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Recognition of war

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I didn't know that happened, I must have missed it. POS!

If I am reading you post right then this is my answer:

Well, your leaders/Ministers/Military officials did tell people to attack those nations or whatever.

If I am reading your post wrong then please excuse my post.

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Not my problem if you can't use logic/reasoning. CRAP! You just made me do what I don't want to do :(

Not my problem if you cannot follow logic and reasoning of someone whom is not just using one liners. Especially considering my response was to a RAD member whom was asking why all this was still going on. My response to him was about the agenda folks have against NSO, I am not going to explain it to you as I honestly do not give a damn whether you understand it or not.

So what exactly is the point of all your blathering about here? RAD already has stated they dont mind this war as is so why dont you state your point as it surely isnt about RAD so it must be about NSO huh?

Edited by HeinousOne
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I mean, we have here a full blown Official RAD Declaration of War that really isnt precise in stating who it will be upon. When we see the first shot is fired by a RAD nation at an NSO nation one could say that is the first shot in a war.

Now you're just being silly. The 'DoW' was clearly not an actual declaration of war on an alliance, although it's not clear exactly what it was ... a pseudo-Shark Week or an outright joke. However, the first shot wasn't just fired on an NSO nation selected at random like you imply (at which point a normal alliance would still go to the attacker's alliance and see what was going on, not immediately escalate to alliance war). It was actually fired on Srqt, and subsequent to that on an NSO nation which had asked to be 'attacked'.

Let's be honest, if RAD wanted to attack NSO, they wouldn't have done it like that. It is clearly an individual action, from the logs already posted it was a friendly sparring with Anthony, and you are being ridiculous in trying to claim that NSO had no choice or that this is simply a defensive action.

It is being attacked thoroughly because it is blatant warmongering, not because it's being done by NSO – although hardly any other alliance would start an alliance war over a joke individual 'war' in the first place. Yes, RAD (or at least Jason) screwed up too, but you don't see the Jedi rolling them – because they were not trying to bait RAD into a war, like NSO were.

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Not my problem if you cannot follow logic and reasoning of someone whom is not just using one liners. Especially considering my response was to a RAD member whom was asking why all this was still going on. My response to him was about the agenda folks have against NSO, I am not going to explain it to you as I honestly do not give a damn whether you understand it or not.

So what exactly is the point of all your blathering about here? RAD already has stated they dont mind this war as is so why dont you state your point as it surely isnt about RAD so it must be about NSO huh?

well aren't we bitter today?

All I said was I didn't follow and I explained why. Then you say something rude to me instead of trying to explain what you said?

Good grief, I hope your not drunk or something :P

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Now you're just being silly. The 'DoW' was clearly not an actual declaration of war on an alliance, although it's not clear exactly what it was ... a pseudo-Shark Week or an outright joke. However, the first shot wasn't just fired on an NSO nation selected at random like you imply (at which point a normal alliance would still go to the attacker's alliance and see what was going on, not immediately escalate to alliance war). It was actually fired on Srqt, and subsequent to that on an NSO nation which had asked to be 'attacked'.

Let's be honest, if RAD wanted to attack NSO, they wouldn't have done it like that. It is clearly an individual action, from the logs already posted it was a friendly sparring with Anthony, and you are being ridiculous in trying to claim that NSO had no choice or that this is simply a defensive action.

It is being attacked thoroughly because it is blatant warmongering, not because it's being done by NSO – although hardly any other alliance would start an alliance war over a joke individual 'war' in the first place. Yes, RAD (or at least Jason) screwed up too, but you don't see the Jedi rolling them – because they were not trying to bait RAD into a war, like NSO were.

I am sorry there are no joke announcements on the alliance announcements. It is not possible and you really should know better then to try and pass such off as a possible truth.

That NSO nation was not "asking" to be attacked as you put it. The NSO nation was saying go ahead and attack me then if you wish with the implied threat of "you know what will happen if you do".

Unfortunately RAD leadership made a thread dedicated to attacking whomever they wanted. One of their well known personalities took it upon himself then to assume he could attack whomever he wanted. That is what he did. RAD is taking responsibility for such yet people like yourselves would argue for a world in which an alliance doesnt have to take responsibility for making a public announcement that they will attack whomever they want whenever they want? That is what happened, NSO responded to the attack as they saw fit and RAD even admitted in the original OP that they knew this would probably lead to an alliance war yet here you go again trying to defend RAD and their shark week.

Funny how you want NSO to be responsible for their actions (which they are) yet you hold no such responsibility on the RAD leadership. Once again, so what if NSO baited them in their own Declaration thread? Pink has been baiting NSO for weeks and NSO didnt attack them. You should be talking to RAD about their self control but that doesn't suit your political desires does it?

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It is being attacked thoroughly because it is blatant warmongering, not because it's being done by NSO – although hardly any other alliance would start an alliance war over a joke individual 'war' in the first place. Yes, RAD (or at least Jason) screwed up too, but you don't see the Jedi rolling them – because they were not trying to bait RAD into a war, like NSO were.

Jedi want peace not war. Sorry, I had to :P

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You should be talking to RAD about their self control but that doesn't suit your political desires does it?

Except for in every post (including the one you quoted – without reading it I must assume) where I point out that RAD screwed up too. But it's not really 'RAD', is it ... it's Jason. If RAD had dropped a 3v1 on the NSO nations then you'd have more of an argument.

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well aren't we bitter today?

All I said was I didn't follow and I explained why. Then you say something rude to me instead of trying to explain what you said?

Good grief, I hope your not drunk or something :P

I will be a nicer kitty later when I am. Until then I quite tired of all the hypocrisy abounding about this. Everyone trying to hold NSO up underneath a magnifying glass to judge them even though RAD themselves are fine with what is going on. Being that they were the ones that started all this, I would think people would leave well enough alone. Nope, not when it involves the NSO.

Not surprising, you people no longer have an NPO to hang.

Except for in every post (including the one you quoted – without reading it I must assume) where I point out that RAD screwed up too. But it's not really 'RAD', is it ... it's Jason. If RAD had dropped a 3v1 on the NSO nations then you'd have more of an argument.

RAD made a thread that enabled Jason to do that. It would never have happened if they didn't make that thread. I would like to see how you deny that.

Edited by HeinousOne
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Well, that's not true either.

Alliance Name Total Nations

New Sith Order 165

War Search Results [search Wars]

Your search for New Sith Order returned 105 results.

RAD does have more wars than nations (largely due to their tiny nationcount), but here are war mode RAD nations with no wars: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=330879 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=320787

Ok. During the Karma war there was an even higher percentage of nations not at war. Does that mean the Karma war wasn't a full alliance war? You know what I mean, let's cut the semantics. He took this from a 1v1 nation fight to an alliance vs. alliance war.

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Now you're just being silly. The 'DoW' was clearly not an actual declaration of war on an alliance, although it's not clear exactly what it was ... a pseudo-Shark Week or an outright joke. However, the first shot wasn't just fired on an NSO nation selected at random like you imply (at which point a normal alliance would still go to the attacker's alliance and see what was going on, not immediately escalate to alliance war). It was actually fired on Srqt, and subsequent to that on an NSO nation which had asked to be 'attacked'.

Let's be honest, if RAD wanted to attack NSO, they wouldn't have done it like that. It is clearly an individual action, from the logs already posted it was a friendly sparring with Anthony, and you are being ridiculous in trying to claim that NSO had no choice or that this is simply a defensive action.

It is being attacked thoroughly because it is blatant warmongering, not because it's being done by NSO – although hardly any other alliance would start an alliance war over a joke individual 'war' in the first place. Yes, RAD (or at least Jason) screwed up too, but you don't see the Jedi rolling them – because they were not trying to bait RAD into a war, like NSO were.

I agree.

RAD made some dumb moves then Jason made an even dumber move by actually attacking. That crosses a line from totally joking to actually causing damage. I think the NSO is well within their right to punish Jason for his actual attacks. I do wish the punishment had been more reasonably limited though. Also I frown upon this entire affair because it's just plain stupid and because it puts distance between groups I wish could be better friends.

Edited by Ragashingo
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RAD made a thread that enabled Jason to do that. It would never have happened if they didn't make that thread. I would like to see how you deny that.

I've not been watching them that carefully but I believe RAD nations attack other nations for 'lulz' occasionally. However, since the NSO nation asked to be attacked in that thread, yes, it is unlikely that a nation in an alliance would have been chosen without that public arena for the request to be made.

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Interesting. RAD has as many in anarchy as NSO does. NSO has about 5x the nations that RAD does. NSO, oddly enough, also has 3 in peacemode compared to RAD's 1. I'm confused.

The peace mode nations are irrelevant unless you really think the NSO is hiding. The amount of nations in anarchy will switch to the NSO's side tonight because of their numbers. Are you really confused about these things or are you just playing dumb?

Edited by Ragashingo
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I've not been watching them that carefully but I believe RAD nations attack other nations for 'lulz' occasionally. However, since the NSO nation asked to be attacked in that thread, yes, it is unlikely that a nation in an alliance would have been chosen without that public arena for the request to be made.

That is why RAD leadership and thus RAD as a whole bears some of the responsibility for this.

Could have NSO handled such things in a more diplomatic manner? Of course!

Most of you are not fully aware though of the tension between the two sides. From a perspective without all that knowledge one could have also said the response on NPO for their attacks on OV was overkill too but that would be denying that there was a built up tension that led to the war as it was.

There is more to this then NSO simply being undiplomatic Bob.

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Except for in every post (including the one you quoted – without reading it I must assume) where I point out that RAD screwed up too. But it's not really 'RAD', is it ... it's Jason. If RAD had dropped a 3v1 on the NSO nations then you'd have more of an argument.

Also, I've already said countless times that RAD as an alliance made a bad decision. We are a little reckless, it was bound to happen, and I should have done more to prevent it. You're not going to hear RAD saying that what we did was right. You will hear that from NSO, but not RAD. We're more than willing to own up to what we (or, Jason8 in particular) did.

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Hey Moldavi:

If I jokingly attacked one of your government boys, would you several minutes later post a declaration of war against the whole of CSN without even attempting to talk to anyone at CSN? (Let's be honest, this isn't a recognition, as RAD as an alliance never moved against you)

Or was it that RAD, due to their treaty ties and member count, was just a more convenient target?

Edited by deja
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I am sorry there are no joke announcements on the alliance announcements. It is not possible and you really should know better then to try and pass such off as a possible truth.

That NSO nation was not "asking" to be attacked as you put it. The NSO nation was saying go ahead and attack me then if you wish with the implied threat of "you know what will happen if you do".

Unfortunately RAD leadership made a thread dedicated to attacking whomever they wanted. One of their well known personalities took it upon himself then to assume he could attack whomever he wanted. That is what he did. RAD is taking responsibility for such yet people like yourselves would argue for a world in which an alliance doesnt have to take responsibility for making a public announcement that they will attack whomever they want whenever they want? That is what happened, NSO responded to the attack as they saw fit and RAD even admitted in the original OP that they knew this would probably lead to an alliance war yet here you go again trying to defend RAD and their shark week.

Funny how you want NSO to be responsible for their actions (which they are) yet you hold no such responsibility on the RAD leadership. Once again, so what if NSO baited them in their own Declaration thread? Pink has been baiting NSO for weeks and NSO didnt attack them. You should be talking to RAD about their self control but that doesn't suit your political desires does it?

Hardly. RAD was not attacking anyone at random, they were attacking people who asked to be attack (who, presumably, were playing along with the joke). It's absolutely ridiculous for you to even try to pass NSO's actions as something anyone else would do or what is appropriate (i mean, !@#$@#$ cmon, you didn't even ask for him to stop when you knew that he would if you just said so). NSO completely over blew the situation that they themselves could have avoided so easily. But I guess your right, RAD should have seen it coming as they were messing with some of the most arrogant 'tough' guys in the game.

Edited by Aeternalis
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Also, I've already said countless times that RAD as an alliance made a bad decision. We are a little reckless, it was bound to happen, and I should have done more to prevent it. You're not going to hear RAD saying that what we did was right. You will hear that from NSO, but not RAD. We're more than willing to own up to what we (or, Jason8 in particular) did.

You admit that Jason would not have done what he did without thinking the declaration allowed him to do such?

Hardly. RAD was not attacking anyone at random, they were attacking people who asked to be attack (who, presumably, were playing along with the joke). It's absolutely ridiculous for you to even try to pass NSO's actions as something anyone else would do or what is appropriate (i mean, !@#$@#$ cmon, you didn't even ask for him to stop when you knew that he would if you just said so). NSO completely over blew the situation that they themselves could have avoided so easily. But I guess your right, RAD should have seen it coming as they were messing with some of the most arrogant 'tough' guys in the game.

RAD should have seen it coming because they had been flooding #NSO in the recent past along with some of their other pink friends and spamming the place so no conversation could take place. Not to mention the lolbrown taunts and everything that came with that. Pink was picking a fight with NSO but RAD really screwed up and picked a fight all by themselves with NSO.

NSO showed great patience in not attacking RAD and Internet Superheroes for all they had done previous to this but when RAD offered themselves on a platter to NSO, its no surprise NSO jumped at the opportunity that might not come again.

Is it a strong response, possibly too strong? Sure, I will go along with that but in the end there was an attack on an NSO nation and thus NSO can deal with that as they please and that wont change no matter how many people complain. The fact that it is a nuke free week long war will maintain it as a small scale affair. You take all this and you see that NSO is led by some smart folks who really know how to walk that fine line of what you can get away with and what will get you rolled.

Its just not worth the loss to anyone to jump into this. RAD is responsible for what is happening to them even if the response is a little harsh. Fact is the harshness of it was dulled so that this could remain a fun encounter between two sides that have really wanted to take some shots at each other. The fact that RAD is doing as well as they are should show this. They have mobilized to the fight much quicker overall then NSO has.

So honestly people need to just let them have their little fight and take note from this to be more careful with these lulzy announcements because when your announcement leads to one of your nations doing something stupid you ARE responsible for it to some degree.

Edited by HeinousOne
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Hey Moldavi:

If I jokingly attacked one of your government boys, would you several minutes later post a declaration of war on CSN without even attempting to talk to anyone at CSN? (Let's be honest, this isn't a recognition, as RAD as an alliance never moved against you)

Or was it that RAD, due to their treaty ties and member count, was just a more convenient target?

Would your alliance also have done something as dumb as having declared war on the OWF, whatever the heck that even means? Clearly the NSO is, in their own overly harsh way, trying to teach RAD not to do dumb things. It seems you're trying to make this into something bigger than it really is.

Edited by Ragashingo
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The peace mode nations are irrelevant unless you really think the NSO is hiding. The amount of nations in anarchy will switch to the NSO's side tonight because of their numbers. Are you really confused about these things or are you just playing dumb?

No, I'm confused as to why NSO has almost every war with them on the offensive, 6 times the score of RAD, 5 times the member count, and only got 13 anarchies out of it, while still having 13 of their members anarchied on their own. That's what I'm confused about. Regardless of what you or I think will happen later, this is what's happening now. RAD it seems is doing well.

And my point is that it's an interesting statistic. That's all.

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