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Liga Mundo - Season 6


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Also got VIP now anyone got any leagues to join ?

There's two fairly competitive leagues Vedder League (ranked 610th) and Super League in which I have teams that could always use more managers. Only down side is both leagues' seasons just started, but should be over in a couple of months - it's possible teams might go inactive during the season you could take over. Arcadian joined up one of them. If you are interested, drop me a line.

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Vedder League is a b*tch. I'm doing everything right, but it's going oh so wrong...

Yeah, I've seen some strange results. And I am amazed why you are struggling.

That St. Pauli team in 2nd in your division, I routinely thrash them in pre-season friendlies - yet there are teams in my own division which are constant headaches (Sharks FC prime example, had no luck against them)

EDITTED LATER: Maybe it's your coaching rating of 4, which is considerably less than your coach rating on your other squads? Perhaps you're just used to having really decent coaching carry you through results, that now here's a team that you're dealing with whose coaching is not that great, so the results are likewise not that great either.

Edited by Botha
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I thought that coaching rating starts at a certain level and moves up and down on how your results take you...

Weird however. Although this is a learning experience, I just put it down to home advantages - and with teams like VolNation, ALDM and 1984 Duckies who are almost undefeatable at home - hopefully the Vedder League can help me in overcoming those types of situations.

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I thought that coaching rating starts at a certain level and moves up and down on how your results take you...

It does, but look how strong your coaching is with Arcadia FC and your other teams compared to Sumney FC. You've probably become so used to having really well-coached teams you don't notice the effects of that anymore on those teams. But then you take on a team positioned in a middle division league with 4-bar coaching and start hitting the skids which you can't explain.

Checking the team stats through VIP, Sumney is ranked the strongest team for talent in the entire Vedder League right now and 2nd for form. But you are 17th for coaching and 14th for average match rating (right below the Welwitschias in 13th).

So my guess is your low coaching is affecting your results.

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I just checked the league's page, are they just taking in people who went to an American university or is that pure roleplay?

All the teams are American universities... people are encouraged to play as their alma mater. Since you're not American, if you had a favorite American university who isn't taken, you can play as them.

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It's simply the fact that it seems like he doesn't even look at the teams anymore. It seems like he just lets personal biases dictate everything. With one less game, I'm tied for most goals in the Serie and have the best goal differential. I'm certainly not saying that I should be rated to win every game... you only need to go back a page to see me !@#$%*ing about how my team sucks and I fully expected to lose to S Team... but as I said, I'd be like 1-0-4 right now if his predictions were correct. It just makes no sense.

I will admit that my attention to detail and investigation into team form, injury, strategy etc drops significantly for the second and third divisions. Some of it is because I am in Primera, some of it is because you never know how long a lower tier team will last in the league and I don't want to spend too much time familiarizing myself with a team and it's coach if that team will not be around much longer.

Also, there may just be a tiny part of it that is aimed at getting reactions from managers to light up the forum and spark discussions.

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I think it's a ploy to encourage them to get them up into Primera for more chatter about them...

That being said, the 4-1 loss to VolNation is my point exactly on my disagreements with making the match time 9:00. I got home at exactly 9:00 X11 time... and "pre-setting" teams the night beforehand doesn't really work if half your team's form training ends tomorrow.

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oh man my woes continue to mount, unable to beat Keville United FC...at home!!! :( Segunda here i come.

And Botha man i sympathize, your form is beginning to look as bad as my own :D. Hopefully the 'Boks will use that game in hand to good effect.

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And Botha man i sympathize, your form is beginning to look as bad as my own Hopefully the 'Boks will use that game in hand to good effect.

This is brutal! We now lost Matthias Rieger until September with injury, so I'm starting to think our time in the Primera is drawing to an end. I don't see the Boks winning any of their five upcoming games against the Big Three so by the time we are past them, I think we'll be in too deep a hole to dig ourselves out of relegation. A stint in Segunda to re-group and win might actually not be a bad thing, but I just don't see us salvaging much from this season.

Along with the losing, I think our form is suffering due to the number of games we are playing now each week due to two cups. I think in the future if we have two cups that I'll bail on one of them, because as I am finding out with this season and with other X11 teams I have, maintaining form when you play two games per week is a difficult task until you have millions and millions stashed away.

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Manager blames Cup for poor ’Boks form

TRANSVALER DAAGLIKSE SPORTNUUS: With all-star midfielder Matthias Rieger now out until early September due to injury picked up in today’s 4-1 losing effort against Atlético Luz Del Mar, Manager Bartnel Botha lambasted the Liga during the post-game media conference and put blame on the two cup tournaments for the Springboks’ recent woes.

“When your team is playing two matches a week almost all season, it is next to impossible to maintain a constantly high level of form. The more I think about it, having two cup series in a season is brutal. All it really does is benefit the same rich, strong teams who win season after season and collect the prize money.”

“The reason why the past two seasons - more so last season - have been so competitive is because teams have a chance to train and recover from injuries. This year we have had four serious injuries and they have had twice as much impact on our squad than if they occurred last year because of all the extra fixtures we have to play this year.”

Transvaal Springboks, normally one of the strongest teams for form, have been devastated on the field this season due to injuries and scheduling. Their defensive line, last season an impregnable bulwark, has been decimated like swiss cheese with injuries, poor form, and suspensions.

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I can kind of feel your pain, Botha, though mine is more spread out. I just lost Elliot Robertson, who's been solid all year at forward for me, for the next month on the Reds, lost a good defender for a week on my SUNY Oswego team, lost a good midfielder who's form was at 17 before injury on Egon FC for a month... but your stuff has been just unbelievable. Curse of the champion maybe?

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Curse of the champion maybe?

Hard to say, although the injury bug hit us late last season when Van der Meer went down for 3 weeks. Then in successive weeks Alderton, Hooiber, McGorry (fifth on our defense, so not a major loss), and now Rieger. All of them out for at least three weeks - I'm not even thinking about the minor injuries that we've had.

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Question: If you play on cautious and your opponent plays bruise, are your players more likely to get injured?

If your opponent is playing bruise, regardless doesn't really matter what you play to cut down your injuries. That's been my experience. I always play bruise and I see the same frequency of opposing injuries. I'm not sure what is causing mine, possibly sub-par form, although I haven't paid too much attention; it could be my opponents are now countering the Boks with bruise of their own. Formation possibly has some minor effect.

Speaking of injuries, looks like Lois Luis is now out a few weeks after Detlef Botha took him down a few notches.

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Lol! Botha, honestly going into the game i knew for a fact we were going to be in for a 12-round boxing match. Warren Peace (S5, H5) at the Campo?-Seriously? the series of ALDM & 'Boks(previous champions/defending champion) has always seen its share of fights, injuries and spectacular finishes. 'Boks is the only team to injure lulu. in the match before you knocked out Abreu and know it seems he got his revenge and in a gigantic way with laying down a hit and a half on Matthias Rieger in the 23rd minute. What a story line with Abreu and the 'Boks.

Gamrí Di María Florés played well once again netting 2, and surprisingly Zé Cocôa is fitting in extremely well up top with Desy and Florés. His goal is exactly what is getting payed for, dominating in the air and scoring goals, thats it-he doesnt have to defend just use his head, literally.

Detlef is a good player, seems to be passionate and is exactly 'Bok ball. hard player. lulu will be back quickly. He will miss maybe 1-2 league games at max. Question pending would be if the missed games will affect his chance at retaining the MVP title for the 6th time.

and the 2 cup system effecting form is acknowledged but at the same time dismissed... look at the size of my ALDM squad, i have 15 players. I have done well in season and in cup in every season, and finished 3/4 in the Copa Del Mar which id say is a good campaign. Im doing well in the championship as well as league right now.

I dont know what to say, I guess i am good with my money since I have spent it over and over again check the players in/out. I do have a decent war chest though, you are right on that theory. It might also be that im going alot younger than previous ALDM line-ups, with the next generation topping out at 21-y/o roughly 5-6 years away from their prime. Making sure i hit every press release and sponsor activity as well as a decent flow of players in/out i am able to enjoy investments such as Florés and Cocôa play at a high level now-and a ridiculous level later. I guess im giving up some of the secrets of Del Mar, but Id love to see the Liga as big and talented as a Serie A or a PL.

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I think we currently as big and as talented as the Serie A or PL. Even more so, because there is no predictable winner. Everyone is quite equal - there is the big 3 and then the rest play to stay out of relegation, that's how I see it...

That being said, I have a bye-week this week, so I'm looking at Spartak MK for a friendly.

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Worth a Double post-

I will sell rodrigo Abreu, 8bar midfielder for 1.6mil

-click on him on my player squad

-Make an offer box

-Make an offer of at atleast 1.6mil econ

This is an open bid, but i dont see it going much higher than 1.6. This is a hell of a deal, Abreu averages 10bars per game....This is a cant miss opportunity for every and all VIP teams

Bidding ends 8/10

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