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Fifth Call from those in Solitude

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This continued stupidity is giving me a headache. Within the month, the Viridian Entente will exceed Pacificas record of curbstomps because these 'alliances' run by anserine outcasts and dimwitted retards continue to throw themselves into anarchy and selfdestruction. Instead of bothering us about it, they ought to delete their nations. To prevent multiplication of this idiocy.

Solitude considers itself friendly with FAIL, thus it has come to our aid against VE, in defense of our ally the GDI. I really do not think there is anything unreasonable about this.

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Solitude considers itself friendly with FAIL, thus it has come to our aid against VE, in defense of our ally the GDI. I really do not think there is anything unreasonable about this.

Rebel Virginia, please impart your great teachings onto Solitude so they may become worthy propagandists.

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Rebel Virginia, please impart your great teachings onto Solitude so they may become worthy propagandists.

I will admit that propaganda is not my strong field. But neither is it my intent.

Is the public of the misconception that I hate Viridia, or that I wish to tarnish their name? No, no, no...there are multiple...better reasons for this: Those already stated, as well as my own desire to once again fight a war that seems impossible to win. I have attacked one Viridian, and in turn, I am under attack by two more, as well as one of your own. I cannot think of a more preferrable situation.

In all reality...these terms presented are merely a courtesy, not some theatrical presentation. What I truly desire is for the lot of you to do whatever is in your power in an attempt to rain fire down upon me; bury me in ash. I want Viridia to show me what it can do...and given your alliance's attack, I want to see just how adept in the Force your Order really is. I hope that it is quite adept...the Sith are not far away.

In return, I shall grant you all that same persistence, for as long as I can. This whole war shall last until peace is reached with the League, or until Viridia decides that it is over, whichever shall take longer...and I am more than willing to continue this into eternity.

Fight well, my numerous opponents.

Edited by Bird of Passage
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Fight well, my numerous opponents.

More than likely, In case you missed it, there was recently a huge war. Large wars tend to have the effect of weeding out all the members of an alliance with shall we say, marginal fortitude. Those members we have now (barring new recruits) are the battle hardened veterans of a brutal three month, nuke slinging, slugging match.

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Honestly I'd consider it a favor if anybody did surrender, but I can't imagine we have a lot of dead weight if any at the moment. You'd think a nuclear war that lasted as long as it did would take out most of it. Good luck in your fight, it's always nice to see treaties being honored.

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Bird, I still think you should have used the name "Blissful Solitude." That was the AA we spent so long under together. I mean, for old times' sake?

You seemed to have overlooked that Seclusion will not be protected by anyone. In your infinite mercy, would you consider placing them under protection from raiders and the like?

Oh, and this is so typical of a Voxian to take on an alliance like this. Just remember that it is not wrong to have pixels, and to sacrifice them for a noble cause is something to be commended, but I don't quite understand why you insist on throwing them away for no reason. <_<

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Bird, I still think you should have used the name "Blissful Solitude." That was the AA we spent so long under together. I mean, for old times' sake?

You seemed to have overlooked that Seclusion will not be protected by anyone. In your infinite mercy, would you consider placing them under protection from raiders and the like?

Oh, and this is so typical of a Voxian to take on an alliance like this. Just remember that it is not wrong to have pixels, and to sacrifice them for a noble cause is something to be commended, but I don't quite understand why you insist on throwing them away for no reason. <_<

Oh, just be quiet and accept your honorary position as my Concubine of Solitude. <_<

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I lol'd. This is some quality stuff right hurr.

Indeed. When men of quality take a stance, it should be honored.

If you've never flown the flag of a doomed alliance or fought for a doomed cause, you don't rate to attack this guy for his actions.

To those who have and persist in criticizing: One man's moral cause is no better than the others.

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I tend to agree.

I expected more from you, Tyga. While some of those 1 man alliances aren't what might commonly be defined as "good", after watching the Vox Populi survive for so long, I cannot help but support more independent action such as this. He isn't a rogue; he's a man with a conscience, acted according to his own ethical standard.

That is something to honor, not something to destroy.

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I expected more from you, Tyga. While some of those 1 man alliances aren't what might commonly be defined as "good", after watching the Vox Populi survive for so long, I cannot help but support more independent action such as this. He isn't a rogue; he's a man with a conscience, acted according to his own ethical standard.

That is something to honor, not something to destroy.

I think 3 or 4 one-man alliances cluttering the [ooc]forum[/ooc] with contrived drama is too much. Equating this stupidity with Vox Populi is a massive slight on Vox Populi.

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I think 3 or 4 one-man alliances cluttering the [ooc]forum[/ooc] with contrived drama is too much. Equating this stupidity with Vox Populi is a massive slight on Vox Populi.

No such thing; although there is humor, I see the moral stance here, and I support the idea that a man should stand by his convictions, regardless.

We'll see how this develops.

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No such thing; although there is humor, I see the moral stance here, and I support the idea that a man should stand by his convictions, regardless.

We'll see how this develops.

What moral stance is that? Defending GDI and standing up for the wanton stupidity that GDI represents?

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