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Good News from the UBD

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After some very nice legislation passed through our parliament I now have the pleasure of being able to give medals to two very distinguished friends of the UBD. After some deliberation the government of UBD has managed to whittle the potential candidates down to these final two and would now like to award them our brand new Medal for Diplomatic Excellence. The recipients of these medals have exceeded their job titles as diplomats and have become valued members of our community, providing not only diplomatic consul but also friendship to the members and government of my alliance.

The first recipient has nurtured the special bond UBD has with our good allies NADC, helping us and providing support to us during these past months. He is always active on our IRC channel keeping me up to date with the latest goings on. The second is a great friend to our members on the forum and has contributed significantly to our discussions and media team producing some great reading material and some heated debate.

Therefore, I am proud to award the UBD Medal for Diplomatic Excellence to:

FreddieMercury of NADC

Thomas Richmond of NPO


May I be the first to congratulate them both.


Minister of Foreign Affairs

On Behalf of the Directors of the UBD

Edited by Russell07
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The good and honest people of United Blue Directorate have always shown sincere friendly

gestures to me, an Imperial Ambassador from the New Pacific Order. Honestly, I have greatly

enjoyed my diplomatic service to the UBD, and I am glad to learn that my presence in

the alliance is welcomed as well.

Also, congratulations to Freddie Mercury. I've heard much of you and your hard works

for the relationship of North Atlantic Defense Coalition and UBD.

Thanks again for the Medal!


Edited by Thomas Richmond
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