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Anyone want to turn the tide?


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I do my best to look out for my fellow nations on planet bob.

It only has one minor flaw.

What shall you do when your farms discover better deals from alliances that can also offer protection?

It is just a tiny flaw but it might need to be addressed.

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It only has one minor flaw.

What shall you do when your farms discover better deals from alliances that can also offer protection?

It is just a tiny flaw but it might need to be addressed.

Recruiting members from other AAs is a valid CB last time I checked, so in that case, the flaw is addressed.

Careful planning, and proper education will ensure that all serfs and farmers are loyal to my estate. A strong sense of nationalism and isolationism will be implanted into the minds of our farmers.

Fear of destruction is our last and final tool in ensuring that the nations remain loyal. Though we would rather not resort to this.

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There is no leaving my lordship. One you are put to work on my tech farms, you can't leave until you buy your freedom, (1500 tech sent out through 3m/150 deals) or I let you off early. I have no need to justify anything. If you wish to let small nations run around as they please, go ahead. I believe that educating them and protecting them is the way to go. Even if it means a little hands on teaching, I cannot let them fall into the trap of joining or starting a new alliance. It isn't extortion, it is education.

Now tell me, how do these nations become your tech farms?

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Why would I reveal that?

Besides, who ever said I was actually going to go through with this, I am merely discussing my ideas.

So, you were merely speaking hypothetically? Even if that is the case there is still no justifying this.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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So, you were merely speaking in hypothetical? Even if that is the case there is still no justifying this.

I have no need to justify any of my ideas. Give me a reason why I should. I am truly sorry that you wish for small nations to flounder. I really wish you could see the light.

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I have no need to justify any of my ideas. Give me a reason why I should. I am truly sorry that you wish for small nations to flounder. I really wish you could see the light.

Light? If you really believe you're so right, make me your tech farm. Come on, why don't you see how well your idea works in practice.

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I hope that certain people in this topic will never end up at the 'wrong side' of a war. Humans have a tendency to use comments that you made against you. You might end up in the exact same situation as your 'ideas' described. But then, on the other side, of course. :rolleyes:

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Light? If you really believe you're so right, make me your tech farm. Come on, why don't you see how well your idea works in practice.

If my ideas ever do come to fruition, I will let you know. (even though I have no intention of pursuing them at this point)

I hope that certain people in this topic will never end up at the 'wrong side' of a war. Humans have a tendency to use comments that you made against you. You might end up in the exact same situation as your 'ideas' described. But then, on the other side, of course. :rolleyes:


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I'd so hate to be the one who someday, somewhere bursted that cozy delusional bubble of false safety you're dwelling in right now.

I have no bubble of safety. I have thousands of dedicated citizens, all willing to die for their nation. All of them will be put to the test if anyone will dare attempt to invade the lands of Syphonia. If said invaders kill our citizens, we will stop at nothing until we kill 5 of theirs for each one of ours that was lost. We will stop at nothing until the invaders towns are pillaged, and their women and children taken as slaves to our almighty empire. They will work on our farms and in our mines, and will beg for death as a release from the living hell their brethren earned for them. Hail Syphonia!

tl;dr: Pixels are pixels.

Also, to the OP, people seem to be asking what a small alliance is defined as, what is your opinion? Just wanted to clear this up.

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As a lord of a small tech farm, I would be saving the small nations from being pulled under the influence of an evil or inefficient alliance, while offering protection. All I ask in return is that they give me technology as payment. A small price to pay in exchange for their livelihood.

I think the only person who would ever agree to this sort of arrangement is rmm4390 and possibly RyanGDI.

Good to know we don't have to worry about you ever getting into a position of significant influence.

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Good to know we don't have to worry about you ever getting into a position of significant influence.

no u.

Underestimation is an excellent strategy. Continue on my friend.

My terms are fair, as they would educate the nations, and protect them. Whats wrong with that?

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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

EDIT: this is an OOC forum, this does not reflect on what I want Polaris to do in any way or form!

So you want to drive more nations from the game forever for sport and to alleviate boredom. Splendid.

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So you want to drive more nations from the game forever for sport and to alleviate boredom. Splendid.

Honestly, if they can't take the heat, and learn from it, they should be driven from the game. Your nation can never truly be destroyed, you just need to persevere. The conflict will make them stronger. (Those who choose to stay of course)

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No, this is a great idea. DoW an alliance for the reasdon being "you are unneccessary." I'm sure that you'll succeed in your endeavor to wipe out all insignificant people throughout the lands.


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Honestly, if they can't take the heat, and learn from it, they should be driven from the game. Your nation can never truly be destroyed, you just need to persevere. The conflict will make them stronger. (Those who choose to stay of course)

We currently have 3/4 of nations that existed since the Third Great War and our numbers on Planet Bob has remained flat ever since -- just because of that mentality. We have got to stop eating our own. Just because we are bored or we don't like the way others play the game does not mean they should be hounded off the planet.

Some of us remember how much easier it was to get and keep trades before and don't welcome it being made even worse. If you're bored, attack an alliance the same size or larger than yours. That will not be so threatening to the rest of us. It would show some courage as well.

I don't see the sport in attacking non-aligned and smaller groups. In the long-run, it hurts us all.

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We currently have 3/4 of nations that existed since the Third Great War and our numbers on Planet Bob has remained flat ever since -- just because of that mentality. We have got to stop eating our own. Just because we are bored or we don't like the way others play the game does not mean they should be hounded off the planet.

Some of us remember how much easier it was to get and keep trades before and don't welcome it being made even worse. If you're bored, attack an alliance the same size or larger than yours. That will not be so threatening to the rest of us. It would show some courage as well.

I don't see the sport in attacking non-aligned and smaller groups. In the long-run, it hurts us all.

I will not eat anyone. I simply wish to protect and educate them. I will do everything in my power to stop nations from making the mistake of forming or joining a new or small alliance. If that includes some military intervention, so be it. In exchange for protection, said nations will be required to sell 1500 tech in 3 million for 150 tech deals. Using every aid slot, this will take only 2 months. After which, said nations are free to leave, (as they will have been properly educated) or can remain under my protection for small monthly stipends of 50 tech.

Under my protection, I will organize trades for these unlearned nations, and be sure they get a good guild set up. Trades will not be made with shifty foreign sources though. I don't care if you can't get trades, all that matters is if my serfs can.

I do see the sport in attacking non-aligned and smaller group nations. In the long run, I profit, and so will they.

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I noticed something interesting when I was reading 890765's post. A lot of folk have been decrying the OP's intent as being opressive of the freedom of people to start their own alliances if they so wish.

Freedom goes both ways, though. If he wants to attack, then he has every bit of a right to do so as a micro-alliance has to its DoE.

This is like saying that as people have the right to live, others have the right to murder. Essentially, you are saying that others have the right to infringe upon other rights. So why grant the right to do harm and disallow the right to live peacefully?

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This is like saying that as people have the right to live, others have the right to murder. Essentially, you are saying that others have the right to infringe upon other rights. So why grant the right to do harm and disallow the right to live peacefully?

Tell me where it says anyone has the right to do anything besides create a nation. Whoever holds the most power decides what you can and can't do on Planet Bob.

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Tell me where it says anyone has the right to do anything besides create a nation. Whoever holds the most power decides what you can and can't do on Planet Bob.

We all have the right to do whatever we want as long as we don't break the law or the game rules. But we also have to deal with the consequences of our words and actions. For example, a consequence of IS's forum posting is that virtually no one respects them. Though I doubt you care about that.


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