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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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Or, as I once said to my former Queen:

"I'm sorry you got angry when I called you lard-$@!."

It's an apology. There's a 'sorry' in there and everything!

It's the Bilrow school of apologies!

Still, I suppose it's nice to see some sort of resolution forthcoming.

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Is there really anything more to discuss? Ivan has expressed regret over the situation now that TDO has sought to publicly humiliate the NSO in order to elicit an apology, instead of trying to contact Ivan directly. Now, all we have left is people flexing their new found political muscle in a situation they have no involvement in. I think it's time we call it a day.

Oh yes those !@#$%^& neutrals victimizing those poor good kids at NSO.

Edited by King Chill I
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Please feel free to point out where I have done so. All I see here is you, a noninvolved party, apparently butthurt that a topic doesn't include you, interjecting pointless rhetoric in the hopes of getting noticed. Good job.

Oh no, you haven't specifically, just the whole lot of you collectively. No no, you've been very careful to avoid answering challenging questions and to mislead everyone into accepting some half-hearted attempt at apologising as something it is not. But I guess you've never been very good at apologies, have you Ivan?

As for you accusing me of "interjecting pointless rhetoric in the hopes of getting noticed", well... That's almost as ironic as you trying to paint yourself as some sort of pioneering social reformer.

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I agree that poaching is not morally wrong, but it's only pragmatic to be more intelligent about it.

Sending in-game recruitment messages to people of other alliances = CB

Talking to friends via IRC about how cool your alliance is, and letting them make up their own mind = No CB even if there's a log dump

Method aside, no one's looking for a CB, as has been brought up countless times in this topic. TDO and NSO are handling the issue.

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You mean like the multiple times they did try to contact Ivan directly before making it public?
You mean the multiple times they asked to talk to Ivan on IRC, and were told to shoot him a pm instead?
Oh yes those !@#$%^& neutrals victimizing those poor good kids at NSO.
They chose to air this publicly instead of trying to contact Ivan through pm. How is that different from the way I described it? Edited by cookavich
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You mean like the multiple times they did try to contact Ivan directly before making it public?

Yeah, they tried to call him out on IRC after being told he doesn't go on IRC often. And then Ivan said a while back that he never got a message in-game, like TDO was told to do if they wanted to get in touch with him.

EDIT: Damn, cookavich got it right before me. ^.^

Edited by Locke
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Oh no, you haven't specifically, just the whole lot of you collectively. No no, you've been very careful to avoid answering challenging questions and to mislead everyone into accepting some half-hearted attempt at apologising as something it is not. But I guess you've never been very good at apologies, have you Ivan?

As for you accusing me of "interjecting pointless rhetoric in the hopes of getting noticed", well... That's almost as ironic as you trying to paint yourself as some sort of pioneering social reformer.

Ah, then perhaps you could point out the horse you have in this race for us then. Oh wait...

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I never asked anyone's permission to recruit from PoWs. I just decided that we would.

Just making up crap for fun now?

You sure about that, Ivan?

  5:34p    (&Roquentin|Umbrella) [Lysotine|NSO] Also, is it cool with you guys if we try to recruit from Karma PoW as long as we tell them that they can't join until their 30 days is up?
We have a fairly open membership policy and I am a known war profiteer. I think I even started pushing for us to recruit from the Karma POW AA a few days ago. ;)
Edited by George the Great
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Is there really anything more to discuss? Ivan has expressed regret over the situation now that TDO has sought to publicly humiliate the NSO in order to elicit an apology, instead of trying to contact Ivan directly. Now, all we have left is people flexing their new found political muscle in a situation they have no involvement in. I think it's time we call it a day.

Ivan has expressed regret only over the reaction to this actions, not for his actions themselves - and you're right... how dare TDO make NSO's actions public knowledge. I mean it's not like they didn't try Private Channels, both IRC and PM, where they were met with aggression and disdain. And it's not like the NpO didn't express hostility as well saying that any retaliation against these acts would bring NpO's military into the equation - basically telling the world that the NpO supports these actions.

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Oh no, you haven't specifically, just the whole lot of you collectively. No no, you've been very careful to avoid answering challenging questions and to mislead everyone into accepting some half-hearted attempt at apologising as something it is not. But I guess you've never been very good at apologies, have you Ivan?

As for you accusing me of "interjecting pointless rhetoric in the hopes of getting noticed", well... That's almost as ironic as you trying to paint yourself as some sort of pioneering social reformer.

Have you come here to die like the Jedi before you? This place is a graveyard for your kind. The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead. It is fitting that you came here.

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Have you come here to die like the Jedi before you? This place is a graveyard for your kind. The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead. It is fitting that you came here.

Classic ad hominem.

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Ivan has expressed regret only over the reaction to this actions, not for his actions themselves - and you're right... how dare TDO make NSO's actions public knowledge. I mean it's not like they didn't try Private Channels, both IRC and PM, where they were met with aggression and disdain. And it's not like the NpO didn't express hostility as well saying that any retaliation against these acts would bring NpO's military into the equation - basically telling the world that the NpO supports these actions.
What are you looking for? True repentance from Ivan? You'll be waiting for a long time.

Also, it is like they didn't try PM. I certainly would be interested to see where my Emperor stated Polaris' stated such things, though. It seems like you have a few holes to plug.

Classic ad hominem.
You're a buzz kill. Edited by cookavich
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You mean the multiple times they asked to talk to Ivan on IRC, and were told to shoot him a pm instead?

They chose to air this publicly instead of trying to contact Ivan through pm. How is that different from the way I described it?

I think Ivan should stop lying about his messages. TDO would have sent him a message somehow (read: ingame, forums, nso forums, whatever it would take) if NSO told them to. I know them well enough to know they'd go through all the hoops NSO put before them before making anything public. This was their last resort to get a real response from NSO.

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What are you looking for? True repentance from Ivan? You'll be waiting for a long time.

Also, it is like they didn't try PM. I certainly would be interested to see where my Emperor stated Polaris' stated such things, though. It seems like you have a few holes to plug.

You're a buzz kill.

Beauchamp, our MoFA, sent Ivan a PM on CN, which I've been told, too this very moment, has not been opened yet. Yes, we did try to contact Moldavi, but to no avail, and we've had to go through other government officials. We are still in the process of talks right now. We are basically waiting on Moldavi to show that he supports the proposed agreements in place by his Darth Prophet.

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Beauchamp, our MoFA, sent Ivan a PM on CN, which I've been told, too this very moment, has not been opened yet. Yes, we did try to contact Moldavi, but to no avail, and we've had to go through other government officials. We are still in the process of talks right now. We are basically waiting on Moldavi to show that he supports the proposed agreements in place by his Darth Prophet.
Ah, well, people do go days without checking their actual nation. Edited by cookavich
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What are you looking for? True repentance from Ivan? You'll be waiting for a long time.

Also, it is like they didn't try PM. I certainly would be interested to see where my Emperor stated Polaris' stated such things, though. It seems like you have a few holes to plug.

The TDO has made it quite clear that they are looking for an apology from Ivan and from Dopp - neither has mustered anything other than a regret to the publics reaction to their failed attempt at "social change" - never mind the slander and insults thrown at TDO...

12:40 John_Rocker[NpO] Make no mistake any preemptive attacks on NSO will be met with our full military. If you want to take the diplomatic course here it will take time.
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Beauchamp, our MoFA, sent Ivan a PM on CN, which I've been told, too this very moment, has not been opened yet. Yes, we did try to contact Moldavi, but to no avail, and we've had to go through other government officials. We are still in the process of talks right now. We are basically waiting on Moldavi to show that he supports the proposed agreements in place by his Darth Prophet.

Perhaps a screenie of the messgae?

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