viniland has wide experience with setting up, conducting and checking elections within its protectorate, doing so successfully even when there were ideological or ethnic tensions. It'd be of no hassle to do the same in Hungary as we have no alliances in the continent - unless European nations prefer an European party to do so (although most seem to be aligned with a side or has unclear or dubious intentions)".

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"Viniland has wide experience with setting up, conducting and checking elections within its protectorate, doing so successfully even when there were ideological or ethnic tensions. It'd be of no hassle to do the same in Hungary as we have no alliances in the continent - unless European nations prefer an European party to do so (although most seem to be aligned with a side or has unclear or dubious intentions)".

"We thank you for your offer. However, Bavaria's ultimatum has already expired, and as they seem intent on fulfilling it, we will await their movements."

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"Viniland has wide experience with setting up, conducting and checking elections within its protectorate, doing so successfully even when there were ideological or ethnic tensions. It'd be of no hassle to do the same in Hungary as we have no alliances in the continent - unless European nations prefer an European party to do so (although most seem to be aligned with a side or has unclear or dubious intentions)".

"We would gladly see Viniland or the Hansa setting up the elections, not only to eleminate bias, but also because few would contest the outcome if they organised it.

Regarding the Ultimatum, it has been postponed for the time being. Should the elections be conducted, it will be void. Should no elections happen in Hungary, then we will recognise the Commonwealth invading the Lubeck protectorate and seizing territory from a sovereign nation which we are friendly with, which, obviously, will have consequences."

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"This is utterly ridiculous. Can't Europe go more than a few years without some major conflict springing up? the ethnicities and rivalries there ensure almost constant strife, and we urge the Commonwealth to accept the offer of neutral Viniland in this matter."

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