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Recognition of war

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Right; whining and complaining aka stating their opinion and what they believe. WORDS, man. THEY MEAN SO MUCH!

I'm not saying people shouldn't state their opinion, thats their right no doubt, but they're arguing to the extent as if they

were getting attacked.

And that's where the responsibility part comes in. Don't argue that you are at war because J8 attackedAnthony because it's not. NSO still feels the need to brush any fault of their own off, when it is completely their fault that the war started. Anthony baited into a joke attack, and then NSO rushed into war when they could have avoided it so easily.

Yes you caught us. I'll tell you what we did ok. We got a dart board full of CN alliances and put them on the dart board, then we blindfolded Ivan and gave him a dart. He then threw the dart and it hit RAD. So we went "Hey lets provoke a war with RAD

and in turn cause a massive tech raid on their alliance HURR DURR?!?!!?"

Was that the answer you were looking for?

Edited by kevin32891
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Regardless of whether or not NSO baited RAD into attacking, RAD had previously declared what was essentially an open war against anyone, and in the thread they said they took full responsibility and consequences for their actions.

Now, NSO obviously did not have to bait RAD into attacking, but at the same time, RAD did not have to accept the bait, yet they did. It should also be known that RAD had one or two opportunities to spit the bait out, to back out of the fight rather than to proceed, but they attacked. Now, you can say that RAD was only joking, that they didn't declare war against everyone, but with every RAD announcement essentially looking and sounding the same, how was anyone to know that THAT announcement was the one that was a joke?

NSO is.. a different alliance. I wouldn't $%&@ with them, personally (and this is really me speaking personally) because they .. don't really play around, and I do. I may be joking in what I do around them, but they're probably not, and they're probably not going to respond in a joke manner. So, if I joke around with them and I get smacked upside the head for it, is it their fault, or is it my fault for trying to joke around with people who don't joke around?

again, i have no problem with them declaring war. I have a problem with them saying that they are not in the wrong in this matter. I know what RAD did was stupid and wrong, but what NSO did was just as stupid and wrong, if not more. They're both acting like idiots, but at least RAD admits it.

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Yes you caught us. I'll tell you what we did ok. We got a dart board full of CN alliances and put them on the dart board, then we then we blindfolded Ivan and gave him a dart. He then threw the dart and it hit RAD. So we went "Hey lets provoke a war with RAD

and in turn cause a massive tech raid on their alliance HURR DURR?!?!!?"

Was that the answer you were looking for?

No, it wasn't. Keep proving my point by dancing around the subject by giving responses that aren't valid. Do you honestly think that was the answer he was looking for, or is that one you thought of to try to make him look dumb somehow?

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again, i have no problem with them declaring war. I have a problem with them saying that they are not in the wrong in this matter. I know what RAD did was stupid and wrong, but what NSO did was just as stupid and wrong, if not more. They're both acting like idiots, but at least RAD admits it.

We're not in the wrong. We were unjustly attacked and are defending our sovereignty against unwarranted RAD aggression.

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Just keep painting it that way... I'm sure you'll eventually get yourself to believe it as well.

So wait we get attacked, so we have to bend over to our enemies is that what you're saying?

If so I feel sorry for your alliance if you're in leadership.

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again, i have no problem with them declaring war. I have a problem with them saying that they are not in the wrong in this matter. I know what RAD did was stupid and wrong, but what NSO did was just as stupid and wrong, if not more. They're both acting like idiots, but at least RAD admits it.

NSO [ooc] plays this thing differently than you or I [/ooc] I believe their whole purpose is to do things DIFFERENTLY than the status quo, because they feel the status quo is broken, I could be wrong about that, but that's the way I've read them and their announcements. If, as an alliance you say you're doing something, they take you on your word, and they hold you to it.

RAD declared war on everyone, NSO held them to it. Again, you and I may not like it, but we're bound by more traditional standards, and maybe that's why everyone is up in arms over this, because they chose long ago to not play by the rules the rest of us do. So RAD did something stupid, they're being held to their word by NSO.

RAD shouldn't have played with them to begin with. They could have chosen ANY OTHER alliance, and probably have been fine, but they decided to choose the one alliance that would cause them the greatest headache, if not.. greatest harm.

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That NSO still fails to take responsibility for its part in the war. Its a shame because how it played out was awesome.

Sir, I will take full responsibility for our dispensing of righteous justice in this conflict with RAD. So there you have it, you've gotten what you wanted. Good day to you.

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That NSO still fails to take responsibility for its part in the war. Its a shame because how it played out was awesome.

I don't think I've seen NSO fail to take responsibility for it's part of the war. The only thing I've seen them 'fail' to do, is agree with you.

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NSO [ooc] plays this thing differently than you or I [/ooc] I believe their whole purpose is to do things DIFFERENTLY than the status quo, because they feel the status quo is broken, I could be wrong about that, but that's the way I've read them and their announcements. If, as an alliance you say you're doing something, they take you on your word, and they hold you to it.

RAD declared war on everyone, NSO held them to it. Again, you and I may not like it, but we're bound by more traditional standards, and maybe that's why everyone is up in arms over this, because they chose long ago to not play by the rules the rest of us do. So RAD did something stupid, they're being held to their word by NSO.

RAD shouldn't have played with them to begin with. They could have chosen ANY OTHER alliance, and probably have been fine, but they decided to choose the one alliance that would cause them the greatest headache, if not.. greatest harm.

I don't care how they act or if they follow the status quo or not. They're acting like overbearing $%&@ers, and they're trying to pass it off as something they had to do.

Edited by Aeternalis
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Sir, I will take full responsibility for our dispensing of righteous justice in this conflict with RAD. So there you have it, you've gotten what you wanted. Good day to you.

You used the word righteous for the sole reason of causing my brain to explode, didn't you?

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I don't care how they act or if they follow the status quo or not. They're acting like overbearing $%&@ers, and they're trying to pass it off as something they had to do.

It is an alliances responsibility to defend it's members from aggressive foreign entities. It was something we were obligated to do.

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It is an alliances responsibility to defend it's members from aggressive foreign entities. It was something we were obligated to do.

then why the hell didn't your member 'defend' himself by not asking for a war. or better, why didn't he ask for peace when jason8 gave him the window to do so?

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then why the hell didn't your member 'defend' himself by not asking for a war. or better, why didn't he ask for peace when jason8 gave him the window to do so?

I have a question for you: why are you still trotting out arguments that were debunked 30-40 pages ago?

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I don't care how they act or if they follow the status quo or not. They're acting like overbearing $%&@ers, and they're trying to pass it off as something they had to do.

I don't see them acting like it's something they had to do, if anything, I see it as them accepting the challenge laid down by RAD. They're playing [ooc] this thing [/ooc] in a more literal sense than most people, and I don't think that's something most of these people have yet to grasp or have yet to understand. They may not have liked RAD to begin with, but RAD declared war on everyone, whether or not it was a joke, NSO didn't see it as one, and took them on their word.

I really don't see how this is NSO's fault. I don't even think RAD is to blame, I just think they made an incredibly stupid mistake, and like I've said before, sometimes stupidity has consequences.

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It should also be known that RAD had one or two opportunities to spit the bait out, to back out of the fight rather than to proceed, but they attacked.

Oh, trust me, we tried to back out of it. When that didn't work, we did what we had no choice but to do, and that's fight.

Sir, I will take full responsibility for our dispensing of righteous justice in this conflict with RAD. So there you have it, you've gotten what you wanted. Good day to you.

You're right; this is a fight between angels and demons. NSO, of course, being the angels, and RAD being the demons. Why SO MANY members of so many alliances all over CN choose to take the side of us demons, I do not know. Clearly their eyes are blinded to this righteous light.. what a shame. :(

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NSO is.. a different alliance. I wouldn't $%&@ with them, personally (and this is really me speaking personally) because they .. don't really play around, and I do. I may be joking in what I do around them, but they're probably not, and they're probably not going to respond in a joke manner. So, if I joke around with them and I get smacked upside the head for it, is it their fault, or is it my fault for trying to joke around with people who don't joke around?

I would never imagine a sith would make a good comedian.

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Why did jason8 attack when he was given the window to do so? Your argument goes both ways.

That's pretty much what we are trying to get across. Every little step leading up to the war could have been avoided if both wanted it to. The war falls on both alliances shoulders, not what NSO is trying to pitch it as, which Mr. Hakai so awesomely put it:

You're right; this is a fight between angels and demons. NSO, of course, being the angels, and RAD being the demons. Why SO MANY members of so many alliances all over CN choose to take the side of us demons, I do not know. Clearly their eyes are blinded to this righteous light.. what a shame. sad.gif
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