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Fascisti march on Rome

Agostinho Neto

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We congratulate the Italian Republic on their tremendous achievement in the unification of the whole of Italy. Hopefully you will someday unite the whole of Italy including the old Kingdoms of Sicily and Sardinia. We also wish you luck on adapting and constructing government buildings in Rome to meet your standards and needs.

Unlike other more thick-headed nations, we recognize this achievement, even if it is by a fascist state, that doesn't make a difference to us. Italy has not harmed anyone in its fascism and so long as it continues to refrain from doing so, we will continue to support the Italian state.

OOC: KingChris, you could look for Bethlehem, also I would agree that Antioch may work, or perhaps Damascus.

Tell that to the people who died during the protests against the fascist government not so long ago.

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We are not willing to give out any building or city or territory to a religious organization inside our boundaries, since the roman chatolic church is not a nation but a religion, we cannot meet such requests. Italy belongs to the Italian people and the Republic.

"We applaud the Italian Republic for acting with such wisdom in this matter. Allowing false sovereigns to claim land is the last thing the world should be doing. If I were you, I'd have them arrested and imprisoned for fraud in an attempt to gain real-estate holdings. The belief anyone site is more holy than another is a preposterous claim held only by false or deluded Christians worshiping the acts of men. What part of Earth was not hand made by God?"

"Only in the very presence of Deity is one place made more Holy than another. Deity being omnipresent.. holiness only varies by the attention given by deity.. being omniscient.. all places are equally Holy."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Tell that to the people who died during the protests against the fascist government not so long ago.

Exactly! Sadly, Europe hasn't changed at all, some thick headed nations still ignore the plain and simple facts. If a murderer kills in broad daylight and evades arrest, should we still praise him?

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Tell that to the people who died during the protests against the fascist government not so long ago.

This is true, yet some in Europe decided to turn a blind eye to such naked violence towards civilians.

Exactly! Sadly, Europe hasn't changed at all,

I must sadly concur, Europe is certainly not united in its politics and perception of rulers such as Borghese.

Edited by Cataduanes
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This is true, yet some in Europe decided to turn a blind eye to such naked violence towards civilians.

I must sadly concur, Europe is certainly not united in its politics and perception of rulers such as Borghese.

What happens in Italy's internal sphere is not concern of the International Community. Some countries are tired to obey all these "world police" guys going around with their "freedom and democracy" flags. Blocs, alliances, treaties have destroyed Europe multiple times and we refuse to follow international rules just to wear the "freedom and love" mask.

We only care about our profit and our sovereignty, what happens outside the border does not influence us.

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The Empire stongly backs the Italian Nation in its achievement and condems the Eastern powers such as the Slavorussian Empire for attempting to spread flase lies of murders within Italy, as well as trying to exert its World Police power. We strongly urge foregn powers to mind your own buisness because for now Italians are happy with what they have.

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The Empire stongly backs the Italian Nation in its achievement and condems the Eastern powers such as the Slavorussian Empire for attempting to spread flase lies of murders within Italy, as well as trying to exert its World Police power. We strongly urge foregn powers to mind your own buisness because for now Italians are happy with what they have.

Hopefully making baseless claims and false accusations are not the hallmark of all fascist countries, and post Gebivan states. We recommend researching the history and practices of your new buddies in Italy, as well political trends throughout Europe, and mind your own business until you do. We’ll continue lobbying to bring positive change to the Italian peninsula, regardless of what you and your little friends think of us.

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Regarding the Pope requesting an autonomous location in Rome, Jerusalem, while not boasting a much of a catholic population, the Republic of Transvaal would be willing to provide a small enclave within our Republic until a more suitable location can be claimed by the Pope.

Prime Minister Annetjie van Matteus is, after all, a Roman Catholic and thus has some interest in the territorial status and concerns of the Pope.

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The Empire stongly backs the Italian Nation in its achievement and condems the Eastern powers such as the Slavorussian Empire for attempting to spread flase lies of murders within Italy, as well as trying to exert its World Police power. We strongly urge foregn powers to mind your own buisness because for now Italians are happy with what they have.

"Please do your research befor passing off the allegations as baseless slander. The Italian 'Republic' did indeed kill a number of protestors...in broad daylight, and made no attempt to hide it. This should be considered unethical behavior, whether from fascists, communists, or true republics."

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The Empire apologizes for any comments made which turned out to not be true, IE The comment on spreading lies in Italy about murders. This government had not seen or heard of that news at any time, but since more then one nation said it happened we are inclined to believe it.

WE DO NOT however apologize for our comments to Russia for its Foregin Policy. Let soverign countires be, we exsist peacfully ( Not sure about Italy's plans) and do not with for any Russian empire to try to change that. Russia must understand there has to be a Mutual understanding of exsistance, no matter what government it has.

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OOC: The problem is that these two cities are major holy sites of Catholicism. Unfortunately however, both are so protective that they won't even give me a Church, although Lavo did let me RP in Jerusalem.

OOC: Actually, you do control the Roman-Catholic churches in the RA. When I told you that you could RP the RC clergy (with me reserving the right to override you), that includes their buildings and institutions.

IC: We half-heatedly congratulate Italy on reunifying the Italian people under one banner.

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The Empire apologizes for any comments made which turned out to not be true, IE The comment on spreading lies in Italy about murders. This government had not seen or heard of that news at any time, but since more then one nation said it happened we are inclined to believe it.

WE DO NOT however apologize for our comments to Russia for its Foregin Policy. Let soverign countires be, we exsist peacfully ( Not sure about Italy's plans) and do not with for any Russian empire to try to change that. Russia must understand there has to be a Mutual understanding of exsistance, no matter what government it has.

By your logic you have no right to tell us how we should conduct foreign affairs, or even comment on how we conduct our affairs in general. We’ll let “sovereign countries be” when they stop using excessive force against their citizens, and not a moment earlier.

In a related matter Italy’s response to a recent incident does appear to be a step in the right direction, but we still have our doubts.

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