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Lord of Destruction Q&A

Lord of Destruction

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Where do I start? Well, I'll say this is my "official" press thread. I could also say I'm doing some attention seeking and I want people to ask me questions all day long and berate me about whether or not I'm actually telling the truth, but I really just want to have a Q&A thread. Other people have them, so why can't I?

That said, here we go:

My name is Lord of Destruction, or LoD for short. Who else saw that coming? I did :v:

I was unaligned for 200 days.

I was in ODK for like 70 days.

I was in an AA of my own to stop tech raiders from finding me easily... it didn't work.

I was in the New Pacific Order for a year and 7 months. During my stay in the Order, I was a Recruiter, 2nd in command of the Recruitment Corps, a DJ, a Station Officer, an "Artifex Pacificae" (Graphics artist), Councilor (was elected 4 times [that means 8 months representing the BR]), Mentor, Head of Team 1 mentors, Banker (For like a month or something >_>), Diplomat, Diplomatic Consul, and Special Envoy. I had a lot of roles in the Order, and I worked for a very long time to make Pacifica a great place. I was in many wars, and was even ZId for the Order.

Recently, however, I resigned from the Order to create my own alliance (to have fun in this game, and I wanted something different than the Order). I did this with the intention of having 4 other people from the Order come along with me, and found the alliance with me, making it a total of 5 founding members. The 1st person left because he felt he had a duty to help Pacificans by changing things in the Order, the 2nd left because he was no longer angry about things, the 3rd left because 3 people wasn't enough, and the last person to leave decided to quit on me after I had resigned from the Order and surrendered to Karma. He left me because he felt he had a duty to the Order as well.

Finding myself in this situation, I decided I had 2 choices: quit CN or join MK, the alliance that was going to be my new alliances protector. I decided to join MK, obviously.

From there, I quickly passed through the academy, applied to be the Baron of Culture and stated the experience I had in the application, and was chosen by lebubu.

From there, my story has yet to be written.

There is a small description of my time on Bob. Now time for questions :D

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How can you justify calling me an attention whore (for making DoW threads when I DoW on alliances) when you make a whole thread to brag about how great you are with your desertion and insulting of your former alliance?

Also, how much do you love Rebel Virginia? You can't love him more than me :awesome: for he is great.

Edited by Sileath
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Other people have them, so why can't I?

Because then everyone will have one.

How about we make this a Q&A thread for everyone.


Zbaldwin, how are things going?

Crymson, are you mad at me about the thing I did with your mom?

Kingsrqt, how is TJO treating you?

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How can you justify calling me an attention whore (for making DoW threads when I DoW on alliances) when you make a whole thread to brag about how great you are with your desertion and insulting of your former alliance?

Also, how much do you love Rebel Virginia? You can't love him more than me :awesome: for he is great.

First off, I didn't make this to brag about myself, or my desertion, or me insulting the NPO. In fact, I don't believe I insulted the NPO in my OP.

Secondly, that part about me attention seeking was a joke.

Lastly, RV is coo'.

Bacon or steak?


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First off, I didn't make this to brag about myself, or my desertion, or me insulting the NPO. In fact, I don't believe I insulted the NPO in my OP.

Secondly, that part about me attention seeking was a joke.

So you made this thread as a public service?

Many people have grown weary of nation building and desire so greatly to read about LoD that this was necessary for a better CN?

Also, do you still have the opinion that the people who failed to desert Pacifica betrayed you?

If Rebel Virginia made a Q&A, that would be notable, as to ask questions of a God would be a grand honor indeed.

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So you made this thread as a public service?

Many people have grown weary of nation building and desire so greatly to read about LoD that this was necessary for a better CN?

Also, do you still have the opinion that the people who failed to desert Pacifica betrayed you?

If Rebel Virginia made a Q&A, that would be notable, as to ask questions of a God would be a grand honor indeed.

I made this thread so people could ask me questions if they'd like to. I'm all about the transparency, baby. That, and if people don't want to ask me questions, this thread will just die, and I'm fine with that too.

I believe you're just trying to get a rise out of me with that 2nd question.

3rd one, I don't think they betrayed me. I'm a bit disappointed they didn't join me in the adventure to have fun, but it's their choice to remain in Pacifica. That, and I'm friends with them. I'm not about to throw away a friendship just because they didn't leave an alliance.

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3rd one, I don't think they betrayed me. I'm a bit disappointed they didn't join me in the adventure to have fun, but it's their choice to remain in Pacifica. That, and I'm friends with them. I'm not about to throw away a friendship just because they didn't leave an alliance.

So it was fun for the 9 times you were victorious in wars with Pacifica, but the 10th war where NPO is losing, only desertion of your comrades was going to be an adventure to have fun?

How many friendships in Pacifica did you throw away with your decision to desert?

Would you compare yourself with Sev in that you were both members of the NPO Council and both betrayed NPO?

Are you giving as much glory as you can to Rebel Virginia? We should all be trying harder, because He deserves all the glory we can give, and more.

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Whats your new AAs name and theme going to be?

It's not going to exist since the other people didn't leave with me.

It was going to be called Darkstar, and was not going to be themed.

So it was fun for the 9 times you were victorious in wars with Pacifica, but the 10th war where NPO is losing, only desertion of your comrades was going to be an adventure to have fun?

How many friendships in Pacifica did you throw away with your decision to desert?

Would you compare yourself with Sev in that you were both members of the NPO Council and both betrayed NPO?

Are you giving as much glory as you can to Rebel Virginia? We should all be trying harder, because He deserves all the glory we can give, and more.

1. I was originally going to leave before the Jarheads war. The only reason I didn't leave was because that war happened, even though I couldn't fight it. It had nothing to do with the fact that NPO lost this war that I left.

2. I didn't throw away any true friendships, actually. I still talk to the people I was closest with on a daily basis.

3. No, I wouldn't. Sev was a spy for months before he was expelled and a founder of Blackstone along with Potface. Both he and Potface were actual traitors.

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Would you care to comment on the rise of individual Q&A threads and how it's indirectly proportional to hawk_11's giving a damn?

As the number of Q&A threads increases, the amount of caring coming from Hawk_11 remains a constant at 0, because he didn't give a damn in the first place.

Do you smell like beef jerky?

Yes, as I bathe in it.

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1. I was originally going to leave before the Jarheads war. The only reason I didn't leave was because that war happened, even though I couldn't fight it. It had nothing to do with the fact that NPO lost this war that I left.

2. I didn't throw away any true friendships, actually. I still talk to the people I was closest with on a daily basis.

3. No, I wouldn't. Sev was a spy for months before he was expelled and a founder of Blackstone along with Potface. Both he and Potface were actual traitors.

1. I'll give you that, because I recall you trying to start an alliance shortly after I left NPO in February and inviting me to join it.

2. So all of your former comrades who look down on you because of your abandoning of them in their time of need are not "true friends"?

3. I'll give you that one too.


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1. I'll give you that, because I recall you trying to start an alliance shortly after I left NPO in February and inviting me to join it.

2. So all of your former comrades who look down on you because of your abandoning of them in their time of need are not "true friends"?

3. I'll give you that one too.


2. They can look down on me all they want. If they refuse to talk to me because of it, however, they're not true friends.

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As the number of Q&A threads increases, the amount of caring coming from Hawk_11 remains a constant at 0, because he didn't give a damn in the first place.

Very astute. Do you have a mathematical proof for this finding?

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LoD, my good friend, I have a question for you:

Any favorite memories from your time in NPO? Favorite people? Favorite events?

Also, I can confirm that he was going to leave to found an alliance pre-Jarheads.


Very astute. Do you have a mathematical proof for this finding?

We don't need a proof to know that hawk doesn't give a damn. We all just know it's true.

Edited by SeasonsOfLove
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1. I was originally going to leave before the Jarheads war. The only reason I didn't leave was because that war happened, even though I couldn't fight it. It had nothing to do with the fact that NPO lost this war that I left.

If so, why couldn't you have waited until this war is over to leave?

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