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GOONS vs. GOoNS, an SA showdown

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While I find the challenge hilarious, you guys may have been better off keeping quiet and just kicking his $@! as you were. This draws a lot of attention, and really attention isn't something you want at this stage. I have no problem with you but you know there's plenty of folks waiting to see you make a mistake, and they are likely to use this as such.

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Also, to cite precedent for those who are worried about the legality of The Deadliest Catch, the cyberverse has born witness in the past to resolution of conflict broadcast on the public forum known as youtube. Many shoes were placed on heads, and one Klosterdev once sang "I'm a little teapot" sans clothes to obtain peace once. We were careful to choose objectives that would be appropriate for nations of all ages, and would be all in good fun. There is no ill intent here, and no ill will meant. The only intention is to carry the best spirit of what many of us fondly remember, and to resolve a rivalry once and for all.

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While I find the challenge hilarious, you guys may have been better off keeping quiet and just kicking his $@! as you were. This draws a lot of attention, and really attention isn't something you want at this stage. I have no problem with you but you know there's plenty of folks waiting to see you make a mistake, and they are likely to use this as such.

Why would we want to just kick the guy's $@!? That'd be harsh. He's one dude, with an NS of, as of posting earlier, something like 3. giving him a chance to get us to sign a perma-NAP in exchange for a Joke Marathon is much more awesome. Getting upset about that is a pretty major stretch and I think everyone involved knows it.

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So what you're saying is that we're something.... awful doing the same thing that got the old GOONs rolled; blending OOC stuff with IC stuff is a gray area and this quite clearly crosses the line. Your advice is appreciated.

Fixed it for you.

Also, who's to say that this individual even owns a video camera?

The humor in this effort is self-evident; however, it would be better for you (and for the maintenance of IC/OOC integrity on Bob in-general) if this was a voluntary initiative on his part rather than being OOC actions being coerced at IC gunpoint.

You said you guys learned from your mistakes yet your doing the same things again; big surprise.

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So I'm a little unclear on the rules:

If a third party completes an element of the challenge before what you're calling "GOoNS" (I guess that makes you guys GOoONaS), then that third party gets to decide what?

You can choose to start the war, and a kind of bypass to the rest of the process. Useful in case anyone just wants the whole thing over and done with quickly.

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Scrolling on down the forum, I see we have one loud rudypoo calling himself a goon, and that this is not a challenge issued to the nation Beetlejuice ruled by Tom Mattox (a true old GOONS with an AA seniority of over 550 days). So, with apologies, I am going to be cool !@#$%*.

Can't say I think it's a wonderful idea suddenly, but it's funny.

Edited by Schattenmann
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Fixed it for you.

Also, who's to say that this individual even owns a video camera?

The humor in this effort is self-evident; however, it would be better for you (and for the maintenance of IC/OOC integrity on Bob in-general) if this was a voluntary initiative on his part rather than being OOC actions being coerced at IC gunpoint.

You said you guys learned from your mistakes yet your doing the same things again; big surprise.


I don't think you get the difference here.

If a real life person can sit behind a keyboard and compose posts for this forum, or click buttons for his nation, he can just as well create a youtube video for comedy's sake. Whining about it being an OOC attack is about as stupid as an assertion that forcing someone to make a post of surrender is blurring OOC/IC.

The real OOC issues had to do with making attacks on OOC issues, such as aids, et cetera, that have nothing and will never have anything to do with the game. When we do that, then you get your soap box. Until then, you just look like an idiot ranting for a cause that no one but you cares about.


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Also to make another comparison you might understand, if someone had rolled a nation with the ruler of MidusOperandi, belonging to the alliance of The Bread Cross, and pretending to otherwise be you in every way shape and form I'd be willing you bet you would be offended. Rightly so, I would say! You would probably declare war of some sort, or make some kind of public posturing to ensure the cyberverse knows the difference between you and the impostor as well as declare war.

GOONS leadership endorses and requires a full and transparent public record of all conflicts, so regardless if The Deadliest Catch was enacted or not a declaration of war would've been made public either way. This is our attempt to allow the other alliance to respond and potentially obtain a NAP that cannot be cancelled by us, thus insuring the safety of their alliance. (From us, anyway) This is far more generous than a past GOONS policy where war with no surrender would be the only option.

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I don't think you get the difference here.

If a real life person can sit behind a keyboard and compose posts for this forum, or click buttons for his nation, he can just as well create a youtube video for comedy's sake. Whining about it being an OOC attack is about as stupid as an assertion that forcing someone to make a post of surrender is blurring OOC/IC.

The real OOC issues had to do with making attacks on OOC issues, such as aids, et cetera, that have nothing and will never have anything to do with the game. When we do that, then you get your soap box. Until then, you just look like an idiot ranting for a cause that no one but you cares about.



I've been around for a long time; I've seen many things, met many interesting people and assumed a presence on various soap-boxes (if that is what you wish to call them).

While you wait for the day when I tell you "I told you so," remember that just because it is funny it still isn't something you should reincarnate.

A surrender term is a surrender term.

Forcing someone to make a video for your entertainment is real-life coercion; say, for example, how would this individual feel if he had already donated money to the creator of Bob?

You're right, the IC/OOC line is a delicate balance; I understand that this is a good laugh but it still doesn't make it a responsible course of action to pursue.

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I can still remember when the first SA CN thread was posted in Games during the latter part of GW1. The OP told everyone to join NPO, and it took them a couple days to realize that wasn't exactly a smart thing to do. And thus GOONS was born.

The End.

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I've been around for a long time; I've seen many things, met many interesting people and assumed a presence on various soap-boxes (if that is what you wish to call them).

While you wait for the day when I tell you "I told you so," remember that just because it is funny it still isn't something you should reincarnate.

A surrender term is a surrender term.

Forcing someone to make a video for your entertainment is real-life coercion; say, for example, how would this individual feel if he had already donated money to the creator of Bob?

You're right, the IC/OOC line is a delicate balance; I understand that this is a good laugh but it still doesn't make it a responsible course of action to pursue.

[OOC]Calling me "son" is an OOC attack, since nothing in game involves heritage. How dare you. rolleyes.gif

Forcing anyone to do anything, whether a text, audio, image, or video post, is a real-life coercion by your definition. Despite how high you esteem yourself, you don't get to pick which one is "worse" than the other. Until you get some better material (you did say earlier you were taking notes, right?) then you're just a whiny brat trying to hold a grudge in a water pail full of holes. Come back when you have a better complaint about us.[/OOC]

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lol 3 vs 75, thats fair :awesome:

Nonono! Do note - it's not a declaration of war from even the whole alliance if he fails. It's a declaration by Tristesse's squad only.

I believe Tris' squad currently has 2 people in it? Maybe 3.

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