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A call for European nations to act.


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In light of the reprehensible slaughter of innocent civilians in Milan the Republic of Euzkadi is calling on our fellow Europeans to act together to wipe this stain from Europe, it is morally imperative that we all act to not only do away with the spector of murderous tyranny but to ensure the safety of innocent men, women and children in Italy. Europe's democratic traditions are insulted by the fact that such genocidal actions are taking place on European soil.

What we propose is the sanctioning of all trade with Italy, and the conveying of our collective willingness to act with force if necessary to bring the Military dictatorship to heel. We sincerely hope that our fellow Europeans will see the merit in this plan and we shall await your replies in this matter.

Kind regards,

President Jose Aizpurua of Euzkadi.

Edited by Cataduanes
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A crowd of supporters of the regime

Italy is not scared by economic sanctions and threats, many countries have been claming to "sanction Italy with trade embargo and isolation" but so far none of these actions have really hurt us and our economy. We didn't hold any trade agreement with these nations, thats like saying you wont speak anymore to someone you never met before.. anyway thats exactly what Italy is looking for, isolation from the rest of Europe, we do not consider ourself part of Europe, anymore. We consider ourself an independent and sovereign nation whose choice is to govern itself rather then letting foreigners influence our politics and lead our nation to the brink of distruction and bombardment, the only way "democratic nations" are able to force their system of government on foreign countries. While civil unrest has characterized the city of Milan in the last month, nobody complained about our technology market, the strongest sector of our economy.

And just for the record, there are many european nations that buy technology from our companies, countries who did not betray us like the rest of Europe did. There are a lot of people, the majority of the people, who still have a great deal of faith in the regime, considered by many the only alternative to a weak unstable liberal government. Italy changed from an anarchic wasteland to an organized and civilized nation. You call ourself barbarians, but you want to stop the flow of resources and goods in Italy, to hurt the government.. ignoring the fact you would hurt the population first, you want to fight us with the hunger of the Italian people. We do not accept this, the Government, the People, do not accept such threat. This is, in our eyes, the real barbarian action.


General Junio Borghese personally supervising the construction of new infrastructures in Milan

Edited by Junio Borghese
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Unless this nation somehow represents a threat to your people's safety or welfare we implore that military force not be taken. There is no reason to again tear apart Europe in the name of "liberation" as so many before have done. Let the Italians handle their own affairs. Moreover sanctioning would only punish the people who are a victim of their government. The major officials will be unaffected by a cessation of trade, meanwhile the people will starve.

OOC: Isn't he in botha mode?

Edited by iamthey
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I would say that the Italian government's actions disgrace Europe and its humanist values. If we as Europeans condone this murderous regime's contempt for human life by our silence and inaction we will be turning our collective backs on Europe's heritage as the home of democracy, we cannot abide such blatant disregard for human rights. I reiterate the call for Europe to act collectively in persuit of humanist values.

OOC: yeah i think so ;)

Edited by Cataduanes
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I would say that the Italian government's actions disgrace Europe and its humanist values. If we as Europeans condone this murderous regime's contempt for human life by our silence and inaction we will be turning our collective backs on Europe's heritage as the home of democracy, we cannot abide such blatant disregard for human rights. I reiterate the call for Europe to act collectively in persuit of humanist values.

OOC: yeah i think so ;)

I don't think we are talking about the same continent here. If there's a region characterized by authoritarian governments, civil wars, nuclear wars, bombardment, saber rattling, well that region is Europe. The latest foreign headlines say a country bordering the Finnish state closed its borders and deployed minefields, because the new government of Finland is fascist. Is this humanism and "democratic" tradition?

Edited by Junio Borghese
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We are talking about the same continent, not every European nation is authoritarian and not every European nation is inclined to use live ammunition to crush its own citizens. Finland may have an avowed Fascist government but it has yet to exhibit the sort of behaviour that your regime has. As for the actions of FInland's neighbour that is their sovereign right, i have yet to see the nation in question act in a coldblooded manner as your administration has.

Euzkadi has no dislike for those nations that extol its ethnicity (we too are such a nation) but we draw the line at nations who show scant regard for the lives of innocent civilians.

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(OOC Can we get links to his actions please...)

If these allegations prove true, Molakia will stand by the Republic. Facism in Italy is not acceptable.

Your interference in another country's internal policy, is not acceptable, who are you to command us? Who gave you the authority? Nobody, and guess what, we don't care.

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Your interference in another country's internal policy, is not acceptable, who are you to command us? Who gave you the authority? Nobody, and guess what, we don't care.

I imagine you would care if their tanks rolled into your nation.

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(OOC Can we get links to his actions please...)

If these allegations prove true, Molakia will stand by the Republic. Facism in Italy is not acceptable.

OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64408

IC: The Republic is grateful for the support, we hope the rest of Europe will be similarly willing to act to expunged this disgrace of a regime from Europe's soil if the current regime does not accept change.

I imagine you would care if their tanks rolled into your nation.

The Republic of Euszkadi would like to avoid direct force but given the nature of the rregimes rule in Italy we see that the only language Borghese's murderous regime is force. However we seek a collective solution to this and cannot and will not act alone.

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The Republic is pleased to hear that the CEU intends to take some sort of action, we remain eager to play a role in any such action and stand ready to commit our own forces to any such blockade.

I urge the Borghese regime to rethink its actions and accept that its stance will have consequences should it continue to rule in such a manner.

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Sverig will stand behind its ally, the Republic of Euzkadi, in their battle for stability in Europe. We despise all acts of war against civilians. As of today Sverig has banned all trade with the so called Republic of Italiana. All diplomatic contacts have been severed and all Sverige citizens and diplomats have been repatriated.

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Sverig will stand behind its ally, the Republic of Euzkadi, in their battle for stability in Europe. We despise all acts of war against civilians. As of today Sverig has banned all trade with the so called Republic of Italiana. All diplomatic contacts have been severed and all Sverige citizens and diplomats have been repatriated.

The Italian Republic never signed any trade agreement with Sverig or exchanged ambassadors in the past. We do not take orders from the Republic of Euzkadi.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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"War should only be used defensively to safeguard against violations of a nation's sovereignty, or threats to the safety and welfare of a nation's people. War is pre-emptively justified when the presupposed threat has demonstrated an intent to violate said nation's sovereignty or the harm the safety and welfare of said nation's people and when engaging in a pre-emptive war would lessen the severity and shorten the inevitable defensive war."

" Economic reparations and sanctions should never be demanded of a defending nation nor should they be demanded of an aggressive Authoritarian Nation as they punish the citizens or subjects of that nation for actions they are not responsible for. Reparations or sanctions may be levied against aggressive democratic nations as their people bare responsability for their government's actions. Citizens belonging to authoritarian nations should also be treated with greater leniency and consideration for the before mentioned reason."

- Axioms of War

Devereaux, rather frustrated with the state of affairs issued the following comment on the matter... "Excellent so I see the Nations of Europe are going to starve the struggling citizens of Italy to death by blockading all trade, yes that will definitely strengthen their resolve against the Italian Government, and aid them in their struggle. Moreover, how is Italy a threat to the safety and welfare of the people of the dragon empire, or any of your nations for that matter. If they took action it would be the end of them."

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The Italian Republic never signed any trade agreement with Sverig or exchanged ambassadors in the past. We do not take orders from the Republic of Euzkadi.

Hence why we urge your regime to recognize the need for change and a degree of self restraint. Already you have an array of nations wanting to take action not only Euzkadi.

Devereaux, rather frustrated with the state of affairs issued the following comment on the matter... "Excellent so I see the Nations of Europe are going to starve the struggling citizens of Italy to death by blockading all trade, yes that will definitely strengthen their resolve against the Italian Government, and aid them in their struggle. Moreover, how is Italy a threat to the safety and welfare of the people of the dragon empire, or any of your nations for that matter. If they took action it would be the end of them."

The possibility of sanctions is but a preliminary measure to show the measure of displeasure the Borghese regime has elicited, the only other option would be to use armed force from the off however i think its safe to say that is seen as a last resort.

The existence of a murderous regime in Europe should be and must be a concern for all European nations, to simply turn our back on the plight of oppressed civilians sufffering at the hands of a brutal dictatorship on our own doorstep would damage the reputation of all Europe. Europe can never be party to such babarity as perpetrated by the Borghese regime and by inaction we would be in effect condoning the brutality of the regime.

EDIT: Correcting typos...due to my fat fingers :D

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Are you saying you, in your tiny little enclave of the world, are entirely self-sufficient?

No, i'm saying none of our trade partners have canceled any trade agreement. While we sometimes suffer for the lack of resources due to unstable and weak agreements, we have always managed to find new partners for our trade market. On the other hand we still enjoy a lot of foreign investments. The profit is entirely spent to build new infrastructures and improvements. The last week we spent €100.000 in military hardware, the ammount of foreign money from the technology market reached €9.000.000. At least 95% of this budget will go to infrastructures and improvements.

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Regardless of your ignorance of mutual Scottish and Italian business ventures we will be sanctioning such ventures and preventing such trades from taking place. We encourage nations around the world to sanction the Italian Republic until she learns to change her ways.

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