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An apology to the GPA

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Hence the apologies. We have all moved on except for the select few that still choose to argue this.

I never got me chance to argue :P

I am also talking about NSO sending those messages, and Ivan STILL hasn't apologised for THAT yet, well at least to my knowledge.

So if I get send a trade request to some guy in another alliance, am I invading his personal space?

No not at all, there is a difference between a trade and a RECRUITMENT message.

A trade does not require thinking of switching to another alliance while a recruitment message does.

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Have what both ways? Molesting being the same as talking, and both being similar enough to sending a pm to make for a proper analogy?

What is a metaphor to you sir?

I can't answer your question until I know what your definition is first.

P.S. Will, your Sig is 9 lines long I would shorten it to 8 because of the mods.

Edited by King Silas
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No not at all, there is a difference between a trade and a RECRUITMENT message.

A trade does not require thinking of switching to another alliance while a recruitment message does.

I'm sorry, it's just that you were saying PM's were an invasion of personal space... :rolleyes:

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The only word I can think of is "Space" you violated the rights of Space. you invaded their territory, insulted their alliance by doing this, need I go on?

I hope this is better then my metaphors because you just don't get metaphors do you?

I don't get metaphors that don't fit a situation, no. How is sending a private message "invading their territory?" Should I declare war on my mother the next time she sends me a holiday card in the mail?

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I am going to decipher what I said in my last metaphor:

Think of NSO as a person and GTA also as a person.

this is easy for you to understand

NSO starts talking to GTA,

by this i mean sending the recruitment messages.

NSO starts poking fingers (messages, also physically and not speech wise) at GTA.

Poke yourself in the chest like two people having an argument and how does it feel? uncomfortable.

The fingers hurt if pressed to hard.

what I meant by this was, if more people left GPA it would have hurt them by NS, military strength, infa, etc.

NSO just violated personal space.

Get it?

Edited by King Silas
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I am going to decipher what I said in my last metaphor:

this is easy for you to understand

by this i mean sending the recruitment messages.

Poke yourself in the chest like two people having an argument and how does it feel? uncomfortable.

what I meant by this was, if more people left GPA it would have hurt them by NS, military strength, infa, etc.

Get it?

The mere existence of an alliance can cause people to leave their alliance and cause that alliance hurt in NS and infra. Looks like I just found a valid CB for the world.

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In all fairness, NSO doesn't seem to need to be painted as an evil foe or trouble making entity. They've kinda been going out of their way to do that themselves.

Right or wrong in bob is judged only by what the masses believe at the time.

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You said you'd leave GTA out of this. :huh:

Well, either way, all you're doing is using another metaphor to support your previous metaphor.

that was an accident to put GTA instead of GPA, I'm used to typing GTA not GPA so that's why.

as long as it gets MY point across, I dont care.

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The mere existence of an alliance can cause people to leave their alliance and cause that alliance hurt in NS and infra. Looks like I just found a valid CB for the world.

I know that, but we are talking about if more people switched to NSO instead of their own GOOD alliance.

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But you're not getting your point across.

Therefore, shouldnt you care?

OH MY GOD!!!! AM I SURROUNDED BY ^&%^*&???!!!!

if you don't like the last metapgor then look at the first one, if you don't like that one say so and don't reply anymore.

Edited by King Silas
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OH MY GOD!!!! AM I SURROUNDED BY ^&%^*&???!!!!

if you don't like the last metapgor then look at the first one, if you don't like that one say so and don't reply anymore.

If you're not making coherent sentences, don't reply anymore B)

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OH MY GOD!!!! AM I SURROUNDED BY ^&%^*&???!!!!

if you don't like the last metapgor then look at the first one, if you don't like that one say so and don't reply anymore.

How do you say something about something (see: reply) and not reply at the same time? Just wondering, I'd like to learn the masterful arts. *pulls out a pen and paper* I'm taking notes. :)

Keep on trucking Silas, I'm sure something will come out of your work someday... somewhere... hopefully.

Edit: for those who don't "get it" the first part of my post is a joke. >.>

Edited by Asriel Belacqua
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I think you quoted the wrong person :lol1:

Try the recruitment message <_<

But thanks for the laugh...

I could say that your alliance is weak and pathetic and a waste of space here on planet bob, and that I'd rather see it disappear than anything else. Doesn't mean it's weak and pathetic though, all I'd have to do is look at the stats to see that.

GPA? Sanctioned. TDO? Sanctioned.

Hardly weak at all.

Umbrella? Well... maybe I'm right about what I said above.

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My last and first point was/is this:

NSO where fools to do what they did. there should have been larger consequences toward NSO. To many alliances the definition of poaching is a DoW, and I for one would have LOVED to see that. Why? because NSO made a DoW toward GPA and I find that if ANY alliance does that they are subject to war. I'm not just blasting this out to only NSO.

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My last and first point was/is this:

NSO where fools to do what they did. there should have been larger consequences toward NSO. To many alliances the definition of poaching is a DoW, and I for one would have LOVED to see that. Why? because NSO made a DoW toward GPA and I find that if ANY alliance does that they are subject to war. I'm not just blasting this out to only NSO.

Please point me to where we declared war on GPA.

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