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Dispatch From the Greenland Republic

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My fellow Greenlanders,

Each passing day brings something new in the world, and takes something away. It’s hardly a wonder why people are so afraid of change, as the uncertainty of it all is sometimes too much for one to handle. But we accept change, day after day, year after year in the hopes that by our actions we can effect change, and better it for those around us. Greenlanders, welcome to today. Welcome to the world that we, together have built - to what we envisioned and have fought for all these years. This day, above all others is a day on which we must all take a step back from the wars raging across what will become the free world and remember the struggles that it took for us to get this far.

Our alliance was not built on umpteen thousand strength nations, nor nuclear weapons, or out of some awful struggle. We were born of ideas – of honour and justice. These served as our companions, and the few of us that formed that young Republic sought out those who shared our values, and together we prospered. Of course, the situations surrounding our birth left many to believe that we were not whom we claimed, and that in fact we represented a fire that had long since been extinguished. Those same people vowed that we would not last a month, let alone a year. A war passed, and the Greenland Republic rose to fight for an ally, not out of personal interest, but out of friendship. The war ended, and there we were. That year we found difficulties all around us, as many did not want to allow the past history of some of our members to remain in the past and even threatened war. That year ended, and there we were.

More time passed, and though our existence at that point alone ought to have suggested to any who doubted that we would survive, some were unconvinced. We were forced to use the might of our arms yet again, this time in defence of an ally whose sovereignty had been threatened in a clear act of aggression. We happily marched to our ally, knowing full well that we marched to a war we could not win. The strength of our arms meant little in that war (though they did inflict some pain). The true story of the war was camaraderie. We knew our fate, perhaps from the very beginning, but we did not change our course. Our mission was clear, and we would see it through to the very end of us if necessary. The war ended, and there we were, battered, but still there.

Though I’m certain that doubts and speculations about our “true intentions” continue to swirl, their importance, at least to a Republican, or a friend of the Republic ought to mean little. We’ve been through challenges, we’ve seen hard times, but we have persevered. We have survived. And here we are. To those that have doubted us, and to those that would constantly tear at the integrity of the Republic, a Republican, or any of our friends, know this – we’re still here, and we’re two years old.

Happy Birthday, Greenland.


Additionally, I am proud to announce the latest election results for the Greenland Republic:

June 2009 Greenland Republic Government

Congratulations to our new Archon, Al; his Vice Archon, Shamedmonkey; and his newly appointed cabinet:

Minister of Defense: Virillus

Minister of Finances: Kosherness

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ilselu1

Minister of Interior: Acid

Also featured tonight, the highly anticipated results of the Minister of Trains election:

Archon - 12

Cookavich - 5

Mhawk - 5

Stumpy - 2

Degenerate - 1

And, finally, Electron Sponge retains his post as Grand Admiral of the Iceberg Floatilla.

Thanks to all who ran, and to all that voted for making this another successful election.

And again, congratulations to the new government.

Hail, the Republic!

Take Care,


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Congratulations to great friends!!

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:



I hereby announce my candidacy for the position of Grand Admiral of the Iceberg Flotilla and for the Minister of Trains position for the July elections.

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Happy birthday, us. I still remember the day I heard of our formation... I dropped my old alliance in a heartbeat, for a chance to be a part of something so visibly awesome. An alliance allying with Polaris, with so many of my favorite members? I was on it faster than... than... me on a wheel of brie cheese.

Shame I won't remember this day, what with the rum and what have you.

Minister of trains? what....

Can I change my vote to this man? He seems to know what he's doing.

Edited by Prince Yvl
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