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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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Those terms are completely rediculous, no alliance should have to sacrifice itself after already being destroyed by war. The doctrines and offenses were only committed by the senior government of NPO, and it is them who should face reparations, not the many smaller members who were simply part of NPO in order to have the protection of the then largest alliance. I am ashamed at the level of vindicticativeness of KARMA, isn't destroying a year's worth of growth from hundreds of people enough punishment?

PS: I am not part of NPO, or Karma, or any other alliance which participated in the war.

I agree.

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And this one's for real!!!

At long last, I can leave my mark on this critical thread in our history.

o/ Peace! o/ Karma!

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Those terms are completely rediculous, no alliance should have to sacrifice itself after already being destroyed by war. The doctrines and offenses were only committed by the senior government of NPO, and it is them who should face reparations, not the many smaller members who were simply part of NPO in order to have the protection of the then largest alliance. I am ashamed at the level of vindicticativeness of KARMA, isn't destroying a year's worth of growth from hundreds of people enough punishment?

PS: I am not part of NPO, or Karma, or any other alliance which participated in the war.

Every member of an alliance can and should be be held responsible for the actions of their alliance. If these smaller members who were only part of NPO to have protection didn't want to be held accountable for the actions of their senior government then they could have joined one of the numerous other large alliances that could have offered them the same protection.

Ignorance is no excuse. If one chooses to ignore what is happening or simply doesn't pay attention, the consequences of that are their own to deal with. NPO has a long history that is readily available for anybody to discover, I have no sympathy for any member of NPO whose growth is stunted because of this war and the forthcoming reparations.

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Those terms are completely rediculous, no alliance should have to sacrifice itself after already being destroyed by war. The doctrines and offenses were only committed by the senior government of NPO, and it is them who should face reparations, not the many smaller members who were simply part of NPO in order to have the protection of the then largest alliance. I am ashamed at the level of vindicticativeness of KARMA, isn't destroying a year's worth of growth from hundreds of people enough punishment?

PS: I am not part of NPO, or Karma, or any other alliance which participated in the war.

Litttle harsh in the reps, but NPO was being an butt. The $$ and tech are the only slightly unfair thing,

the 6 months of continued demilitarization is probably the best thing in the deal and I feel a bit safer :P

Edited by penguino
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Those terms are completely rediculous, no alliance should have to sacrifice itself after already being destroyed by war. The doctrines and offenses were only committed by the senior government of NPO, and it is them who should face reparations, not the many smaller members who were simply part of NPO in order to have the protection of the then largest alliance. I am ashamed at the level of vindicticativeness of KARMA, isn't destroying a year's worth of growth from hundreds of people enough punishment?

PS: I am not part of NPO, or Karma, or any other alliance which participated in the war.

It is my personal belief that the NPO should not have pursued this course of action first with the many atrocities that they, with the help of their allies, committed. It is easy to say "these terms are incredibly harsh" but I think most of the people, I mean, most of the people, not all, that are saying that, were not party to such terms issued to themselves by the NPO (or worse. and yes, there are worse terms than these as the NPO has illustrated in the past).

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Those terms are completely rediculous, no alliance should have to sacrifice itself after already being destroyed by war. The doctrines and offenses were only committed by the senior government of NPO, and it is them who should face reparations, not the many smaller members who were simply part of NPO in order to have the protection of the then largest alliance. I am ashamed at the level of vindicticativeness of KARMA, isn't destroying a year's worth of growth from hundreds of people enough punishment?

PS: I am not part of NPO, or Karma, or any other alliance which participated in the war.

The thing is, Karma is not about being nice. It's about justice, which is a fancy word for vengeance. And seeing as how the NPO did this to many other alliances beforehand (curb stomp, demand unfair reparations, rinse and repeat), I find this to be nothing extraordinary. I mean with the name "Karma," I would EXPECT this.

Anyhow, if the junior members want to abandon ship, let them. They aren't the ones who will end up paying those reparations anyhow. I just feel sorry for their middle management. Coordinating a multi-alliance reparation deal of this scale will be a massive undertaking.

PS: Just for the record, I support neither side in particular. For the purpose of disclosure, I am going to reveal that I am apart of a protectorate of TPF. But this really doesn't affect my opinion of the matter.

Edited by Taishaku
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While I would have agreed on the plural colonies before the war, Im not so sure now. I do know of one Purple alliance will probably jump right back up the skirt of NPO ASAP though and its probably not the one you think Im thinking of.

MK isn't on Purple, you silly fool.

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I am unaligned, I am not an ally of TPF, my posts are not aimed to help TPF, my posts just express my opinion.

For this MADP, TORN had one with NPO, which is why they attacked together. TORN got a get out of jail free card because they bailed out of the war after one day and are allied with you. In case you forgot, TORN actually started this war, TPF was just being a good ally and helping NPO interrogate a spy.

These terms against NPO are indefensible when TORN has been a party to all of these supposed accusations, but their cowardice in the face of war has earned them white peace and allegedly a whitewash of the traitor tag they have earned.

So your main point is that TORN should have gotten some kind of much worse terms? That just doesn't seem generous of you.

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The thing is, Karma is not about being nice. It's about justice, which is a fancy word for vengeance. And seeing as how the NPO did this to many other alliances beforehand (curb stomp, demand unfair reparations, rinse and repeat), I find this to be nothing extraordinary. I mean with the name "Karma," I would EXPECT this.

Justice and vengeance don't go hand in hand, although the line between the two can be easily blurred. I'd say in this case vengeance would lean towards NPO receiving exactly what they've dished out in the past, which is clearly not the case.

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Took enough of you. Koalition of Kowards indeed.

Draconian terms are draconian.

And unenforceable. I love nonsense words like "never".

Gratz on a great fight NPO, y'all messed stuff up right good, even under a dogpile of midgets.

Congratulations to the honorable and respectful enemies in the war, and well, the balance will recieve what's coming to them. The funny part is, they asked for it. Perpetuating that sweet ol' vicious cycle.

Good show.

Oh man, so tough! I'm getting goosebumps.

This post is a product of my own mentally defective rambling and in no way represents the views of IRON.

What? Awwww. You've really lost that loving feeling.

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Stop your whining. Just be thankful that you don't have one of these:

1. Secret Terms and threat if the secret terms are revealed a breach of terms and a DOW.

2. A Viceroy

3. Banishment of your existing Government (Yay! You get to keep Moo and Vladamir!)

4. Requiring certain members to refrain from posting on the forums ever

5. Keeping members from running for senate or gov't in said alliance ever

6. Eternal ZI of certain members

7. Peace Mode nations in 2 weeks of war

I expect that since the existing Gov't remained intact that we'll see ReVenGE from the NPO in the near future. Moo isn't called "Revenge Cow" for nothing.

Edited by Arwen
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Stop your whinning. Just be thankful that you don't have one of these:

1. Secret Terms and threat if the secret terms are revealed a breach of terms and a DOW.

2. A Viceroy

3. Banishment of your existing Government (Yay! You get to keep Moo and Vladamir!)

4. Requiring certain members to refrain from posting on the forums ever

5. Keeping members from running for senate or gov't in said alliance ever

6. Eternal ZI of certain members

7. Peace Mode nations in 2 weeks of war

I expect that sence the existing Gov't remained intact that we'll see ReVenGE from the NPO in the near future. Moo is't called "Revenge Cow" for nothing.

but but whining is good for health! <_<

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I expect that sence the existing Gov't remained intact that we'll see ReVenGE from the NPO in the near future. Moo is't called "Revenge Cow" for nothing.

Well actually, he isn't called "Revenge Cow" I don't think anyone has ever called him that. Ever. Ivan made up "Emperor Revenge," is that what you're thinking of?

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Well actually, he isn't called "Revenge Cow" I don't think anyone has ever called him that. Ever. Ivan made up "Emperor Revenge," is that what you're thinking of?

I gave him a new one then -- "Revenge Cow". B)

Edited by Arwen
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In GWIII, Aegis was winning militarily. Initiative alliances were surrendering left and right. Had it continued, however, it would have left the remaining Aegis alliances weaker than the surrendered Initiative, leasing to an eventual WUT victory that would have lasted forever. NAAC and LUE saw this and disbanded, dispersing over a wide area as part of a greater strategy. Is it a coincidence that MK's creation helped sour relations between NPO and GOONS? That Almighty Grub is now emperor of NpO while Archon was the figurehead of a coalition that this time had such overwhelming force centered on NPO that they couldn't be disadvantaged by continuing to fight.

Clearly Aegis could easily have won GWIII, but they decided on a much more intelligent strategic withdrawl that culminated in ultimate victory.

I hate your humor sometimes.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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I disagree with this for one primary reasoning: People didn't surrender merely because they had this brilliant ingenious plan, everything which happened did so naturally, nothing this grand was planned nor did anyone have any control over NPO screwing up except for themselves, on a political level, nor would I believe anyone trying to be egotistical enough to say "I planned all of this" or even hinting they are responsible for this, some people have their egos through the roof as it is. It was the NPO's own actions which lead to their demise. Aegis was terrible in GWIII, nothing brilliantly executed lead us to where we are now except for NPO themselves. If they played their cards right, they'd still be on top and I blame them, no one else.

You realize hes being sarcastic and making fun of Vladimir right? Anyone who thinks Aegis was anywhere near competent needs to get some help mentally.

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I notice no clause prohibiting tech raiders from stealing the reps. Seeing how folks commonly prey on the Karma POW's, I figured you would have covered that point, being that its in your own self interest.

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