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Dragon Empire: The Imperial Congress and its daily actions.

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Anthony Davis comes before the council. "We have a new issue to discuss."

Hae Da Fung has requested recognition of their independence as a sovereign state.

We vote aye to this.

Additionally. They have requested membership in the Dragon Empire.

We also vote aye to this.

Dragonisia has been working with Hae Da Fung on organizing a state government for the Tibet region. We believe this is a conclusion of those efforts which has resulted in self-governance and representation. We call for a vote on these two issues given that it would make the Empire finally whole...

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Anthony Davis had an aid rush in and hand him a memo. He frowned.

"War has broken out in Africa. Our allies in Somal are fighting the Brothers of Nod to their North and are fighting along side of The United Mechodamian States. We would like to know if the Legislature would like to perform a limited intervention and send Somal some bombers or aid to facilitate the efforts against the Terrorist Brotherhood of Nod."

Dragonisia votes in favor of intervention.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Cochin recognizes Hae Da Fung as the sovereign government of former Tibetan Protectorate Region.

Kingdom of Cochin votes aye to the proposal of welcoming Hae Da Fung to Dragon Empire.

Re Somal, we vote aye in favor of supporting intervention. We have an Infantry Regiment, a Mig35 regiment and a cruiser task force in the country at the moment. If Somal requests so additional forces are ready to be deployed. We have warehoused equipments for one Shock Army Division in Bosaso in a ready to roll position.

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Republic of Free Somal has requested satellite imagery of Aether Empire targets on African side of Red Sea.

Request consent from rest of DE members before releasing the data to Somal.

RCDF Strategic Command has the assets in position.

Somal has also requested 50 Mig35s and the same have been dispatched to Somal.

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It occurs to Davis it'd be a wise idea to get overflight clearance from RA to reduce flight times and flight paths. He contacts RA and requests the use of Airspace for Military traffic. A little while later word comes back that the overflight clearance has been granted by Rebel Army. He directs the air strikes on the Arabian peninsula to continue with greater frequency and intensity now that there is a more direct path.

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This bill recognizes the Promised Land and its role in the history of the Empire. Without the intervention of Promised Land in Dragonisian history.. quite frankly.. the Dragon Empire would have never come to exist. Only today did they release Dragon Empire from protectorate status.. and that after we have become one of the largest.. and somewhat contraversial.. powers the world has ever seen. They have treated our people like family. Sheltered us from the cold when we were without shelter.. feed us when we were without food.. and gave us a home when we only had ice.

In recognition of this, Dragonisia proposes that Promised Land be appointed as an honorary non-treaty enforced vote in this Legislature, that it may help guide our actions with the wisdom with which they have acted before. This vote will be noted on the record of their voice and their opinion, even should we vote against them on a particular issue. They are not required to vote, and if they do not vote on an issue we will just recognize it as being abstained. We realize that our internal workings are not always their top priority. But we believe this voice is critical, because in essence, they are family to our people.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Nearer the border will be alright, but not right up to. We don't want to give the impression we're in an aggressive state." Maelstrom would note. "Additionally, Promised land is now a honorary voting member of the Legislature not bound by treaty to the Empire."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Anthony addressed the Chamber, "Dani Mendoza, representative from the Corporation of Artemis Global Services, is hereby invited to the floor by Dragonisia to address the chambers and present a business proposal. Artemis hopes to become a Corporate citizen operating in the Empire bound by contract, rather than treaty. Mrs. Mendoza.. you are allotted 1 hour by the arrangement to make your presentation. We will hear your proposal now."

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As Dani walked onto the floor, she held up a tape recorder and laid it under the microphone in front of her.

"When Artemis was a corporate state, we had many issues. Especially regarding keeping the land able to be used. The heavy population and large amount of land proved too much for our company, who was forced to go private again. If we are simply a PMC again - no land, infrastructure upkeep, no territorial boundaries or international politics - we can cut the massive amount of costs associated with it before and still provide the majority of our own services."

"How exactly would you integrate with the Empire? You do not want land at all is my understanding, this is correct? You just want a place to operate.. and you're willing to commit your forces and will to the Imperial Defense?"

"Of course, instead of a standard contract the payment for defending the Empire would be the headquarters and costs associated with operation."

"You still engage in mercenary activities as your primary means of profit motive?"

"Primary means? Realistically, yes. Ideally, we want to offer diplomatic and humanitarian operations on a higher priority, but the low cost associated with those makes it impossible for me to tell you with a straight face that mercenary activities won't be our main source of income."

"Of course, twenty five percent of our profits go straight to the White Cross, as always. I might remind you that we operate under a strict code of honor - even bringing up the possibility of harming civilians, for example, is extremely punishable."

After that, she brought up several boring-looking charts to show profits as a public and then as a private company. The differences were startling. In addition, she pulled out several crises that the Dragon Empire did not get involved in but Artemis could have - and on behalf of the Dragon Empire, Artemis could have gained not only a good amount of money but PR for both itself and the DE.

Halfway through, she pulled out a pistol and quickly shot one of the legislatures - a rubber bullet.

"Just like that, a life was taken. Imagine if my gun was actually loaded - or if I had something worse hidden," she said, unzipping her jacket and showing a fake bomb strapped to the sides. "Standard security measures like these can go a long way in preventing death - something that is costly in such a huge empire. Artemis is willing to provide security for the government, diplomats, and for the nation. Instead of a traditional contract - payment, temporary protection, pull out - in exchange for use of headquarters and buildings as a base of operations within the Empire, we would be committed to the defense of the nation at no cost."

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