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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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A long time ago... They disbanded, remember? Want to take the same route?

Since their reform:

A 2 day war they (along with OV) ended up with 1500 tech from alliance with 4000 total tech (in a bad diplomatic move by the person on the other side) provided VE paid for this

12k tech from MK

and UJW: No reps.

So I guess VE is getting progressively worse?

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What gives you the right to appoint yourself policeman?

Put yourself in favorable metaphors all you like.

What gives your alliance the right to appoint yourselves policemen over who gets to play the game? You persist in lying and saying you do not EZI or PZI, you persist in lying by saying you have never forced an alliance to disband, and you persist in failing to accept when you have committed a crime against the majority of the CyberVerse. What gives us the right? The exact same thing that gave you your right to push Bob around like you owned him for three years. Might. It may not make right, but in this case it is certainly righting a wrong.

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Me. They hunted me down as Elessar while I was in GR. Is that better for you?

THIS IS A LIE YOU WERE NEVER IN GR..ohwait you were and they forced us to pay 120mil for giving you 15mil in aid after telling you you were off their ZI list :)

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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No. We'll never disband. Never.

Aurion answered for me:

That was what is known as a rhetorical question.
Since their reform:

A 2 day war they (along with OV) ended up with 1500 tech from alliance with 4000 total tech (in a bad diplomatic move by the person on the other side) provided VE paid for this

12k tech from MK

and UJW: No reps.

So I guess VE is getting progressively worse?

So I guess it's laughable to even try to compare those terms with the monstrosities that NPO have been responsible for?

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1. The two weeks thing is ridiculous. If those fighting NPO couldn't stagger them even with multiple chances then NPO shouldn't cut their work out for them.

2. In regards to stunting growth either

a. The reparations should be much higher. I'm thinking 400k tech and $24 mil or disallow intra-alliance aid.


b. Have all NPO members go without factories or labor camps. This does not hurt those who fought as much as it does those who stayed in peace. Perhaps 0 soldiers is another option.

Edited by emperor chou
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Since their reform:

A 2 day war they (along with OV) ended up with 1500 tech from alliance with 4000 total tech (in a bad diplomatic move by the person on the other side) provided VE paid for this

12k tech from MK

and UJW: No reps.

So I guess VE is getting progressively worse?

You do realize why VE took tech from MK, right?

Your alliance made them.

I don't know what happened with the other one, as I am not sure what you are referring to.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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It has elsewhere in this thread but I don't mind explaining it so no one has to go back through the last 145 pgs (:/). Karma means the action to fulfill your duty based on your class. Each class has a different action which will fulfill their duty. In the B Gita, the main character is forced to fight to fulfill the correct action. To fulfill the correct action is to fulfill your dharma. Each class's dharma is different. From fulfilling your dharma, your soul can achieve mocha in the sansarian cycle.

Karma comes from you need to do the correct action to fulfill your dharma. By not doing the correct action, you do not fulfill your dharma, but that doesn't not always led to a negative personal situation if you fail to, more to a negative for all. The Gita goes through all the variable behind the warrior's decision to fight showing that by not fighting, they will lose and he will not fulfill his dharma and not be able to more up in the sansarian cycle.

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What gives your alliance the right to appoint yourselves policemen over who gets to play the game? You persist in lying and saying you do not EZI or PZI, you persist in lying by saying you have never forced an alliance to disband, and you persist in failing to accept when you have committed a crime against the majority of the CyberVerse. What gives us the right? The exact same thing that gave you your right to push Bob around like you owned him for three years. Might. It may not make right, but in this case it is certainly righting a wrong.

It's always the players own choice to disband. Such a thing cannot be forced. Look at FAN. They never disbanded, did they?

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So when is it VEs turn?

Maybe you forgot, but your alliance assisted in the destruction of the First VE. They have already paid a price for siding with you. Why they sided with you when they reformed, I have no idea.

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Karma means the action to fulfill your duty based on your class.

I am sure that such a brilliant person as yourself knows that there is several definitions of karma. Right?

And that your definition isn't even the general one that is recognized amongst most people when they hear the word.... Right?

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Maybe you forgot, but your alliance assisted in the destruction of the First VE. They have already paid a price for siding with you. Why they sided with you when they reformed, I have no idea.

Perhaps because they couldn't reform otherwise? I don't know this to be true, but I would not doubt it.

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Since their reform:

A 2 day war they (along with OV) ended up with 1500 tech from alliance with 4000 total tech (in a bad diplomatic move by the person on the other side) provided VE paid for this

12k tech from MK

and UJW: No reps.

So I guess VE is getting progressively worse?

Remember the part where you had us attack the alliance that could do the most damage too you to save your precious infra and score?

Perhaps because they couldn't reform otherwise? I don't know this to be true, but I would not doubt it.

I certainly hope not. I wouldn't think that Egore would do something like that.

Edited by James Wilson
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It's always the players own choice to disband. Such a thing cannot be forced. Look at FAN. They never disbanded, did they?
Our imminent disbandment has been trumpeted so many times in the past few weeks, that it warranted answering a rhetorical question.

I endorse this:

Your people should coup you for the lack of intelligence shown in this little quote

It is clearly the best option for the people of your nation.

Edited by Aurion
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It's always the players own choice to disband. Such a thing cannot be forced. Look at FAN. They never disbanded, did they?

IAA was given two options:

1) Admit Junkalunka had edited logs of his conversation with Mary the Fantabulous, which we knew he did not, and allow him to be EZIed, or:

2) Face alliance-wide PZI.

For an alliance that had no interest in betraying an innocent member, as any rational and moral alliance ought to do, there was no other choice but disbandment. And now, like the vengeful !@#$%^& I am, I hope your alliance is given the exact same options.

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Our imminent disbandment has been trumpeted so many times in the past few weeks, that it warranted answering a rhetorical question.

Who considered it imminent because I don't think anyone from Karma had expected you to disband in the last few weeks. If there was so much internal turmoil as you yourselves have pondered disbandment, then please do tell.

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IAA was given two options:

1) Admit Junkalunka had edited logs of his conversation with Mary the Fantabulous, which we knew he did not, and allow him to be EZIed, or:

2) Face alliance-wide PZI.

For an alliance that had no interest in betraying an innocent member, as any rational and moral alliance ought to do, there was no other choice but disbandment. And now, like the vengeful !@#$%^& I am, I hope your alliance is given the exact same options.

Can confirm this based off conversations held with IAA government before their disbandment.

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IAA was given two options:

1) Admit Junkalunka had edited logs of his conversation with Mary the Fantabulous, which we knew he did not, and allow him to be EZIed, or:

2) Face alliance-wide PZI.

For an alliance that had no interest in betraying an innocent member, as any rational and moral alliance ought to do, there was no other choice but disbandment. And now, like the vengeful !@#$%^& I am, I hope your alliance is given the exact same options.

Quoting this because it's true. Enjoy your own medicine Pacifica, it is quite foul indeed.

Edited by Lavo_2
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I assume you're referring to the fact that the NPO and GATO were originally allies, just as the NPO and the Legion were originally allies; but if I've misspoken then please correct me. But is it any surprise that both GATO and the Legion would find themselves allied to the NPO yet again, after the "structural changes" mentioned above? As Tom Litler has already pointed out, there is a difference between an alliance entered into willingly, and an alliance entered into while under occupation at the point of a gun (i.e., viceroys).

There are many, many names missing from both GATO and the Legion these days. It's so easy to say that GATO and the Legion have returned to their roots when the names of those who represented all that they had become are now gone. So has neither alliance accomplished anything then, all these years?

It is good to see acornia back among the list of GATO nations. But I have to wonder why das girl delayed her return until this point in time.

You my friend are far too pessimistic. Oh and also wrong about a few things.

I believe he was referring to the fact that the GATO of today shares many of the same qualities as the GATO of way back when. GATO changed from a quieter more reserved alliance to a louder more political active alliance and has now shifted back to the former. GATO's "alliance" (a simple PIAT is what passes for an alliance with the NPO these days? Really?) with the NPO today is nothing remotely similar to what the two had three years ago.

And about that "alliance" the NPO and GATO share. You seem to think that GATO was somehow forced into it. That is false. I was very skeptical about the treaty when it was announced but multiple GATO gov members assured me that it was an entirely optional treaty, and it was one they wanted to sign. Despite the bad blood between the two alliances there were some friendships formed in the nine months of viceroyship and both alliances decided to show that fact to the world through the treaty they signed.

To question if GATO accomplished anything in its three years just because some of its members moved on is lame. GATO has done many good things over the years, and has attempted many more. If nothing else the alliance is certainly a hugely important of CN history, and I believe that will continue to be the case as we move forward past the Karma war.

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You just said "No, you're wrong, except about everything you just said which you're right about"

Really you're saying your relationship with the NPO is so important to you that you will put all other politics on hold until they are done with their terms and are once again able to play fully. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's your own fault for holding them so important that you can't think or act independently.

I guess WC's right. NPO found its new GGA.

Unless you're too stupid to look at the treaty web that is.

Don't mistake honor for stupidity, We are no GGA.

What he's saying is that, we value ALL our treaties, otherwise we wouldn't sign them, or we'd have switched sides to further our own political agenda like so many other alliances did when they were clearly obligated to defend NPO or her allies.

We hold treaties as important, and we think that we should give NPO time to rebuild and re-evaluate its future before we rush to make judgements about them or make any rash decisions about that treaty.

If you want to judge people based on WC's word, then go ahead, but I won't be handing you any "smartest poster" awards.

Or is that too much to ask?

Next time you want to judge us, how about you come to our IRC first and get to know us and what we're about instead of following the braying of a former alliance leader trying to regain his relevance.

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It's always the players own choice to disband. Such a thing cannot be forced. Look at FAN. They never disbanded, did they?

That's right, you can't physically force an alliance to disband. But does that mean attempting to sway their opinions on the issue through months or years of constant warfare, refusal to offer peace terms, and constant mocking is right? Nobody here is claiming you physically forced an alliance to disband, but we certainly know the NPO has on multiple occasions tried its hardest to convince alliances to disband through the use of those cowardly unsporting tactics.

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