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The Dictator's Handbook

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Wars, Guns and Votes is a very good read. I would suggest it to everyone.

That being said, much of what you will learn from that excerpt is actually being utilized (and has been for years) on a much more specified scale within several alliances in the Cyberverse.

The model is sound. ;)

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Wars, Guns and Votes is a very good read. I would suggest it to everyone.

That being said, much of what you will learn from that excerpt is actually being utilized (and has been for years) on a much more specified scale within several alliances in the Cyberverse.

The model is sound. ;)

And by several alliances over the populace of Planet Bob in general.

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If you enjoyed that you'll probably enjoy In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz and Guns, Germs and Steel

Nice to know I'm not the only one reading FP.

Is it reasonable to say the political and social structure in the NPO contributed to the present circumstances? If so, how might that be changed for a more hopeful future?

Edited by Lizardo
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Kind of like this approach?:

"Oh people, know that you have commited

great sins. If you ask me what proof I have

for these words, I say it is because I am

the punishment of God. If you had not

commited great sins, God would not have

sent a punishment like me upon you." - G.K.

"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your

enemies and chase them before you, to rob

them of their wealth and see those dear

to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp

to your bosom their wives and daughters." - G.K.

& “It is not sufficient that I suceed - all others must fail.” -G.K.


I generally prefer the Ben Franklin approach.:

“Do good to your friends to keep them, to your enemies to win them.”

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Those Genghis Khan quotes are epic. He now takes the cake as being the second greatest conqueror to ever live. Alexander the Great still holds first. ;P This dictator handbook could prove useful for my plots of world domination I will implement someday... I just need a few million dollars to raise my initial army, and then, the plan will go flawlessly! HAHAHAHAHAHA!... Er, revealed too much. :(

Edited by brandonman
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... He now takes the cake as being the second greatest conqueror to ever live. Alexander the Great still ...

Alex did good for his short time but left little behind. His family was murdered and the 'empire' divided amongst his generals.

GK on the other hand took quit a lot of those wives and daughters to bosom and a significant number of the worlds people today have his genes. The good old days when you knew what you were fighting for.

His Empire lasted several generations.

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Worse still, reform might be dangerous. My “friends,” the parasitic sycophants with whom I have surrounded myself, might not put up with it: They might decide to replace me in a palace coup. They would probably dress it up to the outside world as “reform”!

Evokes fond memories of past AP threads.

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This is really elementary stuff; you think its highbrow :lol1:

I was referring to it being highbrow for the majority of the cretins like yourself that inhabit CN. I myself am so highbrow that I read the periodic table every morning as I enjoy my latte out of a ridiculously little cup (with pinky fully extended). Now I’m off to hunt albino tigers on the back of my cloned dinosaur and a “freaking laser beam”. Tata

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I was referring to it being highbrow for the majority of the cretins like yourself that inhabit CN. I myself am so highbrow that I read the periodic table every morning as I enjoy my latte out of a ridiculously little cup (with pinky fully extended). Now I’m off to hunt albino tigers on the back of my cloned dinosaur and a “freaking laser beam”. Tata

I like you. I also like this article. Kudos my good sir.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned The Prince yet

I'd also recommend Mandragola by Machiavelli along with The Prince. Read The Prince for the theory, then read Mandragola as a case study. Fun book in terms of gender roles, dirty hands and the question of who exactly is playing who.

A lot of more modern 'real politics' books read like version of the The Prince that have been updated for modern political systems, ways of waging war, etc.

Also if we're suggesting books for the summer I'd strongly suggest Don Herzog's book Cunning. It is a fun little thought provoking text on the mentalities people and the inherent weaknesses of political theories.

If you really want to suffer, get your hands on some Kant. I'd suggest some hard liquor to go with it.

Edited by CRex of Gulo Gulo
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