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So, are you interested in attacking christian trojans at all?

Totally. I'm sure admin will ignore that 150kNS difference between us and the fact we're both in the same alliance and, oh yeah, that I actually like CT, and let me attack him. :lol1:

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Not going to e lawyer it mate, take it for what it is. What I am saying is when you're a nation constantly stirring up internal drama and rubbing your 'nation's abilities to grow' in your alliance mates' faces, then get caught in-game with IP sharing, then leave and alliance and hop alliance to alliance to avoid war merely for self-gain and self-ambitions? Sorry mate, but I see this as dishonorable and moronic. As he stated himself:

Ok i've been a bad guy at times and i know it. But concerning this little event i would like to show what tactics Enderland is resorting to:

So, you have someone who:

1. Caused problems in an alliance by being a pompous $@! to his mates

2. Gets caught IP sharing

3. Leaves alliances when they are about to go to war

4. ADMITS in this very forum he knows he has done these things

5. [Place holder]

6. All of the reasonings Ender mentioned

I see this as valid. I wont be surprised if more people attack him because he was an $@! to many of Gremlins' nations when he possessed the AA, of course whether they do or not at this point is merely an assumption. How much does a man need to do in order to be attacked? People are arguing with Ender because of their personal grudges with him which is certainly fine, but I am merely shedding my insight as well. Gremlins is going through internal problems and more and more are either leaving planet bob or going to new alliances, I will say I have no idea on specified names and I know this is more so of an attack on CT rather than FnKa. Of course, given how politics work, FnKa will take this as an attack on them which is understandable, but all I can urge is this is truly a big "Go to hell" to CT, of course FnKa will deal with Ender and that CERTAINLY is understandable as well, they are suppose to protect their nations and I would argue with them if they didn't, but it isn't like Ender is attacking him for one reason. He has multiple reasonings.

Sorry I lost your respect Ty, this has something to do with my own personal grudge against a man who willingly admits his nonsense behavior, he only admits it now of course cause he is being pummeled (not really, haha). Many gremlins are leaving and they have nothing to lose by attacking him and leaving the game, though I can agree it can be seen as ruthless, I am also a realist and know if someone sincerely offended me i'd leave with a bang, especially to someone who hops alliance to alliance for self ambition.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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Totally. I'm sure admin will ignore that 150kNS difference between us and the fact we're both in the same alliance and, oh yeah, that I actually like CT, and let me attack him. :lol1:

Well, if you want, you can try to find someone to take your place in attacking him.

Also, I think it's hilarious that CT was making fun of my casualty count when I had more attacking AND defending casualties on my last nation than he has right now combined. But you know, I had to go to space.. space is so dope.

Edited by astronaut jones
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Dude, if you don't know who ejay is, I wanna know what rock you've been living under. I may give him hell for no good reason (mostly about his rapping ability), but come on, it's ejay. You can't seriously call him a peasant and think you're better than he is. You're not. I'm not. Most people are not.

Oh i think some one has a crush on some one.

Edited by christian trojans
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So i think its pretty clear that you fancy him. Just ask him out for a drink if you like him that much.

I only hope one day his love for me will reach the same level of admiration you yourself possess with those admirable stats, even if you had to vanquish your honor in doing so.


Edited by Ejayrazz
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I would just like to clear something up im not a big OWF poster and I hate this drama BS we need to grow up no one is perfect.....

I dont know what people think, but if people are thinking about hitting CT plz think again and have some respect for FnKa as an alliance.

IF any one does hit CT you will have to deal with FnKa... No its not a threat its a promise big alliances to small alliance we will fight for what we believe in, and show people what honor is really about.

Besides that.. Just let the issue die down its between CT and Ender regardless of what CT did in his "past" just let it be. If any one has concerns or would like to vent of some steam I will be playing Dr Phil in #CnFnKa come query me :lol1:

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I would just like to clear something up im not a big OWF poster and I hate this drama BS we need to grow up no one is perfect.....

I dont know what people think, but if people are thinking about hitting CT plz think again and have some respect for FnKa as an alliance.

IF any one does hit CT you will have to deal with FnKa... No its not a threat its a promise big alliances to small alliance we will fight for what we believe in, and show people what honor is really about.

Besides that.. Just let the issue die down its between CT and Ender regardless of what CT did in his "past" just let it be. If any one has concerns or would like to vent of some steam I will be playing Dr Phil in #CnFnKa come query me :lol1:

CT needs to learn a lot about this thing people call "respect" before this ever blows over.

Me on the other hand? I just have no respect for most people, except for MA, my lord and saviour rebel virginia, and the signatories of the dynomite pact (just in case you were wondering or you were gonna say "you're one to talk!" that's right, I am one to talk)

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Not going to e lawyer it mate, take it for what it is. What I am saying is when you're a nation constantly stirring up internal drama and rubbing your 'nation's abilities to grow' in your alliance mates' faces, then get caught in-game with IP sharing, then leave and alliance and hop alliance to alliance to avoid war merely for self-gain and self-ambitions? Sorry mate, but I see this as dishonorable and moronic. As he stated himself:

So, you have someone who:

1. Caused problems in an alliance by being a pompous $@! to his mates

2. Gets caught IP sharing

3. Leaves alliances when they are about to go to war

4. ADMITS in this very forum he knows he has done these things

5. [Place holder]

6. All of the reasonings Ender mentioned

I see this as valid. I wont be surprised if more people attack him because he was an $@! to many of Gremlins' nations when he possessed the AA, of course whether they do or not at this point is merely an assumption. How much does a man need to do in order to be attacked? People are arguing with Ender because of their personal grudges with him which is certainly fine, but I am merely shedding my insight as well. Gremlins is going through internal problems and more and more are either leaving planet bob or going to new alliances, I will say I have no idea on specified names and I know this is more so of an attack on CT rather than FnKa. Of course, given how politics work, FnKa will take this as an attack on them which is understandable, but all I can urge is this is truly a big "Go to hell" to CT, of course FnKa will deal with Ender and that CERTAINLY is understandable as well, they are suppose to protect their nations and I would argue with them if they didn't, but it isn't like Ender is attacking him for one reason. He has multiple reasonings.

Sorry I lost your respect Ty, this has something to do with my own personal grudge against a man who willingly admits his nonsense behavior, he only admits it now of course cause he is being pummeled (not really, haha). Many gremlins are leaving and they have nothing to lose by attacking him and leaving the game, though I can agree it can be seen as ruthless, I am also a realist and know if someone sincerely offended me i'd leave with a bang, especially to someone who hops alliance to alliance for self ambition.

I dont think gramlins will appreciate that you keep bringing up gramlims internal problems and "that and more and more are either leaving planet bob or going to new alliances"

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I would just like to clear something up im not a big OWF poster and I hate this drama BS we need to grow up no one is perfect.....

I dont know what people think, but if people are thinking about hitting CT plz think again and have some respect for FnKa as an alliance.

IF any one does hit CT you will have to deal with FnKa... No its not a threat its a promise big alliances to small alliance we will fight for what we believe in, and show people what honor is really about.

Besides that.. Just let the issue die down its between CT and Ender regardless of what CT did in his "past" just let it be. If any one has concerns or would like to vent of some steam I will be playing Dr Phil in #CnFnKa come query me :lol1:

Let me clear this up.

I dislike CT with a PASSION. Should Ender be $%&@ed up? Absolutely, he attacked your mate. Should you listen to us? Honestly, no. As I said, I consider myself a realist and if he has been a good member, you defend him with every single ounce of blood in you as you willingly made this dedication by accepting him in your alliance, but it isn't completely illogical as some are trying to convey it for grudges to exist.

As to Gremlins sanctioning an attack on an AA'd person without talking to the alliance at hand, I still say it is a big no no and don't agree with it. I am merely speaking of Ender land since he no longer possess an AA and isn't bound to genetic politics. Its the perk of being alliance less.

I dont think gramlins will appreciate that you keep bringing up gramlims internal problems and "that and more and more are either leaving planet bob or going to new alliances"

Look at their alliance numbers. Any person can see it with careful observation. -.-

Also, since when did you care about Gremlins? Stop the sympathy act.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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Ejay, FnKa was notified multiple times that CT was on target lists made of NPO since he was in NPO when NPO attacked OV. He then alliance hopped, surprise surprise, and went to FnKa. FnKa was told this not only by me twice 2 weeks apart, but RoK as well. Then he aided IRON and tried to aid NPO. FnKa was notified again, by me, that that was not appropriate (at this point I was no longer in Gremlins) but I'd say that Gre informed FnKa that CT was very much likely to be attacked, and then after violating terms of IRON and attempting to violate terms of NPO.....well justice came.

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Ejay, FnKa was notified multiple times that CT was on target lists made of NPO since he was in NPO when NPO attacked OV. He then alliance hopped, surprise surprise, and went to FnKa. FnKa was told this not only by me twice 2 weeks apart, but RoK as well. Then he aided IRON and tried to aid NPO. FnKa was notified again, by me, that that was not appropriate (at this point I was no longer in Gremlins) but I'd say that Gre informed FnKa that CT was very much likely to be attacked, and then after violating terms of IRON and attempting to violate terms of NPO.....well justice came.

See some of the earlier pages of this thread for the answer to that. It's already been discussed.

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Oh really? and what's your argument? He's not in a ZI list or anything. So why would he lie about it?

You've been duped by how much CT has "changed". Look around you, don't be blind to the testimony of all these folks as they've once been duped as well.

It's easy to see through CT's PR game.

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For the record, I speak on nobody's behalf but my own.

My post Re: FNKA was a direct response to their claim that Gremlins has no valid justification against CT.

That is patently false and I, for one, would like to see FNKA admit that Gremlins did, in fact, have a valid reason.

Again, I commend FNKA's diplomatic handling of the situation but let's not pretend that FNKA's timely response invalidates the cause.

I figured as much. I believe I remember a Gremlins post stating that unless the sigs of the gov are included, it is opinion only. Which is something I greatly admire, and in fact, practice with my alliance as well.

Oh yeah and people keep saying "CT deserves it" Huh? Ender is getting beaten with pure ease out of about 16 land attacks he won about 1 or 2. Yes he is nuking us but like i said before i am not obsessed with growth anymore. I dont really care if i incur losses anymore. Actually its really good fun. Its good practice because i have a nation in CNTE. Fury and i are beating him very easily and i am getting a WRC tomo too. Woop Woop.

Good. War is indeed fun, I am happy you are enjoying it. Sucks that you were singled out when I can think of a bunch of people who left NATO on the eve of war.

How does this have anything to do with honor?

It doesn't my savior, it doesn't.

You stated that his war was about honor before infra. I don't see where the honor is. Am I shedding any tears for a guy who left his alliance on the eve of war? No, even if he is in FnKa ( :wub: ). But is it honorable to vengefully hunt down anyone who does that? I don't think so. We had a few people leave TOOL just before this war, including one person I called a friend. Was I pissed? Hell yeah. Would I mind seeing them get nuked? Nope. But I quit holding a grudge about it. What's the use of sitting here filled with hatred for months waiting for my moment of revenge? Will that do anything? Will it make me feel better inside? No. I won't look at those people the same again, nor would I want them in any alliance I'm in, but there's no use hating them or plotting revenge. Always forgive, never forget.


This man is a smart man. I like him a lot.

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Oh i think some one has a crush on some one.

Swing and a miss.

LMAO. Another peasant with a big mouth.
Look i am only rude when i am insulted. If he says to me that i should perish it annoys me and i will respond. I'm sure he is a great guy and i do not think i am better than him or anyone but if you troll you should expect a non positive response.

Swing, and... a miss.

Your backtracking fails.

Ok i cant believe that i have been drawn into this rubbish. I now officially withdraw from this thread. If anyone wishes to contact me please feel free to visit the FnKa forums.

And Many thanks to all who have supported me and accepted that i am not such a demon.

And a swing...and another miss. That's three. Very poor play for sympathy.

Maybe it's just all those other things you said before that last one.

I doubt anyone believes you are a demon, as that implies some level of ferociousness. I had hoped that one such as you would at least argue your case decently.

Perhaps I hope too much.

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Oh yeah and people keep saying "CT deserves it" Huh? Ender is getting beaten with pure ease out of about 16 land attacks he won about 1 or 2. Yes he is nuking us but like i said before i am not obsessed with growth anymore. I dont really care if i incur losses anymore. Actually its really good fun. Its good practice because i have a nation in CNTE. Fury and i are beating him very easily and i am getting a WRC tomo too. Woop Woop.


Ender is doing what he wanted to do. CT isn't bothered by it as he's had an epiphany, changed his outlook on pixels, and made friends in FnKa. Shouldn't we simply let them be happy in this without turning it into a public spectacle/axe-grind?


That would be possible if the people who are not CT would simply let go of their old and nonsensical grudges against them. CT his only defending himself from the attacks launched upon his character. He can hardly be faulted.

See my bottom response.

Take that up with Ender, if you like.

I never said Ender's justification was valid.

Neither have I - I explained why I chose to do this action, fully admitting it is nuclear roguery.

To whomever is making Alden whine, thank you.

Speaking of grudges...

you should read more.

So the point of all this is to get CT to believe that he doesn't care if his nation gets wiped out? You just attacked CT to prove that he cares if he gets attacked?


The specific reasons I attacked him are in the OP.

It really bothers me that someone who has done a whole string of actions that I dislike had a nation that was ranked #3 in the game. His nation got there through stepping on others, bailing on alliances, avoiding consequences for his actions, or anything of that nature. I do not think you should be able to get a high rank simply by being a coward or bailing on alliances multiple times. That's not how I see things being fair at all.

Perhaps it is some twisted sense of justice I have - it really bothers me if you get somewhere using means of the manner he did. I no longer even care about whether or not he has changed: his nation was built upon despicable acts and betrayals. I do not want him to have a "nice thing" that was made through such means. So he won't. I am doing everything in my power to reduce the extent to which he has been able to have profited from those actions. Him having changed really has no bearing on that.

If that makes me a coward or whatnot, so be it.

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You stated that his war was about honor before infra. I don't see where the honor is. Am I shedding any tears for a guy who left his alliance on the eve of war? No, even if he is in FnKa ( :wub: ). But is it honorable to vengefully hunt down anyone who does that? I don't think so. We had a few people leave TOOL just before this war, including one person I called a friend. Was I pissed? Hell yeah. Would I mind seeing them get nuked? Nope. But I quit holding a grudge about it. What's the use of sitting here filled with hatred for months waiting for my moment of revenge? Will that do anything? Will it make me feel better inside? No. I won't look at those people the same again, nor would I want them in any alliance I'm in, but there's no use hating them or plotting revenge. Always forgive, never forget.


I thought you of all people would support a something like this - leaving your alliance to pursue something you believe in strongly to which you are willing to sacrifice your nation.

And since people seem to think that I have a "grudge" or whatnot, I am not sure where you get that image. If Action Jeff had a nation still I would have another offensive war - the fact that I happened to have personal connections to CT from a prior alliance has nothing to do with whether or not I would have attacked him.

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