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A Short Announcement from the GDA

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Uh. I think it took us a few days to notice it, and maybe a couple more to get it sorted - but (again, unless I'm confusing the two) it was sorted out and I was under the impression you were told it was a no-no and reps were paid over it. If someone from GDA could clarify that would be great, my memory's a bit poor and I'm halfway around the world from my IRC logs at the moment.

I can't speak for Avistonia....but at no point in time was I ever told (after the first round of aid had been sent) to stop. Therefore the 2nd aid was sent thinking it was perfectly acceptable.

Now if what you are saying is true, and you guys were told this....my what a wicked web we've weaved! I'd also love to see logs of these!

intriguing..... <_<

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I don't see the problem here. It seems GDA was offered the chance to pay reps to Sparta or boot the members. They chose to boot the members for the reason of not following orders. I don't know either of those characters so I can't comment on if it was a better decision of the two, but they chose one of the options to not get rolled, and that seems like a fair choice to me. It seems like the members got expelled for their own actions of disobeying a peace treaty signed by their government, I can't blame them.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on it. Seems to me people are just taking this opportunity to take pot shots at GDA rather than looking at the situation through their eyes.

What's done is done. No sense arguing over the semantics. Some take this way more serious then some. We were merely helping a buddy out despite the politics of it all.

Right, so you were told not to aid nations at war, but ignored that and went and aided him anyway, because he was a buddy, 'despite the politics of it all' and despite the fact that doing so would likely endanger the other 190+ nations in GDA?

lol.... Just when I thought GDA was at the peak of failure. They show they don't even want members in their alliance.

I'm shocked than an alliance with over 40 nations capable of easily sending more than 3mil every 10 days can't do this once or twice. lolGDAEconomylol

I thought I read somewhere GDA was working on economy after the war... and they can't afford 300mil. lol

They don't want members who can't follow simple rules, showing little regard for the alliance as a whole, is that such a bad thing?

You mean that they don't want to pay 300m to keep those kind of people?

I can tell you now, no matter what alliance I was in, I'd be pretty pissed off if my government expected me to fork out 3m every ten days for a month or so to pay for a mistake like this, from someone who judging by the size of his nation should know better, but can't even recognise that it was a mistake.

You crack me up. :rolleyes:

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you'd be correct because we both sent 2 sets of aid to that same nation. So given that, your correct. At no time during either of those 2 aids sets was anything said by anyone; enemy, ally or alliance. Was it understood....maybe by the people who set the terms.

So I understand your statement earlier of "this happened before" however if it was such a gregious "crime" you'd think it would have been caught and delt with on the 19th of May when the first set was sent out. Just my two cents on the matter...

Ignorance of the law is not a defense. Its your responsibility as a nation leader to keep up with what the government of your alliance agrees to.

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It is unfortunate that GDA is being held to a standard many in the Vindictive coalition are not being held to (Many uninvolved alliances are aiding Vindictive Coalition members without any penalty whatsoever) and GDA made a difficult decision that was probably the better of two very bad options.

My condolences to GDA, Silentkilla and Avistonia.

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It is unfortunate that GDA is being held to a standard many in the Vindictive coalition are not being held to (Many uninvolved alliances are aiding Vindictive Coalition members without any penalty whatsoever) and GDA made a difficult decision that was probably the better of two very bad options.

My condolences to GDA, Silentkilla and Avistonia.

It isn't Vindictive. It is a long standing precedent, that when you surrender you become uninvolved in the war. How complicated it that?

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I can't speak for Avistonia....but at no point in time was I ever told (after the first round of aid had been sent) to stop. Therefore the 2nd aid was sent thinking it was perfectly acceptable.

Now if what you are saying is true, and you guys were told this....my what a wicked web we've weaved! I'd also love to see logs of these!

intriguing..... <_<

I informed GDA .gov of the aid on 5/19. I was told that it would not happen again and they would send an alliance wide message regarding the subject matter.

/me shrugs

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tl;dr, GDA was offered the opportunity to pay reparations to Sparta for aiding the NPO. GDA bailed at the last second and instead booted the two members. The bottom line, it was a classy move by Sparta not to just roll GDA for it and to give them the opportunity to get out of it pretty easily ($70mil,) but I suppose those members just weren't worth it.

Watch your back, GDA membership, don't blink without being told too or your gov't might roll over on you.

Necro that's uncalled for. Forgive my comrade here, it's been a tough week.

GDA deserves our sympathy and to be honest our members should not have accepted the aid.

Edited by James Dahl
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At no point in time have I tried to deny any of the events that have occured. So please lets step down from our soapboxes for a minute.

Just because you see a nation with more than 2 years of play don't assume they sit here nightly and read every topic on these forums or even remotely want to get involved in politcs of CN. Up until 6 months ago when we merged with the GDA..we hadn't been in a single war outside tech raids. So to say things are pretty standard to you and others in the political/war arena, they don't necessarily apply to the community as a whole.

As to my statement "despite the politics of it all" they were the wrong choice of words for what happened at the time. Aid was requested...and aid was sent. It was that simple.

Now I'm simply trying to find out, or bring to light the remaining facts that surround this issue. Z stated he informed my then govnt of this issue on the 19th. And as I've stated whether it be "standard knowledge" regarding sending this aid being a no-no, neither of us received anything regarding this initial aid. I would think the certain parties involved would be contacted directly regarding this. Therefore once the initial aid went through with no "problems" the second set was sent thinking it was perfectly acceptable.

As i've said I'm not denying the aid and we're obviously reaping the consequences of our actions. I just want all the facts to come out about this....

Edited by SilentKilla
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Firstly, please don't lie about the figures or the circumstances. The reps were MUCH higher than the $70mil mark that you stated. And Raji is correct, we are rebuilding as it is, we could not afford to pay $300mil in reps. There really wasn't much of a choice.

Secondly, I'm quite surprised that our "allies" would show their support in such a manner, considering that coming to your defence was the reason my alliance is in this position in the first place.

Bad intel is bad intel, mate. Not my fault I got the wrong numbers. Also, I'm not taking a stance against it. A couple guys tried to help us, they got caught, you have to deal with it. Nothing I can do or say that would rectify that situation or somehow justify what happened.

Necro that's uncalled for. Forgive my comrade here, it's been a tough week.

GDA deserves our sympathy and to be honest our members should not have accepted the aid.

You do not speak for me, so do not apologize for me.

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Bad intel is bad intel, mate. Not my fault I got the wrong numbers. Also, I'm not taking a stance against it. A couple guys tried to help us, they got caught, you have to deal with it. Nothing I can do or say that would rectify that situation or somehow justify what happened.

Yes, because this shows you taking a completely neutral stance on the matter.

Watch your back, GDA membership, don't blink without being told too or your gov't might roll over on you.
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Well its good to see such diligent research was done in considering all this....

Hey, I did the "crime" I'll do the time.


to Schattenmann....I'm not pissed at my buddy. He needed the aid to "survive." In times of "war" you truly see who your buddies and allies really are.

This I can totally respect, CN needs more of this type of honor. I have friends I would totally lay my nation out for.

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