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The Khmer Ultimatum.

Maelstrom Vortex

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OOC: You should stage them in shifts of 100 so you can have 24 hour a day coverage. Be sure to post they have thermal imaging as well for night operations.

Remote sensors work very well along with other electronic intelligence gathering devices.

border stuff

Most of this ought to be within your grasp.

Have fun!

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OOC: Ok, thanks for the clarification. However Dragon Empire air forces have not yet entered Khmer Empire airspace.

OOC: Yea right now they are just circling the border area so if the DE doesn't launch an attack down the west side of Khmer they won't actually record anything.

Thanks Firestorm that info is appreciated :).

Edited by King Kevz
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TF18, H02, 2 Marine Division



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Republic of Free Somal Naval Battle Group

Rear Admiral Johnathan Samalawwie examines the plot carefully as he double checks each of the coastal targets with great care. They had just arrived not more than thirty minutes ago to find themselves greeted with a large list of targets from Mad Dog Bob Denard. The Rear Admiral is a cautious man and he carefully double checks the information against independent sources before clearing his units to fire. He looks over at the captain of his Flagship and says, "Fire at these selected targets."

The twelve ships of the Republic of Free Somal Navy erupts in screams and howls as cruise missiles erupt from their racks. Nearly 60 of the missiles are fired at shore installations around Haiphong, but that is only the beginning. After the last missile is fired the heavy deadly might of the 406mm Naval gunnes is brought to bear as the two Battleships of the Somal navy unleash several broadsides at other shore defenses. The mighty gunnes have a range of 24 miles and launch salvos of shells weighing 2700 pounds. They effectively can destroy what they directly hit. Their targets are what appear to be power plants, radar sites, and shore defenses around Haiphong. The ships themselves are protected by a cordon of corvettes whose crews are nervously scanning the air despite the awesome array of deadly force being pumped towards Khmer.

The Rear Admiral watches the display in silence as he is given a message by an orderly. He reads it, takes note of the impending arrival of the Cochin Task Force, and returns his attention to the firing of the Battleships.

In the air to the east of the Republic of Free Somal Naval Battlegroup

One of the four AWACs planes the Somal military has stationed in theater is parked in a circular orbit. The aircraft's radar and sensors scans the skies for inbound threats.

In the air over the Republic of Free Somal Naval Battlegroup

8 Mig-35 fighters are kept on station to provide air coverage. The fighters are based in Dragonsia, but within easy range. They are well armed with LRAAMs and shorter ranged heat seeking missiles.

OOC: Consider this part of my first wave. I won't be online much tomorrow and I wanted to make sure this got posted.

Edited by Firestorm
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Message to the Dragon Empire.

"Please be aware the town of Vinh inside Khmer territory belongs to Pax Pacis please ensure that it does not suffer any damage".

We shall take care not to damage any assets in Vinh provided you do not provide sanctuary to Khmer Empire armed forces.

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The Chairman punched a few buttons as they circled outside the airspace of Khmer. He still yet had any incoming Diplomatic reports from Khmer. He would continue to wait patiently like a viper. He took his plane up to the refueling tanker and topped it off as they waited.

Settling back into his flight pattern in the air group's formation.. a practical hurricane of Imperial Steel.. he punched up the battle schematics display on another screen and saw that all nations had their forces deployed as designated for the plans. If Khmer didn't surrender.. shock and awe wouldn't fit the level of complexity and vectors of invasion their country would be having to deal with.Land, Sea, .. Air.. even submarine.

The Dragon was awake.. fully mobilized.. and in its strike positions. A true terror to behold.. he almost wept at its awesome beauty..

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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*Classified to the Dragon Empire from Yuktobanian Air Commander Suvorov*

The Yuke Air Force is mobilized and ready for attack, just give the word and we'll bomb any target in Khmer.

*Classified message to the Dragon Empire from Yuke General Zhukov II*

Our armies are ready for combat, our navy has sucessfully acuqired it's first ships and will be a good test on the field.

OOC: I will begin RP my navy as soon as i purchase my ship. I have already completed all requirements for owning a ship.

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*Classified to the Dragon Empire from Yuktobanian Air Commander Suvorov*

The Yuke Air Force is mobilized and ready for attack, just give the word and we'll bomb any target in Khmer.

*Classified message to the Dragon Empire from Yuke General Zhukov II*

Our armies are ready for combat, our navy has sucessfully acuqired it's first ships and will be a good test on the field.

OOC: I will begin RP my navy as soon as i purchase my ship. I have already completed all requirements for owning a ship.

"Excellent, we welcome our allies to the battlefield. If you check out our battle plan in the Imperial Congress you can see our basic attack plan. If you wish to enter the upcoming battle, you would be most helpful by supporting Somal's armed forces.

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Inspired by the Emperor's speech, the 2nd Banzai Army and 1st Armored begin crossing the border. The divisions see a border patrol and set themselves up to run a banzai charge. When the moment is right, they pop out from their hiding spots and yell "banzai", charging with bayonets up toward the Khmers.

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Mad Dog Bob Denard's Command Center

Bob is lost in thought. The maps, reports, and other nonsense had long since numbed his world. If this is the fate of the modern battlefield commander he is doomed. Looking around from time to time he watches his staff officers rush in and out of the remote bunker. Frankly it is beginning to bore the hell out of Mad Dog Bob Denard.

With a grunt he stands up and straps on his pistol belt. His second in command, who has served with Bob before in the African Legion, recognizes that look in Bob's eyes. He asks, "Sir, shall I alert the 1st Regimet of the 1st Armored Division of your pending arrival?"

"You'll do no such thing," replies Bob.

"Your orders sir?"

"Old friends are arriving soon."

Bob's second in command looks at Bob for a moment before realizing what he is talking about. Old friends can only mean one thing, the 'Bad Ones'. The hand picked guard of the African Legion all chosen for their personal loyalty to Bob. Not only their loyalty but their ruthlessness in combat. All deadly men, all proven killers, all of them experts in the art of war. The Second in Command asks, "Sir are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Is going to war ever really a good idea?"

"No, but in this case the eyes of the world are on us. Bringing the 'Bad Ones' into the public eye can't be the best idea."

"Screw the public," Bob replies as he walks out of the command bunker and to a nearby hangar. As he enters he feels the muzzle of a .44 magnum revolver being pressed against his head.

"Name," the voice demands.

"Mad Dog," he replies.

"Oh hell," the voice replies as the muzzle of the pistol is removed.

"Oh we'll be going there soon enough," replies Bob as he enters completely into the hangar and is greeted by darkness. With a chuckle he says, "Turn on the lights."

As the lights flick on he is greeted with the sight of sixty heavily armed men. These are the 'Bad Ones' and these are his brothers. Looking around he feels not a drop of remorse for what is about to be unleashed upon the Khmer. A tall ebony skinned man stands up and says, "Happy to be here Marsh Bob."

"I'm happy to have you here Jamal."

"We thought you were ordering the Legion disbanded," Jamal replies.

"Cold day in hell before I do that my friends."

The men quietly stand and shoulder their weapons as they assemble in their customary guard positions around Bob. The dark killer of Africa strides out of the hangar with his own personal legion of killers surrounding him. A line of GAZzler Armored Vehicles wait for them that are equipped with 12.72 machine guns, A/A missile launchers, and other weapons. Bob mounts one of the vehicles and turns to his driver as he says, "Head to the front, the Ripper is up there. He'll be happy to see you degenerates."

"Yes sir Marsh Bob," replies the driver.

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The Alpha Company from 24th Special Forces Regiment is tooling for their mission. They are in the Air Craft Carrier CNS Trichur having come aboard a couple of days ago through a Naval METAC which picked them from their regimental base.

Alpha Company is the current MARCOS Team in Duty Rotation.

Having arrived in the carrier they were briefed extensively by case officers from NIA and NRA. They had scoured the satellite images of the city of Hue, its neighboring environs and especially the town of Lang Van Cu around 9 kilometers north of Hue. The exhausted NIA officials who had worked 30 hours days to gather the information informed the elite commandos on what and whom to expect in the region. The NRA official provided them with a stream of high resolution imagery, infra red as well as optical, taken by satellites and Raven flights.

After extensive briefing the 16 man team huddled over the information to prepare a plan. Though the highest ranking of them was only a Captain the Royal Cochin Special Force prided on not taking any mission unless planned by them. As combat hardened vets, each of them, had a contemptuous irreverence for the REMFs. In a planning session that lasted for 6 intensive hours the commandos agreed upon a plan. Each soldier was by now thorough about his role in the mission.

They knew about the crimes committed against their Kingdom, to their brother soldiers and were proud of the retribution meted out to their enemy. But their mission was also very vital, it was the basic tenet of their Kingdom. Because of the importance of the mission the soldiers shrugged away the voluntary acceptance forms, because extremely perilous as the mission was if they withdrew from this they would lose the respect amongst their fellow soldiers. The Black beret wearing Special Forces were indeed the elite amongst elite. They formed a special command of Royal Cochin Defense Forces with their special flag and insignia.

After the plan was finalised and christened Mission Stint the Captain of the team was on call to the the RCSF HQ in Bishkek for the additional units that might be needed for the operation.

Within 6 hours the equipment had arrived and the teams rigged them and got ready.

The Mission Stint was about to go.

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The 16 commandos of Alpha Company boarded a midget submarine that is customized for supporting Special Ops. At 0900 hours the midget submarine disengaged from CNS Trichur and headed for the beach. 22km off the coast of Hue at 16d44'23"N, 107d44'41"E, the midget submarine MS98 bottomed out to the ocean floor. Through a water lock at its port side the commandos ventured out to the tropical waters of South China Sea in their sea scooters. They planned on a covert-in , covert-out mission.

The team navigated their silent electrically powered crafts to the estuary. This was the most dangerous part of the mission. Though by now it was 0000, some lone sentry could be unusually alert. They could not afford any detection.

Slowly at 15 minutes intervals the 4 sea sccoters passed the narrow river mouth to enter the huge lagoon. Though the route to be taken was preprogrammed to the sled by each team painstakingly the navigator of each craft rechecked the bearings on his wrist mounted GPS every 10 minutes.

On this moonless and cloud covered night they were sailing up a muddy river several meters under the water level. It was ripe conditions for utter disorientation and vertigo for any untrained person. Fortunately these soldiers felt the conditions to be as natural as a womb is for an unborn baby. The rain which started when they entered the river was an added boon for the teams.

7 kms up the winding river the teams turned their crafts right to enter the smaller stream. Now was the first of many bridges they had to cross. Though they were repatedly assured by the men from NIA and NRA that the bridge was unguarded the team ventured cautiously.

The next crossing was a bridge that formed part of the National Highway 4 and the bridge was also dangerously close to an army encampment. Extra vigilance was mounted at this crossing.

After this bridge it was plain sailing all the way to Lang van Cu.

At 0100 the team made landfall at their target location. They anchored the sea scooter to the river bottom and swam ashore. The building they wanted to approach was not well lit and they were assured not well protected. The Khmer Empire obviously did not deem the installation worthy of any elite security. After all it is not a military installation, neither are its contents vital for Khmer Empire's interests. The team expected a guard force of 8 policemen, a quite manageable number.

As they approached the building the Sergeant on scout duty made a final recce and team made their assault. The MARCOS lobbed canisters of odorless and colorless sleeping gas from all points of entry. The scouts crept up to the semi lucid sentry and poked him from behind. The hapless police constable turned around to be greeted by a cloud of the same sleeping gas. Then the assault team of 4 went through the building to check that all inhabitants were disabled. To counter any still awake residents the assault team were armed with semi automatic tranquiliser guns. No rounds were spent and finally the whole team assembled at tha room where the packages were kept. Thankfully the room was well refrigerated. The packages were transferred to the special cases brought by the team. The cases were buoyant and water tight, designed to be towed by the sea scooters. One by one the cases were carried to the banks and the sea scooters brought to the surface for the cases to be attached. One all 10 packages were secured to the 4 sea scooters the team dived. They then adjusted the buoyancy setting of the cases and the hygrograph inside the case assured them that no water is seeping in.

Finally the team returned by the same route. As they crossed into the Ocean from the estuary the Captain signalled for the midget submarine on his ELF radio.

Finally at the point where the midget submarine was grounded the team entered with their packages through the water locks. As they entered the submarine proper carrying the 10 cases the sailors had assembled for a mini ceremony. The dead sons of Cochin were being brought back to the Kingdom. The bodies of the ten diplomats murdered by Khmer Empire are back with the Kingdom of Cochin.

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ooc: Pause rp guys til Marquis can catch up. Stop posting til he posts again, seriously.
OOC: I thought that Malestrom was still giving the Khmer's one last chance, what's with all the special ops?

OOC: I had cleared it with Hawk before posting it. My spy odds against Chris is 90%. However if and when Chris comes in if he does not agree to something I shall edit it in accordingly. As of now since I am not claiming any casualty on Khmer Empire through this operation the covert ops stand. It is not an operation against any of his assets.

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The bombardment shook Northern Tonkin Province. Many villigers ran from their homes as they had never even heard of a plane let alone seen one. Many military instilations were destroyed in the blasts along with many trrops and machines. This caused General order XVII to be enabled. This order was for guerrilla tactics to be used. All static or heavy artillery in the north of the country to be destroyed. Light motars to be taken with military units who are to dissolve and bled in with local villages. Infrastructure is expendible, destroy bridges following armies, attack at night etc. Important thing is to hide.

With this all static positions that were not destroyed by enemy bombardment were ruined by Tonkin forces. With all military positions abandonded the Guerilla war had begun. RPGs and AA positions were set up in the heavily forested hill sides, waiting for the enivitable helicopters carrying troops that would be used to attempt to flush out the Khmer Army.

OOC: Short and Painful I know.

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